January 16 2019

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Take the Jump into Paramashivattva, Be a Kailaasavasi!


In this satsang (16 Jan 2019) Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals that your inner space, what you cognize as you is called Pratyaghatma or Taraha Aksaha in Hindu shastras. If you hit this Tahara Akasha with powerful cognitions it explodes as power, awareness, super consciousness and a higher level of existence. The same Taraha Askaha when it is hit with pattern, it gets reduced to what we call and experience as Time, and becomes boring and repetitive. Every Pattern that settles in your inner space makes you time bound.

Video - Take the Jump into Paramashivattva, Be a Kailaasavasi!:

Link to Audio

Take The Jump Into Paramashivattva, Be A Kailaasavasi!


Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 361 (Kodikan Yatra, Tirunelveli, 16 Jan 2009)


His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam is a world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader with a mission to re-create a conscious world where the global issues at the climatic, economic, social, health and humanitarian levels, cease to exist from their very root; turning the problems of poverty, hunger, violence, discrimination into powerful living through the experience of Oneness.

Video - Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 361 (Kodikan Yatra, Tirunelveli, 16 Jan 2009):