January 04 2017

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Manifesting Powers of Length Dimension: Nithyananda Disciples Initiated to Solve Any Equation


In this video from 4th January, 2017, Nithyananda disciples share their experiences related to manifesting the power to see the answer to any math or general knowledge question instantly and accurately! This includes advanced calculus, trigonometry and algebra, as well as distances between places (both on Earth and in space,) temperatures, astronomical transitions, medicine, foreign language translations and much more. Nithyananda describes that with initiation from Sadashiva into the Length Dimension, all hard fact answers can be instantly known, and already, the Balasants, or child saints, of the Nithyananda Gurukul are demonstrating this incredible superpower.

Satsang Video:

Manifesting Powers of Length Dimension

Satsang Audio:

Manifesting Powers of Length Dimension

Satsang Transcript

, nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Sarvanjnanapeetta yajmans, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and Facebook live, you tube live and 2way video conferencing I welcome every one of you with My love and respects.

I’m continuing on length dimension, helping, supporting new species to manifest the various things related to length dimension and entangling the Nithyananda Yogam participants also with the length dimension. Yesterday there were lot more break throughs, so nice to see the entangling happening. Today, I’ll be making the Nithyananda yogam participants manifest the same powers. See I wanted to explain a few things, basic things about this length. I was sharing yesterday about that I was excited more because through this I can lead people to depth dimension. I was looking at only depth, you see, what is the depth, you know, I’ll give some example. When people bring food I do not enjoy the taste of the food, I enjoy the attitude and the love with which the food is brought. That is what makes Me joyful, otherwise there is no pleasure. Same way, when these kids jump, dance, I do not enjoy their steps or the physical movements, or their dimensions, the bliss they carry, the attitude they carry, the cognition they carry, Swamiji is seeing, I’m jumping for, dancing for Him, that cognition is what I enjoy.

(3:22) Understand the depth, there is a big difference, a man who is length based will enjoy only the dimensions of the person who is dancing or the dress of the person who is dancing, or the movements of the person who is dancing. If somebody is based on the breadth, they will enjoy the emotions expressed, the attitudes shown, bhava, the art part of it. A length based person will enjoy the sexual part of it, the physical dimension. The breadth based person will enjoy the art form part of it, the emotion. The depth based person enjoys the cognition with which they dance. Understand that is the difference between the length, breadth and depth. I’m excited because I am going to make these kids materialize, teleport.

Understand, listen, listen carefully, when they moved to the length dimension they can change anything they want, they can actually, physically play with things, physically act with things. So even though I’m excited about the depth because I think from the beginning I’m a doer. Even in Me when this power started manifesting, the first question I asked, Vibhoodananda Puri; actually, these powers started manifesting in me much before I even had darshan of Arunagiriyogeshwara. Arunagiriyogeshwara gave only the depth related powers. This length related powers started manifesting in Me, even Vibhoodananda Puri and Yogananda Swami, they manifested it, these powers in Me. And the first, when it started manifesting, the first question I asked Vibhoodananda Puri, what the use? She got really annoyed because these powers come after 25-30 years of practice and she was screaming, even after 40 years of tapas only once in a while when I’m in Samadhi I can manifest these powers, you fellow, you are casually playing with all these powers and you are asking me, what’s the use? I said; “no I’m not disrespecting but what is the use?” Then she said, whenever she feels that I’m very difficult to handle and she can’t handle me she’ll send me to somebody, she’ll say go and ask Visiri Swami, that’s all. Visiri Swami, anything you ask beedi only that’s all, he will never answer, he will never open the mouth just go on (blowing air from one side to the other) aey, get the next one. And he’ll pick another beedi, it’s very difficult to get answer from him. And it means that, that question cannot be answered at that moment or I cannot be handled at that moment, that’s all is the answer I’ll just keep quiet. So when I asked this question also I did not get any answer. They just know I cannot be handled at that moment and they just, she said go and ask Visiri Swami. Sometimes, with Visiri Swami it’s too funny

(7:50) Yogi Ramasurat Kumar, he do (smoking) all that and I’ll ask questions and he will be smoking. After 3-4 hours I’ll again ask the question, he’ll be smoking the beedi. After 2-3 hours I’ll again ask the question, aey, pour the tea in the coconut- he’ll have a coconut shell in which he used to drink. Pour the tea in that, that is the answer, that is the answer I’ll get nothing more, nothing can move, nothing will happen. He’ll just say aey, pour the tea – tea uthara dai, in very colloquial Tamil, he doesn’t speak fluent Tamil, so he says in a very colloquial way- tea uthara. Otherwise, somebody else, some other devotees come, he will complain to them – oyoo ivan vechi maradi mulai, ivan kupadu po da poit apo – means he’ll say in colloquial Tamil that, I can’t handle this fellow, when you are going take this fellow and go. And he will tell- only Arunagiri Yogeshwara can solve– he was able to handle Me. He was able to handle all the questions. Or immediately experientially able to give answers.

(9:15) I remember once very clearly, Visirikal Swami was sitting and fanning, he used to have a fan, a hand fan, made of palm leaf. I don’t know how many of you were close enough to him, I’ve been close enough to him, and he’ll be sitting and fanning, once like this some question I was asking, finally he got so fed up, he said; “my father has to directly and answer all your questions and problems, he will come go.” In a few days I had darshan of Arunagiri Yogeshwara. He said it in such a way, “only my father can handle you, we all can’t handle you. Only my father has to come to handle you fellow, only he can solve and answer all your questions.” (picture of Visirigal Swami) Yes, it’s actually a deity of him not his original photo, I know him too well, it is a statue. This photo is his statue, it’s not. In the depth dimension all this informations becomes like a wax with which you can play, as of now, you can have only information you can’t play with it—means you can be genius, you can be a great scientist, an inventor, discoverer or whatever, whatever, all these things. Yesterday, I was seeing kids are going crazy with all kinds of questions and answers. Literarily the courtyard was like a congregation of grand scientists and mathematicians and what not, and what not. Some kids have written IIT examination and got 99.5 mark. Actually, yesterday they started writing like CAT, SAT, JEE examinations— straight. I thought I’ll make a program, mathematics – alpha to omega within 10 days. Maths Phd guarantee or money back. Either you go with maths Phd or money back guarantee, I think I should start programs like that, but I’m – to tell you honestly I was not at all excited, I actually laid down on my swing and slept yesterday, because I’m more excited about the depth, which is going to be real, real fun. Actually I’m building a navagraha garden, nine planets and their atma linga and their deities. In front of each of the graha I’m going to install a stone piece brought from that graha by My Baalasants My Baalasants will materialize from that graha a bit of stone, from the core of the graha, that will be installed and whoever wants do whatever research you want. I’m claiming this is from that graha you do research when you are proving is up to you. Your headache or stomach pain. I’m actually waiting for those moments all this depth related games. Come on, you can have some more stories, length related games and fun. I welcome Sarvapriya, you can lead few balasants and Nithyanandayogam participants to come and share their stories. What’s going on in the courtyard, Adhikaranandi courtyard chronicles!

(14:16) {Ma Swaroopapriya}: Let me introduce Dr. Sona and Dr Saraswati with the beautiful balasant with whom they have been entangling Ma Prajnanama.

(19:39) {Dr. Sona} Nithyanandam! My name is Sona Kumar and I’m a board certified Internal Medicine and Rheumatology physician in the United States. To give you a little background in my early career I spent time doing research at an academic center, training medical students, Internal medicine residents and rheumatology fellows. Over the last 12 years I practiced, private practice rheumatology and I’m a very busy rheumatologist. Just to give an idea of who is now looking at this science. Yesterday, we had one of the most amazing experiences and were truly blessed by Swamiji, to experience what Ramanujan experienced, when the (20:20) Mukura Mahalakshmi bestowed upon him this gift of Math for the last two days we played with our balasants and given them very complicated math compounding factors and trigonometry and their answers were accurate again and again to the point where when our answer is incorrect, we now look at our calculator and redo our calculation, because most likely we punched the wrong button not that they have it wrong. Now having understood this, yesterday, Ma Prajnana happened to find herself on a team with two physicians. So, you can see now where my thought process is leading. We looked at her and said that we know that they can give us all kinds of complicated maths and distances and whatnot, but can this science even in the length dimension go a step further, so we decided to give her medical questions. Now she looked at us first with awe struck eyes with what are these people going to do me and so we decided to give a simple medical question or what we thought was a simple medical question. We gave her this – for a patient who suffers from an uncomplicated urinary tract infection by the organism ecoli, what would be the treatment. And she looked at us, blinked several times and then started to write frantically. Now mind you, both Dr. Saraswati and I were thinking, we would get back an antibiotic. We gave her a pen even, when she looked initially at us, because we thought she wouldn’t be able to pronounce the antibiotics, we thought it may be easier for her to write down the name of the antibiotic. When she started to write frantically, we both stood over her notebook to see what she was writing and this is what she wrote – Step I – first test the urine for an infection. Step II – make sure that the patient drinks plenty of fluids. Step III – give the patient adequate glucose support. Now this from a balasant who has no medical background and is so much more accurate.

{Swamiji} People are studying medicine!

{Dr. Sona} We had to step back and think about how we were doing things, now, of course, all wheels are turning. Next thing we know is we are starting to come up with all kinds of questions for her because we have to rethink how we are doing things. We have to look at medicine again, this is finally happening for medicine an unbiased, unprecedented event in medicine is happening in our day and age. (23:29) Thank you, Swamiji for blessing us.

{Dr. Saraswati} Nithyanandam! My name is Dr. Saraswati Jampala, I’m an internest from Atlanta. Like Sona, I was also a faculty member at Emery and Morhurst university and now I’m practicing outpatient germ medicine. So, actually I enjoy teaching and I love to see when the students come and when they evolve later and that’s why I took up teaching at the initial stages of my career. Later, I was practicing private, I’m into private practice. The back ground I just wanted to give. So, yesterday when the balasants came I was really excited to give medical question because I, myself, wanted to see what will come out, what will be revealed in the Krishta Shila. So when Sona gave first question, I was like so excited to see that and our interest grew even more to give. The interest, because now that we can see what will be revealed from our field. We were so excited, so I gave another simple question. About, how would you treat bacterial conjunctivitis and same thing, she has that smiley face and her eyes like that and then she started writing and writing, writing and I was looking at her one, two three and she started writing immediately and I think it took her 2 minutes to finish it. Whatever, was appearing in the Krishta Shila she was seeing and writing. So actually brought the paper on which she wrote. I will read it out actually what she wrote. She wrote the treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis I had asked for, she wrote wash your eyes nicely, check them if they are able to see properly. These are the two that we do. The third one she wrote is where I got so much interested in – train them to see only through the problemed eyes with the surgical eye patch. But this I have never heard before but this is revealed to her because the word she used is the surgical eye patch which we use for some eye conditions, so it is not that something she just thought out, it is something that is revealed to her. So I was like, wow, there is something to it that we have to pay attention. And I – we, that’s when we got even more interested that we want to give her a book, with all the list of conditions and see what she’ll come up with, she or any balasants who can see the Krishta Shila we wanted to do that actually, so that we will know what else we can see.

{Swamiji} Actually, updated allopathy by Kalabhairava.

{Dr. Saraswati} True. Really I was thinking what else can we ask especially the grey areas specially neurological conditions where we have not I mean we have no answers for some of them. So, this is what interested me so much and I think we will be doing that. And this is the idea that came, we’ll give a book and give a list of diagnosis and I mean a list of diagnosis we’ll give and they can come up with and we can write a book with what they came up with. That’ll be nice I think, so it was very exciting yesterday. And actually, the process how we ended up together in the same team and the idea was very spontaneous and it was not at all planned. Actually, I was asking Ma, somebody can you come to our group and they were all in this group, and then Sona happened to be, so we made up a group spontaneously. And we were supposed to have another balasant with us and somehow Ma Prajnana came, and I was like oh ok and then the whole process was very spontaneous and spontaneously we thought about giving this actually.

{Swamiji} Actually Ma, spontaneity makes it truthful. The whole thing is the truth, if it is pre planned we can always doubt.

(27:51) {Dr. Saraswati} So it was very, the whole process was very spontaneous we enjoyed actually. So that’s really exciting. Thank you Swamiji, and thank you Ma Prajnana, do you want to share anything, no. Ok, she said don’t let me talk, my throat is a little painful. Thank you, Swamiji, thank you everyone. {Swamiji} Blessings

{Ma Swaroopapriya} Let’s introduce someone whose doing great research with the balasants, who gave them very specific tests including Mensa test, yesterday, is Ma Balananda. Along with Ma Kalpalata. The beautiful balasant. One of the balasants who was answering the test questions.

{Ma Nithya Balananda} My name is Ma Nithya Balananda and I have a doctorate in educational administration. And I specialize in brain research and I’ve been a school principal for 35 years. And unfortunately what I spend a lot of time doing was, suspending students from school because they were in fight or flight, they were agitated, they were fearful and many of them ended up in prison. And I remember taking one student home with me who I’d suspended about 20 times. I’d taken him to give him coffee at Mc Donalds, just because I wanted to connect with him and bond with him. He looked at me and said “you know Dr. Chance; I really think that if I had some neurological advantagements I could stay in school. And he used that word ‘advantagement and neurological’ and what I realized was that there really is no such thing as ADHD or bi polar disorder or any of the other mental disorders that are in the DSM5. And that actually it has to do with consciousness and consciousness is the missing element in education. All that we have done is focus on regurgitation of information and facts. And many students are not in the neurological state to be able to do that. There is a place in your brain that’s called the Amigdala. And the Amigdala causes you to go into the fight or flight. As a matter of fact, if you were to take my heart beat right now, you will see my heart beat go a little jumpy. This happens to students, this happens to people giving talks, this happens to people in school who are taking tests, who have to memorize all this information. So, it’s just bogus, all of this stuff that we are identifying kids and labelling kids is bogus. So what I did is, this is Kalpalata and Kalpalata was my Gurukul student that I tested yesterday and what I did, is I did Match Wits With Mensa. And these are series of test in multiple areas. And what Minsa candidates are, these are people who score in the top 2% of any standardised intelligence test which is the standard…

{Swamiji} Actually I wanted to thank Balananda because when started manifesting powers nobody recorded it like this in detail. I’m so happy you are here when My balasants are radiating, it is being recorded. Actually after 10 -20 years only people will understand the value of all this. Our recording, documentation is very important, which Balananda is doing amazingly, Blessings.

{Ma Nithya Balananda} What I’m seeing is a neurological break through…

{Swamiji} You see, when I started manifesting all this, I was in a village where all this Mensa and all I’m hearing for the first time and I never heard this word. Yesterday only I heard when you brought this book and showed Me. Even that CAT exam, SAT exam all these, JEE and all only last few days I’m hearing all those words. I never went to university, I created some but I never went to. See, it may be pride in a way to say I never went to university, I never went to college, I don’t know all these things, but if the documentation could have been done, it would have been such an amazing precedence for all these kids to learn. So, I’m very happy that we are documenting all this now, for the next generation to understand and internalize. Even though I have all the joy and pride that I am born and brought up in a village. We missed this documentations. When I say now you’ll have to trust with what I’m doing with My Baalasants. Based on the Sakshipramana you’ll have to take My word. But for my balasants it does not need to be. Already clear documentation is getting done, I’m very happy about that.

{Ma Nithya Balananda} Thank you Swamiji. In this Mensa organisation it’s the top 2% of the population that has taken this standardised test called Standard Benne Weshler and you have to be a psycoministrist to give these tests. No normal just everyday person cannot score this test. These people are paid big bucks. So they took one hundred of these people who were Mensa inductees and they gave them these questions in this book. So, what I did yesterday, is I gave these questions, 25 general knowledge questions to Kalpalatha, Kalpalatha I always miss pronounce her name.

{Swamiji} Kalpalatha, like Kalpataru Kalpalatha.

{Ma Nithya Balananda} Oh! Kalpalatha. So, I gave her these 25 questions and I’m in the courtyard and people are walking around and you know talking and singing and picking up things and in the courtyard and it’s not in the optimal testing situation and I’m getting slightly irritated because the protocol is not correct. And I’m getting a little anxious and I neurological functioning is getting a little agitated and she looks at me and says, what is…

(35:53) {Ma Kalpalatha} So, yesterday when I was doing the test, while I was in the second question or the third question when I was seeing Krishta Shila for the answer;I got the word sweet white wine and I asked her what is the meaning of it.

{Ma Nithya Balananda} She said what is, sweet white wine? And I am like why is she asking me about wine? So the question was, your friend gives you some nice Borsac, what do you have? And the answer is sweet white wine. Now this gets better and better because the story has an evolution to it. What happens is that she gets every single question correct that is all 25. And as we are matching wits with Mensa. This particular question only 10% of the highest functioning, intellectually functioning people in the world could get. She got it, are you ready. Where would you be if your hotel bill is charged in Marka? The answer Finland. So the 10% of the…

{Swamiji} She wrote in how many seconds, the answer?

{Ma Nithya Balananda} Oh! Two!

{Swamiji} Two seconds!

{Ma Nithya Balananda} She went through the questions regardless of the noise in the courtyard that I was getting a little anxed about. Then what does a bolometer measure? 17% of the Mensa candidates got it correct. The answer is pain. What is the old Roman province of Lusitania called today? 10% of the smartest people got this one. It was Portugal…

{Swamiji} She got it immediately.

{Ma Nithya Balananda} Yes!

{Swamiji} How many seconds?

{Ma Nithya Balananda} Immediately, she just wrote. This story gets better, the story was getting, me watching this happen was entangling my brain and I’m 66 years old and I’m trying to maintain, my you know, my intelligence and my, my body and keep myself in this great shape and I’m feeling like I can’t think any longer because my brain is getting stretched like taffee. And I can feel my brain is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and I can hardly remember I had a talk that the experience I was having simultaneously while I was giving her this test. You have to hear this next question. A new word ‘serendipity’ was coined from the title of the book The Three Princes of Serendip, where was Serendip? The answer is Ceylon. Only 12% of the Mensa candidates got it correct. Now here’s the ‘piece de resistence’ this is the best part of this whole testing. It was late last night, it was probably about 11 o’clock and Kalpalatha comes up and says ‘give me another test, I want to take another test’. So she has her own test book and it’s this chemistry book with these complex formulas and calculations. And I said, do you want me to read the questions out to you? And she says, no, I’m just going to go over here and sit down and write the answers. So she went over and sat down and my brain, the taffee brain was getting longer and longer. She wrote every single answer correctly, without the questions. Now the practical applicability of this, is what I’m most interested in. And with this length dimension this only one dimension. So knowing what the most poisonous snake in the world is, to help you to avoid getting snake bitten. Knowing the geological, atmospheric preliminaries to an earthquake will prevent an earthquake, and so a lot of prevention in science will come from the length prospect, but what we are seeing is only one dimension. But neurologically, neurologists are saying that we are using less than 10% of our full capacity. So, Swami Nithyananda is awakening non mechanical parts of our brain. He’s awakening parts that all of us have, including that kid who was sitting in my car, who got suspended from school. Everybody has access to the field of knowledge and it is just a matter of time before the whole world is given that, that wonderful ability to create the kind of world, the kind of reality that they really want because they are functioning from their peak potential. So, thank you so much, Swami Parahamsa Nithyananda it is amazing what you are doing for the world. I invite every parent, every teacher, every, every person in the world to please come and capture the knowledge, that you have to have, to have peak potential in health, in your relationships and your test scores especially. So, thank you very much.

(41:35) {Swamiji} Especially, I’m very happy with this proper methods of documentations. You see, I actually was always an R&D guy, like my gurus. Very wild, raw, uncut diamond, unpolished diamond never bothered about documentation. Never bothered about properly keeping it protected, preserved. Only very recently we started collecting and organising all the items I materialized. Before that even that we never bothered. I’ll just materialize and give it to devotee and they’ll take it, that’s all. Forget about devotees now, even early days, in Thiruvanamalai, when I started, I should have kept at least a few items, for, for future research purposes. Never had that kind of a ideas but now at least, I’m very happy, all these are getting documented. Being properly presented by people who are specialists in those fields. Who have credibility in their fields, who have degree, who have doctorate, all of them are analyzing and all of them are working and I’m very happy about it. We may also have to find more and more methodologies to document all this. I think that is the Sarvajnapeetha work, really Sarvajnapeetha work. The real Sarvajnapeetha work is, your see…about power manifestation you don’t have to bother it’s My job, it’s not even, it’s more easy for me than picking up a cup and sipping a coffee. To pick up a cup and sip coffee I’ll think 20 times ah later on, later on, but power manifestation I’ll not even go for second thought, ah done next. So that will not be a problem, that is too easy, that’s as easy as I’m breathing. But we’ll have to find a proper method in documenting all this. The comparative studies, documentation taking it to the whole world. You see, I’m not even looking at this whole thing in impression, means impressing others, no, in one month I’ll establish this whole thing as a reality, how I established already the third eye is reality. Non controversially reality. Same way these length dimension powers within next month I’ll completely establish that this is a reality. I’m not interested in that I’m interested in how all this can raise the quality of the human beings on the planet earth. How it can be useful further. How it can be useful further, and how all this can be used further. I’m looking at that only, I’m looking at that, maybe we’ll have to do more and more research, this Mensa test. All the international standard tests, international standard research models, internationally accredited, acknowledged, accepted testing and analyzing research methodology should be brought. Under that standards, under those frame works all these need to be documented and recorded. I think that will be the job of Sarvajnapeetha. See by the time I move these kids to the breath, they will master all the arts, when I move them to the depth, they will reveal all, not only reveal they will operate all these olden days’ planes circuits all that they will reveal. Whatever (46:00 Bharadwaj’s viman Shastra, vimanic Shastra, the underwater ships, all that science and circuits they will reveal and they’ll be able manipulate, manifest and operate. Because all that belongs to depth cognition. Of course, it’s too, it’ll be surprising for you guys, so when I do it, it’ll be shocking. Ok. And when the depth, when a kid starts mastering the depth dimension he can just be tuned to the depth frequency of the Vedas; just spell out, vibrate the whole Vedas. It can be recorded, documented, see not just the voice, even the frequency can be documented. Nowadays a lot of modern machines have come, with which we can document the whole frequency. I think these are all the job of Sarvajnapeetha, real sarvajnapeetha this the job Sarvajnapeetha need to do. Come on.

(47:17) {Ma Swaroopapriya} Next to share I’d like to invite Ma Bodhana, Ma Vedanta and Ma Shakthirupa as well as the beautiful balasant with whom they were working, Ma Atmamaya.

{Ma Nithya Bodhana} Nithyanandam! I’m Ma Nithya Bodhana. I’m chief Kothari of Ohio, but I also have been teaching in the local public school, for the last 6 years, the high school. And first I want to talk about three aspects of education that, now I’m talking from a parent perspective, as a parent that I was introduced to. So, my husband is a teacher, and for 12 years he taught in the most elite school in Daton, Ohio, that cost the same as college tuition. So, this is the top kids, even though those kids may be coming up with similar test scores, as some of these kids, they were doing it at great cost, most of these kids were in some type of therapy, most kids were living without parents, because the parents were working to create the income to put them in the school. And many of these kids, most of these kids were depressed and some type of anti-depressant and were suicidal. So this is the consequence of trying to be having the kind of information these guys are getting just like that. So my husband and I haven’t had our kids yet and we made a decision that this is not the type of school we wanted our kids in, even though we could have free tuitions at the school. So, we moved and my husband went to almost the opposite, he went to a private school where I’m not saying that it’s the breadth and depth dimension that’s being inserted but this school was based only on breadth and depth. The idea was that if the kids had a quality experience and they were in charge of their own learning and owned their own learning, then the length and logic things would start happening. And the idea was that they were given a child from age 4 to age 12 reading will happen, math will happen, give them the space he trust and ownership of their learning and it will happen. So, this was the beautiful environment that we were able to have our two daughters go to school. A really beautiful learning environment. to grow up in. Now, at age 12, they go to a new school. And so we moved to Delaware Ohio. The school they attended is a public school. And I can say most of the American kids probably attend a school like this, middle, may be slightly upper middle but definitely lower middle class. In this school, so my daughters started going and after about a month, my oldest daughter Asha said mom you’ve got to come to school and see what I’m living with, what I’m dealing with. So, I went to school with her one day, and it honestly was atrocious. The language, you go through the school with your elbows out so that you’re not pushed and shoved. It was really a horrific environment. And she asked me to actually become a substitute teacher in that school, in a way just to know what’s going on. So that’s what I started doing 6 years ago working in the high school. So what’s that leading me up to is that, one thing that Swamiji has says has caused the most violence in the world is that test taking. So, the concept that I’m going to give now is chemistry, all these kids have to learn the periodic table and they have to learn the compounds, they have to learn the number of atoms in a molecule of a element. And I as a substitute teacher see kids struggle and struggle and struggle with this and they take the test and they fail because these are average kids, they are not top scoring kids, they don’t have parental support, they don’t have community support, they don’t have school support. They take the test again and you know how many times the failing happens before it really comes.

(51:27) Now here we come to Atmamaya, so yesterday we were searching around for new categories, new challenges, what should we have her do. So, Shaktirupa and I were thinking of introducing a new chemical element. Now, Atmamaya doesn’t even know what a chemical element is yet or what an atom is or a molecule, I mean at some level she does. But the whole thing was just brand new. So we just started with how many molecule, excuse me how many atoms in a molecule of oxygen. Now Swamiji says when it is truly happens it’s a flash. The minute the question is there they just write, there is no gap at all and this is what happened she just writes down the number down and we’re like oh my god and she just doesn’t even know what these things are. So we asked three of these number atoms in a molecule of oxygen, hydrogen and I’m not sure of the other one. She just got all three like this – snap – I was just thinking why this struggle? In these high schools across the United States. Probably around the world, the struggle for this and then in those elite schools the struggle. There is absolutely no reason for it and with all of us held in Swamiji’s womb, to be able to go across the globe and start spreading this and letting everyone know the possibility that exists so that we can start literally destroying this education model that is destroying people. That’s what I want to see happen. So, Atmamaya has been my entanglement person. And just a little sharing of what happened to me yesterday. Yesterday I had a few outside things to handle. Like getting a new flight home, because I’m staying longer than I anticipated, I needed to do some things. And I kept thinking I’ve got to do that and here we are in the courtyard entangling and again and again I want to leave and work on that but I kept saying to myself alright I’m entangling to get out of this L thing, this all the other thing that I’ve been so comfortable in my life with. The length, the logic that has actually done damage to me because I haven’t been able to get to breadth and depth, so again and again I just said just stay and entangle, that all the other things will work out. So all that Swamiji is giving us if we just keep applying it to our own process right here in the courtyard we are just going to see the after break through and I’m looking forward to today’s break through. So, I thank you very much and I’ll pass the mike.

(54:02) {Ma Vedanta} Nithyanandam, my name is Ma Vedanta, I have just submitted my Phd thesis in computer science from NTU in Singapore. And it’s been a great blessing to be working and be part of Nithyanandam Yogam. Yesterday in the Shaktinipada or in the entanglement process, we were with Ma Atmameya. I would like to add on to what Ma Bodhana was saying. We picked up riddles and the best part is Ma Atmameya says pick the level hard do not give the easy ones. So we went to the hardest level and we took more than 20 of them. And I remember each of them she was able to see the answers in less than 10 seconds. Some of them in just 2 seconds, like she gets the answer in front. And in fact to tell you even to decode what the riddle is I think I would take about at least 15 minutes to find out what the question is, forget about getting the answer to it. It was very complex and I am sure the others will agree with me. The other thing which we did was very interesting was patterns on cards, so there was like about 18 cards with some patterns and you have to tell what the 18th card would be. You need to look at the pattern and then say what the last one is. We did six of them and each of them she got it in 2 seconds Its very complex and when I opened the answer for each of them, they give like a huge algorithm on how to do it. First you need to do this, multiply, divide, add do something, something, the answer is so long but she was just able to just able to see the answer in like two seconds, I think that was amazing. In this whole process, I could experientially feel that the neorons in my brain were being mirrored, something was happening inside me. I felt a lot energetic and so excited about the whole thing. I feel like my logic was completely broken and shattered and maybe convinced about the whole thing at my bio memory level. I am very grateful to Swamiji for this great experience. Thank you.

(56:19) {Ma Nitya Shaktirupananda} Nithyanandam, my name is Ma Nitya Shaktiroopananda, I graduated from college about a year ago, and for the last few days when we were doing the Shaktinipada with the Baalasants and seeing them manifest these powers, what Shaktiroopa was feeling was literally, the logic is like the poor man’s way of functioning and how Swamiji, how this place is literally the source of everything. Actually yesterday and the day before how casually we are manifesting the powers. Like literally, if it was in the outside world, we would like. We did not even feel that it was such a big thing. But only today when we were walking here and talking about it like oh my God, literally the whole knowledge they are just getting it and like nothing so literally for anyone. Like if you want to get 10 degrees 20 degrees whatever names you want, I think you should just come to the ashram. Just think which ones you want, stay here for a few months and just come back and go and pass all those tests and go back with 10 degrees, 20 degrees. So that was what Shaktiroopa was feeling. Yesterday, like Ma Bodhana and both of them were saying Ma Atmamaya, like we are giving Chemistry problems, and simply actually Shaktiroopa was giving them giving her a problem about isotopes she does not know what isotopes are. And simply she told the answers, like (a), (b), (c), like that. And it was so fast she got it like 2 seconds, 3 seconds it was so beautiful to see the whole thing. And so that was what, when Swamiji was saying how Ramanujam, how, he just manifested the whole length dimension, like how the Baalasants are manifesting. He never understood how he got the answer because he only awakened in the length dimension. So now that these Baalasants are going to be awakened in all the dimensions. It is literally like they are going to know everything. So it is so exciting to see how it is so casually expressing in them and how everyone is going to manifest this in the next few years. So that is what I wanted to share. Thank you.

(58:56) {Ma Bodhana} I just want to share one last thing, Ma thought it would be interesting for you to see the little booklets that we are using. These are just pieces of paper filled with questions and answers. What we do is one person sets the timer, when we have the question ready, our routine is we go three, two, one, go, the timer goes and the first thing we do, she does is she marks the second at the end, just to make sure that the actual place is documented, thats the first thing. Sometimes she is actually going on to the fourth question and the time it takes for us to get the answer to the one we have asked. I am not sure if there can be a close up, but I was so really happy with this. I had given her a problem of a square root sequence and the question says finish the sequence. I did not tell her that it was a square root. Just like Ma Vedanta said this is extremely complex, the way the answers are given, so I wrote down 1,4,9, 16 and the next answer was 25. I gave her the sheet, we go, 3, 2, 1 go and she immediately wrote 25 I mean there was no gap, I could not believe it, the number 25 she was just writing. Then she writes 36 and the last one. It was so amazing just are no gap at all, the question is there and the answer was there. It was truly mind blowing. Thank you all for listening.

(1:00:16) {Ma Nitya Shaktiroopananda} Also one more thing actually, yesterday only Ma Atmameya started manifesting these shakthis and when she first started we were giving her complicated maths questions, she would put like a 10-digit number. She just writes what she sees and when she first started all of it was all wrong, like the full number. But the only thing she was looking at was the time she was taking, oh 10 seconds, 5 seconds, 2 seconds like how it was reducing and she was not even bothered that she was getting it right or wrong, she was like it is manifesting. Just like that maybe within half an hour, Shaktirupa gave her an algebra question and simply she got the answer and from then on she kept getting the answers, so like how Ma Bodhana talked about it yesterday, it was so beautiful to entangle with them and see how they just keep going without getting tired and without ever getting bored. Actually the last two days they kept asking us give us more questions, give us more questions we are only a little tired once in a while and everything. So, thank you.

(1:02:22) {Ma Swaroopapriya} Next I would like to invite Jaina and Mitchelle with the Baalasant that they were questioning, Vidhya Maharaj, sorry Dhyana Maharaj.

{Jaina Tan} Nithyanandam everyone, my name is Jaina Tan, I am from Singapore, we have Mitchelle here my team mate and we have Dhyana here the Balasanth, actually we are a group of four people, two more are not here, Ma Dama and Osutaivaid. We had so much fun yesterday again with the Baalasant here Dhyana, we started with, whenever Swamiji says start the process we all rushing to get our Balasanths and that is something we have to jump on because, the Baalasants are all taken up, but we got him. You do not know what surprises you are getting into till you get the Baalasant into your group. So several questions we started asking him and he sat down, no he was not actually looking at his Krista Shila, why do I say that. He just looked up he got and got most of the answers right. So I am going to have Mitchelle share a few of the questions he got right and then I will share the rest and then I will continue to share the rest and other things.

{Mitchelle} We started off with questions asking him temperature questions, I asked him what was the temperature in Toronto, he got it in 5 seconds, it was 4 degrees, so I thought I was going to be smart and said, in Canada it is cold right now, it is winter what is the temperature in Vancouver, which was minus 4 degrees and he gave it to me in fahrenheit, and when we converted it, it was minus 4. I also asked him what was the time in London he got it in 7 seconds it was 11:19. While working with him he started off, 2 minutes and he started getting faster, faster and faster to the point where he sat there, he lookedat our group and he says, I am manifesting. More and more as he goes on its like us being impressed with him and he is impressed too with, it has taken us so much time to get these questions to ask him and the answers just come out so fast.

{Jaina Tan} And also there is one incident I need to share; this is so funny. Swamiji is saying about Shaktinipada, I just learnt this word just now, I am getting it, in fact we are experiencing it as he is very casual and fun, so much laughter. At one point he actually took three breaks to go to the toilet, so when he goes, where is our Baalasant, when is he coming back, we really want him to come back. When he came back he said let us do this. So he suggested, he said, I am going to entangle you guys, I am going to ask you questions. I said are you sure, we are not ready yet, are you sure. He said yes, let’s do it. He has such leadership qualities, in all this telling us what to do, and we really listen in. By the way he is age 12 and he has been 6 years with Swamijis Gurukul School. He asked us questions on, particularly the temperature, so we enjoyed the temperature question. We have never been to Kumbh Mela, he asked us what is the temperature in Kumbh Mela. We said OK, what do we do, we looked at him, we stare and he too stared. Somehow we got it right, I got Kumbh Mela 42 degrees and Michelle got the one temperature in Tamil Nadu at 31 degrees Celsius. So that was great really Shaktinipada success. You see, I have lost my voice; I laughed so much with them. Continuing with other questions. We asked him what is the time difference between Tokyo and India. He wrote 345, we said 345 what is it minutes or hours. He did not say minutes or hours. Then we calculated, actually he is giving us the difference. Tokyo and India difference, which is correct. It is 3hrs and 45 minutes, the difference. That was really something, it was correct. He took only 10 seconds to do that, the difference. One more question he took was how high is the Niagara Falls, in Canada, the height. He took only 3 seconds, the answer was accurate, 56 metres. Yes, Dhyana, we enjoyed so much, we look forward to having more fun with him. This is really something I want to also say. I have a small realisation, I have six nephews back home ranging from age 15, 10, I don’t remember my nephews ages. Six of them, he reminds me of my nephews at home which is a big, big gap, big difference in the reality of things of where they come from. They are always on the game, not moving, just not moving the body. My sister is the parent, she has to push them to eat their food, chase them, nag at them, just to move their butt. I really wish with Swamijis blessing 6 nephews to send, to send to your Gurukul School, hopefully I will. That’s all I want to share. Thank you.

(1:08:06) {Ma Swaroopapriya} Next I would like to invite Mamta and Vini.

{Mamta} Nithyanandam! Everybody, we don’t have Yogamata today with us, she is travelling for some program. Yes, for a demo. Yesterday I really did not do justice to what she has actually revealed, so I wanted to come back and share more details about what she told us when she looked at the Krista Sila. We asked about 30 questions. Out of 30 questions, such an outstanding strike rate, 29 questions were perfectly answered. The one question that she did not get it wrong, I do not want to use the word got it wrong because she said the answer is blurring. Such an amazing cognition, she did not say I am not getting it, she said the answers are blurring, I am not able to put it properly. Whenever Swamiji said Hinduism is real I used to wonder, what it means. From which context is He talking, that Hinduism is real. But today, when we are sitting in Swamijis courtyard, and seeing all the children, left, right, center, giving such precise answers to the questions, which they are not even aware of. They don’t have the knowledge or the education or have they read about any of these in their text books. Such answers and its between 5 seconds to less than 50 seconds, answers are just being revealed. For Yogamata when I asked a particular question about the planetary transits, I am still not able to comprehend that the Panjika, astrology takes, refers, they go back refer the date, time, the movement of the planets to predict or to forecast the planetary transit for the next calendar year. So, I just asked her give me the planetary transit dates of a few planets and she wrote the transitdates so perfectly that when I went back, googled the answers were all just perfect. Absolutely no error at all, no error. In fact, the most surprising part is for all the planets she gave the date and the month, for Jupiter she gave the time. She wrote September 12th 2017, 06:50 am, which was so precise. So I asked her why did you not write the time for the rest of the planets, only for Jupiter you wrote the time. She said, because Swamiji is my Guru you see, He is showing the transit of the Guru with the perfect time. So we have all heard that in the mythology we have all heard, the mastery that Arjuna had or Eklavya had and how everything was revealed to, everything as the whole thing was happening, Yudishtra was being told about the whole commentary which was happening at a different place. All this we have read it as a story and we have also seen a lot of mythological movies. But today when we see these children doing the same thing without not much of great training, nothing at all. They are so relaxed, so calm and such humility they carry, they just at ease, no pretensions when they tell the answers, no great excitement. If they don’t get the answer, if answers are blurred, or whatever, they don’t get sad about it also. It’s just that this moment they are able to see, and they are able to share it. Thank you so much Swamiji, thank you for bringing me here to experience this.

(1:13:42) {Swamiji} See, they are taught only one thing, integrity, integrity to what you are shown by Kalabhairava. They all know it is not their pride, they neither need to feel sad or elated about anything. You do not need to become powerless by anything. What Kalabhairava is showing, be integrated to it, if He is not showing, be integrated to that too. So that way all the personal suffocation is removed. All the personal powerlessness is removed. They just flow with Me, that’s all.

{Vinay Nithyanandam! My name is Vinay; I was also part of the team. I could see what Swamiji is saying. All the time Yogamata was so relaxed, so playfully playing, as if we were playing some games, not having any anxiety or anything. But I would also like to add that we asked a wide range of questions. Like I asked her where the pancreas is in the human body. She exactly, precisely said that it is between the kidney and the liver, exactly explained that. Looking at the accuracy of her answers which I was so surprised and amazed. I said let me ask her about life in Mars. We were supposed to ask her questions which we could verify. I said, well let’s see what you see, because then it is NASAs job to verify and prove you wrong. She looked and said I can see the life. I asked what do they look like. She said they look like human beings. I said, now NASA has a challenge to really see whether they can really find life there or not. It’s amazing, Swamiji has invited the whole worlds children, anybody between 7 years of age to 21 to come and experience his Gurukul. I wish all my relatives, families my children, grandchildren, they will experience that. Not only that, wheneverybody is saying that, we are also going along with them into that space and then I was able to see some numbers some figures, some shapes. It seems like within a few days, I will be also be able to answer many of these questions. Everybody say Tataastu. Swamiji, thank you so much, with your blessings everything is going to happen.

{Swamiji} Blessings

{Vinay} Thank you.

(1:16:40) {Ma Swaroopapriya} Last but certainly not the least, I would like to invite Sri Nitya Alokananda, Sri Nitya Drityananda and Sri Nitya Sahadevananda.

{Sri Nitya Alokananda} Nithyanandam everyone, my name is Sri Nitya Alokananda, I cannot say I am qualified in any high academic sort of course, but I finished High School, which is really enough of an experience to know that what’s happening here is completely unprecedented. What is happening here in Swamijis home, in Sadashivas home is completely beyond, completely blowing my mind. I can truely attest to what he is saying, that since Sadashivoham, a new species is being created here. Yesterday, I was partnered with Shiva Shankara Maharaj and he’d actually been asked a question about Mars. How many humans are on Mars? In less than 10 seconds he answered, 6. It was interesting, so I googled the answer, there is no real evidence there are humans on Mars but there was a link that led to an article talking about a group of people in Utah, who have found some land, were able to create a simulation of Mars so they are literally experiencing what it is like to live on Mars and the number of people there is 6, experiencing that. Like this I was looking around in the courtyard, sitting there, going—these kids are beyond what we can comprehend. They are answering these questions that are so far reaching so beyond their age. I am kind of jealous; I spent 18 years, in high school. Sorry 12 Years in high school, 12 years in school, trying to understand like what the X means in Algebra, what is that equal to. Why are their letters in mathematics when you told me it was all about numbers. It’s completely beyond me, I am so blessed and so happy to be here. We really need to let the world know, the world doesn’t know this is coming. Most of the world doesn’t know that this is happening, and it is our job to let the world know that this is happening, that this is coming, not just for them to hear, not just for them to witness but for them to be here and experience it. Swamiji has said that this is for the whole humanity. His suitcase is going to pour it on everyone. Right, so it’s for everyone; we are all going to manifest, the entire humankind. The whole planet is going to be a new species. Swamiji is the answer to the delusion of the world. These Baalasants are the answer we are the answer. We are the revolution and the evolution. Thank you very much Swamiji.

(1:19:25) {Sri Nitya Sahadevananda} Nithyanandam everyone, my name is Sahadeva.and I am a college student from Los Angeles. I partnered with a Baalasant his name is Shivajnyana. He is absolutely amazing. Yesterday, day before actually. I asked him what is the rotational speed of the earth and I said come on there is no way that you can get that in 10 seconds, 1040 miles per hour. Without any calculation just literally in 10 seconds, just wrote it down. Casually sitting down and just gave me the piece of paper. Actually the experience that I was having is it was like a mirror that I was looking at. I was looking at myself and then this logic with which I was functioning in my life just completely shatters it all. And then this feeling of bliss the amazement of you know as a child you feel like everything is possible. That was the feeling that I was feeling at that moment, everything is possible and just seeing him, mesmerised me and he is absolutely amazing. So that was my experience.

{Sri Nitya Drihdananda} Nithyanandam! My name is Sri Nitya Driyhdananda. Just right now for the first time I actually publicly announced my new spiritual name. Just a little background for some people that are questioning, why do you have a spiritual name. My old name Jordon Kremer it’s just this idea of a person that is so limited and so locked in this reality that is completely false. It’s just the way for me and for everybody else around me. Just drop everything you know about yourself because none of it is true. When you get to sit in the courtyard with these Baalasants and get entangled with them and start to flow with what Swamiji is providing us, you start to believe and experience that, Oh my goodness I am completely - everything I have learnt is completely false and we are so much more powerful than we believe we are. When you look at evolution for the human race is not this consistent level slow progression. What happens is you grow and at some point there is this conscious shift and it spikes all of a sudden. It grows again and then all of a sudden it spikes whether it is a conscious shift or technological discovery or anything like that. For all you people out there this is that quantum leap that is happening right now. I have a brother back home and just like 5 minutes before this interview or coming up on the stage my brother and I had a video call and he just had a child he just had his first baby. I completely was melting. All I was thinking was Swamiji please bless this child bless like every child out there to come and experience this. This is the future like we need all to be in His presence we all need to be experiencing this reality because whether you choose to or not it’s going to happen. Like being part of the Apple. Like when apple first came out you could be the early adopter and be the world’s richest man or you could be a fool and decide not to jump on board this is that opportunity for anybody else out there. Bring your children, come with them and experience this as well. There is an entanglement process, meaning all of a sudden you can’t pick things up it starts flowing through you as well. I am the most logical person in the world. For whatever reason I can’t necessarily manifest as quickly as I want with third eye reading or anything like that and then yesterday I got all these guys around me, I had about three or four playing around with me and surrounding me. I was really playing with this entanglement process and all of a sudden I actually started to see things. I got Sahadeva and he goes, what is my favourite numbers and I am seeing right away, I am seeing 13. He goes Bro, thats right. Thats all it is, just this higher consciousness flowing through you. Swamiji has nothing to do with my identity who I believe myself to be in. So drop every logical explanation of why we are dressed the way we are or why we wear this vibhuti or anything like that and just come and experience this and be a part of this shift. It’s an absolutely amazing opportunity to elevate along with humanity. All thanks to Swamiji. Thank you Swamiji.

1:24:05 {Ma Swaroopapriya} 1:29:02

1:29:03 {Swamiji} So I think that’s all for now, I’ll come back to you guys with some more things in further satsungs. I bless you all, let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, living Shudadvaitasaivam, Sadashivoham, the eternal bliss. Nithyanandam. Thank you. Be blissful. (1:29:51)

Adi Kailaasa Photos


Nithya Puja Nithya Puja Nithya Puja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0018_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0046_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithyanandeshwara-temple.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0088_bengaluru-aadheenam-nija-pada-procession.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0059_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithyanandeshwara-temple.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0072_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithyanandeshwara-temple.jpg


http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0108_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0124_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0134_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-sankirtan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0175_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0191_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0193_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0219_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0236_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0266_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0273_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0313_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0421_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0461_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0475_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-4th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_0507_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-swamiji.jpg

Sakshi Pramana:

Manifesting Shaktis Testimonial


Nirahara Samyama

Nirahara Samyama