January 05 2008

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The Power of Conscious Reflection || NSP || 5 Jan 2008

Video and Audio:

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers questions from the delegates of the Nithyananda Spurana convention. His Divine Holiness speaks about why transformations inside you and around you are important, and the ways in which humans should explore their ultimate consciousness. Swamiji also explains the importance of creating more and more enlightened beings.

Video Audio



"Are samskaras and vasanas are same?" Vasanas are like a samskara without emotional attachment. Samskara is sasana with emotional attachment. "What is love - how you are able to teach millions? While the other enlightened persons cannot do this - is there a divine role you are playing?" Business secret. There are different levels of expressions. See, experience is same. What Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Ramakrishna - what all the Masters had - experience is same - expressions sometime differs.

(01:09) So, teaching to millions of people is nothing to do with a greatness or anything. Maybe, Buddha did not have internet. He did not have the media communication system. We have all that communication system - that is the reason I am reaching millions - that's all. Otherwise, I don't think there is something special in experience - experience itself is same; is solid. It’s a same ultimate experience - there's no gradation in Enlightenment experience. Who gets the infrastructure, they reach mass - that's all. It's just a social thing. It has nothing to do with experience.

(01:55) So I don’t think it's My greatness - it’s the greatness of the science. Science has evolved. See Buddha did not have a flight - poor guy, He has to walk all over the country and He did not have a mic. He has to teach only by few hundred by few hundred. Even if there are 10,000 people sitting in front of Him - all 10,000 won’t be able to hear what He is talking. So, naturally He has to teach only few hundred by few hundred.

(02:24) There are many other things He did not have. Everyday at least one hour I spend in video conferencing - sitting with all my Swamis around the world. Poor Buddha did not have all these things. He has to talk, inspire and send the persons to teach. So, I think it is because of infrastructure not because of anything else. Around two million people had initiation - now one over just from this January 1st I started initiating through - even through email. If people feel connected to what I am talking and they experience the psychological revolution, means the inspiration - I send them the mala and bracelet and tell them to start meditating, means initiating into meditation.

(03:11) Then they can - they can and do some programs or relate the physical way. Bhagavan means not just the word 'God' - it means even 'blessed' So, it's a very controversial question. He says that, Bhagavan means God and why - some other; he is mentioning some other Master's name. “Why he is not denying when his devotees call him as Bhagavan?" See, these are all subjective experience. You can’t criticize anybody based on some title.

(03:55) And I always feel that it is enough we criticized continuously others - let us start working on ourself. Too much time and energy has been wasted by judging others. So - “My old habits are killing me, when I leave, it should die. Please, please heal me." Understand to kill the old habits only, this whole program is designed. Somebody is asking, “I have been recently diagnosed for irregular heart beats and occasional misbeats. May I know if I can use all meditation techniques?" Better do only Nithya Dhyaan. All the other meditation techniques I will tell you - what you can do and what you can’t do. Then people with elevated blood pressure do the humming meditation. Humming you can do - no problem - only the breathing, the chaotic breathing you should be little careful.

(05:01) Actually I have seen the humming heals blood pressure. It just heals blood pressure, especially diabetes. It just heals. "It is easy to - it is great to see divinity in human form but unfortunately it is also easy to judge the Guru in human form. How to avoid?" See, judging Guru is a big problem because you are constantly judging you - you judge Him also. Because you are constantly abusing you, you abuse Him also. So stop the abusing you, - stop judging you, then you will stop naturally judging Him.

(05:48) “Last day when I experienced death, one of my loved ones called me night and asked me. What happened to me around 5:30? I am not able to understand, how does she knows. Please clarify.” You don’t know the power of the thoughts. You don’t know power of thoughts. Really you would have Unclutched from the emotional connection with her. That is why she felt something is missing inside her. You do not know the work happening here - now.

(06:22) Understand. I am only putting the seed. After few days when it expresses it in your life then you will understand. I always tell people - after you go back to your life and live the same life but not having the same problems. Situation sometime the problem before meditation, before this program, it would have completely shaken you. After this program, same problem does not shake.

(06:55) You are not bothered at all - only then you will understand what has happened inside you. The transformation happening inside you will be understood only by the experience you will have in the - with the same life. That's why I tell people, “Just go through the whole thing.” And moreover I am a type of person - I try to make everything very simple and looking very ordinary. I do not make too big mystical way. Showing things extraordinary is very easy - showing things ordinary is the real work.

(07:44) Whether you understand or not - human Consciousness is a rare phenomena happened on planet earth. Human body and the reflection of the Cosmic Consciousness on the human body, is such a rare phenomena. Human body has to be used to explore the ultimate Consciousness. To reach the peak of the Consciousness, you see. Food cannot reflect this light.

(08:17) This plant cannot reflect this light, this cloth cannot reflect this light but the mirror can reflect that light. Mirror is a rare object, which can reflect the light. Same way, animal cannot reflect the Cosmic Consciousness fully. A stone cannot reflect the Cosmic Consciousness fully. Tree cannot reflect the Cosmic Consciousness fully. Only human body can reflect the Cosmic Consciousness fully. Such a rare opportunity or such a rare object which can reflect Cosmic Consciousness.

(08:59) This human body should be used with all its energy, time, efficiency to reflect Cosmic Consciousness to its peak, to its maximum, to its ultimate. Creating infrastructure can be the side effect when you reflect Cosmic Consciousness - you will radiate so much of intelligence. The infrastructure will happen around you. The power of Conscious reflection. For example, if Consciousness reflects on you, means when I say that word I mean - if you develop yourself and you become Enlightened, you will create an infrastructure which millions of people put together you will be able to create. One million people work in their life and what they will contribute to the country - one single Enlightened individual will contribute. Just seeing my life - I am hardly 31, entered into 31. Only 30 completed according to the western standard - if somebody asked my age, I would say only 30. The completed age only they say 30 - I am entering into 31.

(10:15) The amount of infrastructure or the facilities contributed to any country which I put My foot. Of course, not for pride or you I am saying - I am just simply stating the fact. Amount of infrastructure I contribute to every country physically and amount of peace and joy I added to every country - mentally; wherever I stepped in. According to Me, planet earth has enough for everybody. We have 6 billion people - we have enough food, clothe, infrastructure, shelter, medical care - everything for 6 billion people.

(10:58) It is time we spend more energy and more infrastructure to create more Enlightened people; Conscious beings - people who live with the heightened awareness; people who live in raised awareness. That is the only way we can even save the infrastructure we created. "Because of quest know I am asking - not because of ego. Please explain about creation - just say God's leela will not satisfy me!"

(11:30) Whether you are satisfied or not that is the fact. I cannot - I cannot do (inaudible 11:36) or adding more to the fact to satisfy you. I am not - you see, I think you have not understood the word 'God's Leela'. In the night time, you have little free time. You just call your kids and sit with them, and start playing cards - if you want, surely you can win. And you know you are more intelligent than your kids. But you just sit and play - what will you call? Just play, for no reason.

(12:16) You are not playing to prove you are great or you are not going to prove - you are not playing to prove something more than what you know about you; it is just a simple Leela; time pass. Overflowing energy is there you are not feeling tired you just want to do something. So this whole Cosmos - overflowing energy, no tiredness there is no logic behind why this whole game is happening. Whoever understands this truth they will become insider and start playing the same thing.

(12:53) See, all your suffering is nothing but you trying to create bigger and bigger infrastructures - which is beyond your capability. If you relax - suddenly you will see your capability, your capacity increases - your capacity just explodes. Understand. The visualization or creativity starts happening to you when you remove the pressure to create - creativity expresses in the creator when he does not have the pressure to create.

(13:31) Understand. These are all some of the important sutras - the basic keys - just remove the pressure to create from you, you will not become dull as you always suspect, no!. You are an intelligent being by your very nature - you radiate creativity. If you have the fear - if you remove the pressure to create you will become dull. You don’t have to run, you don't have to die with the pressure to create. Just remove the pressure to create you will explode out of freedom.

(14:12) Let Me tell you - the whole infrastructure or the whole organization happening around Me is happening just out of freedom - that is why I don’t feel bored. People ask Me many time, “Continuously you are taking classes somewhere or other, Swamiji. Continuously you are doing somewhere, other public programs. Are you not feeling bored?” I tell you I don't feel bored - if I feel bored long before I would have stopped doing it. I don't feel bored.

(14:42) One more thing you cannot do this work out of compulsion, no! You cannot do even out of desire for name and fame or money because you will die - day in and day out, sitting and talking to people is not a joke. One day one guy came and sat next to Me when I was giving public darshan. People come and tell their problems I try to give some counseling or some blessing or some good word or consolation - something.

(15:11] This guy came and sat next to Me - after half-an-hour he told, “Swamiji, I don’t know what energy work you are doing - what mystical work you are doing but I can be sure of one thing: if I sit like this everyday half-an-hour and listen to people's problems I will become mad or I will be depressed.” Just sit and listen to people's problems, their suffering and their deeper depression, their problems, difficulties; half an hour then you will understand listening to people's problems and not getting depressed or not becoming mad just for that you need Enlightenment.

(15:55) Losing that clarity about your boundary without having Enlightenment is madness. With enlightenment you will never be lost. You know even if you are lost your boundary you are in the form of the Cosmos. So, be very clear - just to do my job, you need Enlightenment; it is not easy joke to do the job which I am doing - without interest you can’t do. I have a very deep interest for what I am doing just because I don’t have pressure to do what I’m doing.

(16:35) It is option, I tell you, you also remove the pressure of creating infrastructure - more and more infrastructure in your life, suddenly you will see explosion of energy happens in you; you need only little patience. First few days when you remove that pressure you will feel like resting, resting, resting - its okay, lie down, rest. What will you do after 10 days - the creativity has to explode in you.

(17:07) The energy has to explode in you. Suddenly you will see a new kind of interest happening in you - new energy happening in you. You will do your business much better way, you will do your business in a very artistic way - in a very creative way. All creation happens in creator when the pressure to create does not exist. That is why I call this whole creation this Leela.

(17:36) This whole creation is Leela. Fortunately God does not have pressure to create. That is why the whole Leela is happening so joyfully. Just remove the pressure to create from your head you will understand what I meant by the word Leela - you will understand what I meant by the word Leela. Because you will start doing Leela - your whole life will become Leela.



A Certification in Enlightenment || NSP || 5 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Program
Title : A Certification in Enlightenment
Date : 05 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers questions from the delegates of the Nithyananda Spurana convention. His Divine Holiness responds to inquisitive delegates on topics such as enlightenment, death and karma.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



"Who is to certify that one is Enlightened - at what stage?" Oh, God! Fortunately, there is no democracy. There is no group which can certify. If you need certificate, I think you have to wait, still we have not started issuing certificates. "Will consumption of alcohol once in a while disturb the spiritual growth?" Let Me honestly answer. I don’t see directly it hurting your spiritual growth. But I do see it hurts your balanced living. See, if you are just bothered about the Enlightenment - I don’t see directly it hurting your Enlightenment. Because I have seen, I asked one Baba - with whom I had the fortune of living - no doubt He is an Enlightened person. I asked him, “Why are you smoking this?" He said, “An elephant cannot be tied into a small hut - it has to be, it has to become a little dull if it has to stay inside a small hut." Same a Paramahamsa cannot stay inside a small body. He has to become a little dull to stay to stay in a small body - 6 feet body.


So I don’t see directly it hurts your Enlightenment, but I can say your physical or mental balance will be disturbed - you can't reach to Enlightenment. Understand, let me very clearly say, after Enlightenment it does not hurt but before Enlightenment it delays your growth - it delays your growth.


"What is living life according to dharma?" If you just live your desires, without living others desires, that is what I call “dharma.” Your desires means, live what - with what you want, not just because how others live. The big problem, now this is the - now this session we are going to analyze only what is your desire, and what is other's desires which you are carrying. We will work on it then you will understand the answer for this question.


"If you heal somebody, do you take away his bad karma and does this affect you?" No. You see it's like a - when sun rises automatically the darkness disappears. You think that sun is taking the darkness? No! Just by the presence of the sun, darkness disappears. So just by the presence of an Enlightened being karma disappears. Karma is nothing but the darkness, darkness has no positive existence. It has no positive existence. 'Lightless-ness' is karma. 'Lightless-ness' is darkness. 'Energyless-ness' is karma. The energy happens suddenly the karma disappears.


Let Me give you one example. If you use the camera and take a photograph - the picture, the scene which was in front of the camera, settles on the film for one second. After that, if you take that film out and show it in front of the sun, what will happen to the form which got printed? It will expose. It will disappear. Your karma is also same way - it’s a print of your life. If you just expose the - your, your film, inner space to the Master, it will become completely erased and exposed, and whatever was there printed on the film will disappear. Your inner space is a film, the planet earth is the scene. You catch that for one moment, whatever is printed, you live that. Open that inner space and expose it to Master’s presence. It will just be exposed and cleaned.


I don’t take up the bad karma and I don’t suffer the bad karma - just it disappears. Otherwise how many thousands of cancers I healed - what would have happened to My body by now. No. Nothing affects me - whether physically or mentally, and I don’t have a mind to suffer. That is why I am just living the whole thing joyfully. This whole infrastructure is created in a very funny way. Whole thing is created in a very playful way.


Somebody is asking, “Yesterday we had a awakened second energy body - please tell us the name and details of third energy levels.” Now we are going to work every one by one, layer by layer - you will have details about everything. "Does fasting help for spiritual progress?" Please don’t do everyday. Maybe once in 15 days if you give, some 12 hours gap - it can help you to clean your body. Once in 15 days, maybe you can choose pradosham. Pradosham means the day before full moon day or new moon day- just 12 hours gap. Morning 6 to evening 6 don’t eat - that’s all. So, apart from that there is no place for fasting, in your - in our life. It does not directly help for Enlightenment - it helps you to keep clean your body - keep your body clean.


"Where does shambala fit in the seven energy standard, structured bodies?" Shambala is the seventh body. Here is a question - wonderful question, “Swamiji, is dying always so pleasant? Do people who kill themselves or die in accidents feel so good?" Now I wanted to explain exactly how this NSP, this whole program happened in my inner space and how I designed, developed this program. Why I designed? See, nine years I spent in wandering length and breadth of India. Now I want to take oath, whatever I am going to say is truth, nothing but truth. You may think, “Why?” Because usually whenever people listen something beyond their logic, either they resist or they just keep quiet - they don’t allow that words to enter their being. If they are a little arrogant they shout back. They say, “Get lost, these are all lies. Don’t talk." If they are not that courageous, they just keep quiet - they tell, “All right, let Him talk whatever He wants to talk - what is there? Anyhow, I have come, I have decided to be here for four days - I have to listen whatever He talks, whether it is making sense or nonsense.”


They just sit, they do not allow those words to work on them. Now, please listen! Even if it is going beyond your logic, whatever I am talking exactly as it happened, as I experienced.



Rapid Fire Questions with the Master || NSC || 5 Jan 2008


Title: Rapid Fire Questions with the Master
Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Enlightenment, death and more!
Date : 05 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam candidly answers questions from delegates of the Nithyananda Spurana Convention on the experience of Enlightenment, what happens after death, and what it means to go through a psychological revolution.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio


Understanding the Mind and Guilt || Part 1 || NSC || 5 Jan 2008


Title: Understanding the Mind and Guilt Part 1
Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Freeing yourself from guilt
Date : 05 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam defines the mind or mental layer as the constant inner chatter that goes on inside us; with or without our permission and with or without our awareness. He goes on to describe four states of consciousness: wakeful state (Jagarath), blissful state (Thuriya), dream state (Swapna) and deep sleep state (Susupthi). 80% of our time is spent in the wakeful and dream state; both of which are under the control of the mental layer. By the age of 14 years, our mental layer is a master at creating guilt. Guilt occurs when we review our past actions with present intelligence. Cleaning the mental layer and coming out of guilt is a very powerful way of liberating ourselves and is the best way to serve humanity.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio


Understanding the Mind and Guilt || Part 2 || NSC || 5 Jan 2008


Title: Understanding the Mind and Guilt Part 2
Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Freeing yourself from guilt
Date : 05 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam defines the mind or mental layer as the constant inner chatter that goes on inside us; with or without our permission and with or without our awareness. He goes on to describe four states of consciousness: wakeful state (Jagarath), blissful state (Thuriya), dream state (Swapna) and deep sleep state (Susupthi). 80% of our time is spent in the wakeful and dream state; both of which are under the control of the mental layer. By the age of 14 years, our mental layer is a master at creating guilt. Guilt occurs when we review our past actions with present intelligence. Cleaning the mental layer and coming out of guilt is a very powerful way of liberating ourselves and is the best way to serve humanity.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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