June 15 2014
'Advaita As A Lifestyle || Nithya Satsang || Part 1' In this video Supreme Pontiff HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains on Advaita as a lifestyle by guiding the participants into the process of finding out when the concept of "I am the body" and "I am the mind" has started to build, when the patterns & incompletions related to these concepts got rooted.
'Power Of Ability To Solve Any Problem || Nithya Satsang || Part 2' In this video Supreme Pontiff HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam describes on the ability to solve the problem, how individuals view the #problem and that ability to solve the problem is the pride rather than holding the pride of having big problems.
'Stop Making Decisions When You Are Emotionally Unstable' In this video Supreme Pontiff HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives a detailed explanation on how not to make any kind of #decision whenever one is going crazy, is scared, or feeling emotionally #unstable. He explains on how to complete with all moments of going crazy in life for becoming a living advaiti and guides participants into process of reliving and relieving all the craziest moments in life on holding on to space of what one want cause as reality.
In today's morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda emphasizes that patterns are formed because of our decision to move out of consciousness, our enlightened inner space. Only we are responsible for our root patterns, nobody else. Which is why we need to continuously use the Four Tatvas to get ourselves out of all problems in life. Nithyananda gave us another life altering truth to live by today. He shared that any root pattern you carry can be destroyed when you decide and declare to live for others. Have love for others, enrich everyone that comes in your breathing space, and don't give up on you or others!
Link to Video: