May 07 2011

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Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is conquer space and time! 161st Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 55th verse Taarakam sarva vishayam sarvata vishayam akramancha iti vivekajam jnanam Vivekananda: the saving knowledge is the knowledge of discrimination simultaneously covers all objects in all their variations Prabhavananda: this discriminative knowledge delivers a man from bondage or ignorance …and in all their modifications Satchitananda: the discriminative knowledge that simultaneously comprehends all objects and all conditions with intuitive.. Osho: the highest know born of the awareness of reality is transcended and includes cognition of all objects and….and transcends the world processes. Let me reveal the sacred secrets I experienced from Patanjali Yoga sutras. Taaraka is the keyword. It means crossing, going beyond. Jut by the self inspiration going beyond. The tradition of mother worship. Devi is named as taara – shows the way, shows the path, shows the enlightenment. Patanjali expresses greatness of the earlier samyama. The samyama he gave to go beyond time he extols since the glory of that samyama in this sutra also. A man like patanjali who uses minimal words to express any truth is using 2 sutras for one samyama. Then understand the greatness of the samyama. Going beyond time just realizing time is the greatest lie. If a child is taught this truth – time is a lie. You wake up along with sun, fall asleep along with sun, body rises, goes through years and disappears, there is no such thing as time, I guarantee not only you will create human beings who will live 300 years, you will create human beings who will LIVE. Human civilization needs to understand we don’t need stress based life for infra structure. We just need training based life for infra structure. Unfortunately, non-patience and saidism has become the largest practice religion by the power hungry rulers of the planet earth. by the time you become a ruler you would have been beaten by 100s of people if not 1000s. by being beaten by 1000s of people illogically you also tend to develop a mental set up. You can beat anybody. There is no cosmic law based on non-violence. You evolve the kind of mental set up that might is right. I have held hands of hundreds of politicians, law makers from various countries. I have not come across a single man who believes in non-violence in his bio memory! It may be shocking, but it is true. . Law makers through politics, social influence, religious influence I have held their hands. By and by when you do not have logic as to why you have been beaten so badly, you end up beating whoever lands in your hands brutally! If you hurt people who hurt you it can be justified as daivic raajasa means the rajas which devas carry. But you get into a kind of a space anything you see other than you, you want to destroy – raakshasik! They do not even think whether this person whom I am trying to kill or destroy did he hurt me? if you are trying to hurt somebody who has hurt you, it is justifiable rajas. By the rulers, law makers do not even work based on this much of clarity. It is like a bull dose, bullying, destroying anybody. If you see somebody happy, you don’t allow. Saidism has become the basic bio memory of many law makers because by the time they reach that height they go through so much. The concept of time as taught to you by the human civilization is not for training you or rehabilitating you Is not to train you but based on low quality of saidism. We need to evolve a kind of training system by working with kids by teaching them that time is a myth. All our Gurukuls should avoid using clocks and watches. Kids bio memory should be evolved just by ringing the bell – no watch, no clock. If you ring first bell, get up, go for bath, other bell go for food, etc. Then you will train them to create infra structure without creating stress in them. All I am saying is create infra structure by using steel instead of your own bones! You don’t need to be a candle to give light. Be a ghee lamp! You don’t need to hang on a cross to redeem the society! Be on a gold throne to redeem the society! You don’t need to be sacrificing to redeem the world. Be the centre of the intelligence to save the planet earth, to save the world! Time is the ultimate lie taught to human civilization. We should get back to the bell based routine in our schools. So that no where the watch is displayed, nowhere the clock is displayed, nowhere the alarm time piece is displayed or allowed to be used. Kids should forget about time. All they should know is sun has risen, I am in the human body, let me get up. Sun has set, I am in the human body, let me lie down. Body should flow with the tamas, body should flow with the rajas, body should flow with the satva which is stored in the bio memory. Life is for living. Reality is for living. It is not for destroying. Liberating yourself from one of the greatest myth called time is the ultimate liberation. Patanjali says Sarvam sarvata – from all and beyond. Let me translate this word sarvam and sarvata. Sarva vishayam – all and everything, sarva – in always. Let me exactly reveal the sacred secret. Being an external to all the happenings of your internal is what I mean by being liberated by time! Please understand, Being an external to all the happenings of your internal means whatever you consider as the internal happening like the concept of time, stress created by time, strengths of your body & mind, weaknesses of your body and mind, the ideas you carry about your consciousness including the experiences you have about your consciousness all internal when it is experienced as external you are beyond time! Meditate on this one sacred secret. Live it. live this sutra. Live this one sacred secret. Whatever you think as internal should become external to you. living in such an observation – all internal is external for you – the more & more internal things become external for you the more you have grown spiritually. Inside there are 100 things for somebody 20 things become external for you means your body becomes external – this is not me, then prana – air circulation becomes external – this is not me, then your mental thoughts become external – this is not me, then your emotions become external – this is not me – all these are initially internal to you! Few days before one of our Gurukul child broke his hand. I asked him do you have pain. The child has taught such clear truths from childhood, he does not say I am, he uses his name and says he is looking into the pain and he is concentrating! It is not a joke to talk all these great truths at that young age! I was feeling bad when he broke his hand, but I was so happy! First time when I went to Annamalai Swamigal and he said you are not the body, I cut my thigh and I got it stitched. When I went back he told me it is okay one cut is worthy of the clarity you are having. The inspiration you have to experiment wi9th the truths. That is 1000s times more valuable for the clarity you have. With this fracture I felt the same thing. I know for sure now that that child will evolve as an enlightened being. Because this idea being inserted into your bio memory and when it comes out at those moments, it is not a small thing. Only one mistake we did was we sent him to regular hospital and doctors told him he may have pain! To that child the internal happening has become external happening already! What you may have after this process, the child has it at this age spontaneously. Even after today’s process you need to go through it sincerely and practice it for it to become your bio memory. In Tiruvanamalai 1000s of kids are born and all of them are provided with the ambience but only 1 or 2 become Nithyananda. Because all the ambience is provided as an accident not a planned incident. But here I am providing as planned incident. Out of our Gurukul I will create at least 1000s of Nithyanandas. I saw how the child went trhough the whole thing! he is just 6 years old! Even when I went through I was not 6, I was 10 or 11 years old. It happened just before my enlightenment experience which I had at the age 12. At the age 6, the child is very clear about externalizing all the internal things. Parents were shaken because for them even the child is internal. But for the child his own suffering was external. I was feeling bad that he hand is broken. But internally I was having joy that our system is working. We will create an enlightened civilization! It is not a joke when your hand is hanging – it is a full fracture and that boy is not crying. Later on because of too much of fuss we created in the hospital he might have felt he must cry. But the first reaction itself was to see the most innermost internal as external. See pain is the inner most internal thing you can experience. Beyond that the innermost internal is enlightenment consciousness. If you can experience pain which is the innermost internal as external, I can say you crossed already 70%. 70% of your journey is done. Now the only thing we need to do is take care that the child does not lose his clarity. That’s all! The ability to look at that serious moments which you cannot repeat – now you cannot break everybody’s hand and see. When the opportunity happens if kids are expressing, the bio memory is properly programmed. I can tell you this is the first testimonial for my Gurukul system. The other day in Inner Awakening all the eNgenius kids performed and remembered 40 words at a stretch. Even that I felt is not my pride – it is mental power. But this was so sweet. Actually if parents would have allowed, I would have spent little more time with him and took care that no other ideas enter him. But anyhow this is not a joke for a 6 year old child not even to use his identity by addressing himself as “I” in those moments. The ability to externalize the most internal happenings! I tell you this is the essence of spirituality. The essence of all the sutras is the ability to externalize the inner most internal happenings. that is what I mean by going beyond time! Especially ability to spontaneously externalize the inner most happening of internal means what your bio memory is already filled with these great truths. In tamil there is a verse by an enlightened saint Tiruvalloor who says – The responsibility of a son towards the parents is the whole world should say what penance the parents have done to have this kind of a son! If you have a child and if you want the world should tell seeing your son what penance his parents would have done for having this great son, the only penance you need to do is bring your child to our Gurukul. That’s all. This is the greatest gift you can give to your child. The right mental set up at that right age!! The moment you give these truths to elders, the moment you see their faces you will not feel like saying the second statement! That is why I decided better let me start teaching to kids. Teaching to elders is like altering the building as per vaastu. That vaastu fellow will make you spend 10 times more than the original building. But teaching kids is like planning as per vaasthu and building. New construction. That is why I am saying this great truth learning to externalize the most subtle internal happenings of your life spontaneously should be the underline or the thread, the current of all our Gurukul training. Understand making all the subtlest internal happenings as external, externalizing all the most subtlest internal happenings. When you internalize the external things more & more bondage happens. When you externalize the internal things more & more liberation happens. that’s all! When you externalize, first the body, then prana, then the thoughts, then the emotions, then the pains caused by that emotions, then the very experience of consciousness becomes external. Finally ultimately the pure consciousness alone remains as internal. Ramana Maharshi says clearly - throw everything whatever can be thrown. Finally something will be there which you cannot throw, keep that. That’s all. Same way, externalize everything. Finally something will be there which you cannot externalize. Hold on to that. Externalizing even the most subtlest internal thing is spirituality. Catch this one truth. Live this one truth. I vouch for Patanjali. His words are ultimate truths. He is not only not lying he is not even adulterating the truth. He is unadulterated pure truth as it is. Understand this one truth. Few minutes try to externalize as much as possible the subtlest, most subtlest internal happenings in you. I will initiate you into this samyama of going beyond time. Externalize the most subtlest internal happenings of you. Just sit straight and close your eyes. Relax. Try to witness externally the most subtlest internal happening. Blessings!