January 09 2020

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Stop Talking To Yourself, Start Talking To Paramashiva || Paramashanta || Upasana || Paramashiva Is Real || Paramashiva Is The Ultimate


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle, Stop Talking To Yourself, Start Taking To Paramashiva during the everyday live public address - Nithyananda Satsang. His Divine Holiness (HDH) explained that by talking to Paramashiva we get to experience Paramashanta, extreme joy, patience and activism while talking to ourselves brings more frustration and anger. HDH revealed that intense prayer is nothing but Upasana, which means sitting and talking to Paramshiva, having dialogue with the higher Existence. Cognizing Paramashiva is real, our every incident, every dream leads to the realisation that Paramashiva is the Ultimate.

Video and Audio - Stop Talking To Yourself, Start Talking To Paramashiva

Video Audio



nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, sitting with us all over the world through ... Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, Nlighten App, Kailasa TV, Hinduism Now, Twitter and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.


Paramashiva’s message from Shrikailasa today. Five statements in five revelations. One, I remember myself in you … and wake up to my reality in you. Second, when I remind my existence in you, you start seeking. Third, when I make you cognize I am real, achieving me is real, prayer becomes your life. Fourth, when prayer becomes continuous flow, it becomes Oneness. Fifth, in the Oneness when you start manifesting powers, you achieve absolute Shuddhadvaita. That’s it. Understand. I just downloaded and read out. Listen carefully. Internalize these great truths. Paramashiva when He reminds … His existence in you ... and starts waking up, I tell you … intense prayer is nothing but upasana means sitting and talking to Paramashiva, having dialogue with the higher existence.


You need to know the moment you know Paramashiva is real, whatever you speak is not monologue. Listen. The moment you even have a slight doubt you are in a dream, after that, all the dreams ... are only leading you to waking state. Listen to this very carefully. In the sleep sometime, during one dream you will have an idea, “I think you are dreaming are all false, it’s not true.” But before that thought becomes strong and you wake up, you again sleep into dreams, but all those second next level dreams only will be leading you more and more and waking up. How many of you are understanding what I am saying, raise your hand. This is exactly happens to you. The moment you cognize Paramashiva is real - over. Then you know all this is just dream. And … after that even if you forget Paramashiva is real and slip into these dreams, all these dreams will be only leading you one by one, step by step to that ultimate truth Paramashiva is real.


The idea of time, … idea of time, not real time. Idea of time is the thief. Listen. Today whatever I am revealing if you understand, you can manifest your future just like that so casually. Slowly, slowly, step by step, understand, Paramashiva is such beautiful mother. He makes the food very digestible. He doesn’t push that grain as it is in your mouth. He makes it nicely, I should say more like a juice and makes you drink. It’s like Parashakti, She eats all food which need to be digested, only takes Her milk and feeds you. That’s what exactly the meaning of Parashakti gave Her own breast milk to Jnanasambandar. Means, the whole jnana, Paramashivajnana is digested, and just the essence is taken and given to the disciple who need to get enlightened. That’s the meaning of the Jnanasambandar receiving the Jnanapal from Parashakti directly, Parvati. So listen. Listen to this truth. Even once you cognize Paramashiva is real, … after, that every incident in your life, every dream in your life will only lead you to waking state that Paramashiva is ultimate.


As I was telling yesterday, what you feel about you does not matter, what you cognize about you matters. Your feelings mostly are delusional and taught by society. Cognitions are conscious conclusions. Whether it comes from Guru or not, you decide to cognize them for various reasons or sometimes even no reason. Why the baby Jnanasambandar should decide to accept the milk from … Parashakti? No reason! How does the child know that She is Parashakti, Parvati herself? How does the child know that the person standing next is Paramshiva himself? No reason. The essence of enlightenment: waking up to higher reality. Ruling your life … as Ishvara for yourself. More and more powerfulness.


All these can manifest just by this one thing. Listen. Intensely talk to the higher existence. The moment you cognize Paramashiva is real, you talking is no more monologue. Talking is dialogue. He has to listen. Sometimes He utters words to respond to you. Sometimes He pours intense silence in you and fills you as His response. Learn to understand only in binary logic - words or conversation; in reality, even silence is conversation. Sometimes silence is deeper conversation. When you know Paramashiva is real, and intensely talking to Him. Sometimes He may use words to respond to you. Sometimes, He may just fill, pour intense silence and fill you. That silence is the response from Him. That peacefulness is a response from Him. Whatever is happening inside … you after you talked to Him is His response, be very clear. Do not expect response in your binary language in a normal way, like if you say a word before even you complete, the other person screams. Don’t expect that from Paramashiva.


Understand this language. Learn to understand Paramashiva’s language. Learn to understand Paramashiva’s language. Understand. When you start talking intensely with Paramashiva, just these three, listen. Forget about everything else. Paramashiva is real. When you start talking to Him, you can be complaining, you can be crying, you can be talking, you can be enjoying, you can say, “Thank you for what you have given me,” or you can be angry saying, “What have you done to me?” “Why is Australia fire is not being put off?” “Why the animals are dying in Australia?” You can talk anything you want. He is as old as older than sun and … fresher than your breath. He is new to you … than your own breath. He is old to you than the sun. Older than the sun, newer than the fresh breath you are taking inside.


So you can talk anything you want. Remember one thing, cognizing He is real, and then whatever you talk to Him and whatever response He does; sometimes He will give verbal response, sometimes He will fulfill your prayer, sometimes He will pour intense Paramashanta state in you - all is His response. Anything you do will only take you up to the reality He is real and He is Ultimate, that's it. I have given the essence of everything - state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness and Shrikailasa of Paramashiva! All the six aspect I have given in this one three line. Paramashiva is real, the Ultimate is real, and start talking to Him intensely. It can be sweet friendly conversation, it can be fight, it can be demanding, it can be aggression, it can be surrender, it can be screaming, it can be anything. Know that He is real and go on internally talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, talking to Him. Before sipping a cup of coffee, tell Him, “Swamiji, here’s a … sweet coffee. Enjoy.” Before falling asleep, tell Him, “I am resting in you. Make my brain fall in tune so I manifest you.” Go on and on and on, I tell you. Listen to this. Once you feel you are dreaming and after that even if you slip into dreams, all those dreams only leads you to waking up state. Only once you remember, “I think I am dreaming and it’s not all real.” Even if you don’t wake up and fall, you slip into that dream again, … after that every dream you go through … will only lead you to wake up. You will only wake up. Understand.


Independent intelligence who is creating, sustaining, renovating, rejuvenating, pulling out of delusion and liberating all of us and this Universe is Paramashiva, and He is real. He is available in the form of Nithyananda Paramashivam to all of us. Cognize these fundamental principles and go on talking to Him. Go on talking to Him! Every word you utter, you talk to Him will bring tremendous completion. You can vomit your confusion, can vomit your frustration, anger, anything is okay. Stop talking to yourself, start talking to Paramashiva. Maybe this is what I’ll give as today’s essence of satsang. The title for today’s satsang is stop talking to yourself, start talking to Paramashiva. Talking to yourself, you will create more and more guilt, anger, confusion, frustration, incompletion. Talking to Paramashiva, more and more you will feel intense Paramashanta. Your whole nerves will get intense Paramashanta, extreme joy, patience, activism, understand.


Activism in life! Paramshanta gives you activism in life. You all mistake aggression as activism. No! Aggression is activism in the negative direction is aggressiveness. Paramashanta flowing in positive direction is activism. I have seen in my own life activism and aggression from people. I have seen active people, I have seen aggressive people. Here I am defining activism and aggression. Activism is Paramashanta flowing for life, pro life. Aggression is anger, violence, frustration flowing, life negative. Continously whole day in your life whether you are walking, talking, driving, go on be talking to Paramashiva. Make Him as your very own company, that is why wearing Atmalinga on your Ananda Gandha. Wear the Atmalinga near your Ananda Gandha - below the heart center, above the navel. That is the area. Exactly where I am having this kanti. This is where the Atmalinga is supposed to sit in you - below the heart, above the navel. Wear the Atmalinga in your Ananda Gandha always. It can be vertical or horizontal. That is not a problem. Always have Atmalinga.


I tell you, … go on talk to Paramashiva! Many people are sending messages that their Atmalinga is little damaged when they are handling. And they are feeling very incomplete and worried about it. Be very clear, Paramashiva is invoked in Atmalinga - true. But Atmalinga itself if it is damaged, that does not mean Paramashiva is damaged. So don’t worry. After all Atmalinga is in the physical plane. For example, Paramashiva manifest through this body. When I had the right hand fracture, you think Paramashiva’s right hand is fractured? No! Be very clear. He manifest through this body. He uses this body. But this body is after all functioning within the frames of usual panchabhuta (pañcabhūta, पञ्चभूत). So understand, the Atmalinga you are wearing - Paramashiva takes that form to bless all of us, but if some small damage or something happened, you see, don’t mishandle - that is true. But accidentally if something happens, don’t worry about it. It’s not subject need to be worried. Have your Atmalinga exchange, get new one.


I request sincerely all of you … to be very sincere and protective about Atmalinga. But if something happens by accident and you break it or damage it, Paramashiva is very clearly saying in Agama - you can have second Atmalinga; we have got the references. You can give this old one and get, get the new one. No problem. And you are not punished for that. After all it is the Linga, physical Linga is within the panchabhutas; the … framework of earth, air, water, fire and sky. So understand, .. always wear the Atmalinga and intensely converse with Paramashiva. I tell you, … sometimes your conversations, answers you get, intuitions you get will become reality. Sometimes it’ll not become reality. Don’t worry about it. Go on conversing! Go on conversing. Go on conversing. Go on conversing.


Bring intense energy in your conversation. I tell you, conversing Paramashiva, suddenly you will see it becomes unbroken upasana and ajapa japa. It’ll be the Mahavakya is continously reverberating in your whole inner space.

Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham.

How to know whether this ajapa japa is happening in you or not? You know, your waking up hours and quality of your waking state will drastically increase. Waking up hours and quality of your waking state … will drastically increase. The sleep-dreaming, that whole time period will shrink like anything. And all the time you will feel alive, awake, fresh! You will feel like doing something, “Hey, let me do this, let me do that.” Intense activism with eternal peace inside you. Intense activism with eternal peace inside you.


I really don’t want to add too many words because it is such straightforward technique. I want all of you to practice from now till tomorrow you come to the satsang. Tomorrow come to the satsang with the printed calendar. I am going to help you to manifest your future, plan your future, like sowing the seed. From now till tomorrow morning, go on be talking to Paramashiva.

The essence of today’s satsang is stop talking to you, start talking to Paramashiva. That’s it.

I’ll start the process today. A break.


Listen. Now, … this is the boon for my disciples. I’ll intensely connect you with Paramashiva. With the grace of Paramashiva, you will manifest Paramashiva now. You will know He is real and you will manifest Him intensely. Sit. Listen. Now, connect with Paramashiva intensely. Chant Mahavakya ... internally like intense vibrant frequency, like strong nuclear force. Paramashiva will manifest in all of us. Start.


Initiation and meditation in progress


Kundalini uttiṣṭhata jāgrata (उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत) wake up. Kundalini uttiṣṭhata jāgrata (उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत) wake up.

I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, ... the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 54:31


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Number of Lives Enreached and Enriched


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