February 05 2013

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“Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaraacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 363 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 47 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 185 cities, 25 countries around the world! Cities sitting with us in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha are – New York Varanasi, Ohio Pr, Tiru Aruna, Chicago, char, vanc, ok som, seat chid, san diego tiru, sang madu, bang Martha, ohio shiva, toro, monterrey mexico, Kathmandu, kastav Croatia, Madrid spain, lawspet pondi, adayar Chennai, bang gangamma, sunnyvelle calif, hyd shree, Hollywood la, black diamond city Canada, honking seerkazhi, Bridgetown Barbados, Maha Kumbhpuri Allahabad, kulim malay, London kashi, Priyanka Malay, Slovakia Koschitze, tell them to show the front entrance in Kumbhapuri….austin,s harjah, brookelylondon,hyd hag, phoenix kanchi, blessings! <Maha Kumbhapuri is shown> I will continue with authenticity till the whole group evolves with the Kathopanishad. It is unfortunate the whole group has become insensitive and has not evolved….that they are responsible for working on their memory pattern and getting out of it… Authenticity. Understand first thing. See the first effect of sun raising will be for disappearing. Then temperature raising, then flowers blooming. So many other affects will continue. But the first effect of the sun raising will be fog will disappear. First effect of authenticity will be you will stop spontaneously lying. Understand still if you are spontaneous lying to save your skin, even the first step of authenticity has not happened. Spontaneous lying is the pattern that never allows any transformation in you, does not have the master’s presence to work on you. you have a shield, armour never allow master’s energy to work on you. spontaneous lying is that. Still how many of you feel that you have the pattern of spontaneous lying and not getting out? Sahajananda if you are still not raising your hand, then this is another spontaneous lying. Spontaneous lying is the pattern stops master transforming you in the first step itself. I could see people still maintaining the pattern of spontaneous lying. Understand whether in your office or house anywhere you lie spontaneously – you lose life. Listen when you have the spontaneously lying pattern with your wife, what she is supposed to add in your life she will never be able to add. You may expect her to add love to your life, romance to you life, if you have the pattern of spontaneously lying in you, she will never be able to add that in your life. Same way if you want your husband to add security in your life, if you have the spontaneous lying pattern, I can guarantee you will never be able to be security with him. You have to complete and take the responsibility and align yourself to it. Spontaneous lying is the most silly pattern with which you stop master’s grace on you. same way if you have the pattern of spontaneous lying with your mother, you will never have anything added to your life with your mothers presence. Right wife can get you out of death. See what Savithri has done to Satyavaan. She brought him back by her authenticity from death. She stopped the sun raising. But if you have a spontaneous lying pattern, even if you have a wife like Savithri she cannot save you. Achala has a question – is justification equal to spontaneous lying. Justification is not doing the process. I will give you example. Outside the main gate there is a heap of stones which have to be removed. Yesterday when we were coming back I asked him what happened you did not remove. He spontaneously lies saying we were too busy our workers were too busy. I asked in past 2-3 days you did not even remember and ask for this and there was worker shortage really or you just did not remember. If he did that, it will not be spontaneously lying but it is in authenticity. When you are authentic and you need more workers, you will simply get them. We are not sitting in a place which is a forest. We are sitting in a place where hundreds of workers are available. We have an established address and landmark. If you just give one word, 200 will be here. Spontaneous lying. I could see very clearly. Please understand spontaneous lying pattern wills top me from giving you any blessings. I cannot give you any blessing. And BSP is coming for support of Sahaja – it is his mistake not Sahaja’s. Why Sahaja is a man and not eating food from BSP’s umbilical cord. Why both of you need to go for that work. May be first time if you go together it is …the most difficult part but the first step for transformation is breaking this spontaneous lying pattern. When you are cornered, encountered, out of fear, anxiety blurting out. Just today morn we caught Rishi Dayananda red handed lying spontaneously. This pattern of lying spontaneously please listen even with your boss, with you friend, ….i will have to attend only as a human being. When Shree Advait brings his problems of Parent’s choice school, I have to attend as a human being ….yesterday same way when Rishi Nirantara brought some of his personal life problems, I can very clearly see I cannot help him from my extraordinary space. With rishi Advait at least he was shaken, terrorized….that will lead to frustration….even he is not catching….with rishi Nirantara his inauthenticity he is neither able to discover, nor I can guide him. Maybe he has to suffer then he will catch. Then he himself will get it. Of course I am not going to give up on all of them. For rishi Nirantara I will attend like a father, for rishi ad I will attend like a boss. Not as a God who is having Sreeyischa, Pushtimcha, Keertimcha – who has all the three at his disposal. Just a word is going to sort out. But I know for sure the word will not work. And I take the responsibility in my own way. And it is very deluding. Please understand when I support you as a father or a boss don’t ever think I support you as me. I only support the limited version of what you see as me. When you don’t show any possibility for authenticity, when you don’t show it , for example, today when I give you a lesson and 2nd day when you come at least having it done 20% next day I will think poor fellow he is not even able to catch the 1st level lesson and let me support him further. Yesterday rishi nirantara was presenting his personal family problems. When he is presenting I can see the inauthenticity in his words and the confusion he is holding. But it is very unfortunate I will not make him understand the inauthenticity because even the earliest lessons he has not imbibed and I have to behave like a father and support him… then he thinks that the God Nithyananda is supporting him which is not true. The delusion …waking up from the slumber from depression, anxiousness….i will just continue to let them be in their slumber. So what happens? It is like I also support in a way their inauthentic slumber. Understand this is the way the people who live around me do not have my extraordinary powers at their disposal. Nothing else is reqd. if you are authentic to my anyakaara that’s it. All the extraordinary powers at my disposal, are at your disposal. Listen. All the extraordinary powers in my disposal are in your disposal when you just maintain my anyakaara about you. the moment you decide my anyakaara about you is impractical, you have ditched yourself. It is like a seed looking at the banyan tree and say wow – how can I become like you? at least I need time na? but you don’t understand only after you decide the clock starts ticking. Only when you decide master’s anyakaara about me is doable, I am going to do it. Only when you declare the time starts ticking there is a banyan tree seed which is getting dropped in the land and that seed is getting whatever is reqd. just have our own example our banyan tree and the seed. T eh seed is in one corner and the banyan tree is telling come on, start growing sprout. I am your anyakaara. I am my anyakaara about you, and I should be your anyakaara about me. I am your expectation about me, I should be your expectation about me. Listen. The banyan tree tells the seed becoming me, becoming Banyan tree is my expectation about you and becoming Banyan tree should be the seed’s expectation from the Banyan tree. Clear? Then the seed naturally has its own song – your size = where am I? where are you? at least practically we need time na? Jnanatma you will be standing there only. No, no, at least practically we need time. Listen. Yes, seed needs time to become our Banyan tree. But when the time starts ticking, when the clock starts moving. After it decides I will become banyan tree and I have decided. After that sprouting only the clock starts ticking. Not till the seed is in the confusion or in the reasoning. So the day you declare - undoubtedly I am standing by, for, with the anyakaara – image of Swamiji. Listen. I will stand – no. If the seed is sitting and debating it can be debating for 2,000 years and the clock does not start ticking. For example, if the chronological time between the seed and the banyan tree is 1000 years. Means if today seed decides to become banyan tree it may take 1000 years. That is THE world. If this guy is stuck when am I going to be like him – 1000 years and he is stuck in the argument. It never happens. The clock does not start ticking. Only when the seed declares come on I am deciding. I am standing for the anyakaara of this tree. Even if you have one doubt, oh time, how can I become like him? Still even the clock has not started ticking for you. even the 1,000 years between the seed and the tree is not started. So you give up on yourself. Anybody who gives up on himself does not need a separate hell for him. The person who gave up on himself he will have such a strong energy he will gather all the people who have given up on himself around him and he will make such an amazing hell! The first opening happens in the seed when it sprouts. That break through is breaking the spontaneous lying pattern. When a seed has to break, it has to open the superficial layer in itself. The superficial layer is spontaneous lying. When that pattern is there, I just know it that it is there. If I ask one question to Shree Maneesha now, I will know why this work has not happened. <Shree Maneesha speaks> How many of you see the Spontaneous lying there? When you spoke to the Tiruvannamalai ashram, what stand is there? <TV stand Swamiji> But the job is multiple sets – same thing established in Raja Sabha and have a slanting TV here…do you guys I am calling him telling him he is going to lie spontaneously…no see the seriousness. See at least with Advait after I reminded him, 2nd time …if you would have come here and said I did not listen when you gave the instructions properly and I did not do any further thinking in completing this properly then you are only inauthentic and integrated. But now you are non-integrated and inauthentic. Unfortunately, you are saying yes because you yourself are not clear or honest about this yes because you know anything you say I will prove it. ..so even when you say yes, you should have done a clear back ground work yes I have not done anything and you say yes…the moment you do any spontaneous lying you will see you will just not do the work. Did you listen all instructions I gave to this project? Yes Swamiji. Then is it enough if you speak only to Sanatana? I followed up with the vidyo team Swamiji….then did you follow up with the steel infrastructure? No. Swamiji…. I am not talking as a boss or CEO. I am talking as a Guru how a disciple is inauthentic and is doing spontaneous lying. <Maybe I am not lying, subconsciously I may be lying and I don’t know about it. But authentically I don’t want to lie to you> when I asked you – immediately you said – I have not given up on it, I am working on it. Working on it means working on all the ends. For example, if I say I declared 2000 ashrams and immediately I sit and eat raagi mudde and laadu. Then if someone asks what happened you said you will build 2000 ashrams? I will say first I will do…..then I will speak to one person on the four tatvaas…..but is eating raagi mudde and laadu going to build 2000 ashrams. I can use my cunningness and connect but am I authentic? <no Swamiji. I got it now.> I wanted all the devotees watching to know none of you should take this as a CEO of Dhyanapeetam questioning an employee. It is a Guru showing the sample pieces of different inauthenticity and lack of integrity of people. It is an education for you guys. Malaysia devotees you will not think low about Rishi Nirantara. And Bidadi ashramites you cannot think low about Rishi Advait, all devotees you cannot think low about Rishi Maneesha. For normal social standard they are much better guys. But that is not going to make you guys feel BB. …Rishi Maneesha I am taking responsibility for your inauthenticity. I commit with you, I commit with all of you guys when I come back from Kumba Mela by 16th this whole set up will be ready by 16th. <With integrity, authenticity, responsibility > This set up should be like a semi circle with a steel circle co erring at least with 6 large size TVs so that more and more centres will be joining and we will project and the more…..the Garbha Mandir also you should have another one seat and sit and see very clear. The vision is not hidden. For people who are sitting it should not be looking ugly. The projector…..even the visitor….is able to see when all the cities are projected…now if I want to see the Kumbhapuri, not only I should be able to see, even that should be projected……… Now I am not putting the responsibility on you. I am taking this up on me. In this ten days, 16th when I come back the whole infrastructure will be here, and Raja Sabha, Tiruvannamalai and mobile one set. Clear? Whether you commit or not, I commit I am going to do all the four sets through you. do you want to see the power of these words?....unless you get out of the spontaneous lying pattern, integrity comes by the conscious thinking. If your thinking is conscious whole day, it will continuously align with the commitment you made with the most important person of your life. Am I right when I claim that space – the most important person of your life. Is it not? Surely ma maneesha will be the next only. So I am the most imp person in your life. If your thinking is conscious, the commitment you gave to me should be sitting on your Ananda Gandha alive, constantly driving you to take actions. Is it now? But do you feel the heaviness of this commitment n your Ananda Gandha? That is what I am saying lack of integrity. So now, take it up. Lack of integrity means see if there is heat in your stomach it will come as your moth spelling. If you take the radish, naturally you will belch radish smell. If you did not take haritaki and enema you will know what will happen when you bend and do the surya namaskar blessing the whole chit sabha with your heavy presence! same way if you have the lack of integrity here, your moth will smell of the spontaneous lying problem. When there is ulcer in stomach, heat in stomach, dehydration in intestine, mouth will smell. How many ever mouth wash you do it will not go. Only when you take haritaki and cool … Same way as long as you have inauthenticity and no integrity, your mouth will smell of spontaneous lying. Spontaneous lying is the pattern of – please be very clear – spontaneous lying is like the skin of the seed does not allow the seed to become tree. Only when the seed breaks the skin of the seed, it becomes tree. Getting it? So you will do it? I wanted each one of you to examine your life – which zone of your life you adopt to the pattern of spontaneous lying. I tell you – there is a beautiful verse by a great South Indian saint Manickyavasagar. In his song he says I am not afraid of wild animals charging me, I am not afraid of the wild fire engulfing me, but I am afraid of inauthentic beings who don’t remember MD or who don’t apply sacred ash on their body. I tell you I am not afraid of all these false cases coming against me, I am not afraid of all these foolish, stupid protestors coming against me, but I am afraid of spontaneous liars and inauthentic beings living around me. If you are not feeling the commitment you gave to the master in your Ananda Gandha pushing you to con tenuously push you and work – you are very clearly thinking something which is not required and is not part of your life. You are thinking something which is draining your life energy. If you are a boy it is all about muladhara, if you are a girl it is all about swadishtana, if you are a couple, it Is all about confusion – manipuraka. Only when you feel your commitment. What is your life’s mission – raising to the anyakaara of the most important person in your life. That is your life’s purpose. Am I right? Let me see for how many of you I am the most imp person in your life? Then the commitment you make with me should be sitting in your Ananda Gandha. Is it not? What I mean by the word it should be sitting on your Ananda Gandha. If you have certain insecurity or fear even if you have few minutes between your work you will be thinking about that only. For ex, morning you had a special puja from me, then whole day even if you few minutes, you will be thinking about that only. Or if you fought with your mil, even if you go to office, if you have few minutes break, where is your mind going to sit - on that fight only. You will be preparing for next level fight – preparation for all the logic. That is what will be sitting on your Ananda Gandha. That is what will be driving you. making you think what you think, making you respond the way you respond.t hen if you are authentic and integrated, master’s anyakaara about you, master’s expectation about you should be sitting on your being and continuously driving you – making you think, work, live. Maneesha you understand? If this is not happening, then something else is sitting . may I know if it is muladhara, swadhishtana or mix of all – manipuraka. Muladhara means lust, swadhishtana means fear, confusion means both. So unless the puraka of mani happens you will never become maneeshananda. Manipuraka means the city of jewel. Puraka of mani means only if you break the fort and reach that jewel, you will become owner of that money – jewel – maneesha. Maneesha means owner of that mani – the jewel which is enlightenment and enriching. Are you getting it? See our navel centre is like that. The ultimate knowledge of enriching is sitting there. But it is compounded by the huge walls of confusion. So even though verbally you say I am the most imp relationship in your life, authentically you have not agreed t o it. Am I right if you agree to it, then my expectation of you should be sitting on your Ananda Gandha…. Then why it is not happening? who is responsible? So when will you do it. You are clear about it? Because the space in which you are there only is going to eve…you are in d you to be even thinking and action. Out of which the life supports you. after you think, you act, life is going to respond to you. not before that. Am I right? So now you declare you are going to take it up. So from this moment my anyakaara about you will be occupying your anyakaara am I right? And swami’s anyakaara will be the driving force from your Ananda Gandha. Clear? You can go now. Give him a good hand. He got it. I want all you guys to listen. How many of you feel I am the most important thing in your life? Satsangis all you guys send me message on facebook and I will reply with my anyakaara about you. you declare with integrity, authenticity and responsibility. then I will give you my anyakaara about you. that is surrender. surrender is not falling. Surrender is building you to my anyakaara. Building you to my anyakaara is surrender. What is surrender as per you? Achala – Surrender according to me is living, doing what you want. That preceding, that is over-riding what I want to and what I can do. Swami - Then you are right. Building yourself to my anyakaara is surrender Achala – my understanding of surrender is that it is a happening. Swami - No. it is a building. When you create a right AG space in you it is a building. Happening means I am responsible for it? Achala - Anything other than me is responsible. No, you are completely wrong. Only you are resp. because when the benefits of the surrender happens then who is the benefactor. Then when you are the benefactor, then how can some body else be responsible for it? If you are drinking the tea, how can somebody else make it? Even if some old rishi makes and keeps it, you only need to drink it… Surrender is building. You have to constantly build you to my anyakaara that is surrendering to me. Or you can surrender to somebody else also. Then y…with an impersonal approach of my existence. ..with a personal approach I can say….i am giving the Nighandhu for surrender. Surrender means building yourself to the anyakaara of the person to whom you have surrendered! Listen surrender is raising yourself to the anyakaara of the person to whom you surrender. Surrender means surrendering to a person to whom you feel or who you feel as an important relationship in your life. From whom you feel your life is happening. Building up to the anyakaara of the person to whom you surrender is surrendering. Because you have done so much of damage to yourself by so many other things. Then how can you expect somebody else will come and remove the debri. It is not two diff things – debri remover is one, …..you … The moment you decide you have to build it, secretly master helps you by dropping the …let me give you the most important secret of my prayer. It is a very personal prayer I use. When I put my head in front of Anandeshwara, I put my prayer only for me. If you do it, you put your prayer on behalf of both….come on, stop this non-sense of talking on behalf of both. When I put my head in front of Anandeshwara or our kalpataru banyan tree I just say this is what I want to tell you and I don’t want to talk on your behalf, you do what you want….i am not going to console myself by telling he is saying oh my son! I am there behind you…..no, I don’t do that. Then naturally a vast pure space is …then I next move around to the next thing which I feel like doing. So how much of you see the difference between my cognizance and my cog? You are clear now? This is the right prayer. Don’t talk on behalf of Anandeshwara, and don’t do proxy signature for me. It is illegal, fraudulence. When you surrender, when you offer prayers for me, stop talking on my behalf. I know enough of you feel that I came out of the photo and hugged you and you say – oh my son, oh my daughter, I am there with you…..did I tell all that words? When you actually come and offer the prayers I wills ay idiot, get lost, go and do everything on your own. That is why you are very afraid of facing me directly and you are very happy standing in front of a photograph because you can talk on behalf of both also. This is where the first misunderstanding of surrender is going to happen. So what are you going to declare now? I surrender her and now to Swamiji meaning I live and breathe what Swamiji expects of me, his anyakaara of me that will be my only driving force in my life. So you will not be talking on your own on my behalf. Yes Swamiji. I chose not to listen to you within me….all of you are very clear from today all of you are not going to talk to me and Anadeshwara on behalf of me or Anandeshwara. I am talking for both me and Anadeshwara. Of course Kaala Bhairava you cannot event think of talking on behalf of him! …do you guys understand your inauthenticity. Now do you und …because he is telling you something and you don’t catch it. It is like you come to me and tell me something, and when I am about to tell you something, you don’t listen and you sit with a photograph and you force your own voice, you dub it and impose on me….behind I am sitting and saying no, no, that is not me, but you don’t listen….. Surrender happens with the first step of not doing proxy talks and not giving dubbing voice. I have never given dubbing voice for Gods in my life. That is why I am hearing their right voice – what they want. all the dubbing artists please raise your hand let me see. Clear now? Devotion makes master happen in your life. Dubbing voice stops you listen to him. One of the worst thing is you build your dubbing voice so loudly sometimes you fight with me that I am not behaving as per your dubbing voice. Raise your hands. Priyamaya you have only dubbing voice you know? You never ever have the habit of listening to me. How many of you have the habit of keeping my photography near your bed and you yourself talk and give dubbing voice to me. You should know you cannot speak for me. Only then you will listen to me when I speak to you. this dubbing voice is the real distractor. Yesterday I gave the instruction few days before – 5 hours you have to do the swapoornatva kriya – completion. Ma Advaith had the audacity to tell Sridevi you don’t take HIS words literally. I know why she should shave said that…. When Swamiji said 5 hours swapoornatva you have to do that and do this responsibility also. Come to this mike. Sreedevi you are also summoned to the same mike. Ma Ad – Ma Ad told Sreedevi ma that if she is going to commit, she has to commit completely for five hours…. The moment the instruction came from the Ananda Gandha of the master it has the power to create power, space, energy. When swami ordains he sustains Ma ad – pushed her and told her no, no. finally she told her you go by your decision and do both. Sreedevi now you will be aware that you will not be lying spontaneously. What is the story behind the letter you gave me. That ma ad told you don’t take swamiji’s words literally. Did you utter that word? No. you did not utter. Then you heard that word and she did not utter it am I right? Sreedevi – what she told was when Swamiji told 5 hours, see you can be in completion with every moment… No, Poornatva will become sahaja samadhi only in the initial level when you practice the tatva continuously. Sahaja samadhi will not become continuous unless you don’t practice the tatvaas completely….now only learnt the tatvaas..now you should sit and do saadhana at least 5 hours a day. only then it will become sahaja samadhi.. continuous completion only becomes sahaja samadhi….did you tell the word don’t take swamiji’s words literally…. Did you avoid. Come up with clear authenticity. Did you avoid or try to reduce any way your responsibility. Your commitment with Gurukul because of this 5 hours? No. then what is the need to even discuss… Yes, she uttered. “When Swamiji tells 5 hours of completion,t hat does not mean literally. In ashram so many people take it literally and they want to do it”…… Ma Advait said – before doing it, you should tell Ma Advait….ma advait should know before she commits is authenticity but you projecting that it will affect her health and Gurukul work is your assumption and is inauthentic. Instead of supporting a person, you are pulling him down… That is how it started…Ma Advait is very sincere that she should do…..before you gave the letter to me, it was not done? Swami Ma Advait was only feeling that she will not be authentic to Gurukul and to 5 hours. Listen then you should have become responsible and support her for both ……..ma ad is very clear if she is taking it up, let ma ad push the time of gurukul. Before the letter this work did not happen? Yes. It did not happen….each one should walk out of their inauthenticity…1 – expecting her earlier failure will be continuing even after her initiating into tatvaas. 2nd if you expected that also, you should have taken responsibility that she stood up with both….only after first part cognition, 2nd part cognition can happen…tatvas are very powerful to pull people with their physical and mental restraining….you remember 1st part because you are complete, she remembers 2nd part because she is complete …knowingly or unknowingly you still are incomplete with Gurukul earlier. So you should have taken responsibility that you ensure Ma advait gets that you will now be resp. ..you should have taken the responsibility of giving her the confidence and making sure that your spiritual practices does not disturb her anyakaara about you. so both sides 2 – 2 inauthenticities. 1 - you did not give the confidence. 2nd you did not take the responsibility to restore and be with her anyakaara about yourself. So two from her side and two from your side. So -2 and -2 is not equal to +2 and – 2, -2 is -2. So what is it you are declaring now? <Sreedevi will take responsibility for ma advait’s anyakaara and sreedevi will do both her spiritual practice and work as well……> In every conflict, conflict resides in both sides. Never in one side. All of you understand? When a philosophy a spiritual philosophy is not useful for your conflict resolution, dump them as fantasy theories. Whether it is poorvamimasa, uttaramimsa, patanjala, yoga, kaapalika, shaiva, lingayat sampraydaya – any philosophy, you should know how to use that philosophy for conflict resolution. Only when they help you with conflict resolution they become liveable theories. Or we may have read volumes of philosophy and read volumes of books we may be sitting inside the knowledge, but it does not become knowledge. If both of you do not resolve this conflict, what you teach in Gurukul is useless. Because both of you decided to resolve this conflict, what you teach will be useful. Mentors of both of them. Stand up. What will tell your student? She herself go around Gurukul ten times. But she going around the Gurukul ten times is not going to solve or restore the problem caused. The four rules of prayaschitha – 1) you should not have anger to the person to whom you are giving prayaschitha 2) you should not have favouritism to the person to whom you are giving prayaschitha 3) you should also know what is the damage caused inside her and to the place means gurukul because of this missing and 4) how the prayaschitha can restore that damage. Listen, any tatva, any spiritual principle or any philosophy becomes reality our lifestyle only if that can be useful for conflict resolution in your life. Whether conflict between mother in law – daughter in law, conflict between boss and you, conflict between your employee and you or between you and you. the most unresolved conflicts in our lives are the conflicts between we and we. If there is a ulcer in the intestine, bad smell in the mouth it cannot be avoided. If there is an inauthenticity in the being, conflict between you and you cannot be avoided. Clear? Just today morning I had one conflict resolution i wanted to wear this 1 lakh Rudraksha. 100,000 Rudraksha literally. I was reading in some old book about Rudraksha and I was enjoying. I am not saying it is true or false. But there are many things and even if they do not fit in your logic, you like them….young age my grandma opened trunk and asked me what you want. I opened and saw there was enough of diamond, pearl and coral there was enough of all that. I was 3 year old child and straight I put my hand into that trunk and straight put my hand on that rudraksha and wore on my own. From that moment till now this is the jewel, I love, enjoy, promote, live. Even when I sleep next to me there will be a big Rudraksha maala and the moment I wake up I put it on. There was a book I was reading which says you should wear this mukhi rudraksha.. blood pressure – siddhi mala, diabetes – Gowri Shankar, debt and loans wear this rudraksha. It is a traditional book prescribing different Rudrkasha based things ……I am clear I am not attesting but I am very clear for my personal life I will apply it.. in that boo k there is a beautiful poetic saying if you wear 1 lakh rudraksha shiva’s presence will be there continuously on you. so I told… The moment I put it I understood oh god. I am not able to lift the head. One side my body is telling we may get a spondylitis, neck pain, so heavy. Other side mind says no, shiva’s presence. Book says 1 lakh will have shiva’s presence on you. how can shiva’s presence give you any disease. 3rd statement I resolved the conflict. I asked which side I am vetoing? Naturally I will veto shiva’s side. I am ready to take responsibility for any back pain, neck pain if it happens. And I tell you just in 3 seconds the very idea of pain disappeared. And I did not even remember. Only now to tell you now I remembered….see when the chain fits neck is forgotten, belt – belly, shoe – leg…if you are remembering your belly belt is hurting you, if you are remembering the neck, chain is hurting you, if you are remembering the leg, shoe is hurting you. I did not even remember that last few hours I am sitting with rudraksha. Means rudraksha has fit my neck. Conflict resolution consciously decided whenever there is a conflict. Don’t avoid….i would have said it is okay, when pain happens will decided…this is all avoiding. But consciously when I say I veto this side, I am going to live it and I am going to take the responsibility for the outcome. Whenever you take the responsibility, the outcome loses its power over you. clear/ both ma ad sreedevi both did not take the responsibility for the other. That is where the conflict is. And if you don’t take responsibility for other, you don’t take responsibility for you also. Or I could have said why all this I can just put this on my photo ..that is giving up. What more shiva’s presence I need? All over the world people worship me as Shiva’s presence. These are all giving up and justifications for giving up. Don’t give up on you. don’t give up on others. Gurukul how many of you cognized the conflict resolution between sreedevi and ma advait? Clear now? You will be able to now help yourself and others to resolve conflicts? Only by conflict resolution, tatva becomes satya – you discover your religion. You don’t become religious by birth you become religious only when you discover religion. Clear? Everyone who is born in Hinduism does not mean he is Hindu till he discovers Hinduism…any religion - Buddhism, Judaism, Christainity, shakti, shaiva, tantra, Vedanta, yoga – any sampradaaya, any religion, tradition philosophy only when you discover it becomes part of you, you become part of it. Discovering religion makes you religious. The essence of today’s satsang is any tatva should be applied for conflict resolution with others and yourself only then it becomes satya. Now the next step of the morning satsang – Dial the Avatar – I have an announcement – today Feb 4th is 9th birthday of facebook. Give a good hand on facebook for helping and supporting us! All my friends, followers people who read and reach me on facebook. Give a good hand for facebook.. do you know the world’s largest addiction is facebook now. It is not alcohol, it is not cigarette, it is not even marijuana or any other substance. The world’s largest addiction now is facebook it has crossed even porn…even for me….of course I use the facebook for spreading my mission! Lakshmi from karaikudi - Did nsp in jan 2013

Niraahaara samyama. the 8th batch, 2nd level 2nd day today. all the niraaharis sit straight. cognize you have become Bidadi kalpa vriskha let your bio energy be awakened and create energy directly from space. let your kundalini be awakened to experience niraahaara samyama. namaha shivaya! relax. you can open your eyes. i bless you all to be niraahaaris. I can see now bang nithyanandavidyalaya, Atlanta ujjayini, devon U.K. Worksop U.K. Oman Siva Gangai.
I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 660 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, in 47 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 289 cities, in 31 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

Photos From The Day:



