December 07 2016
Silence - The Best Medium for Transmission of Powers
Link to Video:
(0:07) Without using any sound... today I am not going to use any sound. I am not going to use any silence sorry any sound. Listen... if I handover million unit Kundalini energy to the ‘sound’ and ask the ‘sound’ to hand it over to you it will give you only 10 Unit; because ‘sound’ is capable of only that. If I give the same million unit Kundalini to the ‘silence’ and reach it you, it will hand over the whole million unit. Only problem with ‘silence’ is you may fall asleep. That is... I can say that... that cannot happen during the process. For example, as an Enlightened ethics I cannot enter into a space when you are sleeping. There’s a clear rule even if you are initiated disciple you cannot enter where a married couple are staying or where the other gender disciple is resting. Where you sleep I have no right to enter; it is ethics of Enlightenment, it’s also given as a standard instruction. If a child is sleeping and when they bring for the annaprasanam, I cannot... I should not. Healing I can do while this sleeping is going on; when the child is sleeping I can heal if the child is autistic. I can tell the parents let him sleep I will heal; but I cannot initiate. It’s a Ethics of Enlightenment. It’s not that I can’t, I should not. Your sleep is too thin layer for me. I can just blow and it will disappear; but as ethics I am not supposed to enter into you while you are asleep. That is the reason I use the sound; but sound is a very poor medium. Understand, best medium is unclutched space.... where you are also unclutched I am also unclutched. Then I don’t even need to give you, you are like My Balasants. My Balasants just know everything I have is theirs. I don’t need to give. The Integrity to the love is so strong, anything I have they know it is theirs. I don’t need to give them. If they know I have some power they know it is theirs. Understand that is the best medium. The next best medium is the Silence. The only risk in this medium is you can’t sleep. I commit with you even if you are 150 kg I will lift you just by look. I don’t need to do anything. Look is enough, I will lift you up the air. (3:18)
Link to Video:
Transcript 2
(0:03) Sometime you may ask, “Why the balasants manifest powers so quickly? Why I don’t?” - Because you polluted, corrupted your Third Eye, even physically with lot of fluoride sediment. The fluoride, when the fluoride settles even I infuse energy it takes two, three days for that layers of settlement to peel off and get cleansed. Not only that, when this neuro toxins settle in your system you develop certain thought current, I call it toxic mental setup. I will give you the example. Evening 6 O’clock you will feel low mood, you don’t know why? Every evening 6 O’clock you will feel the same low mood. How many of you experience this kind of things. That is what is called toxic mental setup. So by awakening the Kundalini Shakti, pumping it into your Third Eye I am breaking the toxic mental setup and toxins; especially this Haritaki, applying the Haritaki in the body and taking bath and enema, washing your eyes... all this helps Me in a big way to cleanse your toxic... toxic accumulation, the accumulated toxins in your system can be cleansed, it becomes lot more easy for awakening your Kundalini Shakti.
Photos From The Day:
Rudra Abhishekam
Nithyananda Yoga
Mandala Process
Mandala Session
Ashtashtaka Kalabhairava Homa