Patnjali Yoga Sutras: Breathe Life into Breath - Patnjali Yoga Sutra 102

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Breathe Life into Breath: Patnjali Yoga Sutra 102


Living incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions from devotees and disciples from around the world on dream, vision and kundalini awakening and pranayama.

Link to Video:

Nithyananda answers on Dream and Vision - Q&A


Today living incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda completed his discourses on Pranayama by explaining the fourth and final type of Pranayama - Stoppage of breath caused by concentration on internal and external objects.

The awareness you carry about you, if it gets centered on something whether internal or external; because of this centering, if the breathing stops, it is the 4th type of pranayama. This is the ultimate Pranayama. To summarize the four levels: First level - just regulating all four actions of breathing (going in, staying in, going out, staying out) Second level - Elongates the four stages. Third Level - Stopping in any one of the four stages. Fourth level - because of being centered in some object internally or externally, your breathing stops.

If the awareness gets centered in any chakra or thought in the mind, it is internal. If you are centered on an outer object or inner thought, if the breathing stops, that is 4th stage of Prana. It can lead to Prana settling into your system. You will experience the state of breathing without thinking. This is the most powerful stage of Pranayama. In this stage, you will be able to create anything you want because everything is made out of Prana.

All material is created out of Prana. If you have Prana under your control, you can create anything. However, only up to Indra Loka (Heaven), pleasures can be made by Prana. After that you can not use Prana for that purpose. In this Loka, you can make anything out of Prana. Extra ordinary siddhis and powers can be achieved through this!

Link to Video: Breathe Life into Breath Patnjali Yoga Sutras 102

Link to Audio

Breathe Life into Breath: Patnjali Yoga Sutra 102