Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Ashtanga Yoga - Taming Mind - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 85

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Ashtanga Yoga - Taming Mind: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 85


"Pratipaksa Bhavanam" is the keyword from yesterday's aphorism of Patanjali Yoga Sutra 85, chapter 2, verse 34 - "Vitarkah Himsadayah Krta Karita Anumoditah Lobha Krodha Moha Purvakah Mrdu Madhya Adhimatrah Dukha Ajnana Anantaphalah iti Pratipaksa bhavanam". Continuing on this sutra, Enlightened Master and Rare Avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the spiritual guiding force for millions, dealt deeply into the topic of "Straight Way Out of Ignorance".

Talking about the human mind and its limitations, Swamiji gave a breakthrough understanding about 'the mind'. The human mind oscillates between fear and greed. This movement from fear and greed and vice verse, the extremes, is called 'the mind'. Just like how a web camera moves continuously from one corner to the other corner. As long as this movement is there, highest possible coherence does not happen in you. This coherence is only possible when the consciousness stays without oscillation, without jumping between those extremes, when it stays in RESTFUL AWARENESS!

Describing the keyword of this sutra- 'Pratipaksa Bhavanam' and giving us the solution, Nithyananda says, "When you are slapped by your unconscious with fear, push yourself with greed, then you will come to the center. When you are slapped by your unconscious with greed, push yourself with fear and you will come to the center. This is "Pratipaksa Bhavanam".

"Constantly be in the center - the middle path, you will be blessed with highest possible coherence, being in Yama and Niyama." This is what Buddha calls the Madhya Pantha, the middle path.

Illustrating the examples of some of the key decisions in our life and how we fail in them, Swamiji revealed a subtle but very important truth, "If you take Sannyas or marriage or any decision about life based on extremes, you will fall into depression. When you take the decision based on being centered, you are taking it from the highest possible coherence. Only such a decision should be executed. That is your life. But any other decision taken, may give you success, but you will miss something vital in the life. Any decision comes out of highest possible coherence will fulfill you and fulfill the world because you are the world"

Sharing a beautiful sutra, "Tasmin Sushte Jagat Sushtihi Preenite Preenitam Jagatihi -- If you are happy the world is happy. If your decisions are from the highest coherence you will be fulfilled, means whole world is fulfilled. Because world is you and you are the world. The best way to put you into the highest possible coherence -- niyama is by taking life lightly."

Glorifying the greatness of Patanjali, Nithyananda spoke, "Patanjali is not an impractical master". When we consciously enter into anything, even death, suddenly we will realize, it is such a simple thing! Swamiji explained the importance of the Master in life, "Take life lightly, life is not worth of suffering. When you take life lightly, casually, joyfully suddenly you will fall into the highest possible coherence -- things become more alive, practical, happening. Understand, as on now many of your spiritual knowledge is not a happening. It is just there like a godown. When a Master comes down to live, all of it becomes a happening. It then becomes a day-to-day thing."

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