January 06 2017

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Nithya Satsang-New Species Initiated into Breadth & Depth Dimension: Moving Coconuts through the Power of Oneness

Kailasa’s Courtyard Manifesting Powers-Participant sharing.


Kids can levitate coconuts with their Third Eye! After initiation by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, into the Dimensions of Breadth and now Depth, the Balasants of Nithyananda Gurukul are able to access information from a special marble slab and give geographical locations, draw maps, describe the details of landmark architecture, paint and draw famous artwork and now move coconuts with out laying a hand on them! It is like a regular Harry Potter movie at Bengaluru Aadheenam except that the kids don’t need wands or spell books, only their deep feeling connection to the Living Avatar – Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

Satsang Video:

New Species Initiated into Breadth & Depth Dimension: Moving Coconuts through the Power of Oneness

Video Audio

Satsang Transcript

(0:23 mins) nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeeta yajamans, nithya satsangis, srimahants, mahants, kotharis, thanedars, devotees, disciples, visitors, viewers, YouTube subscribers, everyone, sitting with us all over the world, through Nithyananda TV, Facebook live, YouTube live and 2-way video conferencing. Before entering into today’s satsang I want to tell this important thing. I very sincerely recommend, strongly request all the Sadashivoham participants to come for Shaktinipatha every day morning. Satsang is the best Shaktinipatha, satsang is the best Shaktinipatha. The best Shaktinipatha happening for you is the morning satsang, so please come for everyday Shaktinipatha during the morning satsang.

(02:11 mins) Again here we are with you today to demonstrate next power, entering into depth, not yet fully, but started initiation. Understand? Depth means working on cognition – means, your cognition should be able to move the world. Your Oneness cognition should be so powerful, physically you’re able to move anything. So yesterday again the new species got initiated into the depth dimension. So the manifestation is going on very successfully, without even touching, they're able to move and crack coconuts. They're able to move and crack coconuts. Today they'll be performing – cracking and sealing it back again the same way it was original.

(03:56 mins) See actually these powers have direct utility. With these powers they can perform open heart surgery non-invasive. Without touching a person, they can finish open heart surgeries, they can… of course whatever I’m claiming I will prove. Anything I claimed I always proved, proved much more than what I claimed. And it is possible to do non-invasive surgeries and remove tumors, and non-invasive heart surgeries – all this is possible, removing the fat settlement and the tubes, blood tubes, blood circulation, arteries all that is possible. It’s actually training for all that. My sannyasis are going through, the training the news species are going through the training. We usually don’t test on animals because we are cruelty free organization, Hinduism itself is cruelty free religion. Actually this cracking the coconut and healing it back, all this is a training done on vegetables. It is a vegetable-testing, vegetarian-testing, like how the animal-testing is done on for medicines, surgical procedures, methods, how they do animal-testing, like that we're doing vegetable-testing; coconut-testing is going on. So, maybe within few days I’ll present Balasanths cracking coconuts and healing it within 7 minutes. Within seven minutes they will crack and heal; the cracks will disappear, they'll show you.

(06:25) Yesterday itself 14 Balasanths have cracked the coconut without even touching it. Not one crack, multiple cracks; Mahagita made 14 cracks. So give us few more days to come and do the demo of all the powers of Sadashiva. Today they will do the preliminary demo, moving the coconut. Not one, multiple, many are ready for demo. And then yesterday Nithyananda Yogam participants who worked with their Balasanths, new species, can also come and share your experience how they cracked. And yesterday we were actually working on breadth, today we will continue working on breadth because we have not mastered breadth, lot of work need to be done on the breadth, and manifesting the breadth dimension. Then we'll move to the depth dimension.

(07:58) My body is in such high state of Samadhi, manifesting Sadashivatva. I’m going to spend little more time on manifesting these powers. That is why I’m taking little time to come on Kalpataru yatra. Please understand, if I list my priorities, surely making new species, manifesting powers, will be the first and top most priority. But surely I am going to come for Kalpataru yatra also, it’s not that I’m cancelling, I’m going to come. Kashi-Rameshwara yatra will be done, without any doubt. So just making the next level, next level initiations. Actually the plans I have, before Shivaratri at least 100 Balasants will be able to do materialization and teleportation very comfortably, continuously. So, length, breadth, depth dimensions, and initiations into those dimensions is happening. Concentrating on that more, concentrating on that work in full speed. Come on, let me invite Swaroopapriya to come and start sharing.

(10:04) [Ma Swaroopapriya] Thank you so much Swamiji. Actually, every day we’re planning what we’re going to share about the happenings here, the new species and the powers Swamiji has initiating them to manifest. And every day it seems like whatever we plan to share becomes redundant by the next session, because the powers are manifesting so quickly, so rapidly, so many new initiations are happening. It’s hard to even keep up with that. Yesterday, what we experienced in the courtyard was something once again mind blowing. And I was chatting with some of the Nithyananda Yogam participants, and we all agree that every single day when we wake up here, we expect to have our minds blown, we expect to be amazed. And it’s kind of funny because usually, amazement comes spontaneously – you can only be amazed if you’re not expecting something amazing to happen. I think it’s only around Sadashiva in form where something amazing is the norm, it’s expected.

(11:17) Yesterday while sitting in the courtyard, manifesting the new species, manifesting these Shaktis. I could not help Sadashiva in form sitting with a beautiful Murthy of Nataraja behind him. And suddenly I realised how blessed we are, we take it for granted sometimes. Becase everyday Swamiji is showering us with so many blessings. We sometimes take it casually sometimes. But Nataraja, is the form of Sadashiva, who is dancing the Tandava, everything that exists is happening because of his dance, and here we have him in form with us, dancing Tandava, expressing through so many bodies. I was wondering, has anything like this happened before. And I suddenly remembered, what many I think have heard, what probably many Hindus have heard, the history of Nataraja Hindu temple in Chidambaran, where Agastyar Muni (12:06) actually developed, Or I guess manifested the power to read the Akashic records, and then initiated some of his disciples to do the same.

(12:20) To this day we have the solid proof that this historical happening happened, in the form in the Nadi leaf readings. When Agastjar Muni(12:30) developed this Shaktini Pada, or the entanglement state, to give it a cheap english translation with Sadashiva, he was also able to raise his disciples in that same frequency, so they also could read the akashic readings. History considers this one of the great happenings of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. And no doubt is was. Another historical happening in that same temple, in Chidambaram, is that Patanjali, know by so many as the father of yoga, sat, and trough one 1000 heads, revealed the wisdom of the cosmos through 1000 disciples we hear that he was sitting in a place that was vailed, his energy was so intense, his oneness of Sadashiva was radiating at such a high frequency, that if anyone would even look at him, he would be burned, we were told, that one the 1000 disciples, among those, or is he saying something different, or are there really 1000 heads expressing. So the curtain was drawn open, he had to see for himself, and 999 disciples, who had to transcribe that wisdom, were burned. The only surviving text we have from that great happening, are the Patanjali Yoga sutras.

(14:02) The story has kind of a funny twist, the reason we have the Yoga sutras is the one disciple of Patanjali who was transcribing this wisdom had gone for what in our Sangha we know as a 1-2-3 break. He had gone to relieve himself, and he wasn’t there among the others when the burning happened. What’s really amazing to me is that a lot of people will think of this historical happenings that are recorded in the Puranas as mythology. The same way we consider “practice” to be a four letter word here because Swamiji makes everything just manifest instantly. I also believe the word “mythology” should be considered like a four letter word. Actually, “myth” is a four letter word, isn’t it? We know that these happenings are real because we are experiencing them every single day, now.

(15:00) Ofcourse, the one most amazing difference between what we’re experiencing in Sadashiva’s courtyard and the historical happenings in Chidambaram temple are that there in Chidambaram, through one form, through one Enlightened incarnation, the Akashic reading was revealed and transmitted. Through another incarnation, the ability to transfer the length and breadth dimension, just channel that knowledge through the state of Shaktinipatha, or what English people would maybe roughly equate as entanglement happened. But through this form of Sadashiva, both are happening. And we know this is just the beginning. Not only our Balasants – who are now I guess we can’t even say Balasants anymore – the new species, able to just instantly know any fact, solve any mathematical equation, understand anything to do with the length dimension; they’re also now very beautifully, very powerfully manifesting the Shakti to tune in to any artistic creation, any creative happening that has ever taken place.

(16:17) [Ma Swaroopapriya] And yesterday, many of us witnessed many of them just instantly start drawing a painting they’ve never heard of before, perfectly, or describing the details of architecture they’ve never seen before, perfectly. Like walking-talking GPS, they were able to give the exact routes – naming the streets, naming the landmarks, from one place to another place, in countries they’ve never personally visited or even studied. What’s happening is so far beyond the realm of anything we would have imagined before. I really can’t imagine what’s going to happen next. But even more amazingly, as we were witnessing this beautiful happening, of the Balasants manifesting the Shakti, Swamiji gave them yet another initiation. As Swamiji described so beautifully, when they’re in such a high state of Oneness, were able to make anything move – even the world itself. And this already starting. It’s not just that they’ve been initiated and eventually they’ll be able to make coconuts move, they are already doing it. And yesterday, we witnessed so many members of the new species just making the coconut lift of people’s hands, roll from side to side, even crack, that we can’t have a proper sharing today unless we show this happening.

(17:49) So, before I invite the participants of Nithyananda Yogam to share their experiences, I would like to invite some of the Balasants, some of the members of the new species to come to the stage, with your coconuts. And as the sharings are going on, you can actually see them sitting in a state of Shaktinipatha, connected with Sadashiva Himself. Just through their will, just through their extreme feeling of Oneness with all, they’ll make these coconuts move.

So Balasants, if you can please come to the stage and have your coconuts with you.

(18:30) [Ma Swaroopapriya] I think it’s so new and so exciting that even now just to stand on stage, they’re being filled with so much overwhelming excitement and enthusiasm. So, you can see that they’re each holding the coconut, and I can attest to that fact that these are all intact and whole. I was looking at them, feeling them backstage. There’s nothing unusual about these coconuts; it’s not like we… we’ve done anything to them. But you’ll just see just through the power of their deep connection with Swamiji, they will be making these coconuts move. So if all of you…

(19:24) [Ma Swaroopapriya] So the first participant from the Nithyananda Yogam program to share his experiences today, is Ho Hepa. And the Balasant he’ll be with is Sri Nithya Jnanamaya Maharaj.

(19:45) [Ho Hepa] Nithyanandal Swamiji, Nithyanandam everyone. My name is Ho Hepa, I am a business owner in Australia. And, this is Sri Nithya Jnanamayananda. So yesterday we were in the courtyard, and Swamiji initiated us really early in the morning in this new power of breadth, and during the day we were all sitting around in the courtyard with the new species, Balasanths, all of us, just playing with this new power, and asking them whatever question we wanted to. And, you know, one by one, people started standing up, and people were clapping and sheering, and then I stop and had a look, and i was like; what everyone was looking at. And in the corner there was a couple of balansanths, and they were holding coconut in there hands, and okay, what were they doing, and I was just watching them, they were moving and playing with the coconut. As you can see, that’s exactly what we are seeing, so you know we were all excited, We were like, my God; what's happening, this is a huge breakthrough, you know, and so Swamiji goes, okay, now, all the Balasanths, you can all start manifesting power, and they all started shearing. And the next couple minutes, half an hour, so casual, everyone was just playing with this new power. Where in the world can you manifesting these powers, Okay another power is coming up, that's fine. Only in swamiji’s house can you experience so many powers and be so casual about it. Nowhere can you do that. Nowhere on earth can you experience such a place like this place.

(21:59) [Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda] Please see, they are not doing anything, you can see very clearly, they are not doing anything. And, I”ll also bring them and and do the demo, by tomorrow, they will keep it on the ground and move. See one is holding and another one is moving. When you do the demo, you have to be very clear, people are sceptics not spectators. Sceptators. They are not spectators, they are spectators. So you should be always fulfilling their anyakara.

(23:26) See this is like a initial play, initial play of the power of that Oneness. I should say that cracking and healing, that will be the real demo. I'm bringing them for that, maybe by tomorrow. Yesterday itself they’ve done it, I’m just helping them to manifest more strongly. So they will be demo ready, within seven minutes they will be able to do it.

(24:20) So, Jnanamaya is just like all these Balasanths you see in front of you, he is able to move it up and down, off to the side. And even he cracked it in my hand. I saw all of this, and it is amazing. So later on in the night, When the Balasanths had gone off to dinner, So Swamiji went off to whatever he was doing, all the Nithyananda yogam participants, were just in the courtyard, you know, ether having food or talking and then I just go down and I sit with somebody, and okay, let's have a try. And I tried it, and I was so surprised, I was easily move the coconut, just like these kids were doing it; Oh me, I was so suprised. Oh me manifesting powers is like such a thing. I am like a coconut I need to be cracked, and so I could make it up and down, off, everything, and then I even tried without even moving my hands, and I was so surprised, I could do it, it just went straight up; straight down and off. And yeah, that was amazing. Thanks Swamiji.

(25:10) So I want to mention while we are watching these demonstrations, if you have ever held a coconut, it's not very stable, it's not like you can easily balance it so it is sitting, without rolling around, even when you try to out a coconut on a solid surface, it's going to roll a little but. I noticed when the camera was zooming in, it was showing Ma Yogamata holding the coconut from Nandita, I want to say what I was observing was that , ma Nandita was moving it so intensely and so rapidly, that if you saw ma Yogamatas hand move a little bit, she was re stabilizing it so it would not fall, it is not like that she was making it fall. So, as someone who was experiencing this yesterday, holding the coconuts, while the Balasanths were moving them, it is so natural, we have this instinct not to drop something, we will be grabbing it. So despite the fact that a lot of us were trying to hold the coconut, they were even still knocking the coconuts out of our hands It didn’t feel like some random movement. At one moment instead of moving the hand upward the Balasanth was hitting on it energetically, his hand was aboutfoot away. But whenit was going like this, it was literally like there is a hammer, hitting the coconut , naturally the hand was going up and down.

(26:25) Whatever Swamiji has initiated them into, its just so huge, that I really feel like if you are not here, you are missing onto something that is really really monumental. It might be something just the first stage, Swamiji was telling us this is just the first level of this manifestation, but there is nobody else on, planet earth who can even come close to touching the first level of this initiation.Son If you are feeling like you wish you are here, you are also a part of this. Again and again, I have to say, don’t miss the next Inner awakening, because we don't know which more powers are going to manifest between now and then. It’s something you definitely want to be a part of. A

So next I want to invite Sri Nithya Dritananda with the Balasanth Sri Nithya Priyananda.

(27:16) Nithyanandam. My name is as Swaroopapriyananda said, Sri Nithya Dritananda, and this is Sri Nithya Priyananda; In my past life my name was Jordan Kremyr, and I was a professional ice hockey player. And so, euh, naturally when we started playing around yesterday, before the coconuts came out, Priyananada and I were sitting there and working on some visualization abilities, and I asked them to draw an ice hockey rank. And being from India he was no has no clue what this sport ice hockey is, and I was a little disappointed at that at first, but once he started to utilizing the third eye, and looking in this, the granite slab, he start to draw this image, that start to look exactly like an ice hockey rank. And, you can see that on the screen there. And eventually, he started with a sketch, and I asked him to start using some colours, because he had some paints out, and I was, what are the colours out there, what do you see, and he drew this one line across the middle, and he was like, it is red right? And I am like absolutely it is red. And what is the colour of the circle, and he was it is red. And if you look at the screen at the bottom right, there is this little black disk, and he started to draw the ice hockey puck. And I was like yes, that is the ice hockey puck. Unfortunately, it is the victim of some scribbles there. But, what has happened eventually was after we started to do the painting , we took a break, and I went back to the room, and I came back, and I came into the courtyard, and all of a sudden, just as I arrived, there is this big gathering that started to develop in the front corner.

(29:17) And what happened was, there is a few of the Balasanths that are sitting there, and all of a sudden, see they have coconuts in their hand, and also there coconuts start rising and rising and rising and they are playing with it, and with everybody else it went silent, and we are just staring and on, like everybody is looking at Swamiji, and looking there, and Swamiji is just giggling and laughing and so we are are all just, it was a completely incredible experience to be part of, and sure enough,f ew seconds later he was okay the rest of you, you can go manifest, and me and Priya started to play around again. At first he did not get it right away, after few minutes he started to get the hang of it I guess, what happened is you feel this energy, this movement, it's almost like wave in the ocean, at first and, it might look like your hands moving up and down, but it's like if you have weights on your shoulder, and then you drop it, you adjust for a second. All of a sudden after a few minutes, Not even using his hands, and just like using his eyes and rolling over, and even before coming on stage, we have a coconut back here, he is just playing around and practicing, it's completely incredible to say at least; to be a part of this experience, and to see this in action, I mean, I was for sure one of those sceptics, like Swamiji said. To experience it and to see it first hand, I mean, euh, that's completely dropped.

(30:46) And, like Swaroopapriyananda said, if you have any desire to come to Inner Awakening, or you don’t have a desire, you need to come, because Swamiji just gave this power, we woke up, and we are doing yoga at 5 am, and all of a sudden, it’s like no, come to the courtyard, I am actually giving you guys a new power, and you will manifest power and demo in one day. So, That was one day, I can only imagine what can happen between now and the next IA, definitely book your ticket, and get on board, and come to IA, and who knows how many powers we are going to have until then and… thank you very much.

(31:18) [Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda] Okay, ma Balananda has something to share that she experienced with ma Deepa, and Deepa is actually one of the Balasanths now sitting on the stage, doing a coconut demo.

Okay, so, this has been a wild ride for me, because, the types of things that we are seeing here is like a magical mystery school and, you know, I feel like I am in mystical dream, to see these super powers emerging from the students, and the Nithyananda Gurukul. And as school principal, I really see the potential for the expression of these powers in children who are all gifted and talented. So imagine, your child, who may be has been given an IQ test, or has been through the rigours of being tortured by the academia of the Western world. And imagine that child who is insecure, and lacks confidence, and maybe has been kicked out of school, or has not made the right grade, being in a totally new paradigm where they are expressing superpowers, and they have the confidence of a Master.

(21:28) So, this is Deepa. She is my favorite Gurukul student. And the reason why she is my favorite, because she has length, breadth, and depth. She has the deepest caring for other people. she is always facilitating, helping people get food, taking charge, being a leader. And she is also very artistic, and, expresses herself, and her individuality, and of course, she is a mathematical genius, she has everything going for her. So yesterday, I asked her to draw a picture of centaur, and she says; “What is a centaur?” And I said, it’s a mythological creature. And she said, “What is that?” and I said; “Oh, I cannot give anymore clues.” So, she started to draw, and hopefully, we can match this to something, but, if you can, of course a centaur is a half man, half horse. So, you can see there it is; the half man, half horse. Now, just keep the camera on the page, because, the second thing she was asked to draw, was a Picasa picture, so in these Picasa picture it is called; “Doctor Odd.” And, she immediately drew a grid, with four different pictures in it, and I am like; “Why did she draw a grid with four different pictures?” And, in fact, of course you see displayed on the screen the eyes are not, on level with the Picasa, actual Picasa drawing, but on the internet, we took a picture of this, there was grid, with many faces, different faces in it, and they all looked exactly like her picture.

(34:26) So you can see, on the book, that there are many faces, and the and there eyes are not, on level. They are on the side of the face, and large heads. Actually, this one you see, she is wearing a headband, the first picture got the headband and the hair, hair and the eye, kind of off center, so she drew this. Now the third thing that she did we ask her, and I am going to put this book down to describe the “Darbor Hall”, in Mysore Palace. And she said; “Oh, I don’t think I can draw all of this, but I can describe it.” So, you have to hear this. “The floor, the floor is a smooth marble flooring, one part of it is covered with red carpet, the hall is huge, on the top, the ceiling has a deep cut with different designs, and she says the ceiling is white, so you can see up at the top where it is shining white, it has giant chandeliers. So you can see, the giant chandeliers in the ceiling, and they are circular shaped, as you can see. White ceiling, also the wall is a beige colour. There are pillars, pillar like carvings along the wall, and you can see the pillars all along, up and down the hallway, and she drew a picture of the pillar, I am going to try to do this again. There is a pillar down at the bottom, can you point at it, right there.

(36:13) So the pillar, it’s exactly the same pillar that is in the Mysore Palace. And she says, not only the height, but also the length is huge. So you see the depth of this palace. There is a stage like structure in the front of the hall, so if you go all the way to the very end of the hall, and the Mysore Palace, in fact there is a stage like structure, and that's evidently, where the king of the palace would give his speeches. So, I don’t know if you can zoom on that, but there is the stage at very the end of the hallway. So, she says; and every few feet, there are vases, there are plants that are in vases. Now we didn’t see that but what we were wondering is, if we went to Mysore Palace today, and we were to look behind those pillars, would we see vases with flowers, and we probably would. There is a plant behind those pillars. So, Deepa, tell me a little but, talk to the audience, and tell me a little bit about, what does it feel like to manifest these powers.

(37:20) Nithyanandam. See, usually all of us we will be like, we have to study, and all those, like, and doing whatever the teacher says and all that, but the life which we are living here is completely different, it's like we are the teachers, and we do everything which we have to do in the whole world. Like, the whole life itself is like, a whole lot of things which we can do. Nobody even knew that, other than like, seeing in the movie, like Harry potter waving the wands and they do something. But here, without any wands, just one initiation like being in the space of Swamiji, everything happens. You can download maths, download chemistry, download physics, you just don’t need to mug up anything, you just need to sit for the exam and that's it, you get all the answers correct. That’s how life our is here; like, and, who, which kid will not ask for this life? Like all of s uare enjoying our life, and not only that, being in Swamiji’s space, what more to ask for, than to be in his space.

(38:32) [Ma Nithya Balananda] So everyone who has a child, or is a child inside, or would like to grow up and manifest the grown up superpowers of the new species, come to Inner Awakening. Thankyou.

(38:49) [Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda] I just want to quickly mention, I didn’t tell anybody to say, come to Inner Awakening, I get accused to often that, I have some agenda, to try to make everybody come. It’s just when you have seen the best that Existence has to offer, you naturally want to share that with everyone, and it is really making me thrilled to see, how we all, have that cognition, that same understanding. So next I would like to invite Chico to share, and the Balasanth with whom Chico was blessed to work yesterday is Ma Yogamata.

(39:27) Nithyanandam, I want to share my experience from yesterday, because I was sitting on the male section. And I was doing my practice with the guys, and then all of a sudden I just turned around, and then I was let’s say facing the female section. And she was there. And maybe this a very nice to say, it's now a year ago, that I was once watching youtube to my favorite music; it's a Mexican singer. And all of a sudden I saw this little pop-up, and it was this video, about this video with this girl with the superpowers. And I thought, okay, pushed on it, and she came, and I though oh man waw this is really something. She was actually my first connection with Swamiji, of course, Swamiji sended her. But she was, so for me it was a year ago that I entered this community, so it was a very special year of course, so many things happened. Anyway.

(40:29) Then I saw her, okay, I am just going to turn around and go quickly towards her instead of the male section, and then I asked her a question, could you maybe see the very famous church, in Paris, it’s the Notre dame. And she said, okay, okay. And she start this and this, oh yes, this is true, and this is true, everything was right. But, in the middle of the church she made two towers, I don’t know if the picture actually is available, but anyway, in the middle she signed a very high peak, and I said no, no, no, no, That's not there. That’s not there. And there is water along it, no, no, and I said not that's not there, I told. And I visit that church a lot of times, it thought I was a professional, anyway. Than we kept going, and then I was on google; and I turned around, and then I saw that at the West side of the church there was the sand, there was the water. I think, Oh man,yes yes yes you did it right. And the peak which she saw actually in the middle, when you go behind the church, there is this high peak. But you cannot see it from the front, and then I was really like, there is, the magic is there of course. So I think, waw, you did it right, right, right.

(41:38) And one of a sudden, I said, do you see something in the center of the church, there is a very special symbol, very famous, and she said in the beginning, yes, yes, yes, and there is a circle. And she started making that circle, and it is a very famous window, there what was the name again, I forgot the name. In English. This, but all the colours in it. Stained glass, yes that's the thing. And she draw it. And she stopped at a very little figure, and she start making more and more and more and then she had the whole window, and she plays it in the middle, and I thought it was the flower of life. I am not 100% sure about it; but it looked like this shape of this structure, so I think waw, that is nice.

(42:17) And of course, what everybody says already, at nighttime, we did all these things with the coconuts. I had them in my hand, I felt it was a magnet, and I realised the first time in my life, that I thought, I am really, it is not a movie of course, but it’s like, you are in an environment, and you think like, we don’t know what is happening after maybe 20 years, then this is all by huge history, and people were writing about it, making movies about it. Are we a part of it? That’s what I realized, so I said also to her yesterday, do you know that I am kind of fan of you, and that I am really admiring you to being with you, and she said very simple, yes, yes that's okay, okay, so very nice. Thankyou very much, thankyou Swamiji and thank everybody to make this happen.

(43:07) So Nithyanandam, next I’d like to introduce John, who was manifesting these Shaktis, or enjoying the manifestation of these Shaktis, trough Sri Nithya Sundereshwara Maharaj.

I am John Mark I am coming from Switzerland, I got to know Swamiji in a very short time, since last September. And since that time I am having an amazing time. Yesterday, I have been, the pleasure, and I was blessed to work with my friend Sundereshwara, for manifesting powers. So together, we make a trip back to Switzerland. So, the first question I was asking him, is, where I live. It’s a little town, very pretty town, and it’s dominated by two hills, and it’s a very special place. So I have been asking, if he was able to see what was on these two special hills in the middle of my valley. So, Sundareshwara was able to see two buildings, and I ask him what kind of building, one was a castle, an old castle which actually is in ruins. So he was able to draw the ruins and the different walls of this old castle. On the other hill, he was able to see a church. So, it was really, a very, interesting information, precise information, so we started to visit the church together. And I ask him, if he was able to see, inside this church, there is a special piece, which is the oldest one in Europe, which is supposed to be the oldest one in Europe. So, he was saying, different thing in the church, and he found this piece, he recognized, a very old, orcheon, which was inside, and this is still possible to play with this orcheon , and it’s a very old one, he was able to draw it, very precisely.

(45:25) On the top of that he was able to give the details, because as is an old one, it is , it was still made of wood. A wooden piece, and with some strings. Then after this visit of the church, I was feeling homesick. So, I ask him to drive me home. So, we started the trip at the end of the highway. And, he was able to show me the way to my home, which is about, three or four kilometres, and each time there was change of direction, he was able to mention the change of the direction, and the right direction. Then I was amazed when I reach my home, in fact, I have to go left. And this is my place. But he took the right direction, and that was the direction where I parked, where I parked my car. Then there is particilarity in Switzerland, we are speaking, three main national languages, so I drew the map of Switzerland, and he was able to passion (46:57) , to, to describe the border between the different languages, space languages in Switzerland. But what was amazing, is, he told me, that there was a path in Switzerland, where, they don’t speak German, or French, or Italian, but they speak, a mixture, of German, and Italian. And this is, the fourth languages, of national languages of Switzerland. I didn’t ask the question, but he was able to mention that. I don’t want, if you add something, but this is from my side what I wanted to share with you, thanking Swamiji for everything. Thankyou.

(47:52) [Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda] So, next I’d like to invite, Suniva, and Migine, with the Balasanth, Sri Nithya Jnanaprakashananda.

Nithyanandam everyone, so, to the day before yesterday, I was also with Jnanaprakasha, I asked the question about whats the temperature on Mars. And, he said, immediately, he said 20 degrees. And I was thinking; I don’t think it is 20 degrees on Mars, but let me google it, so I googled it, It said, like temperatures, almost to negative 200 degrees came up. But then I read futher, and it said, in the summer, near equator, it could be 20 degrees. So, I was amazed. And, yesterday when we started to play with the depth dimension, I asked the question, about, if we could draw, a famous painting called “Scream”, from a Norwegian artist, famous artist, called Edvard Munch. And he started to draw a lady, with the table, so he described, he saw a lady, with long hair, with, beside a table. I don’t know if I should show the picture, and maybe you can project, if you have the picture. Oh yeah. So, I was thinking, that's not the photo, I was thinking about. But, we googled it, and and we found, that he actually had painted a painting by a table.

(49:25) And then, we asked a question, like, euh, can you draw the map from Chicago to Grand Rapids Michigan. And, and he drew the map and he got the road signs, colours correct, it’s blue and red. And the shape is also, like the same shape.

And, Nithyanandam. And then, we decided, maybe we wanted, euhm, maybe we wanted to ask him like famous monuments, or famous landmarks. And so, we asked him, okay, there is a city called San Francisco in California in America, and there is a famous bridge, and naturally, we thought, okay, he is going to draw the golden gate bridge. But then he drew a black bridge, with ropes, and he said, there is, inter, like, a V, V shapes, on the towers. And then we thought, okay, next question, he didn't get this right. But then, I looked on my google images, and there is a bridge called Oakland Bay Bridge, in San Franscisco, that he draw exactly, like this. And it looks exactly the same, with the V on the towers, and it is black with the ropes.

(50:59) Yeah, and then we moved on to the Sydney Opera house, we said, okay, there is a country called Australia, and there is a place called an Opera House in Sydney where they play music, and how does it look like? And he drew a dome, he drew a dome, which is for the sales, yes, for the sales. And, and then he grabbed a purple crayon, and he started colouring the inside of it. And then I thought, okay, well thats weird. But then, so we were trying to move on to the next question, but I said, no. I remember the Oakland bridge, and let me google it. And I googled, interior of Sydney Opera house, and in the Northern foyer in the Sydney Opera house they have a carpet that is bright purple, exact same colour, that goes all the way up to the stairs as well. Yeah, thankyou Swamiji for giving us this opportunity to experience this amazing experience.

(52:00) Yes. Actually I should tell you this. It's lot of research, lot of development, lot of breakthrough. Just like how I made the third eye reading, body scanning, all that as established science now. Very soon in next few days I’ll establish this length and breadth as a established science, without any doubts. Now what you’re having is a preliminary first initial expressions of these great demonstrators. Or I should say it is going to be now the great demonstrators. So with this, it is time. I wanted to go and start the work so I'm come back to you guys tomorrow with some more. I bless you all, let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhādvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, the eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful! 53:30 mins


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