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What is Maha-Vedha


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.23-24

Original Verse: "अथ महावेदकथनम् । अपानप्राणयोरैक्यं कृत्वा त्रिभुवनेश्वरि । महावेधस्थितो योगी कुक्षिमापूर्य वायुना । स्फिचौ संताडयेद्धोमान्वेधोऽयं कीर्तितो मया ॥ २३ ॥ वेधेनानेन संबिध्य वायुना योगिपुंगवः । ग्रन्थिं सुषुन्णामार्गेण ब्रह्मग्रंथिं भिनत्त्यसौ ॥ २४ ॥"

Transliteration: "atha mahāvedakathanam । apānaprāṇayoraikyaṃ kṛtvā tribhuvaneśvari । mahāvedhasthito yogī kukṣimāpūrya vāyunā । sphicau saṃtāḍayeddhomānvedho'yaṃ kīrtito mayā ॥ 23 ॥ vedhenānena saṃbidhya vāyunā Yogipuṃgavaḥ । granthiṃ suṣunṇāmārgeṇa brahmagraṃthiṃ bhinattyasau ॥ 24 ॥"

Translation: "O Goddess of the three worlds! when the Yogi, while performing the Mahabandha, causes the union of the prana and apana vayus and filling in the viscera with air drives it slowly towards the nates, it is called Mahavedha. 23. The best of the Yogis having, through the help of the vayu, pierced with this perforator the knot which is in the path of Sushumna, should then pierce the knot of Brahma. 24"

Effects of Maha-Vedha


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.25-26

Original Verse: "यः करोति सदाभ्यासं महावेधं सुगोपितम् । वायुसिद्धिर्भवेत्तस्य जरामरणनाशिनी ॥ २५ ॥ चक्रमध्ये स्थिता देवाः कम्पन्ति वायुताडनात् । कुण्डल्यपि महामाया कैलासे सा विलीयते ॥ २६ ॥"

Transliteration: "yaḥ karoti sadābhyāsaṃ mahāvedhaṃ sugopitam । vāyusiddhirbhavettasya jarāmaraṇanāśinī ॥ 25 ॥ cakramadhye sthitā devāḥ kampanti vāyutāḍanāt । kuṇḍalyapi mahāmāyā kailāse sā vilīyate ॥ 26 ॥"

Translation: "He who practises this Mahavedha with great secrecy, obtains vayu-siddhi (success over the wind). It destroys decay and death. 25. The Gods residing in the chakras tremble owing to the gentle influx and eflux of air in pranayama; the great Goddess, Kunali Maha Maya, is also absorbed in the Mount Kailasa. 26"

Mahamudra and Mahabandha Become Fruitless Without Mahavedha


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.27

Original Verse: "महामुद्रामहाबन्धौ निष्फलौ वेधवर्जितौ । तस्माद्योगी प्रयत्नेन करोति त्रितयं क्रमात् ॥ २७ ॥"

Transliteration: "mahāmudrāmahābandhau niṣphalau vedhavarjitau । tasmādyogī prayatnena karoti tritayaṃ kramāt ॥ 27 ॥"

Translation: The Mahamudra and Mahabandha become fruitless if they are not followed by Maha-vedha; therefore, the Yogi should practise all these three successively with great care.27

Conquer Death with Three Mudras (Mahamudra, Mahabandha, Mahavedha)


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.28

Original Verse: "एतत्त्रयं प्रयत्नेन चतुर्वारं करोति यः । षण्मासाभ्यन्तरं मृत्यु जयत्येव न संशयः ॥ २८ ॥"

Transliteration: "etattrayaṃ prayatnena caturvāraṃ karoti yaḥ । ṣaṇmāsābhyantaraṃ mṛtyu jayatyeva na saṃśayaḥ ॥ 28 ॥"

Translation: He who practises these three daily four times with great care, undoubtedly conqueres death within six months.

Importance of These Three Mudras (Mahamudra, Mahabandha, Mahavedha) and Should Keep Secret


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.29-30

Original Verse: "एतत्त्रयस्य माहात्म्यं सिद्धो जानाति नेतरः। यज्ज्ञात्वा साधकाः सर्वे सिद्धिं सम्यग्लभन्ति वै ॥ २९ ॥ गोपनीया प्रयत्नेन साधकैः सिद्धिमीप्सुभिः । अन्यथा च न सिद्धिः स्यान्मुद्राणामेष निश्चयः ॥ ३० ॥"

Transliteration: "etattrayasya māhātmyaṃ siddho jānāti netaraḥ। yajjñātvā sādhakāḥ sarve siddhiṃ samyaglabhanti vai ॥ 29 ॥ gopanīyā prayatnena sādhakaiḥ siddhimīpsubhiḥ । anyathā ca na siddhiḥ syānmudrāṇāmeṣa niścayaḥ ॥ 30 ॥"

Translation: "Only the Siddha knows the importance of these three and no one else; knowing these, the practitioner obtains all success. 29. This should be kept in great secrecy by the practitioner desirous of obtaining power; otherwise, it is certain that the coveted powers can never be obtained through the practice of Mudras. 30."