November 20 2007

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Swamiji's first experience -- Newer Insights


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, " Grow with Sensitivity", Swamiji sheds new light on his first experience Swamiji tells us that this Shiva Sutra is the best verbalization of what He experienced at age 12. Swamiji said he was a child who was completely available to nature and intensely in the present moment. He had all the ingredients for the experience to happen - intensity, openness and being fully available. He beautifully describes His first experience where he felt being completely part of the cosmos and the cosmos being completely being a part of Him. He also goes on to describe his first disciple and the first energy darshan given to His childhood friend.

Link to Video:


There is neither you nor me


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse tiled, " Grow with Sensitivity", Swamiji beautifully describes the essence of Shiva's teaching in this sutra of feeling everything and yourself are living and same. He tells us secrets of using visualizations intensely to tire the mind so that the experience can blossom out of a no mind state. He also gives us intellectual understanding as to why we always feel that master is talking to every individual directly.

Link to Video: