ATA:Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 175 (Pongal celebration, Bengaluru Aadheenam, 2017 14 JAN 2017)

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Celebrating the auspicious occasion of Mahashankaranti. The Pongal Festival, means it’s season of new life, Uttarayana happening, Uttarayana Punyakala.

On this day the sun takes Uttarayana. It is on this day for the first time the sun rays came inside the garba mandir, the sanctum sanctorum in the Arunachala Temple. And since then, each year on this day sun rays worships Sri Arunachaleshwara every year.

Pongal means "overflowing," signifying abundance and prosperity. And every year we celebrate the abundance showered by the Sun God on us. With Avatar in our lives, showering abundance, each day is a happening, each day is new, each day is new, each day is Pongal.

Here the Parabrahman Paramashiva who is beyond the form and beyond even the formlessness, has incarnated in a Pratyaksha rupa - the form we can see with our naked eyes His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Just seeing the Pratyaksha rupa of Paramashiva gracing the Puja to Pratyaksha devata surya, The Sun God awakens the Tritiyaksha - The Third Eye.

Come - let’s celebrate Pongal through this Darshan of His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda

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