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Conquering Time Webinar

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Conquering Time - An Introduction

Change the Future by Removing Impact of the Past

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Conquering Time - An Introduction

Change the Future by Removing Impact of the Past


Conquering Time - An Introduction

|| nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome all of you with My love and respects.

Conquering Time. First, few basic understandings, few basic truths. Please understand, every sacred secret, every sacred truth... I am uttering, every word... need to be internalised and intranalysed. Do not sit with the intellectual tiredness. Usually people have this pattern, “Tell us finally what we should do.” No, things don’t work like that. Please understand, every word I am uttering matters.


I will give you a small example from My own life. One of My Guru, Annamalai Swamigal - in course of conversation, he told Me that, ‘we are not the body, we are beyond pain and suffering.’ When I was sitting alone and contemplating about it, we are not the body we are beyond pain and suffering, what does he mean by it? I actually experimented, I took a knife and cut My thigh to see whether we have pain or not. Of course, I had pain and I was taken to hospital and stitches were done and all that has happened. But, I could not think what My Guru uttered is lie. I was continuously contemplating. I had a Yoga Guru, he was also a Paramahamsa. One day, he explained. He usually comes to the house where I was born and brought up, he will come home early morning 4 o'clock and drag Me out of the bed and take Me to the temple and teach Yoga; I was a kid. Sometimes the moment I am out of bed, he will make Me drink coffee, so that I will not go back to bed.


One day he was telling, “See, before coffee how you feel that you want to lie down and nothing other than sleep matters. Just a cup of coffee, you are ready to listen to me and suddenly I become more important. Yoga becomes more important. All the ideas that you should do Yoga makes more sense. Without a cup of coffee, all the ideas you should sleep makes more sense. Just with the cup of coffee, all the ideas you should do Yoga and take care of your health, build your body, so you can get Enlightened - all these ideas makes sense.” He made a very important statement which I want to translate in English for all of you. He said, “the physiological, psychological, neurological effect on you is not you.” Please understand, one Guru made a statement - you are not the body. The other Guru made a statement - the physiological, psychological, neurological effects happening on you is not you. How many of you click with that second statement? Actually both statements finally mean the same. But, the second statement suddenly made so much sense to Me. Yes. Please understand, because I could see My seeking is not just equivalent to a cup of coffee. But, a cup of… cup of coffee can make such big impact. It can just that… just drive away the sleep, make the whole Yoga happen in Me with enthusiasm, excitement. So, when I was analysing–cup of coffee cannot be equivalent to My seeking, or equivalent to Me.


Understand, the idea he conveyed to Me, My Yoga Guru is–whether you have the feeling, ‘sleeping is more important, that is My first priority, I don’t care about anything else’ or you feel ‘no’... after a cup of coffee - the thought current – ‘no, I have to be doing, this has to be done for My enlightenment, for My growth.’ Whether you have this thought current before cup of coffee or thought current after cup of coffee, both thought currents does not matter, both thought currents are not you, both thought currents are empowered by you, not you. That is what the Master, the first Guru means, Annamalai Swamigal means, ‘you are not the body, you are not the mind’. When Annamalai Swamigal told Me, “you are not the body, you are not the mind, you are beyond pain and suffering.” The statement did not make sense for Me. But, when My Yoga Guru explained.... physiological, psychological happenings are not you, it really made sense.


Understand, throughout this program, every statement I make, is going to directly work on your inner space, which is required for Me to transmit this experience to you. Actually, when I had the click, “Oh, psychological, physiological, neurological effects happening on Me, is not Me.” I tell you, from the next day I didn't need coffee to wake Me up. The understanding–physiological, psychological effects happening on Me is not Me, liberated Me. Not only from coffee, after that never ever I understand something called low mood or depression or not feeling well or stressed. I tell you all these words are really strange, still I am not able to comprehend those words. When people come and tell Me, I really feel bad for them. But, I feel, “Oh god, I am… I am not able to grasp what they mean by this word.” All those words have no meaning in My life, because it was such a clear understanding. Now sit to grasp those understandings. If you are sitting with the idea, “All these are okay Swamiji, you tell me finally what I should do, I will do that.” That is intellectual tiredness.


Please understand–Egg, if it is broken from outside by force, a life ends. If it is broken from inside, a life starts. If you sit with intellectual tiredness, “You tell me, finally tell me what I should do.” Even if I tell you finally what you should do, if you do, it will be like breaking the egg from outside. Even if I transmit experience to you, you won’t retain it. When I transmit and you don’t retain, it is called Satori. When I transmit and you retain, it is called Samadhi. Annamalai Swamigal what he tried to transmit, what My Yoga Guru transmitted, Yogananda puri... both are actually, one and the same. The first transmission, may be My intellectual tiredness, it was only a Satori, it never became Samadhi in Me. But, the second, when Yogananda Puri explained, maybe it clicked with Me. It became Samadhi, a permanent experience. After that, never ever I had a respect for any of the physiological, psychological happening in My system and no physiological, psychological happening could have any say on My system.


Please be in the space of internalising every truth I am going to share with you, so it becomes Samadhi in you; the permanent transformation in you; it becomes eternal understanding in you. We are going to have a special mediation process, end of the sessions, today and tomorrow. But, that does not mean–that is the essence of the session; now, you don’t need to be receiving. Every word I am a process. Please understand, because the subject is so subtle... subject is so subtle. See when My first Guru told Me, “You are not the body, you are beyond pain and suffering,” it is truth, but it is too gross to grasp; it's too physical. But when My Yoga Guru told Me experientially, which he was able to convey into My listening ‘The psychological, physiological, neurological effects or happenings in you, is not you’, not only it clicked with Me, it brought tremendous liberation. What My first Guru, the Annamalai Swamigal was trying to make in Me, the Yoga Guru made it because he spoke into My listening.


Now, every statement I am going to utter, I want to speak into your listening. I will also take the responsibility of making it as clear as possible. And, I also request you to be intensely listening without this intellectual tiredness. Thinking, “End of the day, there is going to be a mediation process and Swamiji will do whatever need to be done, I can just… I just need to tolerate this, to have that process." Please do not have that, because every word I am uttering matters. Come to the space of listening.

The first statement I am making… Please listen, the first statement I am making, “Time is a matter”. Second statement, “It is not absolute as you think.” Please understand, now I will make these statements into your experience. These two are the Mahavakyas now. When you perceive this world through this body, you can never doubt the authenticity of this body, or the authority of this body. But, when you are perceiving the dream world through the dream body, this body does not have authority over you. Please understand, when you are perceiving dreams with the dream body, this body does not have authority over you. Same way, when you are perceiving this world through this body, the dream body does not have authority over you. When you understand there is a body which has authority over you at some time, does not have authority over you in some other time. You can understand this body also has authority over you sometime, does not have a right over you in some other time. Listen, as long as you perceive this world through this body, you think this has authority over you. You can’t understand a space without this body, same way because you are constantly perceiving... the world, because you are constantly perceiving your reality through time, you think time is absolute and it is truth just like how you feel your body is truth.


Listen, I will repeat the essence. When you see, perceive this world through this body, you take this body as authority. Sometimes you question this reality, but not this body. When you are so busy in doing business with currency, you forget to question the authority of the currency. That itself is a myth. When you are doing business using diamonds, you forget to question the authority of the diamond. You are so busy in giving 100, taking 50, giving 200, taking 400, you forget the diamond itself is not something precious or it does not have an authority other than created demand. Please understand, I am not questioning, I am not saying don’t do business; all I am trying to tell you is understand the stupidity, you can play with it beautifully. The moment I understood, it clicked with My system, that physiological, psychological effects on Me is not Me; so much liberation, such liberation.... such a beautiful space. It was such an absolute ecstasy, knowing even that ecstasy is not Me, when you know even the joy happening in you is not you, the joy stays with you permanently, all joys disappear the moment you tries… you try to grab them.

(24:29) The first truth, time is a matter and it does not matter. Time is a matter and it does not matter. You can manipulate it as you can manipulate your body. Understand, you can make your body big or small with certain practices, diet control, you can manipulate it, you can play with it. Same way, you can play with time. You can play with time. How? We will see next. But, some of the basic truths, you can play with it.


I will try to share with you all, a conversation I had with Arunagiri Yogiśhwara. It's too personal and intimate. But, I think I have to share, so that you will understand the concept of as Mahadeva explains in Agamas. One day I was sitting and talking to Him, I was just so much in love, awed by His presence. It will always be FOR SPENDING TIME, I WILL BE TALKING. There is nothing serious about what I am talking to Him. That is why, how much ever I try, I am not able to recount or recall everything I heard from Him, very less only I am able to recall. Because all the time I was only awed and just I want to spend time with Him, that was the purpose. So talking is only secondary, I was talking so that he will not get up and go. To make him sit, I have to talk.

Listen carefully; the conversation was about time and space. He was trying to explain time and space to Me. It is time you understand every statement so that it becomes just part of you. You also need to know the value of one single truth hitting you properly. Please understand, it was just one single truth, My understanding about, “Hey, just a cup of coffee, only that much is the gap between Me and My seeking!” It was such revelation, the laziness and powerlessness...and the powerfulness I felt, after a cup of coffee. I understood very clearly both are not Me. I am something beyond these two. Just that one understanding, liberated Me forever, from all the physiological and psychological ups and downs. Never ever I had any respect for the physiological, psychological ups and downs in My system and you don’t know what great liberation it can be.


So, please understand now, even understandings.... can liberate you from many patterns you are having. And, with understanding if I lead you into the process, the experience I transmit will become Samadhi in you, means permanent. Without you understanding or without you developing the right context also, I can put you in experience... that will be by force, it will only be satori, you won’t be able to retain that. So, allow every statement to work on you, because even I am feeling, I am explaining something very subtle; it's almost like I am not playing with Saraswati, I am playing with Saraswati’s Veena. Listen… Listen to this conversation I had with Arunagiri Yogiśhwara, because this is going to give you a very important click, understanding about time.

The discussion was about time and space. I was asking him...some questions about Kalabhairava, that is the way the conversation started and he was trying to explain the time and the effect of time on our system and our understanding. Naturally, I could not grasp everything immediately, so the conversation boiled down to, he was trying to explain to Me, time is just your mental experience, mental perception; it can be imploded or exploded. Listen, it can be imploded or exploded as you want. So naturally it was too much for Me. Then, he touched something in My very personal life and explained. Of course, it is a very intimate conversation but, I will… I will share it with you all because it will do good to all of you. I had the problem of bed wetting as a child, so when I was talking to him, it was around maybe I was 11, at that time I used to have that problem of bed wetting. He just picked up My hand with lot of care, he was trying to guide Me; asking “when you have a bed wetting, what goes on in your dream state and deep sleep state.” I slowly described, I contemplated, contemplated, and described, “I used to feel first My bladder is full, then I will feel in the dream that I am in a restroom and I should relieve Myself and then in next few minutes, I will only feel My bed is wet.” I explained the step by step. He said, “Exactly, this is time”.


Please listen, it was such powerful click for Me, I will tell you exactly what he said. He said, “How the moment your bladder is full, your brain can create the restroom which is not there and give you the comfortable feeling–you are protected, safe, you are in a proper place, please relieve yourself. Only after that signal goes to the body, the internal organs decide to relieve and relieves itself. The pressure inside you, to perceive something, to have some experience creates the concept of time and gives you various experiences. Pressure inside you, that bladder is full, creates the restroom ambience in your brain, which is actually not there, but gives you a comfortable feeling you can relieve yourself. Same way, desire to have certain experiences, that pressure inside you, creates time which is not there and gives you various experiences.” I will try to convey much deeper the same truth further. Now, you understand this much. The whole idea of time is your will and decision. I can give you one hundred example, when you are sitting with somebody whom you like or doing something which you like, your passion, you don’t know how the time passes. Time gives you a different experience about you, about life, about world. But, when you are sitting with somebody, whom you don’t like or when you are doing something about which you are forced, time gives you different experience about yourself, world and life. This is one small example.


I have seen in My own life, morning 5 o'clock… early morning 5 o'clock to night 11 o'clock, I will be sitting with Arunagiri Yogiśhwara. I don’t know how, the sun rises and sun sets. But, in night few hours when I need to be in the house, away from Him, I will move the clock ten times, thinking that it is not moving, it has stopped ☺ I will feel why the nights are so long. Time is slow, when you wait. Time is fast, when you are late. Time is deadly, when you are sad. Time is short, when you are happy. Time is endless, when you are in pain. Time is long, when you feel bored. Every time, time is determined by your feelings and psychological conditions, not by clocks. So, learn to have nice time always. ☺ Whatever now I am sharing, most of you may know that ideas, nothing new. But, I am trying to set the context, so that I can lead you into the deeper understanding... especially, the experience to make these understandings permanent.


Time is a matter, it does not matter. It can be manipulated as you want, you can play with it as you want. One more understanding I received from Arunagiri Yogiśhwara about time. Listen carefully, the whole life is just a vast canvas, space is the canvas. Imagine 200 mile length canvas, on which lot of paintings are there, the paintings which you already perceived is called past. The painting you are perceiving is present. The painting you are going to perceive is future. But, the truth is all three exists, all three exists.


Next statement, I am making. Please listen, first statement I am making - past, present, future, all three exists. And, the next statement I am making, you can alter all the three. We always think, if all three already exist, how can I alter my future? If it is already existing, how can I alter? Understand, the painting exists, does not mean you can’t add something to it. Your powerlessness, ‘I can’t add something to it’, only makes you stop adding. And, very important statement I am making now, not only you can alter the future, you can alter your past. How? We will make… you can alter your past. You may think this is too much. How? We will see after the meal break. I will give you clear, experiential understanding about these four, five statements I made. During this meal break, go on chew these statements along with your food.

One, time is a matter, it does not matter. Second, your psychological ups and downs, physiological ups and downs, are not you. Next, your past, present, future exists now. Next, it exists now does not mean you are bound by it, you can alter not only your future, even your past.

Let’s gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.

Change the Future by Removing Impact of the Past

Hope I am not going above your head. I am trying to get into your head.

(0:27) Before continuing next sessions, before taking the process further, I want you to just spend few minutes. Listen carefully so you can understand. Few minutes…your experiences with the time as ‘perception’. Listen, I’ll repeat. When you are restless, how time doesn’t move. When you are sad, time is long. I gave various definitions for ‘time’. When you are happy, time flies. Your experience about this truth. I have given a many definitions about time. Time is slow when you wait; time is fast when you are late; time is deadly when you are sad; time is short when you are happy; time is endless when you are in pain; time is long when you feel bored; about this perceptions. I don’t want to give the title ‘experience’ for this, please understand. Only when you experience the reality that is called ‘experience’, everything else is only perception. All the people who are in delusion, if they accept, agree something common: that is called ‘fact.’ One person who is waking up from the delusion, see something little higher than the common understandings among the deluded people, he sees Truth. When he is fully out, and experiences the existence, that is Reality. Only for ‘reality’, I want to use the word ‘experience’. You can’t use the word experience for anything else. So your perception about time: at least two, three incident when you felt time is too looong; two, three incident when you felt time is too short; two, three incident when you felt… time literally flies; two, three incident when you felt, “Is the clock, is something is wrong with the clock, is it repaired? Why it is not moving, why it is not changing?” Just two, three in your life: try to recollect and pen down. A few minutes. So when I am explaining the next truths, you will easily be able to relate with it, that is why. See, whatever I am explaining, if you do not, if you do not intra-analyze; understand I am using the word ‘intra-analyze’. Analyzing for the sake of internalizing is intra-analyzing; analyzing for the sake of discarding is atheism. Atheists analyze everything only to discard. Take few minutes, recollect, write elaborately, don’t take like a ‘notes’, college notes, no. Recollect at least two, three incidents for each of this concept. When time was too long, when time was too short, when time was not just moving…

(6:01) Once I remember I spoke continuously for 14 hours, without moving from the seat, one session, ‘Introduction to Shivagamas’, introduce Shivagamas in 2005. I still remember the old meditation hall, which we used to call at that time Deva Sabha, and I don’t know whether you guys will be able to believe; we have a video record, not a single one went out, even for one-two-three break, no tea, no breakfast, nothing! It’s not that I told them to, not to move, like today morning I said, “Let’s have absolute no movement.” It’s not that. I told them, “If anybody wants to go out, please go and eat and come. I am going to move out only I, after I feel I have introduced.” Later on only I realized it was one session at a stretch. So sometime you would have had an experience when the time was too short! 14 hours was just maybe half an hour; that’s the way it was. Time was too short.

(7:32) If you look in your life, there will be some period time was too short. If you are married, you will have lot of examples; just write before marriage, after marriage, that’s all! Write some incidents when you felt life, time, was too long; some incidents when time was too short; some incidents when time was not just moving; some incident when time was just flying.

(8:10) I had a fortune of meeting a great Paramahamsa. His name was Sudananda Swami; he was from Ramakrishna Order in Mangalore. Now he is no more, he left the body. In his room he will have 25 clocks: one will show 8:30, one 9:10, another one 1:30, another one 2:40, like this, twenty-five different times. I used to ask him, “Maharaj-ji, why is…” he is an elderly person, “Maharaj-ji, why like this so many clocks with so many time? What is actual time?” He will say, “Hey, koka,” ‘koka’ means, in Bengali, ‘small boy’. He will say, “Ehh, koka, whatever time I want, I’ll keep that clock as a real time.” It was very shocking! And he was head of the mutt, monastery, where so much need to happen as per the chronological clock, but he was always making everything happen! You may wonder, is it practically possible for my type of, each one thinks your type is the specific, special type which has no similarity in the Planet Earth. Each one of us think that! “You don’t know about me, Swamiji.” You may think, but I tell you it is possible: I’ll make it. I’ll make it by tomorrow evening.

(9:54) The absolute freedom from time. Listen…[Swamiji now uses a board and marker to illustrate what He is saying] Consider this line, straight line, as present moment. Now, every thought happens between past and future. Please listen. Actually, from morning I am giving you different-different truths about time. Now, all those zigzag puzzles will fall in place, if you just grasp this one. All thoughts, it can be as simple as feeling like having cup of tea or as complicated as politically strategizing for some victory. It can be as simple as wanting to have a cup of coffee or as complicated as political strategizing for some victory. Any thought! Any thought; ‘thought’ means movement between past and future. ‘Thought’ means nothing but you move to the past and future. This is past, let’s consider this as past; and this as future. [Swamiji labels the lines He has drawn] The center moment, present, where the present meets the past and future, that moment is ‘now’; this is that ‘NOW’, present. [More labeling} Understand: if this lines symbolically represent ‘time’, means this board is the space. Symbolically, this board represents ‘space’. On space only the whooooole time happens. Space is the most subtlest matter on which the play of time happens… Just understand this example: your movement between past and future is thought; like you jump from here to there, there to here, here to there, there to here, here to there, there to here, that is what I call… your perception about you, life, your existence. Your existence is nothing but the movements! Because, till you know your real reality, as on now, everything you know about you is nothing but your thinking, am I right? Is there anything you know about you more than your thinking? Anybody? If you know something more about you, more than your thinking, this seat is for you. See, whatever you know about you is all about, all based on your thinking, so I can very comfortably assume your thinking is your reality, as on now. Am I right? So it is all about you jumping into the past and future, past and future, past and future. That’s all is your thinking, that’s all is your… what you call as you. See, what I call as ‘you’ is much beyond than what you call as ‘you’. So now I am talking about what you call as ‘you’ is all about movements between the past and future. And, I want you to know, it has a direct utility in your life’s balance sheet, so please don’t think it is some philosophy, it is some metaphysics, it is some intellectual stuff. Allow every word to enter into you: it can increase your every day balance sheet. Double. It can increase your every day balance sheet, so allow this understanding to set into your system. I can make you alive!

(15:51) The life you felt during your puppy love at the age of 13 or 14 or 15, that ‘being alive’: I can make that as your eternal way of existence. Please listen: that can become your just eternal perception about you, with this one understanding. So allow this to enter into you. When you jump from past to future, past to future, past to future, you also pick up the visualizations of the past, and project it on the future, as it is or altered way. As it is or altered, both are bondage; listen. If you are poor, if you were poor in the past, and you’re projecting the same on the future, the same visualization, then your default future is poverty, but if you want to alter and project that into your future, you may become rich, but both the way you are bound by the concept of money. Your life perception is all about money! Please understand: the moment you accept somebody as enemy, whether you win or lose, you lost! Because, your struggle is within the perception your enemy has thrown on you. If a rich man teases you, “Oh, you are so poor,” and you take it up… you want to change your future, and you become rich and show in front of him, you are a fool! Because, finally, you lost your life for his perception! You did not live your life for your perception. Whether you win or lose, the moment you accept the enemy, you lost it! You lost it. By not accepting enemy, making enemy powerless is the greatest victory. By not accepting enemy, and making him powerless over your life, is victory. That is what I call ‘Ahimsa’. Don’t make him have power over you! Please understand, the past, whether you allow the past to be repeated in your future or whether you allow the past to be repeated in a altered way in your future…the smell of the past destroys future.

(19:36) Listen. You were poor. A rich man teases you, “You are poor. Poor you. You don’t have existence, your identity is useless.” He shakes you to your core and puts you in identity crisis. You take up that challenge. If you don’t become rich, you lost in front of him; if you become rich, again you lost in front of him, because the framework with which you were trying to fight, the framework itself was given by him! If you are trying to fight within the framework thrown by him, he already won the game. That is what we Indians are trying to do. We are trying to prove our supremacy with the framework given by the West to them. Whether you win or lose, you are a loser the moment you accept their framework to prove your superiority, to establish your supremacy. The past, the visualizations you carry from past, and project it on the future, whether altered or as it is; listen, listen carefully: if you allow the past to be projected on the future: default! That is what is your ‘default future’. Many people who think, “Tsk; future is decided,” they allow their default past to enter into default future. Default past enters in and becomes the default future: you are a defunct present. Understand? When you allow the default past to become default future, you are defunct present.

(22:18) Some of the concepts we carry, “Tsk, oh, past exists, future exists, then where is my role?”, that concept is from this understanding. If you have that perception, this is where you will end up. You will allow the default past into default future where you are defunct present. That’s one. That’s one level, one level of perception. The next: picking up the past, altering it and projecting on the future, where you think you have the freedom to write your future, freedom to rewrite your future, that’s little next level. But not absolute or ultimate; next level, at least you are awake. You have something called passion; you really want to do something about it. You really want to… understand and make your life better. That is what is aaall these self-confidence gurus teach you, which I am not. Please be very clear. I have absolutely no interest in giving you self-confidence. I have work only one interest, to give you Self. All these self-help, self-help gurus, ‘creative visualization’. Oh God! Whether it is all dumped or nicely arranged, junk is a junk is a junk! No really, all self-confidence gurus teach you to arrange the junk nicely and make a rangoli out of it; no. I am not self-help or self-confidence guru. The self-help, self-confidence is all about taking your past and altering it and projecting it on the future. If you are ignorant, trying to become intelligent in the future; if you are ugly, trying to become beautiful in the future; if you were poor, trying to become rich in the future. I am not against it, but I am not guru for that. I am not against it, but I am not saying that is absolute or that is the life or the reality. Listen carefully. One-and-only solution is: alter the visualizations and perceptions of the past itself, so whether it is default or developed, the future is absolutely liberating you! Listen. The perception and experience of the past, if it can be changed through the Completion process, whether default reproduction or altered reproduction happens, your future is absolutely liberating you. Understand? That is what Conquering Time. ‘Conquering time’ means removing the load of the past so whether you default reproduce that in future or altered way you reproduce with the future, both way, you are free, you are liberated, there is no worry about the future. There is no bondage in the future. There is no suffocation in the future.

(26:46) Ramakrishna gives a very beautiful example: if a fly sits on the filth and sits on the rice again and again few times, you can’t eat that rice any more. This is filth, this is rice. [Swamiji points to ‘Past’ and ‘Future’ on His illustration.] If you sit too much on the past and sit on the future, it is not sitting on the future. Understand? No, I have not said anything, everyone understood. It is not sitting on the future.

(27:40) There are some people, by conquering the future, want to change the past: that’s called history. When a man wins politically, he changes the whole past: that is history. But by changing the past, changing your future is reality. Enlightenment. Listen carefully: your past is not as you perceived and recorded. That is why, please understand, it is not bad news, it’s a good news. Your past is not as you perceived, recorded, stored, archived. It’s a good news, that is why I am saying: you can change it. You can change it… When you complete with the perceptions, experience, you archived about your past, lot of enmity becomes irrelevant. I have seen people, just because their uncle shouted at them when they failed in the first grade examination in the first standard, they become PhDs, stupid fellows. No, if you become PhD just because you, you’re passionate about exploring it, great; in India everybody becomes engineer, only then decides what to do next in the life. Then they try to discover what they want to become in the life. No, really… Just because somebody has hurt you when you failed in your first grade examination, you decide to become a PhD, absolutely foolish! You just needed one session of Completion! That is like a suffering somebody’s vomiting, somebody vomited on you, you ate that, that is sitting in your stomach, and you are suffering with that for 25 years! You just need little haritaki and cleansing. Understand, conquering time happens in multiple layer in your system.

(31:00) Now first I am going to help you to conquer time psychologically, but that is also not ultimate. Physiologically you can conquer time, I am not giving you false hope, I am not teaching you something lie. I am telling you: you can stop time moving, not just for you, for all the people around you. Your reality! You can stop time! I am not giving you false hope. I am giving you a science. But, before I help you to conquer the physiological, chronological time, I have to help you to conquer psychological time. This is the firstest step. Then I can lead you to conquer physiological, then physical. Let Me desc-describe what I mean: when I say ‘conquering psychological time’, I mean not being affected by the psychological ups and downs, and anything happens in you psychologically does not touch you.

(32:42) I, still I remember, beautifully, Arunagiri Yogishwara asked Me, “What do you want to become?” I said, “Sada Shiva!” He said, “That is the only reality. Anything which teaches, which makes you perceive psychologically, physiologically, neurologically, all that does not touch you, this IS reality!” I don’t know the power with which he said, the way in which he said; I just know that is the truth! From that moment, it is just vibrating in Me as a truth! That’s, that is reality! Nothing else touches.

(33:33) First, if you conquer psychological time, means, no psychological effect can happen on your system, on you. Next is conquering physiological time, means, even physiologically… other than your decision of who you are, nothing else can have effect over your physiology. That is what I mean, ‘conquering physiological time’. And conquering chronological time: that is the absolute siddhi. Mahadeva explains this in Agama, beautifully. Once you conquer the psychological time and physiological time, conquering chronological time is nothing, and I tell you, I am not giving you too big false promises and hopes. I am giving you a science which is absolutely possible, and I’ll prove it by giving you the glimpse! I’ll give you the glimpse by tomorrow end. Before the program ends, I’ll give you the glimpse. How the psychological time, physiological time, chronological time, all three can be conquered. Because, you are beyond time. I may be using this body, but I am beyond this body. You may be using time, but you are beyond time. You may be using time, but you are beyond time.

(35:37) Now, few minutes: the heavy powerlessness you experienced in the past, which is influencing your thinking. It can be as simple as your elder brother snatching a chocolate from you, or as difficult, as complicated as your friend snatching your girlfriend away from you. It can be anything. Past sitting heavily on you and influencing your thought current; the past thoughts, emotions, patterns, hangovers, residues sitting in the present and suffocating you, not letting you live your future, is incompletion. So a major incompletions which is influencing your thought current: why don’t you take a few minutes and pen down? I’ll help you to complete them. I’ll show to you, experientially, you can conquer psychological time, physiological time, and chronological time. If you can conquer physiological time, you will never allow the wear and tear of the body. Your organs will listen to you. You will never allow the wear and tear of the body! Wear and tear of the body is nothing but physiologically time affecting you!

(37:20) Let’s first work on psychologically, conquering psychological time… I’ll repeat what you have to write: the strong thought currents, powerlessness, incompletions from the past which is influencing and driving you into your future. Those powerlessness moments, why you decided to become wealthy, why you decided to become powerful, if it is out of passion, great, no problem. If there is some powerlessness, some incident, incompletion is influencing you, pen down that. Let’s catch the influence of the past on your thinking system.

(38:36) I also want people to know, I am only reviving the Vedic tradition. I am not inventor of any of this. I am making it very clear. Of course, I am responsible for what I am talking, whatever I am uttering, this is My experience, but the source is the Sanatana Hindu Dharma scriptures. My atma pramana, My experience, which is matching with the apta pramana, the sayings of the ancient rishis, is what I am presenting it in front of you. Please be very careful, listen. Only a pundit who knows what is in the scripture but does not have experience cannot give you experience. Or, some people who say they have experience but they don’t care about the scripture, they don’t care about map their experience back to the shastra, there is always a danger, they may be serving their whims and fancies to you which may be crow biryani, not chicken biryani. Understand? There is always a danger. There is a comedy which is very popular in all language movies, a comedian will go and eat a 5-rupee biryani in the platform, come and make “ah, ah” and the other guy walking in the street will tell, “Did you eat biryani in that, in that platform?” He’ll say, “Yes, yes, because 5-rupee cheap biryani”. He’ll say, “If you eat crow biryani instead of chicken biryani, what kind of sound will come? Only the crow sound will come.” So, please understand, whenever you go to any yoga, meditation, spirituality, any gurus, teachers, ask this question first: from which shastra this system is taken out? I am not disrespecting gurus, gurujis, their experiences. Most of the time, their experiences may be good for only them. What is good for the whole world, the sketch, the framework is already done by the rishis. So whatever is My experience, I map it back on the shastras, and only the teachings, truths, where it passes through both the test, atma pramana, My experience, and apta pramana, the rishis’ words, rishis’ experience, only when these two matches, only those truths are worthy of being shared with the whole world. I can give you guarantee: whatever I am sharing with you, there won’t be any negative side effect, because everything time tested, fool proof, ancient... Yes, I have experienced it. I am responsible for what I am talking, and I have also mapped it back clearly with the tradition, with the shastras, authentic scriptures, because I feel responsible for your life. Whatever I am sharing, I know most of you are going to take this very seriously, and strategize your life based on this great truths. Then, I also have to be 120% sure about every word I am uttering. That is the reason, before I share with you, every process, I give you the original reference. Sometimes people tell, “Oh, you don’t have to repeat all that, please you tell directly the technique, method.” I say “No, only if I set this trend, my sanyasis also will follow this trend.” Never a dilution will happen. I am not just teaching, I am producing thousands of teachers! So I have to set this trend. That’s the reason I repeat the original verses, which you don’t need to memorize; I’m not expecting you to memorize. Just listen, so that this tradition is kept alive.

(44:16) 94th verse, 22nd technique, from Shivajnana Upanishad, which is part of Shivagama:

“Chittagantaha kitirnasti, mamantarbabayetit vikalpana bavanena vikalpanjit”

I’ll translate, and give you the precise method. The essence of this verse is ‘reliving is relieving’. Means, the past powerlessness which is influencing your thinking: relive those incidents. Not ‘remembering’; please understand: there’s a big difference between ‘remembering’ and ‘reliving’. For example, something happened in your life at the age of 8, 9, which is still influencing your thinking. I have seen people getting influenced by something happened when they were 3, 4 and all. They are 57, something happened at 7 influences them. One man came to me and said, “I never go to beach, Swamiji, even if I drive through the beach roads, I shiver, sweat. I have a panic attack!” I asked “Why?” “No, at the age of 7 I went for a walk with my father. I saw murder happening in a beach, and we ran away from that spot, from that spot. Till I can’t, now I’m 57, I can’t go to beach.” Forty years, the pattern with which he is suffering. Sometimes, the past influences you so much. See, carefully listen: you are now 57, something happened at the age of 7; if you remain as 57 and visualize what happened at that age of 7, that is called ‘remembering’. ‘Reliving’ means: forget your present identity, just dump it, throw it. Become that person at the age of 7: what intelligence you had… how you were. Visualize and become that person, enter into that person’s physiological, psychological frame. Take few minutes and meditate on that person, become that person. Then, relive. When you relive, all the powerlessness accumulated in your nervous system during that incident, it may be emotional suppression, or the identity crisis, various guilt, pain, suffering. It’ll all just break, collapse and leave your system. Your system will be clean. System will be cleansed. When the effect of your past is reduced on your existence, you will not reproduce it as it is or in an altered way on your future. Neither reproducing as it is, nor reproducing in altered way, is liberation. You may ask, “Then I will not do anything in the future?” No. You will do a lot, but not as a altered expression of the past, but liberated expression from the past. The liberated expression means, even if you make money, you will do it just to enjoy, celebrate. But if you are making money because you have been teased as a poor, because you have been challenged as a poor, because you have a identity crisis as a poor, even if you become rich, you will continue to suffer.

(48:52) I have seen many moneyed poor people. Understand, paradoxical word: ‘moneyed poor people’. Poor are those who have only money! Uneducated are those who are educated only in schools, especially modern Indian schools. I had to put this on record: any of you think I am little intelligent, I tell you, I never went to school properly! And any of you want to become intelligent, I give you this as a, my first instruction: remembering is different, reliving is different. In remembering, you will justify, analyze, criticize, judge, hate, deny; in reliving, nothing of that exists. Just become that person. Pick up one incident which you want to complete: become that person, forget your present identity, relive at least three, four times. Then, pick up the second incident: become that person; relive at least three, four times. And I tell you, this one technique, it can give you as simple as freedom from headache to as complicated as freedom from this whole samsara! This one technique is independently intelligent enough to lead you up to Enlightenment! This part, you have to do; next part, I’ll do. I’ll tell you when I am going to do what I am going to do. So now, this is the part you have to do…

Photos From The Day:

Conquering Time Webinar

Thousands around the world and at Bengaluru Aadheenam participated in the 2-day Conquering Time Webinar/Workshop

Vishesh Deeksha

Vishesha Deeksha Mantra Initiation

Print Media / Flyers

Conquering Time Flyer