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LIVE SPH Darshan: Bhagavan Linga Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 02



The Press Secretary Office of The Holy See of Hinduism responds to Washington Post

The Press Secretary Office of The Holy See of Hinduism responds to Washington Post,
Washington Post

I am reaching out to you on behalf of #KAILASA in response to the article published on your website on 30 November 2023, and attributed to the Associated Press:

While we acknowledge the vital role media plays in disseminating information, it is alarming to witness the media’s unethical stance and systematic disinformation campaign to misrepresent and perpetuate further persecution of our already marginalized and persecuted minority indigenous Hindu communities that are represented by KAILASA.

It is unfortunate that this article was published without contacting us. As a prominent media outlet, I am confident that WP understands that there are always two sides to the story. We would appreciate it if WP would, in the future, contact us to hear our side, prior to publishing articles like the above. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to set the record straight.

The Washington Post, by publishing this article, is undeniably responsible for furthering this one-sided #disinformation campaign and inciting hate against our persecuted #indigenous #Hindu community. Disappointingly, this article was published on the Washington Post’s website without contacting us. Had that been done, we would have availed ourselves to set the record straight.

We strongly condemn any such #Hinduphobic #racist lawfare, and disinformation, systematically perpetrated through such articles, which as history has shown is a weapon that the imperial racists had perpetrated transnationally for thousands of years, which has displaced millions of Hindus pushing them into generations of homelessness and statelessness. While the #WashingtonPost may not be the original author and publisher of these articles, the Washington Post is responsible and accountable for the ramifications of hosting and disseminating disinformation carried through this article.

Violation of Ethics of Journalism & Article Falsehoods
Internationally it is recognized by various media self-regulatory bodies that ethics of journalism include, (1) Truth and Accuracy, (2) Independence, (3) Fairness and Impartiality, (4) Humanity, and (5) Accountability. The article does not fall under any of the above-mentioned ethics of journalism.

For these serious violations of principles of journalist ethics and these serious instances of journalistic non-integrity in this article, we request to be immediately addressed by the authors, editors, and publishers (including the Washington Post, which is hosting and publishing this article).

1) This Washington Post article falsely states, “... a fugitive Indian guru’s ....”, while referring to the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam.

The SPH Nithyananda Paramshivam is not a fugitive, the SPH is a #persecuted individual whose basic #humanrights were denied, which is well documented with a plethora of evidence that can be shared with the Washington Post upon request. To highlight a few points contrary to WP’s article, Interpol has rejected any requests to issue any notices for the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam based on evidence that was presented to them (… ue-corner-noticee-fugitive-godman-172559), clearly establishing that WP above-quoted statements are not true.

● Furthermore, the US court order, that exonerates the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam,
● The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyananda Paramashivam was proven innocent by the California (USA) Court on April 4, 2013. The court ruled in favor of the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam and fined the false victim nearly half a million dollars in fines (United States District Court, Southern District of Ohio, Case No. 2:13-CV-00526).
● This US Court Order is also upheld in an Indian court order dated May 27, 2019, in case number OS 5239/2017 Furthermore, this Indian court order (case number OS 5239/2017) has not been denied, challenged, and continues to be upheld by the judicial system.
● The omission of US Court orders that exonerate the SPH Nithyananda Paramshivam of the false accusations, and at the same time in sharp contrast, actively spreading disinformation in relation to the above-mentioned false accusations are strong indicators of journalistic non-integrity of the authors, the editors, and the publishers (including the Washington Post, which is hosting and publishing this article).

2) The article falsely states, “Nithyananda, who is wanted in India on several charges, including sexual assault”.

● It is important to note that despite nearly fifteen years of #malicious prosecution in India, SPH has not been convicted of any crime. The unproven allegations in India of rape are false and malicious.
● Moreover, the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam has been proven #innocent and #exonerated in the US judiciary more than ten years ago.
● The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam is a #persecuted individual whose basic #humanrights were denied and subject to more than a decade of lawfare.
● The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyananda Paramashivam was proven innocent by the California (USA) Court on April 4, 2013. The court ruled in favor of the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam and fined the false victim nearly half a million dollars in fines (United States District Court, Southern District of Ohio, Case No. 2:13-CV-00526).
● Many prominent world-renowned human rights advocates like KC Geoffery Robertson, have given independent reports and legal opinions attesting to this. Mr. Robertson, KC stated: “Both A and B’s claims against PN were dismissed in US cases, with costs and, in A’s case, with damages. Further evidence emerged in the US proceedings to show that the allegations were false.”
● The court ruled in #favor of the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam and fined the false rape accuser nearly half a million dollars in fines (USD 463,211 + attorney fees) for making #false accusations of rape on the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam. This US court order is also upheld in an Indian court order dated
May 27, 2019, in case number OS 5239/2017

3) Your article falsely stated, particularly referring to KAILASA as, a “fictional country”, “representatives of the fictional country”, “On Kailasa’s website, the fictional country is described as ... ” etc.

Is #Taiwan, #Kosovo, or #Palestine a state? Some would say yes and others would say no. What is incontrovertible is that self-determination is a human right, enshrined in many international instruments including the #UnitedNations Charter. Another incontrovertible #humanright is the right to freedom of religion.

These are rights being exercised by all of KAILASA's citizens. KAILASA may be less recognized compared to other states but that doesn’t deny the people of KAILASA from exercising their fundamental human right and political rights of building diplomatic relations and recognition.

In this article, and repeatedly, all over, the media has shown denial of KAILASA, repeatedly calling it a “fictional country”. This is denying the existence of KAILASA and in doing so it is the denial of the very purpose and need of KAILASA. Hindus have been #orphaned, through centuries of #persecution, #slavery, #colonialization, #massacres, brutalities, and worst crimes of #genocide which killed more than 400 million indigenous #Hindus, pushing them into generations of homelessness and statelessness. Unlike any other modern nation, the United States of Kailasa (USK) provides a base for the revival, preservation, and central administration of Hinduism, similar to the Vatican, which serves as a central administration hub for the Roman Catholic Church.

3) Your article falsely stated, particularly referring to KAILASA as, a “fictional country”, “representatives of the fictional country”, “On Kailasa’s website, the fictional country is described as ... ” etc.

Is #Taiwan, #Kosovo, or #Palestine a state? Some would say yes and others would say no. What is incontrovertible is that self-determination is a human right, enshrined in many international instruments including the #UnitedNations Charter. Another incontrovertible #humanright is the right to freedom of religion.

These are rights being exercised by all of KAILASA's citizens. KAILASA may be less recognized compared to other states but that doesn’t deny the people of KAILASA from exercising their fundamental human right and political rights of building diplomatic relations and recognition.

In this article, and repeatedly, all over, the media has shown denial of KAILASA, repeatedly calling it a “fictional country”. This is denying the existence of KAILASA and in doing so it is the denial of the very purpose and need of KAILASA. Hindus have been #orphaned, through centuries of #persecution, #slavery, #colonialization, #massacres, brutalities, and worst crimes of #genocide which killed more than 400 million indigenous #Hindus, pushing them into generations of homelessness and statelessness. Unlike any other modern nation, the United States of Kailasa (USK) provides a base for the revival, preservation, and central administration of Hinduism, similar to the Vatican, which serves as a central administration hub for the Roman Catholic Church.

4) In your article it is stated, “who also appear to have duped several local officials”, further in the article it is falsely stated, “he signed a memorandum of understanding with representatives”.

● The document reference was not a memorandum of understanding, but a #proclamation. As it is a proclamation, there is nothing that KAILASA receives in return. Furthermore, even a MoU would have been merely a statement of the possibility of contributions in the future. However, KAILASA, without any vested interests, without anything to gain, without any obligation to contribute, completely selflessly has already contributed 3 million PYG worth of medical aid to support the people in the said local community in #Paraguay.
● KAILASA’s #humanitarian aid is not gathered through taxes as how most established nations would but is instead raised through #hardwork and #sacrifices of the SPH #Nithyananda Paramashivam, and contributions of hard-working individuals of a persecuted minority indigenous community that are inspired to do the same witnessing the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam’s relentless sacrifices and unshakable commitment towards this mission.

5) In your article it is stated, “acknowledged it had gotten scammed when it signed a sister city agreement with Kailasa.”

● KAILASA is the Revival of the Ancient Enlightened #Hindu Civilizational Nation which is being revived by displaced Hindus from around the world.
● KAILASA is a recognized international body and has established bilateral relations and has not scammed anyone. Organizations and institutions representing KAILASA, have established diplomatic relationships with many cities, states, constituencies, municipalities around the world, bridging cultures, encouraging interreligious dialogue, and continuing our Hindu-based humanitarian services and to promote global peace a through better understanding of diverse cultures.
● On November 09, 2023, KAILASA contributed 3 million PYG worth of medical aid to support the people of Paraguay. KAILASA is committed to more such contributions. However, it is unfortunate that through #Hinduphobic #racist articles media such as the Washington Post has derailed these humanitarian services that KAILASA is committed to.
● KAILASA is committed to making more such contributions. However, it is unfortunate that through #Hinduphobic #racist articles, the media has derailed these humanitarian services that KAILASA is committed to. The Washington Post, by hosting and publishing this article has extraordinarily amplified this systematic persecution.
● Instead of recognizing these extraordinary contributions, the authors, published (including the Washington Post by hosting and publishing this article) have put systematic and focused efforts into perpetuating deeply harmful disinformation that directly harms the vulnerable community who are beneficiaries of KAILASA #humanitarianaid.

Call for Unambiguous Apology and Correction

We demand a sincere and unambiguous #apology for the blatant inaccuracies presented in your articles and publications. A #correction or #clarification acknowledging the false information and providing accurate details about KAILASA is imperative to rectify the #harm caused. Your role as a responsible media entity obliges you to act in the public interest and uphold journalistic integrity. We anticipate your prompt cooperation in setting the record straight and, in doing so, cease the perpetuation of harmful narratives.We are open to further discussions, and providing additional information. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. We expect a resolute and corrective response. We have enclosed further historical information and evidence supporting the points made in our above letter.

Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 02

Paramashivoham Level 1 - Day 02

The cosmic energy is mirrored in your body through energy pathways known as Chakras. Hindu scriptures highlight 7 major Chakras governing energy flow. Chakras are blocked by negative emotions and open with positivity. Most of our ailments stem from blocked Chakras. Our imagination can distort and disrupt these energy centers, affecting their functions.

The Muladhara Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is the root of your existence. It is blocked by unrealistic fantasies, especially those fueled by greed, and thrives when you connect to reality. It is influenced by the major thought flow of pleasure. This Chakra also relates to sex. Beyond physical sex, to the mental and cerebral levels, fantasy, and imagination. It blossoms when you let go of fantasies and embrace reality.

Swadhishtana means "where your being is established." The Chakra lies 2 inches above your muladhara and 2 inches below your navel center. Blocked by the fear of death, it blossoms with the acceptance of fear itself. Fear is deeply rooted in your dormant DNA. It creates strong chemical reactions in your system and is challenging to control. Overcoming fear and unlocking the Swadhisthana leads to such profound life transformation that it cannot be imagined.

Anahata means "that which cannot be created." This Chakra is located at the level of your heart and is linked with unconditional love. It gets blocked by the constant need for attention and approval from others. When authenticity is compromised and there is a craving for external validation, the Anahata chakra is blocked. It blossoms when one expresses selfless love without expecting anything in return.

Paramashivoham Level 2 - Day 02

Finding You is akin to finding Paramashiva. Discovering the genesis of your identity resolves all internal crises and paves the way for Enlightenment and liberation from fears. Explore the four dimensions of your identity: Inner-image, Outer-image, Life-image, and Others-image, unlocking the path to self-awareness and freedom.

Self-doubt emerges from the gap between the inner-image and the outer-image. Self-hatred occurs when there's a disparity between outer-image projection and others' perceptions, leading to feelings of inadequacy. Self-denial, on the other hand, is the gap between others' image and life-image.

Incompletion refers to the words, thoughts, emotions, residues, and hangovers of the past that linger in your present, preventing you from living your future – these are patterns. Whether as simple as a morning cup of coffee dictating your actions or as complex as repeatedly attracting abusive relationships, patterns manifest at various levels. Understanding these patterns is crucial for breaking free and creating a more fulfilling life.

Yes, there is a way to eliminate suffering and limitations: through a process called "completion." It involves re-living the past with a fresh cognition to relieve its impact on your present. Completion is a profound practice supported by science. By seeing reality without the filter of binding cognitions, you achieve completion. This process empowers you and prevents suffering by embracing reality fully.

Completion awakens your inner intelligence, unlocking spontaneity and power, and freeing you from the past's hangover. It provides a complete inner space, making life fulfilling. Completion transforms your existence, bringing clarity to your thinking and deep fulfillment. With awareness, you realize life's true pleasure lies in Enriching.

Liberate yourself by understanding the genesis of your identity and completing with it. Anything that drains your energy and leaves you with low emotions and unfulfilled feelings is called "incompletion." The gap between your present and desired images forms an inauthentic identity. Completion empowers you to create and live your authentic identity.

Aligning your perception of the first, second, and third person of your life brings deep completion and allows you to express your authentic self in all situations. Dive into the depths of your perceived self, others, and the interplay between them.

Paramashivoham Level 3 - Day 02

Ascending Higher Cosmic Realms

The Union of superconsciousness with individual consciousness leads to ultimate liberation (Paramādvaita Anubhūti). Sanātana Hindu Dharma reveals the existence of vertical time zones and lower worlds. Physical and mental mutations happen in lower planes, while conscious and superconscious mutations occur in higher realms. Discover how to elevate yourself to higher dimensions with Consciousness as your fuel.

Navigating the 25 States of Consciousness for Empowered Living
Tap into your full potential! Your waking state is just one of 25 dimensions of Consciousness, each representing a facet of your power. In the waking state, your ability to control both internal and external aspects empowers you. Like how rich people work for excellence and money follows them, powerful people work for powerfulness, and all 25 states of Consciousness follow them.

Cosmic Revelations to Transform Your Reality
Exploring the 11 dimensions of the Universe has a clear purpose. Understanding higher possibilities is crucial for your life to mature in terms of enjoyments, desires, fears, and needs. This knowledge elevates the frequency of your existence, creating harmony with everything around you. The aim is to align your thoughts with the energy of the cosmos, turning your multiple possibilities into a vibrant reality.

Journey through Universal Dimensions for Cosmic Cognitions!
Embark on a transformative journey into the profound wisdom of the 11 dimensions, an ancient science that transcends modern understanding. Explore the intricacies of length, breadth, depth, time, and space, weaving together to form the universe's tapestry. Delve into these dimensions and let powerful cognitions intensify within you.

Dream states differ from person to person, but conscious planes like Tapo Loka, Satya Loka, and Kailasa are experienced the same by everyone. Fuel your journey to different planes by exploring the science of states of Consciousness. Discover the universal reality awaiting in Kailasa and the vertical time zones of the universe!

Spirituality delves into the intangible yet powerful aspects of life, guided by a multidimensional logic beyond the reach of binary logic. Blindly clinging to binary logic is delusion; Guru is the one who awakens you to the expansive dimensions of existence.


FB-Photos-Glimpses of the SPH's darshan as Bhagavan Gajamukha Anugraha Murthy!

Mahaganapati manifests through the SPH to grace all of us on this first day of the Paramashivoham Global Summit and initiate us to experience the ultimate State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness, and Kailasa of Paramashiva.🕉️

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