March 06 2022

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SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Kailasa's Ma Nithya Shivamayananda

JEEVAN MUKTI SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Experience with Living Enlightenment

I sat with the quest to fully allow trust, love & compassion to be in any situation. after chanting the mahavakya Ohm NIthyananda Paramashivoham (I am Eternal Bliss Causeless Auspiciousness, The Ultimate Happening) the numbers 36 and 109 were revealed.

I looked up the pages and post the excerpts and my experience and clicks after meditating on it, below. 36
“Worry is an unwanted legacy passed down from grandparents to parents to children”
“When you live close to Existence, without any expectation, seeing what is as it is and finding the blessings in it, you will carry heaven in you! Heaven is not geographical, it is psychological. It is not physical, it is mental. If you decide, you can be in heaven right now.” 109
“Turning the awareness from the object to the subject”
I took ten minutes for unclutching worry as I felt this is what is apparently holding back love, trust and compassion to freely flow.
The click I got is that I strangely enough worry and fear what might happen in the future as if it is ‘keeping me safe’ from possible betrayal, rejection or anger. But trust, love and compassion even if met with betrayal, rejection or violence; is in itself the best ever safety one can have cause that high vibration will make me available and able to go through any life situation! Worry and fear in the contrary only make me less resilient and less immune and less strong to face any life situation.. Very grateful for this shift in understanding about safety 🙏

Then I sat with the other two revelations each for 5 minutes to imbibe fully. The clicks I got:
from sitting with the quote about heaven:
Nothing is missing here, now. with several yawnings and burbs tension got released from the body and prana re-balanced. In between my mouth moved to a smile, getting wider and wider till my whole face was laughing 😁

from sitting with the quote of turning awareness from object to subject:
I started focussing on my breath, the object, and from there turned to that what is aware of the breath and a few seconds was just the awareness, then a memory came up from earlier that day in which I was lost for a few seconds till I became aware again that I was meditating and I asked myself “who did became aware of this memory?” and again was awareness for a few seconds. Then I was distracted by some sound and again I remembered and asked “who was hearing this sound?” Going back and forth from object (a memory, breath, a sound) to subject (that what is aware of breath/memory/sound) I noticed how much more familiar it feels to melt with objects and because the subject is not a thing, we so easily ‘miss it’...although it's always, always, always there because without it, I would not hear a sound or have a memory, each and every life experience is happening within the awareness only, whether we are aware of the awareness or not.

Thank you Bhagavan for this valuable practise!!
Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam
Let the Living Enlightenment Book talk to you, download the free PDF in your language here:

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Ma Nithya Yoga Swaroopini

Swamiji, after my chanting session, I chanted the maha vaakya and asked you for a number and you gave me 600. I opened the LE book to that page . Gratitude to you Swamiji for this experience 🙏

Main clicks from the page were:
“Enlightenment is having such a strong and clear sense of peace inside you even your thoughts cannot disturb.”
“Do not think enlightened masters don’t have thoughts. It is just that their inner space is so big that the mind is a negligible part.”

And rest of the page was as follows:
Patanjali described anima as ‘the ability to acquire knowledge of the small, the hidden, or the distant, by directing the light of superphysical faculty.’ With yogic training, they could experience visual images of minute objects too small to be seen by the normal eye. They found five new elements through these yogic powers. They even went beyond the quark as well as its detailed structure, into the sub-quark, which science is yet to find. These very same findings have also been made by at least three other people from different places in the world at different times, through such occult capacities. They concluded that all matter is like bubbles in space, just like pearls on an invisible string. The report says that the researchers not only ‘saw’ the subatomic particles, but they could also see inside the atom down to the sub-quark, for which science needs a very powerful particle accelerator that costs billions of dollars! There are many yogis who have these kinds of siddhis or powers that come about as a result of meditation. They are good as long as you don’t get caught in them. Otherwise, you will lose sight of the ultimate goal of enlightenment. 17. Clear, undisturbed peace Enlightenment is having such a strong and clear sense of peace inside you that even your thoughts cannot disturb you. For you, if you have a ten-acre mind, all ten acres are like a zoo. With an enlightened being there are a million acres, but still only a ten acre zoo. In a million acres, if there is some movement in ten acres, can you consider it as something disturbing? No! It is negligible. It is practically not there. That is why an average person feels ‘I am the body’ but an enlightened being feels, ‘I am the body also.’ It is not that the idea ‘I am body’ disappears. It just expands to ‘I am also the body.’ Allowing the natural flow of energy through your body Enlightenment means simply allowing that natural flow of energy through your body without creating conflicts. The moment you start choosing and prioritizing, you Enlightenment is having such a strong and clear sense of peace inside you even your thoughts cannot disturb.

have already created conflict. Enlightenment never happens to a person who chooses enlightenment. It happens to a person who chooses choicelessness. This is an important understanding

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Ma Nithya Kalahantrikananda

PAGE 557

Thus, day by day, till Karma's powers spent, release the soul forever. No more is Birth, Nor I, nor thou, nor God, nor man. The I Has All become, the All is I and Bliss. Know thou art That, Sannyasin bold! Say

Om Tat Sat, Om!

Heed then no more how body lives or goes, Its’ task is done. Let Karma float it down. Let one put garland on, another kick This frame; say naught. No praise or blame can be Where praiser, praised, and blamer, blamed are one. Thus be thou calm, Sannyasin bold! Say

Om Tat Sat, Om!

Truth never comes where lust and fame and greed Of gain reside. No man who thinks of woman As his wife can ever perfect be Not he who owns the least of things, not be Whom anger chains, can ever pass thro’ Maya’s gates So give these up, Sannyasin bold! Say

Om Tat Sat, Om!

Say peace to all: from me no danger be To aught that lives. In those that dwell on high, In those that lowly creep, I am the Self in all. All life both here and there, do I renounce, All heavens and earths ans hells, all hopes and fears Thus cut thy bonds, Sannyasin bold! Say

Om Tat Sat, Om!

Where seekest thou? That freedom, friend, this world Not that can give. In books and temples vain Thy search. Time only is that hand that holds The rope that drags thee on. Then cease larment, let go thy hold, Sannyasin bold! Say

Om Tat Sat, Om!

Infinite love and gratitude to my Sat/Jagat Guru Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Download the book here:

Ainsi, jour après jour, jusqu'à ce que les pouvoirs du Karma s'épuisent, libèrent l'âme pour toujours. Plus rien n'est naissance,

Ni moi, ni vous, ni Dieu, ni l'homme. Le Moi est devenu le Tout, le Tout est Moi et la Félicité. Sachez que vous êtes Cela, Sannyasin audacieux ! Dites :

Om Tat Sat, Om !

Ne tenez plus compte de la vie ou de la mort de votre corps, Sa tâche est accomplie. Laissez Karma le faire flotter vers le bas. Que l'un mette une guirlande, que l'autre donne un coup de pied dans Ce cadre ; ne dites rien. Aucune louange ou blâme ne peut être Quand le louangeur, loué, et le blâmeur, blâmé, ne font qu'un. Soyez donc calme, Sannyasin audacieux ! Dis :

Om Tat Sat, Om !

La vérité ne vient jamais là où la luxure, la gloire et l'avidité du gain résident. Aucun homme qui pense à une femme comme son épouse ne peut jamais être parfait Celui qui possède la moindre des choses ne peut être parfait. Celui que la colère enchaîne, ne pourra jamais franchir les portes de Maya. Alors renoncez à cela, Sannyasin audacieux ! Dites :

Om Tat Sat, Om !

Dites la paix à tous : de moi ne vient aucun danger pour tout ce qui vit. Dans ceux qui habitent en haut, Dans ceux qui rampent humblement, je suis le Moi en tous. Je renonce à toute vie, ici et là-bas, A tous les cieux, terres et enfers, à tous les espoirs et craintes. Coupez donc vos liens, Sannyasin audacieux ! Dites :

Om Tat Sat, Om !

Où cherchez-vous ? Cette liberté, mon ami, ce monde ne peut donner. En vain, dans les livres et les temples Votre recherche est vaine. Le temps seul est la main qui tient La corde qui t'entraîne. Alors cessez de vous morfondre, lâchez votre emprise, Sannyasin audacieux ! Dites :

Om Tat Sat, Om !


🙏🕉 Living Enlightenment- Sakshi Pramana
Connecting with SwamiJi,& Mahavakya with internal chanting- enjoying mouna for some time during ParaMaShivoham level 3…. Asked SwamiJi for a page number- SwamiJi showed pg. 428…

🕉🙏The power of Intensity - Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
In Bengal, there is a particular group of people who believe that Krishna is the only man and those who follow him are all women no matter what gender they physically are. They look to Krishna as their beloved. They feel so intensely about this relation that even the men dress like women. The enlightened mystic from Bengal, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, followed this path also for six months. The hallmark of this great master, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, was that whatever he did, it was with totality and intensity. He used the same clothes as women not only at night, but also during the day because he felt he could not be one person during the day and another during the night.

You may be shocked to hear this but he actually started becoming a woman. It was not being like a woman, it was being a woman. His voice changed, his gait and manner of walking changed. The intensity was such his breasts started growing. He even started having monthly periods! During the six months he was doing this practice, he just became a woman. It took almost six months after he stopped for the change to reverse and for him to become a man again. So understand, the power of your intensity is such it can change your very body, your very DNA!

Pg- 428
LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT~ Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam.
🌺This word goes beautifully with the process happening right now in ParaMaShivoham level 3 program. We are having intense super conscious mutations, Including physically. On every level. Even today, SwamiJi replied to someone’s live feed comment that they are seeing the signs of changes happening from boons asked… one replied their mouth, or gums have become healed… SwamIJi made the reply that not only the gums will heal, but that the whole mouth could become so healed and strong it could even pull a car! We have become accustomed to too small of vision, Reading this reminder of how the very DNA is being altered… SwamiJi just told us today more regarding Gotra’s… and those whom are not born in a gotra our very DNA is now NITHYANANDA ParaMaShivam Gotra! That word shot kundalini straight up! SwamiJi said, “Enjoy!” 😀 This story of RamaKrishna Paramahamsa shows a very intense Superconscious mutation, change physically happened!!! The male body became female, and even had breast and moon cycle! WOW! This is huge super concious mutation! This story reminds me of a time I had a female dog who had never been pregnant, but she developed milk almost overnight and nursed an entire litter of abandoned kittens. That intense space in her created such a powerful reality! ❤️
Feeling inspired to expand beyond such small concepts I might have had. 🔥🌺🙏
Gratitude SwamiJi for the powerful cognitions! Looking deeper into intensity!🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
“A superconscious breakthrough will happen to you. The Jeevan Mukti grantha is a living deity. It will induce the superconscious mutation in you to push you into the ultimate experience of PARAMASHIVOHAM.” KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam
Access the Jeevan Mukti Grantha, available in multiple languages here :

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Lalataksha Nithya Ananda

🙋🏽For the rest of March, each day , I will chant the Mahavaakya praying to Swamiji, asking him to reveal 2 page numbers to me to open up in the LE book. 📘📕📒📖📚

The second of the page numbers that was revealed to me by Swamiji today was 35
And wow I absolutely love and agree with the top two paragraphs of that page .
I’ve lately always been telling myself and living by very similar concepts and principles to these three 😃
- Everything is auspiciousness
- See everything just purely as it is
- Renounce any Expectations of anything
So it was amazing to be reminded of them all again♥️

02:25, 7 March 2022 (UTC)02:25, 7 March 2022 (UTC)02:25, 7 March 2022 (UTC)02:25, 7 March 2022 (UTC)02:25, 7 March 2022 (UTC)02:25, 7 March 2022 (UTC)~

The direct paragraphs from the page were as follows :
🦋Initially there’s a compulsion to pass judgment on anything that you see because that is your habit. But when you experience the great energy released in you by seeing what IS, you want to remain that way – free from thoughts, worry, and suffering.

🦋When you see what is as it is, you are in heaven. When you want to see what you want to see, you are in hell. If you understand that everything is auspiciousness, you will drop expectation and see things as they are, because everything is auspiciousness.

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Mythreyi Solai

  1. Jeevanmuktiexperience

The number revealed to me in my third eye was 543. So, I read pages 543 and 544 in Living Enlightenment book.
Somehow, deep down, my third eye told me it was going to be about Sannyas. The ultimate gamble indeed 🙂 I will continue with my Manana and Nidhidhyasana on it.

The final stage of my quest... Into His very heart 🙏


❣ Living Enlightenment ❣ 🔱 Sakshi pramana

In 2013, Bidadi India, I asked Kalabhairava manifesting thru SPH Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam during the Akashic readings, why do I see synchronicity of repeat numbers including the date of my birth everywhere?


Since the beginning of paramashivoham intiations with swamiji, I started seeing my birth date numbers all over again.. Last night before resting, I asked swamiji for blessings to receive and learn the sacred science of numbers he is revealing to paramashivoham 3 participants and why am I seeing my birth date all the time again.

This morning I woke up and swamiji showed me pg. 86 to read from living enlightenment.
🌿 Vedic scriptures say that at the beginning of creation, darkness was covered by darkness. That is the beginning of the source.
🌿 Darkness is the infinite base. When you board a flight and look outside the window at night, you can understand what I mean. The Space is darkness. Darkness is the only thing that is, anything else that is added comes and goes. Understand, darkness is not negative as you have been taught. Most of us are taught darkness is death, the emptiness that happens after your death. You never realize the emptiness that existed before your birth is also darkness! Now change the understanding. Darkness is not emptiness that happens after your death. Darkness is the fulfillment, the creative energy before your birth, from which you took birth. This clarity can make you feel connected to darkness.


This powerful cognition from the living enlightenment deity woke me upto my true identity in higher realization of Nithyatatva (eternity). The direct personal answer and guidance from all the powerful shifts occurring in my inner space from paramashivoham intiations 💖💖💖

There's no death. Nothing is ever lost and all fear of death, fear of loosing, fear of failure, not having is just the reminder to wake up to the constant which is the very reflection of Paramashiva, cosmic consciousness reflecting as individual consciousness in the length, breadth, depth, time and space demension in all of us 🔱

Thank you swamiji for always answering and guiding me thru the best gift of LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT since 2009 🙏💕

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Kailasa in Hyderabad Sripuram Sarvajnapeeta

  1. Jeevanmuktiexperience

Sarur nagar
Sri Saraswati Sishu mandir, teacher
The number revealed to me in my third eye was 290. So, I read pages 290 and 291 in Living Enlightenment book.
The topic that came is "In the mystery of death lies the answer to life", Entering into Death.

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Ma Ramani The number revealed to me in my third eye was 588. So, I read pages 588 and 589 in Jivan Mukthi book.

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Kailasa's Ma Nithya PriyaPremanandaKAILASA's

After the initiation yesterday bhasma materialized on my hand with Swamiji's grace 🙇‍♀️🙆‍♀️💞 Living Oneness 🥰

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Sangita Sangita

Exactly what I needed to know. Be very clear just let go and you will never fall or die. You will only become a Paramahamsa. This moment just trust yourself. Don't bother about ur identity just trust yourself and let go of your identity. You will immediately become a Paramahamsa and be liberated. All you need to do is trust that you are unclutched. Even if you don't trust that it is still the truth. Safety net of the sangha. See the Sangha the spiritual community of the master is the net even if u fall u will not hurt yourself. Just unclutch. Society does not liberate you. Society cannot tolerate your freedom that is why it never gives u the courage to unclutch because once u unclutch u cannot be controlled manipulated or exploited by anyone.


  1. LivingEnlightenment

Page 211
If you just learn this one simple technique of unclutching, you will be able to retain a significant amount of energy in your system, in your being. As a result, you will be many times more productive and creative. Your relationships will be much friendlier because you will not clutch incidents that are not related. You will not feel suffocated by people or their expectations of you. You will have tremendous inner space available to you to fulfill your needs, as well as others’ needs. You will also have tremendous compassion to know why others are suffering.
Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Kailasa in Hyderabad Sripuram SarvajnapeetaKAILASA's Nithyananda Chennai Sangha

  1. Jeevanmuktiexperience

Pallavi Veeranthi - Ma Nithya Jnanapradhaya shakti
The number revealed to me in my third eye was 277. So, I read pages 277 and 278 in Living Englightenment Book.
The topic that came up is about Deities and enlightened masters your path to exhausting karma.
Im already in so much love with the sripuram deites, they all talk to me , thank you swamiji.

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - srinivas reddy
The number revealed to me in my third eye was 387.
Decision making and stress.
Thank you swamiji exactly giving me the solution to what im dealing in life right now.

SAAKSHI PRAMANA - Kailasa's Ivana Grebenar

PÀG 358 Second number revealed


Kailasa's Ma Nithya PriyaPremananda


Never before I felt kundalini so intensly. It was bursting in the lower abdomen for a while but once it broke free it just rose to the top of my head and now while writing this, I can clearly feel my Sahasrara open and the head of the snake kundalini above it. The space is complete unclutching, like no emotions, are there, just the emptiness and vast space, so vast it cannot be comprehended with the mind. While in this vast space I experience myself as the one sitting as well as the vastness itself. I exist in everything and everything exists in me.

No desires are here, not even the desire for the Divine. Because how could I be desiring myself? The body is very hot and the whole energy is accumulated on the top of my head. There was a moment where I saw Swamiji assume the form of Meenakshi, she was there sitting inside and I realized it was me sitting there. Immediately my eyeballs turned towards the third eye and I saw literally DNK strands forming and intertwining between themselves.

While Swamiji was chanting "shiva" I got a clear cognition that the word "shiva" was the password that I have set for myself in my previous life to remember my true identity.

My body is still very much heated and every cell is vibrating with ajapa japa of Shiva. I see that the gap between thoughts is much more than before and the body is moving more lightly. Swamiji announced another initiation in just a few minutes. Not only my consciousness but my whole body is ready to receive Him.



On this day 16 years before - 06 March 2006:
On that day, the Paramavatara - the Ultimate Incarnation of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted a Healer's Initiation convention in Los Angeles, California, USA. The benefits of the The healer’s Initiation is multifold, not only for the receiver but also for the initiated healer. When we become useful for Humanity, Existence showers back at us. In the context of how the dharmic actions do indeed reduce our karma SPH had previously given an example of how when somebody comes to Him with stomach problems if that person does anna Dhaan and for example, feeds 100 children then his karma would just disappear because of the expansion of his being. In the same way when we bring others closer to the Guru and they get healed or saved then our karmas also get burned.

That day's Healer's Initiation was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2006 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 16 years before - 06 March 2008:
On this day, the SPH delivered the Paramashivaratri message to devotees who had gathered from all over the world. SPH beautifully narrated that Maha Shivaratri was the day Mahadeva assumed form, from his formless space. Mahadeva existed eternally, he exists eternally but on this day, he entered into the space of form from formlessness. He created Brahma and Vishnu, empowered Brahma to create, Vishnu to maintain, he continued to remain in the formless space.

But, when there was a conflict between these two he had to resolve the conflict. So, to resolve the conflict between these two, on this very day on Maha Shivaratri, Mahadeva assumed the form which can be perceived by Brahma and Vishnu. So, just to resolve the conflict between these two, Mahadeva assumed the form. On this auspicious day of Maha Paramashivaratri, the delegates, diplomats, disciples and devotees got an opportunity to experience the Sanidhya - Closeness of the Paramavatara - Ultimate Manifestation of Paramashiva, the SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

Maha Shivaratri (IAST: Mahāśivarātri) is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of the god Shiva. In every month of the luni-solar Hindu calendar, there is a Shivaratri – "night of Shiva" – on the day before new moon.

But once a year, in late winter and before the arrival of Summer (February/March), this night is called "Maha Shivaratri" – "the Great Night of Shiva". This day falls in the month of Phalguna as per the North Indian Hindu calendar and in Magha as per the South Indian Hindu calendar (see Amanta and Purnimanta systems)

That day's Paramashivaratri Presidential Address and Paramashivaratri Celebrations were presided over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2008 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 10 years before - 06 March 2012:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam explained how He Himself is a unique contribution to the spiritual consciousness of the world by having connected the gap between yoga and Vedanta. SPH shared that His unique contribution was that by scientifically and logically analyzing and validating the extraordinary possibilities and expressions He made the highest Vedic tradition as a practicable yogic experience. The Paramavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam further shared that His next unique contribution was to just be user friendly.

That day's Prathyaksha Pada Puja, Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang, Dial The Avatar, Nithya Kriya for Epilepsy, and Sarva Darshan were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2012 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 9 years before - 06 March 2013:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam elaborated on the prescription for deathlessness. Death begins in us when we entertain any sensation of powerlessness. Feelings of tiredness and boredom is physical powerlessness because we don’t feel strong enough to continue the task before us. Depression is mental/emotional powerlessness, and refusing to trust in life is spiritual powerlessness.. When we refuse to accept that we are powerless, we deny death in our very biomemory. By flooding ourselves with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, and enriching, we assert our power and ascend to enlightenment.

That day's Prathyaksha Pada Puja, Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang, and Sarva Darshan were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2013 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 8 years before - 06 March 2014:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the then 25th Inner Awakening Convention in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. During the morning Presidential Address, He encouraged everyone to wear the Master’s words like diamonds. SPH explained that Listening is one of the most important spiritual practices and therefore Listening gives the words we utter inside and outside so much power. He shared that the words we receive from the Master are the most powerful and can immediately provide us with an Inner Awakening and that His words are not rocks to build a house but like diamonds that give us the strength to realize and discover our Self!

That day's Prathyaksha Pada Puja, Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang and Sarva Darshan were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2014 in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 6 years before - 06 March 2016:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the SPH conducted a Q&A session as part of the Conquering Time Webinar. SPH elaborated on the responsibility and the obligation, and how they are two completely different concepts. He defined obligation and asked his viewers to remove all obligations from their life. And instead, to run their life by taking responsibility. Especially in relationships, feeling obligated is a very destructive force. Because we will always take revenge on whomever we feel is demanding from us from inside out. The Paramavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam further shared explained that mature relationships are relationships without obligations, even in marriage.

That day's Conquering Time Webinar was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2016 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 5 years before - 06 March 2017:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Inner Awakening - Day 9. The Inner Awakening Sessions included Manifesting Shaktis with the Balasants, Energy Darshanand Initiation into the Depth Dimension, Mandala Process and Manifesting Shaktis Session on the Length and Breadth Dimensions. The Inner Awakening participants were introduced to the power of moving objects the power of Looking into the Krishta Shtila (marble slab) for the Cosmic answers.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 4 years before - 06 March 2018:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principles of the States of Consciousness, during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang.

In this talk entitled Mechanics of Sleeping & Waking States - Why You Feel Lethargic After Waking Up, SPH expounded on the Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mechanics of how we sleep and wake up in relation to our states of Consciousness. Furthermore, SPH revealed why it’s important to do Sandhya Vandana to establish oneself in Turiyatita throught the Asanas and Pranayama. He announced the powerful Rajashekara Vinyasa Krama - 108 asanas with Sanskrit verses and encouraged listeners to share on Facebook. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism concluded by announcing the making of a golden form of MahaSadāshiva and inviting all to carve their names in golden leaves which will be installed as forever part of the Deity.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2018 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 2 years before - 06 March 2020:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the SPH expounded on the Cosmic Principle, Core Components of Kailasa Ecosystem is Deity and Devotee during the everyday live public address - Nithyananda Satsang. On the 4th day of the leela Dhyaan meeting - Oneness with the Avatar, SPH detailed the importance of the KAILASA Ecosystem to manifest the State, Space and Powers of Paramashiva. He explained that life is Kaala Sarpa - the future swallowing the past, following which He explicated the connection between Nirahara and Kaala Sarpa Dosha. SPH also instructed that Abhishekam and special puja to the deity (small Arunachaleshwara) had to be performed so that the whole world will be relieved from the Coronavirus. This, SPH said, is instruction from Mahakalabhairava.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang, Vijaya Brahmotsavam and Oneness with the Avatar - Day 4 were organized and conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2020 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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On this day 1 years before - 06 March 2021:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam presided overt the Maha Paramashivaratri Brahmotsavam Mandagapadi, the Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsangh and the most auspicious Maha Kalabhairava Bhava Samadhi Darshan. SPH explained that Kala is the dimension of the Universe in which the vibration component, the Parashakti component of Paramashiva is manifesting. Just zoom out, see the space where Big Bangs and Black Holes are happening simultaneously, billions of planets, suns, moons, stars moving, taking birth, living for millions of years and disappearing simultaneously. That space is Kala. Maha Kalabhairava is the Lord of Time and Space. As the Lord of time and integrity, he holds the key to cosmic archives - the Akashic Records which contain the past, present and future.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 March 2021 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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