September 11 2016

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Mystery of the Matrix

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nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Let me enter into today’s subject – Living Shuddhadvaita process. Listen carefully. Please listen, come to the space of listening. The science of Living Shuddhadvaita process – today, the sacred secret science, I wanted to share with you, is Mystery of the Matrix.


Listen, Jeeva – listen, Jeeva, the individual existence, perceptional, experiential, comparative, all put together, your individual existence is Jeeva. It goes through twentyfive states of Consciousness. From sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, dreaming, dreaming, sleeping, waking, waking, waking, awakened, awakened, waking. Totally, twentyfive various states of Consciousness, you go through, as a Jeeva. Jagat, the Universe – it has eleven dimension. Length, breadth, depth, is all you know. Time and space, still scientists are exploring, but various permutations and combinations of….permutations and combinations of length, breadth, depth, time and space, forms eleven dimension. That is, the Jagat - Universe. Sadāshiva, Ishwara, who manifest as five dimension and unmanifest part of him, that is Ishwara. Listen, Jeeva - Soul, Jagat - Universe, Ishwara - Sadāshiva, the Matrix between these three, is Sri Vidya. The knowledge of ‘Sri’......Sri means Adi Shakti. The knowledge of Adi Shakti, is the knowledge, which will liberate you from this Matrix. Understand, when you are caught in this Matrix, whatever you think you are, you’ll continue to be slave. It’s like, a lion hypnotized all the sheep saying,” You are all lion.” Don’t bring lion - cub story here. It is different. It’s a different lion. The lion hypnotized all the sheep saying,” You are all lions. So, you can come without fear, everyday.” He will have, one, one. Even, what society teaches you, the choices as freedom, is nothing but you being hypnotized, you being sheep and hypnotized as lion. Understand, that is why, Kathopanishad again and again, insists on Right, not the Pleasant. If both can come together, great. If you have to make a choice, always Right, not the Pleasant, because most of the time, in the form of the Pleasant, enters Matrix into you.


Listen, listen...I will tell you, when you fall into the Matrix, Maya. When you fall into the Maya, I will tell you exactly, listen carefully. I will give you this example, listen carefully. You come and ask me,” Swamiji, give me the way for Enlightenment.” I tell you,” Nothing, just have integrity and listening with the Guru, you will immediately be liberated.” And you start thinking,” Oh God, integrity means, I have to be completely, be in tune with what he is telling……hmmm...and listening…. hmmmm, maybe, I think I tried two, three times, it did not work out, so I will start practicing first, integrity with my father, mother, brother, husband, father-in-law, daughter-in- law, then I will bring integrity with Master.” Gone! You have already, fallen into the Matrix. Listen, if you feel, the moment you feel, “I tried being integrated and listening, but Enlightenment did not happen, when you come with that statement, when you come to that statement itself, decide, NO, Will Persistence, is the solution, not dilution. Understand, the first principle….the first principle, itself should be practiced, with Will Persistence. The moment...the moment, you feel, you need a second principle, you have fallen into the Matrix, OVER! You have fallen into the Matrix. If I say, Unclutch now, I will give you Enlightenment, and you say,” I tried Unclutching many times, it doesn’t work, so let me start the Completion. I will pen down, all my pain pattern and complete one by one, and remove all the load, and do the catharsis, cleaning up and then I will come to the Unclutching - GONE! You are under Matrix, you are under Maya.


The first principle, if I say,” Unclutched now, I will give you Enlightenment. If I say, come to integrity and listening now, I will give you Enlightenment.” Hanging on to that, if you are failing, using Will Persistence to make it successful, without dilution, is Sri Vidya. Sri Vidya means the Will Persistence, to master the Mystery of the Matrix. How, this Jeeva, Ishwara, Jagat is pinned around, how this Jeeva, Ishwara, Jagat, overlaps on each other, how this Jeeva, Ishwara, Jagat, coordinates with each other, how this Jeeva, Ishwara, Jagat, moves with each other. Whenever, you do not compromise, on the first principle, first word, for example I utter,” Shivatvamsi” - It means, you are Shiva, then you declare, “Sadāshivoham.” Decide to be in that space, if you are missing, use Will Persistence, to be in that space again and again, but the moment you decide,” It is not happening, so let me pick up, some methodology, or some situation, some Completion, some process, something through which, I will travel and reach Sadāshivoham.” GONE! You are under Matrix, Maya. You are under Maya. Understand, of course I do not want to give up on you, so I will support you because, I don’t want you to disappear once for all, so when you come back to me and asking. “That is not working out, Swamiji, straight Unclutching, Shivatvamsi, all that, can you do something” Then I’ll say,” Okay, come on now, sit and pen down, all the pattern, you have about money, wealth, health, sleep, boredom, tiredness. Pick up the mirror, put your eyes on the mirror.” Mirror completion, is not a technique, it is punishment, for not living up to the first principle. All technique, is torture. All technique is torture. A person, who has given the maximum number of technique, is making this statement.


When you compromise, on the primary principle, first principle – MAHAVAKYA. Why Svetaketu heard,’ Tat tva masi’, immediately become enlightened, why not me? Why even after hearing ‘Shivatvamsi’, I am not establishing myself in Sadāshivoham. If you are not, then bring Will Persistence for support, not dilution. The moment you bring dilution, you are under the Matrix, OVER! Under the Matrix, you can even be made to feel, you are enlightened and liberated. Under the Matrix, you can have the delusion of Enlightenment, like how choice is the poor translation of freedom. God is the poor translation of Sadāshiva. Siddhis, poor translation of…...sorry….... Occultism, poor translation of Siddhis. Mysticism, poor translation of Shaktis. Religion, poor translation for Hinduism. Understand, this basic truth. Understand, the basic truth. Do not compromise on first principle. If the first principle is not becoming reality to you, if the Mahavakya is not becoming reality to you, use Will Persistence to make it into reality, not any techniques, to make it into reality. Listen, Mahavakya of Living Shuddhadvaita Process is SHIVATVAMASI from My side, SHIVOHAM, SADASHIVOHAM, in your side. Mahavakya always is two – ‘Tat tvam asi’, from Guru’s side and ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, from the Disciple’s side. Shivatvamasi - from Guru’s side, Sadāshivoham - from Disciple side. In Vedanta, Mahavakya is ‘tat tvam asi’, from Shiva’s side….sorry from the Guru’s side, both one and the same, it’s okay. ‘Tat tvam asi’, from the Guru’s side. ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, from the Disciple’s side. In Agamanta -’Shivatvamasi’, is from the Guru’s side. Sadāshivoham, is from Disciple’s side.


This is the primary principle, first principle, original Mahavakya. Whenever you struggle, in realising the original Mahavakya, whenever you have trouble, in realising original Mahavakya, whenever you have problem in realising original Mahavakya, as it is, use Will Persistence ALONE, for realising. Any other technique, brought into the system for support - GONE! You are under Matrix. You are under Maya. You are under Matrix. Inside the Matrix, you can be continued to made to believe, you can be made to believe, you are liberated, you are enlightened. Understand, that is why I insist, any Completion, has to manifest as power. Any Completion, has to manifest as power. If not, it is Completion within the Matrix, means you are made to believe, you are Complete. You are in the delusion, you are in Completion. Understand, the primary principle, Sri Vidya - why I am using the word, Sri Vidhya. Sadāshiva very clearly says,” What I teach, is Agama, what I practice is Sri Vidya.” In Dvadashanta, when he explains the eleven dimensions of Consciousness, he beautifully describes, that is why, for the primary principle, for the primary principle, for the first principle, I am using the word, ‘Sri Vidya’. ‘Shri Vidya’ - Listen. Listen. Look in. Do not allow, the third statement formation in you, when you listen to the Mahavakya. Listen, now I am giving you the Mahavakya again. Shivatvamasi, Shivatvamasi, Shivatvamasi, Shivatvamasi – decide Sadāshivoham, Sadāshivoham, Sadāshivoham. Any doubt, any question, any hatred, any denial, anything other than the first principle’s experience, handle it with Will Persistence. Handle it with Will Persistence. Decide by my Will Persistence, I will make Sadāshivoham into reality. I will break this Matrix. I will demystify, the Mystery of this Matrix. I will break this Matrix, by the Will Persistence, not by getting into any methodology, technique, process, which is inside the boundary of the Matrix.


If you are trying, to use an agent, to break a Matrix - how foolish you are. The third statement, if you make,” Oh, it is not becoming reality, should I go for completion, yoga, puja, all that and then….”. Understand, puja is not wrong, completion is not wrong, homa is not wrong, yoga is not wrong, but if you think that is….. you are doing that for the sake of realising, the first principle, as a methodology, because you are not able to realising it in the first place, then the whole thing is wrong. Understand, let puja happen from the space Sadāshivoham, let yoga happen from the space of Sadāshivoham, let homa happen from the space of Sadāshivoham, let everything happen from the space of Sadāshivoham, not because you are not able to catch Sadashivoham. Let puja, homa, yoga, kirtan, pancha kriya, what not, everything, let it happen from the space of Sadāshivoham, not because you are not able to reach Sadāshivoham. Compromising on the first principle, the third statement, if you make in you, GONE!. You are under the Matrix. The first statement is SHIVATVAMASI and SADASHIVOHAM. Second statement, if it is not become into reality, Will Persistence is the solution. That’s all. No third statement. If, there is a continuation of the third statement, GONE, you are already in the Maya, Matrix. Matrix, can give you the delusion, you are liberated. Matrix can give you the delusion, you are enlightened. Understand. Currency is the poor wealth. Whoever thinks currency, is the only wealth and has only currency, is the poorest man. Wealth means, knowing clearly you have, plenty of time, space and everything, to do what do you want, and to live the way to you want. To do what do you want and to exist the way you want, is wealth. Taking life, like sipping coffee and knowing that, it is going to be forever available to you, that is wealth. That is wealth. Currency is the poor version of wealth, If you have only currency and you think you are wealthy, I tell you,’ you are too poor’. You are too poor. If you are educated only in the schools and you think you are educated, be very clear, you are uneducated. The kid who is educated, only in the school, is uneducated. Listen - The moment you enter into the third statement, you are under Matrix, under Maya and once you are under the Matrix, under the Maya, it is like you go and ask the agents,” Let me have wealth and somebody very important.” What’s the use? What’s the use. No, no use.


Will Persistence, without landing into the third statement. I’ll repeat once more, the first statement - SHIVATVAMASI from Guru’s side, Sadāshivoham from Disciple’s side or TAT TVAM ASI from Guru’s side, AHAM BRAHMASMI from Disciple’s side. This is the first principle, first statement. The second statement – if it is not becoming reality for me immediately, what should I do? Will Persistence and making it happen. No question of third statement. If you allow the third statement,” I think it is not….it is difficult, complicated, too much, it’s going above my head, I will start from where I am, first I will do pranayama, booooom…. and bend my belly, yoga and do puja and do completion, and with all this practice, one day suddenly Sadāshivoham, will become reality. NO! The moment you come to the third statement, you are in Matrix, Maya, OVER! Inside the Matrix, even your liberation is delusion. If you are struggling, with the first principle, with the Will Persistence, even your struggling, is liberation. Even your struggling, is Living Enlightenment. Without falling into the Maya, Matrix, the third statement, even if you are struggling with the Will Persistence, your whole life, it is Living Enlightenment. If you come to the third statement, even if you are doing the whole routine, perfectly, you will not be able to, even if you….morning yoga, pancha kriya, five o’clock yoga, six o’clock pancha kriya, seven o’clock puja, seven thirty kirtan, eight o’clock satsang, EVERYTHING, you only be under DELUSION. I am not saying, don’t do all this, I am saying,” Let all this happen, not by compromising, on the first principle and moving to the third statement. NO! Let all this happen, by being in the first statement or second statement, not by being in the third statement. No! Third statement is the third rate statement. Third strategy is a third rate strategy.


This is the Facebook status, for all of you today.


                            TAT TVAM ASI - AHAM BRAHMASMI.

Second statement - If it is not becoming reality immediately, only Will Persistence, nothing else. Third – No third statement for Nithyananda’s disciples.

This is the Facebook status for all of you. This is the Vaakyaartha Sadas subject, for all of you. I am not saying, “ Don’t do yoga”, I am not saying,” Don’t do puja”, I am not saying,” Don’t do kirtan.” Do all that, from the declaration, “ I am Sadāshiva.” I am dancing, because I am Sadāshiva. Understand, puja is to entangle with the God, not to beg from him. I am Sadāshiva, so I sit with my space and offer the highest respect, for my space. When you finish the puja, whatever you offer to Atma Linga, the naivedhya, flowers, everything, put it in this body saying, “ Oh Prabhu, reside here and accept. Oh, Sadāshiva, I invoked you here, now reside here and accept.” No third statement, is the third statement. This is the subject for Vaakyaartha Sadas. This is the subject, for facebook status. This is the subject, for living your life forever.


Will Persistence, will make you understand the Mystery of the Matrix. Will Persistence, will make you realize, the Mystery of the Matrix. If you give up on, go to the third statement, all technique, all method, all kriyas, everything, everything, everything, is under delusion, under Maya. Anything which is under the Maya, under the delusion, even if you feel liberated, it is only choice, not liberation. It’s only choice, not liberation. Even if you see, it is through two eyes, not through the third eye. Understanding, the Matrix, not going to the third statement, experiencing it, with the first statement and second statement itself is,’ what is the essence of Sadāshivoham 2016’. This is the principle on which, the Sadāshivoham 2016, is going to operate. Letting you work, with only the two statement and making you manifest, experience the space, express the state and manifest the powers, just on these two principles, no third statement. No third rate statement. Last few day, I am continuously spending time and teaching, this first principle - Mystery of the Matrix. The science of – Jiveshwara Jagat - Jeeva, Ishwara, Jagat, to the Nithyananda Yogam Participants, and I am continuing. Even today,I am going to go back and continue to sit with them and give them more deeper mysteries, more deeper understandings, more deeper clarifications, answers, experiences. I wanted them, to share some of the principles, they heard from me, with you all, then I want all of you, to send your questions. So, I will answer all these questions in the further Satsangs, that way you are all well prepared for Sadāshivoham 2016. The Matrix, the Mystery of the Matrix - How it is getting demystified, hear from the people who heard it. I invite, the Nithyananda Yogam Participants to come and share, some of the understandings, so you can have the right questions, which I can answer continuously. So, we will continue. Please understand, after they share, I expect your questions, to be send here and I will go on, responding to your question, in this Satsang and further Satsang. So, the first principle is understood and experienced, just with the Will Persistence, without going to the third statement. Let’s start…….

(40:06) (Sharings by all the Nithyananda Yogam Participants from timers 40:06 to 2:36:34)


It’s already 10:54, actually I thought, I’ll answer some of your questions today. It’s already 10:54, means around eleven, but surely I’ll continue to answer the questions, which you guys sent, in the further Satsangs. If not all of them, at least, few I’ll answer. Now it is time. Today, we have many things lined up, special kirtan, still Ganesh Utsava is going on. Still the…..deity is not immersed, the visarjan, has not happened, so still Ganesh Utsava is going on, so the kirtan and today we are going to have Kara Seva and above all, today I am going to have, an important session, about this Third Eye. A thousand lamp, will be energized. The lamp, we have behind the Dwajasthambha, will be lit and I am going to do a Third Eye process, with all the Nithyananda Yogam Participants and Balasanths and all the Adeenavasis.


It is actually, that lamp is used for a process, where the thousands of light is there, in the darkness. Your…..all your attention and Consciousness is demanded, which breaks open your Third Eye. So, the lamp is used for that purpose. We’ve got the lamp, which we….but we never had the technique or process done. Maybe today, we will be having, in the night, the technique, the process done and so today, whole day, we have Kar Seva under the Banyan tree. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Visitors, who came for Nithyananda….sorry…today, for the Sunday LSP session. Even all of them can come and participate, under the Banyan tree. The temple building Kar Seva. Sadāshiva’s temple building Kar Seva. The historical happening of the Golden Temple building, for Sadāshiva. Kar Seva for that. You are welcome, to come and join. And today evening, night….it will become night, at least it will become nine or ten o’clock, we will be having the Third Eye Initiation Process, with this (2:29:56 Sahastri sthambha)…..You see, when it is completely dark, on one lamp, your eyes will be demanded only very little bit ,but completely dark, but thousand lamp, naturally your eyes will be demanded completely. Your attention will be demanded in a gentle way. If it is huge fire, it will be demanded wildly, you will not allow the….you see, the demanding has to be gentle and strong. Gentle means attention based and multiple. If it is a huge fire, you will naturally feel that, what you call….your eyes will not be able to handle it, so you will turn your eyes and you will divert your attention, you will not be gazing at it. Multiple number of fire, but not huge, is the methodology, through which, your attention is demanded, gently.


It is one of the powerful methodology, to rub your Third Eye, with your attention. So, all the Devotees, Disciples, anybody, is welcome, to come and do the process. I’ll be guiding it in English. The process will be guided in English and anyone is welcome to participate, even if you are not an IA Grad and two way Video Conferencing Participants, all of you can attend from wherever you are, even through Nithyananda TV. It will be live relayed. You can attend. It maybe around nine to ten, based on the darkness. When it gets completely dark in Bangalore Aadheenam. It will be based on that. So, I’ll not be able to give a specific time, it is only based on how it….how quickly it gets dark. If it becomes dark by seven o’clock itself, we may start also. It it takes little time to become completely dark, we may do it nine or whatever time. So, you are free to come and it’ll be open in Two-Way and Nithyananda TV, both. So, It is one of the beautiful process, described in Agama, where thousands of light are lit, which is small, so your attention is demanded, in a strong but gentle way. See if it is only strong, huge fire, there is no gentleness, so will not be using Third Eye. You will not be putting your attention and rubbing it on Third Eye. So, it will only be ending up in diversion, eyes burning and all that. Same way, just one lamp, small fire, also will not be demanding it. Small fires, multiple. That is why the (2:43:11 ??? Shahastri Stumbhasar) is used in our tradition. So we will be using the pure ghee and pure cotton and lighting the (2:43:21 ????Shahastri Stumbha) and having this meditation on Third Eye. And I’ll also be energizing all the deepa, will be producing large Jnananjana, so get ready for the wonderful time. Today sunset is forecasted at 6:23pm, so I expect at least one and half hours, for the complete darkness to happen after sunset. After sunset, at least one and half hours, for the complete darkness to happen, based on the time and complete darkness. We will be doing the process. Now after the Darshan, I’ll be going to the Banyan tree for Sadāshiva’s temple Kar Seva, to built Sadāshiva’s temple. See, if you just do some workout and reduce weight, you will only lose weight, you will not gain anything. If you work for Sadāshiva’s temple and lose weight, you will lose weight and gain puniya. (???? 2:44:51????? sentence uttered in Tamil by Swamiji).


So, today Ashram, all departments holiday. I wanted all the Adheenavasis to be there. Other than the administration, (???? 2:45:21??? Adhikarnagi) department, all the Adheenavasis, Sacred Arts and all the Adheenavasis, to be there, under the Banyan tree, after the Darshan.

With this, I bless you all, let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaitam Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thankyou. Be Blissful.


Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 355 (Kara Seva, Bengaluru Aadheenam, 11 SEP 2016)


Aadheenavasis and Devotees offer Kara Seva building the largest Golden Temple for Paramashiva in the world (11 SEP 2016, Bengaluru Aadheenam)

The highest merit a human receives comes from building a temple for Paramashiva. The sacred Hindu scripture Agni Purana reveals "He who thinks of building a temple, is relieved of the sin of a 100 births, such a man immediately takes a million of his generations, past and future, to the loka of the deity."

Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalaya in Bidadi Bengaluru Aadheenam is being erected by Paramashiva Incarnate, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam - the Leela where Paramashiva Himself manifests to awaken us and show us how to connect to Him. The punya of being even a small part of such a cosmic happening is incalculable.

Kar Seva - the offering of selfless service in the building the Golden temple for Paramashiva at Bidadi Bengaluru, is a blissful experience where devotees experience the power of Karma Yoga, as they build the foundation for what is planned to be the largest Golden Temple for Paramashiva in the world.

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Photos Of The Day:

Living Shuddhadvaita Process

Kalpataru Darshan



Photos Of The Day:









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