Story: Reprogram Your Muscle-Memory and Bio-Memory with Inner Awakening - Lord Ganesha Story

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Nithyananda explains about patterns (samskaras). How they start in your life and slowly solidify, create mental suffering for you and become part of your muscle-memory. When patterns are entertained up to the part of physical disease, they become part of our bio-memory. From inside, these patterns control us. Inner Awakening is a program designed especially to clear us of these patterns. Feeling connection with the Guru, the Master, makes the process of clearing the patterns much easier because Nithyananda can do it for us. Either we do ourselves, or he does it for us.

To give an example of feeling connection, Nithyananda tells a beautiful story of when he was three years old. He tells about his experience with Lord Ganesha and how through feeling connection he made whatever he wanted a reality. This excerpt from the Inner Awakening Program was conducted on 07 Oct 2012 in Tiruvannamalai Ashram India, the birthplace of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

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