October 13 2021

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Kailasas Navaratri Celebrations Day - 7 | 13 OCT 21


Upachara Puja performed on Day 7 of Navaratri at Kailasa In Tiruvannamalai - Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham, India

With the Grace and Blessings of The SPH JGM HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda Paramashivam, Upachara Puja to Durga was performed on Day 7 of #Navaratri Celebrations at #Kailasa At #Tiruvannamalai - #Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham.

Green Fodder Harvesting and Feeding Cows in Nithyananda GoMandir at Kailasa In Tiruvannamalai - Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham, India

Below we are sharing pictures of today's #harvesting of #organic #chole grass At KAILASA's organic farmland in Athiyandal, #tiruvannamalai (The SPH's birthplace) and feeding the #cows at Nithyananda GoMandir, #Kailasa In Tiruvannamalai - #Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham.