September 17 2007

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Awareness is the key


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. This clip is taken from discourse titled, "Death De-Mystified". Swmaiji tells us that everyday life is slipping into death. Ordinary human beings do not live...they are not aware of what is happening around them. If we bring awareness into our lives, we create a new space around us called consciousness.

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we all know two things life and death is two basic things we all know life like undead constantly like is slipping ending into death life slipping into death is what we call as a living please understand and surely we don't live we are just waiting for death to happen ordinary human beings don't live life is just slipping into death and life is disappearing into death that is the reason how many years you may live you won't feel satisfied you won't feel you lived your life because we don't know what is life just something is sleeping you are not aware you are not even aware what is happening in your being when you become conscious at some point some point of the life when you conscious of life when you start thinking contemplating about your life when you bring awareness into your life you create a fuse Center in your being between this life and death when you bring more awareness into your life you create a new center you space in your life what I call consciousness whenever you are conscious you will start deciding about your life please be very clear whenever you are aware of your life you will naturally start deciding for example the more you become aware more you start designing choosing what type of car I should drive what type of house you should live what type of life you wanted every inch should you start deciding you start deciding about every inch if it you're conscious about everything how you should talk how you should be how you should think it begins you start becoming aware the consciousness starts happening wouldn't even if you tipped away you start controlling the life itself only when you became aware so awareness creates a new thing in your life you start controlling the life only when you became aware you start controlling the life and if you give completely aware you will start controlling the death also the woman you start becoming aware you start deciding you start controlling you start controlling out your life you bring things under control only when he became aware the moment you bring awareness into your life consciousness grows and you start deciding you start controlling the life you start controlling life this happens the conscious level see whenever you are conscious these two things happen you know an unconscious level the dream and deep sleep if you are honestly thinking it is life if your consciousness can't think it is dead in the unconscious level if you are aware it is doing if you are not aware of anything it is sleep sleep it's a please understand this one diagram you'll be able to understand is technique and is very understanding can transform you but phasing is one thing this very understanding can will inspire you to practice because these are all the basic truth about life once you know how to breathe breathing the best way of ready to bring energy through your breathing after that you not have to do it consciously just because of the very understanding you will start doing it now they are working on your consciousness in the waking state means this state and you are aware the conscious state or what psychology else's conscious state if you are aware it is like if you are not aware it is that an unconscious state if you are aware something it is three called it is not a stream if you have not aware of anything it is called deep sleep in the life if you bring more awareness you start controlling life same day in the dream if you start bringing more awareness you will be able to control the dream and the deep sleep understand this is the conscious level in the conscious level if you are aware of any woman around you it is called life if you are not aware of any moment it is called that in the unconscious level if you are aware of any moment it is called a dream if you are able to see anything if you are able to feel anything if you are able to experience any moment it's called a dream in unconscious level itself if you are not able to feel anything if you are not able to understand any movement anything then it is deep sleep these are the four things between life and death if you become aware of living if you're conscious about living you start controlling the life you start deciding you you think I think this type of car would help me this type of house is not going to work for me I think you not be this way you start deciding I'm done in this job you start deciding the more I became conscious you start chiseling your life you start controlling deciding your life same way again here if you bring a little more consciousness to this face if you became conscious the dream state if you bring the same consciousness to the dream state here you will be able to control your dream under deep sleep controlling life and death controlling dream and deep sleep all the both controlling life and death controlling dreamin deep sleep both requests one important thing awareness awareness is the main key to control life and death under control three mundane sleep yes to bring awareness into your dreams to bring awareness into your dreams and he says bringing awareness into your dream not only it can help you to control the tremont deep sleep it can help you to control life also we may think how he's answering let us see the Sutra and even see that instead he goes the extreme of saying all of us know if you bring awareness in the life you can control your life if he became completely aware of the problem random flow how the prana is coming and how the prana is going how to retain more prana in the body you can control the death also this all of us can understand but Shima says bring awareness to the unconscious to the dream state not only you will be able to control the brain you'll be able to control the deep sleep he says you will be able to control the death and life he gives us so many different techniques he offers so many different techniques to give us the experience of ultimate truth and energy how Shima is a control over dream and if she can bring a control over life and death let us see


Control Life and Death with Prana Movements


From works of Living Enlightened Master Pramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, "Death De-Mystified" Swamiji describes the basic truths about Prana movement. He tells us if we understand basic truths about Prana we can handle life and death effortlessly.

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Does Enlightenment Require any Qualifications


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled "Music Your Avenue to Awareness" Swamiji tells us that most people really do not understand or want enlightenment. If the master wants to, even through a though the lamp of enlightenment can be transferred.

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Prayers Become Reality


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled "Temples - The Repositories of Truth" Swamiji describes how our prayers become reality. Whenever you keep your thoughts in front of a concentrated energy source such as garbha mandir which has been sanctified by energy of an Enlightened Master, your prayers become a reality.

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What is Prana


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, "death De-Mystified" Swmaiji shares secrets of Prana.

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