July 03 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains how India still stands as the oldest living civilization on Earth because it has been deeply rooted in stability. The strength of the Vedic tradition is in developing what is best in life and people, carving out what is best from them, and leaving out the unnecessary parts. For example, there was a long standing custom in which sons would take up the same work as their fathers, and begin specializing in that area at a young age. Generations would work as carvers, artists, priests and so on, perfecting their craft or profession over the decades. But now, this tradition is in danger of being destroyed because of the pseudo western ideas about freedom and stability which have penetrated modern Indian society, causing degradation in the structure and lifestyle of the Vedic Tradition.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, India, civilization, Earth, rooted, stability, Vedic tradition, life, people, custom, craft, pseudo ideas, freedom, degradation, lifestyle.



I welcome you all with my love and respects.

I will move to Nithya Satsangh.

Today, Mahadeva is gracing us as a bangle vendor. ‘Valaiyal Vitra Leelai’. As a bangle vendor he is gracing us. If he sells the bangle, who will not want to buy? This bangle vendor is a very tricky job. I will tell you the story of leela, then you will understand.

Shiva once went to Taraka Vana. Taraka Vana is one of the oldest religious universities. Those Rishis, Professors, they became very egoistic; thinking that their knowledge is the ultimate, nothing more is there. So Mahadeva went as a beggar, bhikshadana. Seeing his grace and beauty, all the Rishi pathnis have started going behind him. And all these Rishis lost completely their face and the manly ego completely got destroyed. The manly ego completely got destroyed.

And the women, they ran behind Mahadeva such a way, melting in his love, and unable to tolerate the distance between him and them. The story says even literally, physically, they started losing weight and all the bangles dropped from their hands and the mekhala – the hip belt – dropped, because they have started becoming so lean, missing Mahadeva.

So, seeing this, all Rishis got very angry and declared all their wives have lost chastity. And the Rishis cursed their wives saying that, ‘You guys will be born in a merchant community in Madurai.’

And Rishi Pathnis said, ‘Alright, you do what you want. We will ask Mahadeva for remedy.’

Mahadeva says, ‘Alright, ask the same fellows who gave the curse.’

And Mahadeva revealed his identity, and ordered the Taraka Vana Rishis to give the remedy.

The Rishis said, ‘Alright, Shiva himself will come and put the bangles again for you guys. Then you will be liberated from the curse and come back.’

So, Mahadeva comes down as a bangle vendor and in the name of selling bangles and seeing the size, he puts the bangle for all those Rishi Pathnis who have come down due to the curse of the Rishis. Sundareshwara releases them from the curse. So, by the touch of Mahadeva, all those women, Rishi pathnis, got liberated and went back to their original space.

This is the thirty-second leela of Mahadeva in that sixty-four. What all he has to do to liberate people. He has to even sell energy beads to liberate people. Sometime people call him business man. That is okay. He has to do what he has to do for which he has to do.


Let’s move to the next segment of the morning satsang.

Today’s subject for Nithya Satsang, I will expand on some of the basic principles of Mamakaara, Ahankaara, Anyakaara, and through this I will expand the subject, ‘STABILITY’, because I gave a word yesterday I will speak on ‘Stability’.

Please understand. Now I am talking very important subject, and very sensitive subject. So I request you to move to the space of listening. Move to the space of listening.

Why the Indian civilization is still alive even after thousands and thousands of years? Why the other civilizations like Greek, Egypt have died? And many other civilizations - African civilization and all, they die and get created again.

All of you need to know non-controversially this one truth is accepted by all historians: Indian civilization is the oldest civilization. No doubt about it. To create the oldest civilization, to discover so many new things and offer it to society, something takes. What is that it takes? Listen. What is that it takes? Not because I am born and brought up in India; I am telling you the straightforward, simple facts.

When British invaded India, India was the world’s richest country. I can give you the list of, list and list, tons and tons of material. Till 287 years before, Thanjavur Temple was the tallest building in the world. Understand, for almost 703 years, unbroken record. Even now, that is the tallest granite building in the world. Understand, tallest granite building; completely built out of granite. Largest granite building even now in the world is Tanjore Temple which is built when there was no machineries. Literally hand carved; on the whole structure, every inch, the hands of the artisans have played. They used the tools which can be held by hands. No large-sized machineries, no automated tools, no MNC machineries.


I was planning somehow I wanted to build like that one granite tower. No, don’t clap, don’t clap. I wanted to build, but the sthaapathis have finally given, it will take 1,200 crore to build now with all the machineries, and they are saying at least fifteen years they want. Now there are machineries which will bring exact, complete, final shape itself. You don’t need to put your hand at all on the stone. They will cut from the hill, the machines themselves will give the finishing touch, and the machineries will assemble it. We have machineries to do that huge work. But even with all that, they say, nothing less than a decade, means nothing less than ten years.

And Raja Raja completed the whole thing - two days less than five year. Just two days less than five years. Understand, the day they started breaking the stone – it is called ‘Vaasthu Pooja’ – and the day the Kumbhabhishekham, inauguration was done, two days less than five years. No machineries. It is not that easy to make elephants work, understand. Because, they don’t get salary! First of all, even if you give salary it is difficult to make Indians work. And it is impossible to make Indian elephants work. It is not a joke. How, how such massive things are possible. And you need to know, Rajaraja’s one tower is not over, immediately his son builds another one tower exactly like that. Just to respect father just few feet smaller. He says, ‘I can cross my father’s tower height but I should not do; just a respect.’

How, how so much can be done? And, I tell you, still that carving, making deities, idols, that art, with so much of physical work, without machineries, may be in next few days I will give a tour to all you guys with our Sacred Arts City. You can go and see. Everything is hand carved. How, how is it possible? Why will people do with so much of labor? How this civilization is able to do this? What you are seeing (image projected on the screen) is Tanjore Temple, the world’s largest granite building even now; world’s largest granite structure even now, world’s largest granite structure. There is a documentary in YouTube by BBC – ‘Lost Temples of India’. I sincerely recommend all of you to watch that on YouTube. How is it possible?


You should know one more thing. If you go to any village in Tamil Nadu, you will see a temple at least half of this size. How is it possible? I can give you at least one-thousand human settlements in India which is three thousand years old. At least one-thousand human settlement which is three thousand years unbroken, like Madurai, Tanjore – three-thousand years unbroken human habitat. At least one-thousand I can give you - Jagannath, Haridwar. In India, at least one-thousand, 1000 human habitats which is three-thousand year old! How is it possible? Everything boils down to one, one truth: STABILITY.

Please understand, Western civilization, in the name of freedom, destroyed one of the greatest possibility for human-beings – Stability. In Hinduism, if your father is a painter, you have to be painter. If your father is a artist, carves the stone, you have to do that. If you father makes pots, you have to do it. Please listen. Don’t judge with your western-infected mind. So sad, even Indians have started believing ‘you need to do your father’s profession’ is a bondage. No.

Freedom is, the real freedom is freedom from instable mind. By teaching the wrong idea of freedom, they destroyed in all the fields we are specialized. How is it possible a fourteen-year-old boy can repeat two lakh verses? In India, it was possible. Just before we were invaded by the British fanatics, every village will have a Vedic school where fourteen-year child will recite at least one Veda, two Veda, which is like two lakh verse three lakh verse. Because, the specialization, understand, the specialization, the moment you are born in a Brahmin family, the child knows till death you are going to do be doing only this; better let us specialize now than later. In a carpenter family, when a child is born, it knows whole life we are going to be working with wood; better let us specialize now than later.


All the artists whom I have, all of them – of course, now they are thirty, forty – all of them have learnt the art from their parents from the age of three or four. They started playing with the tools of their father, their parents. See, before fourteen only you make the right Mamakaara, right Ahankaara, right Anyakaara, right Swa-Anyakaara, all that. No, the specialization is destroyed when the stability is removed. In every field, we had so much of specialization. See, in the modern day, especially American civilization, nowhere you can bind people to be stable. You see, only in a stable stone you can carve the carvings which will be available for, which will be alive for eternal, eternity. Anything which gives way, which is not stable whatever you make in it, will not be long, will not be alive forever. Anything, you see mud gives way, but anything you make out of mud will not be there more than few hundred years. Anything which is stable, on that what you carve only will be alive forever.

In Vedic tradition, in Hindu tradition, we learnt the process, method of how to keep human-beings stable and carve the best things out of them. Our community system made human-beings like rock. The moment you are born in a Brahmin family, you know your whole life this is what is going to be you are doing; so better learn all the four Vedas as early as possible. So that stability made geniuses happen. Same way, if you are born in a sthaapathi family – sthaapathi means, an architect, traditional architect – they know till death you are going to be doing this; better learn it as early as possible.

Concepts of freedom made human-beings like mud. Out of mud you cannot make anything permanent, anything eternal, anything great. In the times of Vedic tradition, once somebody enters the monastery, he knows this is his life till end; better live it. If you go out, you don’t have life. Then the stable, great masters are created. But now, all you guys have too much of freedom, the pseudo freedom. So, every once in two days you plan, ‘Do I have that choice, that choice, that choice?’ That is why even the married life lost stability.


In the modern civilization, there is no more pathi and pathni. It is boyfriend-girlfriend, married boyfriend-married girlfriend or unmarried boyfriend-unmarried girlfriend - that’s all; because, if you shout little loud, that’s it, over. Husband and wife, both are always keeping one leg outside the house. I tell you, it is because of the instability in the family system, we lost even the science of tantra, we lost the science of love.

The instability brought in the name of freedom destroyed Indian civilization, Vedic civilization; because anything in Vedic civilization, the first prerequisite is stability. Because we are so rich, to specialize anything you need dedication of the whole life. If you want to study Nyaya, you have to be committed to it for whole life. If you want to study Vedanta, you have to commit to it for whole life. And there are some knowledge you can’t even learn by committing to one life; only if the generations commit, the fourth generation will master the skill. See the knowledge of Siddha tradition, if the generations commit, only by fourth or fifth generation becomes a perfect doctor. How many of you cognize what I am saying? So, anything in Indian civilization, the way we cook, the way we eat, the way we clothe, the way we take medicines, our healing system, our worship method, our lifestyle philosophy, our art and architecture.

For example somebody joins the ashram, only if he is stable I can transmit all these great mystery sciences. See, the day my master, my mentor Raghupathi yogi adopted me, he built a very clear conscious inner image for me, outer image for me; my image about life. So now I know till death this is my life. So because of that stability, he was able to transmit so much of spiritual knowledge. Please understand, I am the fulfillment of fantasy of my many predecessors. I am the result of many of my predecessor’s hard work. I am the perfection of many of my predecessor’s hard work. Raghupathi yogi is I think 7th or 8th generation from the yogic traditions, yogic masters; the natha panthi. It is called Natha Panthi, the Natha Sampradhaya, where they will make a big hole on the ear. And he wanted to make for me. Somehow I escaped. It’s called natha panthis. Of course, finally, he did not leave me. He made a small hole here.

The Natha Panthis who went to Burma; of course, those days, Burma was part of India. When Burma got separated from India, my mentor, Raghupathi Yogi, came back from Burma and settled down in South India. Burma and South India had a very close connection. Tibet and South India had a very close connection like Padmasambhava, Bodhidharma all of them are from south went to Burma, Tibet and all those areas. In Bodhidharma’s time, there are clear mention, clear recorded history.


The perfection, see because I gave that stability feeling to him, he was able to transmit the whole knowledge. And I am so happy my parents were so strong, never allowed me the so-called pseudo freedom. I feel, please understand, I feel so bad when I see some of my Gurukul kids parents allow the so-called freedom of the kid and take their kid away. I feel, Oh God, I am so grateful to my parents who did not do that. It is not that I did not come back to my mom and dad and complained about the torturous training I have to go through with both my mentors. It’s not that I was that stable with Raghupathi Yogi or Kuppammal. But I tell you, my mother will just have a deaf ears whenever I say anything about them. My father will not listen and he will say, ‘Ay Saami, today you will complain about them; tomorrow you will only be going and sitting with them. I am not coming in the drama.’

Actually, parents should be little insensitive. You should not be too possessive and sensitive about the whims and fancies of your kids. How can kids have right whims and fancies? You need to spend little time even for them to get the right whims and fantasies. Till then you need to leave them to settle down with stability.

I tell you, the Indian laws now, present laws are dead against stability, because the pseudo freedom idea was put inside us. I tell you, biggest crime the British fellows did to us is injecting that pseudo freedom idea into us and saying if your father is carpenter, you don’t need to be a slave and learning the same carpentry; you can go and clean the bathroom in U.K. And you can go to Dubai and clean the shit of the camel; richest country in the world, why do you guys need to go to other countries for job? First eating the shit of wrong ideas given by them; first of all, the idea of economic growth by them is wrong. No, really.


Actually, I am already working. By the end of this year, I will be launching, I am going to create just like ISI mark, the Hindu Dharma recognition mark to the companies, companies which live the principles of, basic principles of Hindu Dharma, I am going to recognize. I will build this brand. Let dollar not be the parking place of our hard work. Your parking place is wrong. We always think Dollar is the most stable place where we can park our hard work or what we swindled. Even the Indian politicians, the Indian politicians who are supposed to be responsible for the stability of the Rupee, even they keep all the money they swindled through the Rupee in Dollar. Please understand, the politicians who are responsible for the stability of the Rupee, swindle the Rupee and store it in Dollar. Then even if they don’t trust Rupee, how is the Rupee going to gain the respect of stability? Wrong parking places, wrong concepts. And Indians need only one thing: get back to our stability lifestyle given by our community system.

That our country suppressed certain section of humanity, I tell you, no, it was not as it is getting projected now. The exemption incidents are compiled and the documentaries are made as a history of India. In India, the so-called suppressed community was treated much better than Blacks were treated in America or the Europe. There was never massacre of Dalits in India. And Ambedkar is not the first guy to talk about Dalit freedom. There were millions. Buddha was completely against Brahmins. We worship him, listen to him, because what he was saying making sense. Somewhere, one or two ego clashes is shown as if suppression of one part of the civilization. In that name, the whole community system is destroyed and the stability of the society is lost.


What Krishna says in Gita, ‘When the communities get mixed, the civilization is lost.’

I stand by Krishna’s words. I will work to bring the stability of community system.

When a boy is born in Kshathriya family, he should know politics is going to be his life. He has to learn that science from the age of three. When a boy is born in a Brahmin family, he should know this spiritual knowledge - learning and spreading is going to be his life; better he start learning the spiritual lifestyle philosophies from the age of three. He is not going to be respected as a doctor or engineer and that idiotic software engineers. And all the Brahmin software engineers, you fellows are responsible for all the degradation we are suffering. You should have stood like your elders. Your elders were not rich. Your ancestors lived with one piece dress, one meal a day. But they stood with their temples. They stood with their teaching. They stood with their preaching. The stability; hats off to the stability of Dalits, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vysyas of Vedic tradition; hats off to the stability!

I know I cannot finish the subject of Stability in one satsang. It is my heart I am opening. And I will continue in the next satsangs. I will be strongly promoting the community system, even though I am not a Brahmin, I wanted you to know. I know I am talking in a national channel. I want these ideas to be internalized. This pseudo Dalit suppression idea which is created by politicians for political mileage, for vote bank politics, please don’t believe. Oh, mainstream media, leave us to live our life. Get out of our country. Give us our country back, our peace back.


I will continue on the ‘Stability’ tomorrow also. Today, I will move to Nirahara Samyama. After this Nirahara Samyama Kriya today, please break your fast. Tomorrow morning eat and come for satsang. You can eat all the three meals today. Tomorrow morning also have your breakfast and come to satsang, because from tomorrow you will be continuing seven days the Samyama.


Now, let us start the Nirahara Samyama.


Now start the Nirahara Samyama Kriya. First, cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha and visualize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha and do the Kriya by inhaling through the mouth and both the nostrils, holding as long as you can by closing the nostrils and mouth. When you can’t hold any more, slowly exhale through the nostrils keeping the mouth closed. Do this Kriya continuously for twenty-one minutes. Please start the Kriya. I bless you all with my Integrity and Authenticity and Responsibility, let you all experience the awakening of Kundalini and produce the energy directly from space - live health, bliss and enlightenment. Namah Shivaya.