February 26 2011

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Title: Techniques for Past Life Regression, Patanjali Yoga Sutra 125

Techniques for Past Life Regression: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 125 Nithyananda 26 Feb 2011


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda continued on Patanjali's Yoga Sutra about Past Lives with the technique recommended for knowing and healing your past. "First the basic truth about past life -- your soul, the individual soul is the reflection of the cosmic soul. Swatma is the reflection of the Paramathma. Your body is the mirror on which the reflection is happening."

"Every time, when you take a new birth, you take a new pad or mirror. So Buddha's Jataka Tales are the tales of all the mirrors he assumed. When we say he's an incarnation, don't think he has to go through the same process like from fish to the last. From all the intelligence he collects, he makes his own mirror."

"Then 2nd understanding - you have 3 layers of past, the first layer past is from your birth to this moment;. 2nd from all the births you took till this moment; 3rd from the beginning of the cosmos till this moment. Forget about 3rd layer past, that is required only for the higher major decisions of the cosmos. If you have the understanding that we had many births, we are going to have multiple births, you don't need rush with life, the restful awareness with which the concept of multiple births bring is extraordinary. Understanding of the 1st layer will heal you; of the 2nd layer will infuse tremendous joy in life."

"Patanjali gives an amazing technique. He says through the perceiving of the impressions you can achieve the past life memory. Before going to bed, just sit. Start going back in your life, from the time you woke up, not just rethinking, but by re-living. Same way go back from the present moment till the time you woke up. So 2 things you need to do. From morning to night is one cycle, 2nd is going back. When you do these 2 cycles, so many minute details, the subtle emotions you went through, the whole thing will be awakened. You need to do this for at least 21 days."

"Samyama on samskaras, observing the past impressions-at night you may need to be spending one hour, if you are deeply interested in your past life. healing your trauma, do this. You will have complete understanding of the impressions you leave. Your one day has the whole essence of your life. When your mental setup was created as a child, all the the pain, pleasure etc., was recorded. Every day you go through it in some way. Every day if you go through it, it will open up vividly all the past experiences."

"Actually when you see and experience the whole past, the first thing you will do is start laughing about life. How foolishly you do the same thing again and again and again. That is why in Zen they say the ultimate laughter is enlightenment."

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'Description: Techniques for Past Life Regression by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 26 feb 2011'


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam. 0:46 I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees and disciples who are sitting with us around the world at this moment in 634 locations, in 193 cities and 28 countries. I welcome all the devotees, disciples who are sitting around the world at this moment and I am able to see 17 cities in two way. I am able to see Los Angeles, San Jose, Seattle, Singapore, Guadeloupe, Mexico, Ohio, Houston, Malaysia, Philadelphia, Dallas, Dubai, New Jersey, Atlanta, Hyderabad, Phoenix, Toronto. All this seventeen paces I able to see on two way. I welcome all of you sitting with us at this moment in spite of your different time. I think for some country it is night 2 O’ clock for some country it is morning 3 O’ clock for some country it is noon 1 O’ clock. Actually the watch in front of me shows any time it will be right time, because for some country which is sitting with us that will be the time. 3:02 So I welcome all of you with my love and respects. As you are all aware I am continuing on Patanjali’s Yoga sutras. Today’s morning satsang is on Patanjali’s yoga sutras. I am continuing the same sutra which I was exploring yesterday; 124th sutra the subject is ‘Know Your Past Life’. It is about the Past life regression. Yesterday I was explaining the science of past life regression. Now I will enter into the technique and technology for past life regression.... samskara saksat karanat purva jati jnanam. 4:13 Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as through the perceiving of the impressions comes the knowledge of past life. I have spoken elaborately on this past life regression. It’s already available in YouTube. I have spoken more than 10 hours on past life regression. I will give you the essence Patanjali is trying to explain through this sutra. First you need to understand what is past life. 5:08 There is a question from Los Angeles Spiritual Embassy. “Ten Avatars include Buddha but Buddha’s Jataka Tales does not include all this ten Avatars. Does it? Can you explain more on the beauty of Dasavatar Jataka.” You need to understand this truth; first the basic truth about the past life. Your soul, the individual soul is the reflection of the cosmic soul what we call Paramatma. Swatma is the reflection of Paramatma. The individual soul is the reflection of the cosmic soul. Your body is the mirror on which the reflection is happening. 7:04 Please understand I will explain with this example. Understand this light above my head is the cosmic soul. The reflection of that light on this pad is the individual soul. This pad is body. Every time when you take a new birth you create new pad. You can call it ... if you visualize this as a mirror, new mirror. So Buddha’s Jataka Tales are the tales of all the mirror he assumed. Please understand all the mirrors he assumed. When we say Buddha is an incarnation don’t think he has to go through that same process like matsya avatara, kurma avatara, varaha avatara then narasimha avatara. No. From all those incarnations intelligence, he collects and makes his own mirror. It’s like from those ten mirrors he collects one, one small part and makes his own mirror. Out of that material he makes his own mirror. It’s a very subtle but an important truth. If you know this truth all the questions and doubts about this past life will disappear and not only that, understanding about your past life will help you in the present life. 9:28 The second understanding about the past; you have three layers of past. One, past of… from your birth to this moment; that’s the first layer past. After you took birth in this body, from your date of birth to this day; this is called first layer past. Second all the births you took and till this moment it is the second layer past. Third from the beginning of the cosmos and till this moment it is third layer past. Forget about third layer past. That is not required for you. That is too much and out of syllabus for you which is not directly required. That is required only for the higher major decisions related to the whole cosmos. Anyhow you are not going to decide those things. So you don’t need to know about those things. A common man needs to know only the simple laws which you need to follow in your life. You don’t need to bother so much about the constitution. So the third layer past is required only if you want to work on the cosmic constitution; not otherwise. 11:14 If you know the first layer past and second layer past, that is enough. It will heal you and enlighten you. Knowing the first layer past will heal you physically. Especially all the disorders related to the heart, all the disease related to the heart is from the root of first layer past. Please understand the Indian psyche, the Indian lifestyle, Indian mental setup, Indian food, Indian clothing’s everything is a designed to flow with a understanding of past life. But unfortunately we moved out of that understanding. That is the reason the whole Indian civilization is suffering with heart disorders. Understand Indians suffer 600% more heart disorder than any other civilization. It’s a international study statistics; statistics from international study. Indians suffer 600% more heart disorders than any other ethnic community or groups or civilizations. 12:48 Please understand this is only recently, I can say last eighty years, when we started disconnecting our self from our traditional understanding based way of life. If you think you have only 100 year life, the amount of hurryness with which you need to squeeze the life as much as you can and you will have to finish living. So what will you do? The rush, the violence, the aggression with which you jump on life and try to squeeze as much as you can, naturally your heart is not capable to run in that speed. It leads to enormous amount of desires and very little capacity for your body and mind. This conflict, this frustration is responsible for all heart disorders. 14:29 We are basically agriculture based grain based civilization. Our mental setup, life style, very DNA that’s a right word, our very core, our very body; if you are born to Indian parents your very body is designed to live the life with an understanding of multiple births, reincarnation. Because every understanding our ancestors carry is transmitted to our bio memory as a internal deep programming. I tell you, understand mind is societal, body is natural. Indian body is built to understand and live the life with a clear understanding, a broad understanding about the multiple lives you went through and you will go through. If you have the understanding we are, we had many births, we are going to have many births that brings a tremendous restful awareness. You don’t need to hurry so much. If I achieve now great! If not I can always have it in future. The restful awareness which the concept of multiple births brings is unimaginable; extraordinary. 16:57 That is the reason I want you to understand the first layer and second layer past. The first layer past will heal basic problems of life. Second layer past will enlighten you and infuse tremendous energy and joy in you. Patanjali one of the greatest inner scientist ever happened on the planet earth gives an amazing technique, a powerful technique. He says through the perceiving of the impressions, by observing the past impressions, you can achieve the past life memory. 18:03 I will give you now the exact technique what to do to open up your past life memory. You need to do this process at least for twenty one days. Night, before going to the bed, just sit. Start going back in your life. Please understand night eight o' clock if you are sitting for this meditation, start from the moment you woke up from the bed; maybe morning five or six o clock you wake up. From that time start 6, then 7, then 8, then 9, from morning just come down; just not rethinking. Reliving! I am not asking you to rethink. No. I am not asking you to review. No. I am asking you to relive. From morning come down to this moment and same way, second, from this moment go back to morning. 19:38 Please understand you need to do two thing. First sit relive; morning 6 O' clock you woke up. Then you brushed your teeth, took bath, dressed up, went for breakfast went to office. This all you did in office, then had lunch; in this cycle once. Then second go back like eight o’ clock you are sitting, oh half an hour before what did I do? Then 7 O' clock what did I do? 6.30 What did I do? 6 O' clock what did I do? Go back from this to the morning. Please understand it’s a very powerful process. Once come from morning waking up to night going to bed, second night going to bed to morning waking up. When you do this two reliving, so many minute details, the subtle emotions you went through, the subtle experiences you went through, whole thing will be awakened. 21:14 I can say, I can actually assure, within 21 days, within 21 days the whole understanding about the past and all the questions related to your past, how you create a samskara, impression, how you manipulate it for your day to day understanding and how you can heal the wounds created by those samskaras. Understand all this three will click in your inner space. How much ever I teach you by words it will be just word. It has to become your very experience. As long as it is my word you will never have the deepest understanding. Only when it becomes your own word it will become your deepest understanding. 22:46 It’s a exact technique what Patanjali means by this word samskara saksat karanat purva jaati jnanam. Samskara saksat karana; samyama on samskaras observing the past impressions; this is a technique. Please understand night you may need to spend one hour. If you are deeply interested in your past life regression, healing many traumas, phobias, fears you carry in your present life from past life, go through this process. Sit, from morning till night what you did, relive. Then from night to morning what you did, relive. It will be same but when you go through this way and this way you will have complete new understanding how your impressions create your past. 24:09 One more thing you may think how going through my one day of past can reveal my whole life past for me. It will; you will see it. Your one day has the whole essence of your life. When your mental setup was created as a child all the fears, greed, joy, guilt, pain, pleasure anything is recorded, every day you go through those experiences directly or indirectly in some way. So one day if you analyze you will open up your whole past. Suddenly you will see the memories incidents which you did not go through that day also will start opening up vividly, clearly. 25:23 Actually when you see and experience the whole past, the first thing will happen to you is you will start laughing about life. How foolishly you are doing the same thing again and again and again. That is why in Zen tradition they call the ultimate laughter is enlightenment or enlightenment is ultimate laughter; laughing at the whole foolishness. Actually when you laugh at the whole foolishness they do not know what to do. They are completely perturbed and disturbed. Laugh at the whole mind and samskaras which is attacking you in the inner space. Suddenly they will lose power over you and disappear. 26:51 So today practice this process tonight and send me your reply. The technique is, sit before going to the bed and live your past from morning till night and night to morning. Send me your home work. I will see respond to all your questions and queries. Now all of you may be aware we are going to have life bliss program for next two days, LBP. I think from 17 Spiritual Embassies from all over the world people are participating. So, 17 Spiritual Embassies are having two way video conferencing at this moment with us all over the world. And after this few minutes of breakfast break, we will start our LBP, life bliss program first session. 28:39 So I bless all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in 698 places, in 220 cities, in 30 countries for the morning satsang. Let you all achieve, live, experience, express and radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.