PAda Puja to SPH and Devi puja by SPH at devotee's home post April 2001

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Pada Puja to SPH and Devi Puja by SPH || Tiruchengode || Post April 2001


On this day, The SPH (23 years of age) Graced a devotees's home (Senthil and his wife Shanti, daughter of the famous Janson Textile merchant) in Tiruchengode and accepted Pada Puja to His sacred Lotus feet. He also Himself performed Devi Meru Abhishekam, Homa (fire ritual) and Puja there, thus energising the entire space of their home. The SPH traveled house to house, reaching citizens in their own homes, and performed special pujas for their holistic wellbeing and made them understand the greatness of the greater Science of Hinduism and lifestyle of KAILASA - the ancient enlightened Hindu Civilizational Nation.
