December 06 2010

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Beware and Be Aware of Ignorance: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 74 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang


From today, 6 Dec 2010, Paramahamsa Nithyananda will give his daily morning Satsang messages to the world on Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Patanjali is one of the greatest Siddhas'. Nithyananda declared that He does not need to spend separate time and title to speak on the Siddha tradition. Because Siddhas have already become his very being, bone marrow, and blood. So, any subject He talks will naturally reveal Siddhas' expression through His own experience.

Patanjali Yoga Sutras is a well-known book scripture all over the world. So, by sharing His experience on the truth, lot more seekers will be helped.

Starting His message with the topic "Beware and Be Aware of Ignorance", Nithyananda spoke on the deeper truths about ignorance, warning us to be 'beware of ignorance' as an intellectual waking-up and to 'be aware' -- as a technique to go beyond ignorance. Beware and be aware, both need to be experienced. How to experience both the space?

Patanjali is guiding us with Sutra 75, chapter 2.24 -- "Tasya Hetur Avidya". Nithyananda commented on the 24th Sanskrit verse as "Ignorance is the cause of unawareness of Purusha, the consciousness about its real nature. Ignorance is the cause of identification of consciousness as matter, matter as consciousness and responsible for all the sufferings you have in your life". He further defined ignorance as 'intellectual perversion'.

What is intellectual perversion? He explained, "Any idea, that works on you and creates restful awareness is 'Shastra', means knowledge, spiritual truth. Any idea which works in you and creates violence anger, an unsettled end. See, all ideas lead you to a further, and further and further to an end at one point. If it just ends abruptly without getting the completion or without reaching its logical conclusion just by kind of suffering. Either violence towards you or others. That's what I call intellectual perversion, ignorance. Ignorance brings suffering. If you just leave it as ignorance, it will be ignorance. If you start working based on ignorance, those decisions, it becomes suffering. "

Taking us deeper into the understanding of 'intellectual perverted conclusions', he expanded on ignorance with, "Any thought you conceived and not taking it to its logical conclusion is ignorance. And not only stopping in between, using the ideas and conclusions which you derived by stopping in between as a strategy for your future and making decisions out of those inconclusive conclusions. Using those things as a strategy for your future and making decisions about your future is the most dangerous poison in your life."

Nithyananda gave the ultimate technique to go beyond ignorance, quoting the example of Parikshit, as born aborted and revived by Shri Krishna, "Life is simple management. If you know clearly about the strategy for you future, life just flows. I am telling you any thought you start to ensure that you reach its logical conclusion. Don't be stuck in half. Stuck thought is equivalent to aborted child. Any thought which you started is your child. The moment a thought happens in you, you are pregnant. Now. See that it grows, you cherish it, nourish it, deliver it and properly take it to a logical conclusion. Means see that it becomes a matured adult or stop the very conceiving process by unclutching. If you already conceived, see that it becomes a matured child. Don't have an aborted child or after giving birth the immatured mentally retarded kids. It is dangerous for you. "

He told all the devotees, disciples present and watching live through eNTV web channel to HAVE PATIENCE. At least have 1% of his tremendous patience to take all our logical thoughts to a conclusion. Because of his compassion for the society, He has tremendous patience to sit through and stand up. He has nothing to gain. Because whatever thinking process He started in His life, He has taken it to its logical conclusion, experienced it, realized it, digested it. He is living it. Whether it is intellectual thought or desire or fear or anything He started in He life, He has its fulfillment. That is what He says as being liberated from Prarabdha, the unfulfilled desires for which you take birth to complete the Prarabdha.

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Beware and Be Aware of Ignorance: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 74 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang


From today, I am starting the Patanjali Yoga Sutras in the morning satsangs. I am not ending Siddha tradition. Please understand that I realized siddhas have become my being bone marrow. So any topic I talk they will be a part of it automatically. Patanjali is one of the great siddha. So I decided the Patanjali Yoga Sutras is a well known book all over the world. By sharing my experiences on this truth, lot more seekers will be helped. So I will start expressing my experiences on PYS of course with the expression of siddhas. Today’s subject is Beware and be aware of ignorance! Not just beware. Be aware. Beware of ignorance is an intellectual waking up. Be aware is a technique of waking up. Beware of ignorance is a technical knowledge, be aware is a technique. Both needs to be experienced. How to experience both the space. Let us see how Patanjali is guiding us. 2nd chapter – 24th verse – TASYA HETHU AVIDYA. The Vivek – ignorance is its cause Prabhava – this identification is caused by ignorance Dwivedi – its cause is ignorance Sachitananda – the cause of this union is ignorance TASYA HETHU AVIDYA – The cause of unawareness of Purusha the consciousness about its real nature – why it gets mixed with matter. Why it feels confused or identifies with matter is ignorance. I will try to define ignorance. Intellectual perversion is ignorance. Any idea which works in you and creates restful awareness is shaastra – means knowledge – spiritual truth. Any idea which works in you and creates violence, anger and unsettled end. All ideas you to further and further and further. If it leads to somewhere naturally it ends at one point. See for example, when you learn about acceptance – this idea will naturally start growing in you and finally end of this thinking process if you fee settled and the acceptance is happening in you it has become knowledge in you. But, unfortunately, this has not settled in you like a end of this thinking process , if you say – No, I am not able to accept this, if you end abruptly without reaching a logical conclusion just by a kind of suffering – violence towards you or others that is what I call intellectual perversion or ignorance. Don’t think ignorance is black dark ghost which will appear with 2 horns and big teeth. No. don’t be afraid. Any intellectual process started in your which has not completed and reached its logical conclusion is ignorance. For ex. Sometime by mistake you start thinking about what is life – that seeking, intellectual understanding may not have reached its logical conclusion – maybe somewhere it is stuck, you stopped working on it further – that stopping is ignorance. After stopping, the idea you get during that stopping based on that you make further decisions. Sometime this so called devotees the harassment they do on me is so arrogant, abusive. Problem is they stop in between. They have not reached logical conclusion. Alright but you need not use the knowledge you had before this stopped. Ignorance is so dangerous and even letting ignorant people in your space is so dangerous. Even out of compassion if you take ignorant people around you, it is so dangerous. Sometime people come to drop their ignorance. But they don’t drop it at my feet. They drop it at my face! And it will come back to you with 100% power and force. Don’t throw your ignorance as weapon on me. Drop your ignorance at my feet. I am telling everybody who has a possibility for this. Not taking your logical thinking your intellectual thinking to its logical conclusion. When it has not reached its end, any idea you have is dangerous. Any strategy planning you do is violent, aggressive, arrogant. Have patience to take it to the end. Even I am sitting in this throne because of my tremendous patience. Just because of it, I could digest everything to teach human beings what I wanted to share. I have nothing left uncompleted – whether it is intellectual thought or desire or fear anything I started in my life I reached fulfillment. That is what I am saying liberation of praarabhda. I got 2 questions in IA – swamiji you said you completely lost trust on society, respect for society but why so much compassion to teach? Understand I lost my respect because of what they are. I have compassion to society because I want them to become what I want them to become. With so much abusal and harassment I have tremendous patience to sit through and pass through and stand up again. Just because I have completed all my logical thoughts to its conclusion. Anything I have started, I have taken it to its end. Understand, always end is restful awareness because the beginning is restful awareness. If you do not have restful awareness in the end, pl understand it is not done. You are stuck somewhere. It is not the Destination. If you are stuck with arrogance, ignorance, wait! Don’t vomit your poison on me. Then you will lose me. Your only hope is me. That is what has happened to this foolish ex-devotees. Poor guys did not reach the restful awareness, did not reach its end. Just caught in between. Even if you are caught in between and waiting for further progress. Great you are a seeker. Caught in between and using that conclusion to plan the life strategy. Then you lost the only hope which you had in life that is master. Ignorance is cause of the identification of the consciousness into matter. Means all confusion. Life is a simple management. If you know clearly about the strategy for your future life just flows! I am telling you any thought you start – ensure that you reach its logical conclusion. Don’t be stuck in the half. Stuck thought is equivalent to aborted child! If you bring an aborted child to the feet of the master like how Parikshit was brought to Krishna, this stuck child can be revived. Possibility is there. Means your stuck idea can reach restful awareness. But if throw the aborted child at the master, then you are in danger. It can never hit the master it will come back to you with more danger and power. Ignorance is the root cause of suffering! Take this as a today’s message – any thought which you started is your child. The moment the thougth happens in you, you are pregnant. See that it grows, grows, you cherish it nourish it and properly take it to a logical conclusion. Means grow it, nurture it and see that it becomes a mature adult. Or stop the very conceiving process by unclutching. If you already conceived see that it is cherished, nourished, grows, delivered and becomes a mature child. Don’t have aborted child or after giving birth the immature mentally retarded kids. It is dangerous for you. I have seen people make certain strategies for their life without completing the thoughts. They are stuck. They are in a mood to just fire! They don’t bother where, but only bothered about firing in any direction including themselves!That is what most of the time this intellectual perverts are doing. Ignorance is - Any thought you conceived and not taking it to its logical conclusion is ignorance. And not only stopping in between, using the ideas you derived by stopping in between, using the intellectual perverted conclusions as strategy for future and making decisions in future. Ignoranceis suffering. If you just leave it it is ignorance. If you start working based on ignorance, it becomes suffering. I have a story for you to describe this suffering in a very clear way. In a divorce court a woman requested the judge – your honour I want to divorce my husband. Why judge asked. She said he is not loyal to me. Judge asked how do you know – not a single child is resembling him! 1st You are stuck with an intellectual perversion. 2nd you are using that perverted conclusion as a strategy for your further action! One more definition of a perverted intellect is it can write for something and overnight it can change its mode and write against something. Writing for me or against me is not a problem. But if you are on the track of reaching the restful awareness. It is great. But if you are just boiling, boiling again & again, I am not losing anything. You are losing your future. In my case I am not boiling at all. Such a deep restful awareness. I am extending my living on planet earth. Just like making thread out of cotton, I am making consciousness out of time for your generations to see my glory. Intellectual perversion is the most dangerous poison because it does not let you die immediately. With poison you will just die. But this is not like that. It is like you yourself take your each nail out one by one, then poke needle into it, then cut fingers piece by piece. Then take the kidney out and squeeze. Then take the liver out and cut. I just want to tell all these intellectual perverts – don’t act based on the logic which has not reached its conclusion. When it has reached its conclusion, it becomes -Nirmaana, nirloka, niranjana, niraamaya, nirliptha and nirvikalpa. Of course it should have become an Advaita! Unfortunately, it has become and aborted child. Not only an aborted child some ghost also has entered into that aborted child’s body. But what to do. It is trying to kick with hand but no hand, trying to kick with leg, no leg! Intellectual perversion is the most dangerous poison, most dangerous suffering and the worst way of committing suicide. I have one more story for you about intellectual perversion – You looked troubled. I told my friend – what is your problem. He said I am going to become a father. I said that is wonderful. What wonderful my wife does not know about it yet! I have another one story – One woman told another – my neighbor is always speaking ill about my husband. But look at me my husband is lazy, coward and idiot but have I ever spoken bad about him? The ignorance which you carry in you is not a ordinary poison. So look into it completely, work on it. Anything which is not complete in you – burn it or unclutch from it. Don’t live in between because it can torture yourself and that is the worst way of committing suicide. Ignorance is cause of identification of matter as consciousness and consciousness of matter and responsible for all suffering in your life! Blessings!


Pressmeet: 2010, Dec 06


Pressmeet with Ashramites and Sanyasis, speaking out after the March 2nd attack.

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Inner Awakening

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Pressmeet: 2010, Dec 06