October 07 2010

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In this powerful discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes in scientific terms the capabilities of the brain and how to train the brain to be more than just the human brain.

Video and Audio

Unlock Your Brain Potential Nithyananda

Video Audio


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.

0:59 Today’s subject is ‘Unlock Your Brains Potential’; if you have it. I will introduce few truths about brain. Before that, brain is physical, gross, blue print of your mind. Please understand brain itself is not mind it’s a blue print of your mind.

1:44 I wanted to introduce few of the truths about the consciousness, mind and brain. If I give you an example sun reflecting on the mirror, the sun is the consciousness, the reflection is mind, the mirror on which the part of the mirror on which the reflection is happening - that area is brain. Consciousness is sun, the reflection itself is mind, the area of the mirror on which the reflection is happening is brain. By awakening the non mechanical parts of your brain you create a clean mirror for the reflection to be more pure, reflection to be more true to the consciousness. When you clean the mirror, the reflection; mind can be more true to consciousness. When you clean the mirror the reflection can be more true to sun. If there is a mis shape, dust or part of the mirror which does not reflect properly, the reflection will not be true to the sun.

3:47 So awakening your brain, non mechanical parts of the brain and keeping it clean and alive will make your mind true to the consciousness. Making your mind true to the consciousness is enlightenment. If your mind can reflect consciousness as it is without adding or deleting, illusion or delusion you are living enlightenment.

4:31 Other day I was reading an article, very beautiful information, truth. The highest achievements done by a human being in the weight lifting or bench press powers and all that, with all that training and everything in Guinness record, is much, much, much lower than the same set up gorilla’s bench press power. The same brain, body, almost same, gorillas carry the same structure. Their bench press power is something like 4000. The human beings with all their training, gorillas bench press power is 4000 without any training or trying to be stronger. With human beings with all the training everything it is not even 1/4th. Why you know, first thing we forget our strength.

5:54 See gorilla never tries to be stronger. He is just be himself that’s all. In our case we forget our strength. Set a wrong trend. From that wrong stand we try to be stronger. That is where the struggle starts. Even with our brain the same thing. Basically we start believing it can function only if the informations go inside. Our basic education system which makes you believe you will not know which you are not taught. You will not know which is not put inside systematically through eyes or ears is the most dangerous and wrong belief system goes inside.

7:06 Your brain is not a computer which can process only the information which is fed inside. It is like, the brain can be used in the other way like a computer to access the internet where everything is available, just download. You use your brain like an ordinary PC where whatever informations are fed that can be processed developed and result can be given. That is not the truth; that is not the potential of your brain. Use that as a computer to download all the information available in all internet.

7:58 Your brain is like a computer given to you. Either you can use it as a PC or you can use it as a computer with internet connection. You are taught from the young age it is a PC. No...... Which is not true. It is a computer with internet connection where you can download any information available in internet means in the world. Your brain is not created to receive information, process and respond. No. It has the cosmic connection. All you need to remember need to know is by nature you have a cosmic connection and you can go on downloading anything you want and sharing it with the world.

8:55 I remember very powerful incident happened in my life. One day very playfully all my classmates wanted to have a debate with me. Then some question they asked about Ganesha. I answered very strongly. Then one fellow said he talks as if he knows everything. The other fellow said no, no he knows everything. Then they said alright tomorrow we will come up with question, we will ask any question, you answer we will give you five rupee. Those days five rupee is a big money and any question I am not able to answer I have to give five rupee. Some ten boys gathered.

9:55 I went to Kuppammal. She told me go and attend, nothing to be afraid. Go and do it. Somehow I had the confidence and I did not even have the thought - if I don’t know some answer what will I do? Any how I went and they started question putting all kinds of questions went on and on and on. I was answering. Suddenly one very tricky question came. See in Tiruvannamalai there is a small temple on the pearl hill means pavalakundru on that there is a small temple. The whole city believes that temple as Subrahmanya temple because only for Subrahmanya’s function people will go there and have darshan and come and always on top of the hill only Subrahmanyas temple will be there in Tamil Nadu. They just asked me one question. That temple they celebrate the Subrahmanyas celebration is it Subrahmanyas temple? Whole village and the whole everybody knows that’s the only Subrahmanya temple.

11:26 Before answering I just looked in I saw very clearly the point which I call as balance if you just put a rod between your ears and a rod through your third eye where the two rods meet that point is called balance. I saw very clearly that balance opening up and the information getting downloaded. No it is not Subrahmanya temple it is Ardhanareeshwara’s temple. Subrahmanyas shrine is also there but the main deity is Ardhanareeshwara and I tell you honestly never that information was fed into me through eyes or through ears because I had never been inside that temple’s garbha mandir before or never I heard from somebody it is Ardhanareeshwara’s temple. Never ever the information was fed to me through eyes or through ears.

12:34 If you open the channel of receiving the information where the eyes and ears meet that is what I call internet connection; the balance; the sixth sense. If the balance has access to information it is internet connection. Your eyes are like web camera. Your ears are like speaker in the computer. You all know only how to use the eyes and ears and the keyboard, you miss the internet connection. By nature you have the internet connection in you all; just because you are breathing you have internet connection and there is no website which you can’t access. There is no fire wall there is no security. You can access anything without getting corrupt or without getting infected by virus. Any information can be accessed and handled.

13:57 I saw very clearly that information being happening and I responded. One boy who was there he got really frightened because any normal person goes to the temple usually the temple will be open only during some celebration. During that celebration time always the Subrahmanya will be kept in the front. So nobody will have the access to the garbha mandir to go and even have a look of the original deity. He was shocked and I saw really that fellow got shaken so much he never thought I will know such a intricate information, fact, such deep fact, because he is from a Brahmin family who does puja of that temple. So he thought except his family nobody knows it is a Ardhanareeshwara temple and actually itself nobody knows. Even now in the village in the city it is considered only as a Subrhmanya temple. He said how do you know only we people who enter the garbha mandir know it is Ardhanareeshwara not Subrahmanya. I said arey you enter garbha mandir every day and come out, I am inside garbha mandir, how will I not know? I said it so spontaneously not with thinking or ego or arrogance or nothing. I said it so spontaneously just as a casual, the spontaneous truth.

15:50 You see when gorilla is expressing 4000 bench press power he is not trying to be egoistic he is just a gorilla, he is just himself, that’s all. So when I revealed that information when I said I am just myself that’s all. There is no pride or excitement or escalation or ego or arrogance. No. I just said I am there. I never thought this is an extraordinary power. Only after this debate I realized this is an extraordinary power. It is actually not extraordinary if you are not made as ordinary by your schools and the initial level people with whom you live.

16:49 The first fourteen years with whom you live plays a major role on your life. Kids should not live with dull people first fourteen years. I tell you first fourteen years you should live in an enlightened community, last twenty years you should live in a place where people live for a long time without depression. Understand this two period, this first fourteen years if you live in a community where the intelligence, knowledge based community, your life will be the best in the world. If you live the last twenty years in a community where people live long without depression, means who accepted the aging gracefully. If you have depression you have not accepted aging gracefully. If you are sick and not living healthily you are not aging gracefully. Healthy, peaceful, happy old age, if you are able to live in that kind of a community understand your death will be the great gift. This is what I call cosmic airport where the landing and takeoff happens in a very intelligent way. Small mistake in landing will be an accident. Small mistake in taking off will be an accident.

19:05 The first fourteen years kids should live in a place where many computers have internet access; many brains have the balance access, the sixth sense access. One important thing you need to know. In the internet if you give only the land connection all computers will have the access to the internet in computers. In brain even if five six brains have the cosmic connection, if ten more people are added to live in that place all the other ten will automatically pick it up. You don’t need anything. Just all other ten will automatically pick it up.

19:52 Some of the researches say that in a village where this polio prevention drops are given, if you give just 40% of the kids, all other 60% of the kids automatically get immuned. In the 100 kids if you just give 40 kids the medicine and come away all other 60 kids not only they have not taken the medicine they don’t even know about the medicine but their body gets developed in such a way automatically they get immuned.

20:25 So there is something between the kids which transmits the energy and understanding and fortunately the kid’s body and mind always gets tuned to the highest possibility. When you grow up you are always in tune with the lowest possibility. You see ten people, wow even this worst way I can live. That’s great. Then catch the worst thing. That is why the adult communities are always failure because when you enter the community you find out the lowest possibility and you put that as the bench mark and tune yourself and happy. But the kids they catch the highest possibility and imbibe that. So the first fourteen years kids living in a place where more people have awakened or working on awakening the non mechanical parts of the brain will do so much good which cannot even be told by words.

21:51 Just living, you see accessing the cosmic information centre is not like a technique need to be taught step by step. Just if the kids know, wow! This kind of a person extraordinary intelligence exists! That’s all they need to know. That conviction is the internet access, that’s all. Now the information which I said that like this I had access to the informations which was not fed to me through the eyes or ears, if they know that, that’s enough. Their sixth sense, the balance will just get awakened and will start functioning and you will see in few days they also start expressing informations which was never fed to them through brain; sorry through the hearing or seeing; over.

22:56 I am opening up a great new possibility. Our Gurukul system is nothing but awakening the non mechanical parts of the brain, that internet access; that’s all. Ordinary education system, the western education system, the book based education system, the information education system, information based education system, teaches you how to use your brain as a computer; personal computer; PC. But eN based education system, the Gurukul system which I am creating teaches you how to use your brain, use your computer as the internet access system.

24:00 When you awaken the balance, the sixth sense with a simple reminding you it is your inborn tendency, innate intelligence, nothing else, you are with it. Just do it. You will see the kids will start using their brain more like computer with internet access where the informations are available which is not fed through that computer. Any information any knowledge created at any time in the planet earth is available. All you need is plug the internet connection and know that you can access and download and process. The balance the sixth sense is not just World Wide Web, it is cosmos wide web CWW. It’s not WWW. Any information created at any time can be accessed, processed and delivered.

28:37 With any money, with any luxury, with any comfort man cannot experience pleasure more than six points in the body; five sense and the heart, sixth point, that’s all. But only in a intelligent community where everything is centered on enlightenment, where the idea of enlightenment is constantly in the air, where you are hearing about it every day at least twenty times, where you are thinking about it at least hundred times a day, where constantly you are bombarded with this truths, you will have the pleasure in all points of your life. I tell you either become part of the community which is enlightenment based, if you can’t, at least wherever you stay, wherever you live, create a community around you which is enlightenment based. Even if they are little less than your strength, your knowledge, create, so that they will be constantly reminding you when you go low.

29:53 The Jains have a great habit. Jain monks they will not eat in anybody’s house other than their sampradaya, their tradition. I also wanted all our ashramites to start this as a habit. Don’t eat in any other place other than our devotees’ house means what; you will create the enlightenment based community wherever you are just as a survival need. Eating means what…. sharing your time, sharing your understanding, sharing your friendship. Eating, with eating so many hundreds of things happen. Understand eating is not just little food and you swallow and go. No. With eating hundreds of socio politico economics so many things happen. Much can happen over a cup of coffee. So eating means not just an ordinary taking. There is so much of psychological connection. So many other things happens just with eating, sharing of food.

25:39 Simple understandings, clarity, giving them the courage, first thing kids should not be brought up by the people who them self believe they are brainies like personal computer means they them self have become corrupt. The corrupt people should not bring up the kids. Kids should be brought up by the people who realize that they have internet connection or at least they understand they have some part they are not able to access; that’s all. Then you will see kids happen without losing their non mechanical parts of the brain’s power and they will happen without losing their basic intelligence. They will happen just with their nature.

26:53 Just this reminding will keep them awake keep them keep their non mechanical parts alive, awake; kundalini alive, awake and when they have some three four miracles happening in their life, I tell you this one miracle in my life which happened I realized O God! I am talking about the information which was never fed inside me. I am expressing informations which was never fed in me. The tremendous confidence which came in me made that kundalini a permanent in my bio memory.

27:33 It’s a not like it’s like a wireless internet access; first experience like a card through card. When the experience became solid it becomes just like wireless internet access. Now you know O God! I can do it! I am doing it! So if kids realize one or two miracles then suddenly they know they can do it and they are doing it. They are doing it. Awaken the true potential just by clearly understanding, nothing else. I tell you the best thing can be done by a human being is living in a community where intelligence and enlightenment is in the waves in the air. I tell you not for promoting my sangha.

31:20 So decide. Today I am giving this as an understanding to all our ashramites and devotees and disciples and swamis and brahmacharis. Make this as a point. Avoid eating as much as possible, other than the places of our devotees. Of course I used the word as much as possible because I included the devotees also. Only for devotees the word as much as possible applies, not for the ashramites, brahmacharis, sanyasis and rishis. For them it should be eat only in our devotee’s places. So you are bound to create communities, the enlightened communities, constantly; the enlightenment based groups’, teams, friends.

32:28 Understand more than what you eat what you talk during eating plays an important role. With whom you are eating plays an important role. What are you planning? Whatever you plan while eating or taking bath will be executed in your life without your knowledge, understand. Whatever you plan, you think, during taking bath or eating will be executed in your life without you realizing, before even you realize that this is your thinking trend. That is why I insist on taking bath in the sacred water bodies. That’s a right word - the sacred water bodies like Ganga, the temple tank. The sacred water bodies plays a major role in making your thoughts into reality. That is the purpose I created this vaidya sarovar and everybody uses that sacred water bodies for regular bath, so much can happen in you. I know, I know the power of taking bath in sacred water bodies; at least once a day. Whatever you think during taking bath or eating just becomes reality in your life.

34:27 Live in a enlightenment based community as much as possible. Ramakrishna says if you drank half a litre arrack, at least drink 1/10th of, 1/10 litre, 100ml the water from the rice cooking. If you drink that water, rice ganji, that arrack effect will go away. Same way if you live one year in the society getting into all the corruption and nuisance and nonsense at least come and spend 21 days in enlightened community, enlightenment community. At least come and spend 21 days so that the all the effect of the arrack leaves your system, all the effect of the society leaves your system, you become more pure. So live in enlightenment based community as much as possible and wherever you are staying create an enlightenment based community.

35:47 Even casually in the parties where people talk about these great things, not that same foolish nonsense of what is your stock, where is your share value, what is going on with that jewelry, this sari, that cinema. Ramakrishna says if somebody talks about the worldly things I feel they are pouring the molten lead into my ears. I can’t tolerate. I run away from that place. Let you create a community where constantly the enlightenment based ideas are spoken, exchanged, shared, lived, loved. I tell you that is the greatest thing you can do for yourself.

36:44 If you, all the people below fourteen should live in enlightenment based community where many people already awakened their non mechanical parts of the brain or working to awaken the non mechanical parts of the brain. So last twenty years you should live in a place where people live the depression less peaceful healthy old age. Between that time of fourteen and last twenty years, live in a place where enlightenment based civilization exists. It means what…… from birth to death be with the master. That’s what I am saying with so many different words.

37:51 Start living in enlightenment communities as much as possible. Start creating enlightenment based communities as much as possible. After all now I made creating enlightenment based community as such a simple franchisee project. See all that tools necessary are available. We made a clearly already franchisee document available. Whole thing is available in you tube. Whether it is a form of rituals or form of meditations, form of spiritual ideas, whole thing is available in you tube now. You guys don’t even need to feel that you have to be bound physically in Bidadi. Wherever you are create a franchisee; franchisee eN community. That’s what I call eN satsang centers. Make people more and more interested this you tube discourses books and all that; that’s all. Don’t think no… no…… no…… people are very foolish. They don’t, they are not interested. No…… You have not tried. People are surely more intelligent than you. When people like you can get interested into enlightenment, surely people whom you think are dull and foolish than you, are intelligent. You have not told in right way. Maybe when you tell you are talking more about you than about me. Hide you, put me. You will see they will become interested. They will start creating enlightenment in them.

39:35 So at least for your health sake create eN communities around the world. Let the kids live in enlightenment based communities; let elders live in enlightenment based communities; let the middle aged people live in enlightenment based communities. And not only that even in the communities, enlightenment based communities, let us add more and more enlightenment into actions, more and more of these truths into actions. Understand about your brain not as a personal computer but as a laptop with internet connection, wireless internet connection and awaken its true potential. Live and radiate enlightenment. Let you all live and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you. 40:40



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Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9097.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9110.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9111.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9114.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9116.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9136.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9137.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9140.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9146.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9147.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9150.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9162.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9163.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9166.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9167.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9171.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9172.JPG Lep-Evening-Session-In-Vaidyasarovar - watermark_DSC_9173.JPG