March 11 2007

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You are Consciousness


From the works of Enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this talk Nithyananda describes how the outer world is inside your world. This can happen to you only when you witness and above all just unclutch from your body and mind. Until then, you have created a boundary between you and the world and hence you are separate from the whole. Just unclutch and witness that you are the whole... you are nothing but consciousness. Jain Sutras, Los Angeles, March 2007

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now I will enter into their sutras one who does not know the difference between matter and consciousness as long as you think you are a body you can't escape from the pleasures of the physical world see when you think you are mature naturally the small small attachments like a Thai Barbie doll all these things disappears they are matured even if you try to renounce the ties you may renounce basically but you will be thinking about it same way till you experience your consciousness you can't renounce the physical pleasures even if you renounce you will be mentally thinking about it the one who does not know the difference between matter and consciousness won't be able to practice restraint only when you experience you are a conscious being understand you are not human being having spiritual experience you are spiritual being having human experience it is the other way you are not human being having spiritual experience you are spiritual being having human experience so only when you understand the truth you are a spiritual being having human experience suddenly you will see the outside world are the pleasures of the world is not attracting you at all it's not affecting me anymore you are just beyond all these things you are just living in a different space the one who sees everything as moments in consciousness he transcends sin and merit bondage and liberation this is the essence this Sutra is the essence the one who sees everything as movements in consciousness you are in consciousness and you are consciousness just consciousness is moving inside the consciousness understand there is no matter there is no Dada there is no outer world the outer world also is inside your consciousness this can happen to you when you start witnessing when you start constantly witnessing whatever happens inside and outside suddenly you will see all movements whatever is happening including you is just part of your own consciousness but you think as you what do you think this world whatever you think as the outer world and the other person everything is just movements in consciousness this can happen to you when you witness above all when you unclutch from your body and mind see Isilon this you connect with your body and mind you create a boundary between you and the world you and the whole when you unclutch suddenly that boundary disappears you are no more separate from the whole you are no more separate from the truth you are no more separate from the reality you are just filled with the same thing see the body will be there as a body as long as you give the name for it the moment the name disappears from you it remains in you as just an experience without the so-called words or the qualities associated with it you will see in reality it is the same see the power which runs your body is only is running the Sun and the moon the force which is working inside you is the same force running the solar system running the whole world if something is happening inside your body if directly affects the Sun and the moon you will realize you are not an island as you think you are not an island as you believe your belief that you are an island is too small it's like in a big ocean a small straw is floating piece of straw is floating piece of straw is too small to make the ocean into two piece same way your ignorant is too small to take away your enlightenment understand this important truth your ignorant is too small to take away your enlightenment you are fortunate your enlightenment is more strong more powerful than your ignorance that is why the enlightenment is possible that is so it is possible your ignorant is too small to cover you or to make you into to pond who sees everything has moments and consciousness whichever divides you into pieces just drop as long as you carry I the idea you will be there the idea of other there the moment you relax from the eye the idea of other will disappear as long as you connect all your thoughts and see the things with your own ideas you will see the outer world separate but I tell you once you unclutch from your body and mind the one who sees everything as movements in consciousness you will start seeing everything as movements in consciousness he transcends sin and merit bondage and liberation you don't even ask for liberation understand you transcend liberation now whatever you think as liberation even that is an idea I always tell people unclutch even from your idea of liberation you will be liberated otherwise you will have an idea if I am liberated I should be like this and you will try to fulfill that idea and never feel liberated liberation means there is nothing that you should be like that or like this no you should feel intensely and clearly you are liberated that's all you are nothing to achieve you are free that can happen to your being that can happen to your soul only when you liberate yourself even from the idea of liberation the one who sees everything as moments in consciousness for example when you look at this rose you create a word rose in your mind and start thinking all ideas which you have about roses means the idea is connected to the roses and all the roses which you presented to somebody and all the roses presented to you some idea some connection how that person responded how you responded slowly in few seconds you are away from the Rose you are no more connected to Rose anything in the world you can see the moment you see words are created you are away from the reality you are now in your own dream world in your own dreams seeing but not creating a word and directly trying to connect just like kids tickets will not know the word but you see when kids they see something their whole being sees it as if they are enjoying it as if they are living it so see without using the name without using the word then suddenly we see strange thing happening between you and the host the idea are the boundary that you are separate from the Rose will slowly disappear you will feel like you are just slowly become one with the Rose because the boundary is disappearing because then boundary is disappearing you are becoming one with the reality you are becoming one with the truth you are becoming on with Satya suddenly you will see you feel so deeply connected to Rose when you see the Rose without word the same way with anything with a tree with a person it's a situation always you have a prejudice if you drop your prejudice and see for example particular situation if you think that you should be depressed usually you respond only as a depression in a depressed way to that situation and the situation arises you will see that you will be depressed no other way no that way so whoever is connected to something to the things of the outer world in a particular way we call this as a psychodrama if you are prepared if you are given the dialogue of depression at a particular moment you will repeat the same mood same dialogue throughout your life when that kind of situations arise in you so the whole life is nothing but psychodrama selected dialogues and psychodrama person who understands everything has moments in consciousness there's a beautiful Zen story one disciple goes to master and as master you became a master please guide me also how to become a master master says who said I have became a master know I am a master because you want to be a disciple as long as you are doing the you are playing the role of a disciple I'll be in the seat of the master the moment you are no more a disciple I will not be a master anymore disciple has shocked is how can it be master says yes only when you want to see a guru you will see guru in me for example it's not that all the people who see me on the road they all feel my presence or energy no only a person who needs who wants he feels connected so including your experience everything is part of the great psychodrama being played here understand master plays the psychodrama of master-disciple relationship to expose you to the reality and to take away all other psychodramas from you that is why we say guru disciple relationship is the ultimate relationship last relationship till you have that relationship you will have all other relationships once you have the Guru disciple relationship he swallows all of the relationships he takes away all other relationships and now nothing else will exist and then he takes away even the Guru disciple relationship and shows you there is no guru no disciple there is only one thing that is you can call it as a you or me it is only one as long as the you and me exist there is a possibility for relationship in reality you and me itself does not exist it is one and the same you may call that as a you are me that's not a problem anywhere you may use but you will realize the one who sees everything as moments in consciousness you will realize you and me are just two different waves in the same ocean two different waves in the same ocean maybe a big wave or small wave but whatever it is but same ocean you are also going to settle down into the same ocean I am also going to settle down in the same ocean even if you don't want you will fall only in that same ocean the wave when it raises when it is in its peak height and then it falls in all three times it is directly connected to ocean it can't be away from ocean it can never be separated from ocean even if the wave things it is become separate from ocean and it has to get liberation it has to reconnect itself to source an ocean even if you think you are separated from the ocean you are connected to ocean same way even if you believe you are in bondage you are not achieve liberation please be very clear you are never bound you are eternally liberated you are connected to the source you are connected to the ocean you are filled with the analogy


Liberation from Liberation: The ultimate Liberation!


From the works of Enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this talk Nithyananda discusses how one should even liberate himself from the thought of liberation as that is the ultimate liberation. Only one who liberates himself from the thought of freedom has achieved the ultimate freedom. Jain Sutras, Los Angeles, March 2007

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The Awakening Part 1


All great scriptures share the same motive -- to awaken man to his true nature; to awaken him to the divinity within; to awaken him to the inner bliss that is trying to express every minute. The Jain sutras is yet another scriptural extravaganza that has been delivered for this purpose. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who is on a mission to re-establish the science of inner bliss on planet Earth, brings these sutras to the modern day man with a stirring current that jolts one out of the mire of delusion into the purity of one's true nature.

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The Awakening Part 2

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The Awakening Part 3

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The Awakening Part 4

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Q&A - Yoga, Meditation & More! || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 11 March 2007


Title: Q&A - Yoga, Meditation & More!
Name Of The Convention: Initiation Into Powerful Cognitions
Session on: Living a spiritual lifestyle
Date: 11 March 2007
Venue: Los Angeles, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam answers questions from Convention Delegates on yoga, Patanjali, vegetarian diet, the power of group meditation and more.

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Wandering the Length & Breadth of India || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 11 March 2007


Title: Wandering the Length & Breadth of India
Name Of The Convention: Initiation Into Powerful Cognitions
Session on: Swamiji's parivarajaka experience
Date: 11 March 2007
Venue: Los Angeles, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam shares his experience of wandering the length and breadth of India for 9 years. Walking over 10,000 miles he was supported and treated with respect by the people in the Indian Villages who gave him food, clothing and shelter. It is during this time that HDH sat at the feet of many Masters to learn and be enriched.

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Nithya Dhyaan Meditation || Initiation Into Powerful Cognitions || 11 March 2007


Title: Nithya Dhyaan Meditation
Name Of The Convention: Initiation Into Powerful Cognitions
Session on: 5-step meditation process
Date: 11 March 2007
Venue: Los Angeles, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam leads Delegates of the Convention through a powerful 5-step Nithya Dhyaan Meditation process.

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Category: Meditation]]