April 04 2007

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Knowledge - The "Double" edged sword


From the works of Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Swamiji compares knowledge to a knife - that can get dangerous in the hand of a terrorist or it can heal in the hands of a doctor. Given this, what is the secret behing Shiva Sutra where Shiva opens all techniques to everybody without any prerequisites? The people who listen to the Sutra's understand this from their level of the consciousness. As their conscious grows new meanings emerge from the Sutra's thereby eliminating the danger of this knowledge being misused by anybody.

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I always feel the beauty of these great verses is such you can't translate because they're moment you translate you can express only one dimension of these great words see these words are such you can give hundreds of meanings to these words especially Sanskrit is such a poetic language you can break the words in four five ways and the sutras are written in such a amazing language any way you break you will get a new new meaning and Union Sutra out of it new you technique out of it that same hadera says there was a great master who wrote commentary on this show sutras he says in which level you are there from that level you will understand the sutras see traditionally we always believe the great knowledge should be given only to a qualified person who really seeks for it who really wants it even in cut open assured Yama says Mr Maha wants NASA kita his disciple this knowledge cannot be given to a person who is not sincere if it is given to a person who is not sincere the person who is giving his head will burst he will die only after thoroughly checking the sincerity of a disciple this knowledge should be transmitted this knowledge should be shared here mahadeva Ananda Shura is not putting any condition he straight away opening up all the techniques much more stronger and deeper than cat openeth you may think then people may not misuse these techniques the possibility to misuse this knowledge exists understand yes yesterday I was talking to you about those tivity and masters who can pierce the body penetrate it with a wooden piece without bleeding or can take you beyond the ordinary programming they engraved memories see this knowledge is very dangerous if it is caught in the wrong hands just imagine if these knowledge is given to a person who wants to enslave people who is interested in power it is dangerous he can misuse it you can just put you all inside the Bell and give the solutions you will follow only my words dangerous this knowledge is such it's like a knife if it is in the hands of a doctor it will save lives if it is in the hands of a terrorist it'll kill you can use this knowledge for killing or healing the knowledge is very dangerous if it is caught in the hands of wrong and wrong persons people who are not matured enough if they receive these great powers this knowledge dangerous for Humanity that is why before the knowledge is transmitted always the disciple is asked to practice the basic morality like love respecting others ahimsa non-violence satya truthfulness all these things are put as a basic requirement so that you won't be a dangerous person once you achieve these great powers you will not be a danger to the humanity mahadeva opens here all the sutras one important thing you should know Shiva Sutra does not have any prerequisite any morality no Yama non Yama means that moral prerequisites Patanjali speaks about moral prerequisites Yama Yama is a class Tayyab Ramachari Aparri graha he gives so many conditions practice this then get all the powers only then even talks about techniques to achieve extraordinary powers here Ananda Shara is not talking about any M anima straightaway is opening with the technique the first Sutra is Davis questions the moment Devi finish the questions Shira is answering Mahadeva is speaking he straightaway opening the techniques naturally people will think there is a danger of this knowledge being misused the bar Chikara commentator writes no because the sutras are written such a way only if you are qualified if you are pure enough you will be able to understand the level in which the plane in which the conscious level in which you are staying only to that extent you will be able to relate with this Sutra only that much you will understand the same line will give new meaning new understanding if you grow sometimes people come and tell me Swamiji two years ago I heard your lecture but that time I didn't understand much somehow I started married now if I hear the same discourses if I read the same books I understand so much I feel how did I miss how I couldn't understand all these things in those days that time I tell them you understand new things you understand things in a matured way because you became mature if you grow the ability to learn from the same books also will grow the same lines will teach you new things the same words will awaken new energy in you because now you are ready now you are ready the Shiva sutras also the plane from which you are staying you will understand in that level if you start moving to a different plane if you raise yourself to a different level of consciousness you will understand suddenly new doors are opening the same Sutra with a new energy I always tell people what you listen is not the real thing how many ideas just clicks how many give you see the feeling oh this is what I was writing yes this is what I should listen he is just exactly telling what I want to listen how many times you get the glimpse of Satori that click happens in you that is the real thing how many times you feel that reckoning yes this is the thing which I want this is what I am I want to listen see when are you just feel like sitting straight I have seen sometimes I speak on some ideas suddenly the whole group will sit straight means the idea is going in the idea is being digested now you need more attention you will understand from the space where you are staying the same words suddenly will throw new light because you become a new being for my words if you use your dictionary there will always be confusion if your consciousness raises you will use my dictionary for my words the new meaning will happen the new understanding will happen in you the true understanding which is supposed to happen I always tell people I tell them please meditate even if you don't understand the words because the meditation will develop your inner space it will raise your consciousness at one day you will be able to digest understand realize these words sometime you catch the joke the joke clicks after two three days after two three days only the joke licks small story Sardarji joke they are such a nice people they can laugh at themselves we see you need intelligence to laugh at yourself you need arrogance to laugh at others you need intelligence and innocence to laugh at yourself only innocent people can laugh at themselves but arrogant people were always laughing at others there was a competition if you don't laugh for 100 jokes you will receive million dollar first one guy came he was able to manage forty jokes because five people are sitting and constantly telling jokes forty jokes we managed but afterwards he couldn't do anything he laughed last second guy came managed sixty third guy came somehow managed 81 Sardarji came he managed 96 by 97 little smile very slowly started in his face wife was sitting in the front row she was shouting I keep quiet close your mouth stop stop no smile no laughter 1 million 1 million out of fear he just closed them out somehow managed 98 hours but 99 he was not able to started laughing uproarious laughter and you know how they love a full laughter and he laughed and he lost the game came down wife was shouting what you managed 99 1 1 more minute $1,000,000 why did he laugh he said no no only I understood the first joke understand you may catch it the clicking should happen you may catch after two three days when you are relaxed usually you catch the jokes only in bathrooms only in bathroom when you take much suddenly you remember and start laughing because there you are liberated free ignorance also comes out clicking catching same way if you meditate these words will suddenly click and create that Satori you