May 16 2011

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We can Change Our Praraptha Patanjali yoga sutras 165 th

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Prayer. Welcome. All of you may be very curious to know before this Satsang about this parrot [there is a green parrot sitting on his shoulder ☺] Just few days before I blessed a parrot in our devotees place in Oman. I sent some nuts and rice pieces to it. Then our devotees said you should have a parrot. Yesterday when we were driving from Bangalore to Tiruvanamalai in such a heavily crowded area and said this parrot came from somewhere and is not going! He can fly and he is free but voluntarily he came & joined the Ashram. Anyhow I accepted him as Ashramite. I named it as Ma Ananda Matangi! She is a gift from Meenakshi. I don’t know whether he or she, must be she that is why she is so polite. That is the intro to Matangi. Matangi will be sitting continuously in everyday morning Satsang and maybe soon will be saying all the punch lines. Let us enter into the sutra. Today’s subject is on Prarabdha. We can change our Prarabdha! Patanjali Yoga Sutra 165th sutra, 4th chapter 3rd verse Nimittam apraprakruthinaam …tatha kshetrikavath Vivekananda: good and bad deeds are not direct causes in transformation for nature but they act as breaks as obstacles to ….which then runs down by its own nature Prabhavananda: good or bad deeds…they only act as breakers as obstacles to natural evolution….so water flows by its own nature Satchitananda: incidental events do not directly cause natural evolution….in a water course running to this field Osho: the incidental cause does not still the natural tendency into activities. It may remove the obstacle…and the water flows by itself. Patanjali very rarely uses examples. In this sutra he uses the example of a farmer breaking the obstacles. See when there is a water canal, sometimes the farmers put a little sand or mud and cover it. when they remove the water, they open it and the water gushes into the fields. He was from banks of Kaveri and he would have seen 1000s of fields getting irrigated. That is why he gives example of farmers. Whenever I want to give an example, always the village life of Tirvanamalai only comes to my mind. I can describe the village life in a very detailed way especially in Tamil. Whatever you see constantly only comes up as an example. This proves Patanjali is from some place where agriculture was lifestyle. Patanjali is very clear your actions good or bad is no way related to your enlightenment. It only breaks the barrier for the good things to happen in your life. If bad actions it breaks the barrier for bad things to happen in your life. The whole universe is 2 huge river flow – huge good river and huge bad river waiting to flow on you. your good action by itself does not bring good things to flow on you. For example, if you give one rupee to master don’t think only 1 rupee comes back to you, you will have a flood of wealth showered on your. Old lady and Shankara. When you do a small mistake by abusing an enlightened master, you don’t get 8 CDs back, you will lose heavily. You may swindle only few hundred crores but you will lose 1000s of crores. Understand, it is not that the enlightened master curses. No. if there is huge karmas you have done is waiting. Any good or bad action you have done especially to an enlightened energy, it removes blockages you have to receive flood of good things – just a small stone is reviewed when you do good. This parrot what it did. Only one small decision – I will stay with Swamiji. Over. But now I know how many 1000s of fellows are jealous of this fellow! Since yesterday he is sitting on my lap and shoulders! He will now start telling – Nithyanandam! You will see in few days. Somebody comes and says I have this problem, that problem, he will say – unclutch! He is internationally popular overnight. He will feel little shy and sitting at the back because I am talking about him. Okay! A small good action brings the flood of good things in your life. A small bad action brings a flood of bad things in your life. You cannot say I did only a small mistake thinking that is an ordinary swami. Only one small bad decision. The very power with which you did that whole mistake that power is taken away. You may say no I did so many good things. Arunagiri naathar says – when you try to do ninda –something wrong to an incarnation – over! Patanjali is very clear. I don’t know why exactly today he is saying this. I am not responsible for this. An old lady selling fruits just gives 2-3 fruits to Krishna. That’s it! she just gets house full of gems. Don’t think these are all stories. They are not stories. You can see their parrot is example. When you do even a small good thing towards master, the flood of good things will be waiting for you. the flood gate opens and you receive all the good things. When you do even a small bad thing to master, flood of bad things opens. Understand the actions cannot be equated with results because they open flood gates. They don’t come back to you in the same quantity. That is why you need to be tremendously aware of all actions you do. It may be very small, but a small bad mistake can open flood gates of bad results to you and a small good can open flood gate of good things to you! so be aware in every action. Infuse tremendous awareness into every action. I wanted to give you deeper understanding on every step, every move you make. Every good action can not only open the flood gates of good actions to you, you can just see an extraordinary expression of goodness in you. sometime a simple decision you decide wow, I will be good from now. For small reason, but it can open a new channel of goodness in your life. A new channel of extraordinary happenings in your life. I have seen many animals taking a small decision to be with Ramana Maharshi and they become jeevanmuktas. I thing this guy will be jeevanmukta. Now he wants rudraaksha! Small decision can make a flood of good things to happen in your life, to open in your life. Even small bad action can lead to uncountable bad things to your life. One more imp thing you need to understand prarabdha is nothing but the ability to be aware – which flood gate you are opening. It is nothing but the ability to be aware which flood gate you are opening . are you opening the good actions flood gate or bad actions flood gate… the awareness which makes you understand the decision you make maybe casual but not right. See usually when people attack others they are so sure the opposite person will not be able to come back or do anything on them. they think after all he is just a 33 year old swami. They think what is he in front of our political power, wealth powers. Just finish him. They don’t understand it is Arunachala. When you throw stones at man, he may be injured, when you throw stones at Arunachala, it is just adding, Arunachala gives more that’s all! Understand the imp sacred secret you need to learn from this sutra is even if you feel it is very casual there will not be any ripple effect, side effect, after effect, you will not be punished, you will not be suffering don’t do bad things! Even if you don’t see directly bad results coming, don’t do bad actions because that action may not directly bring bad things, that can open flood gates that bring in many bad things to your life. Not just your family, your Vamsa can get destroyed! There is a beautiful story. One rowdy was sitting under a tree and throwing stones on all people going here and there threatening and torturing them. one young sadhu was on his way doing his peaceful dhyana satsang. That rowdy threw stones on that sadhu. That sadhu just turned and said be blissful and he went away. This rowdy said oh if you throw stones he will just bless you and not do anything. Then he started doing all kinds of non sense. Robbed everything, swindled the country, threw stones on everybody and did all kinds of things. Suddenly king of that country was coming that side. This fool threw stones on the king also. he was just caught and put in prison. Understand, the rowdy throwing stone on the sadhu itself did not bring imprisonment for him, but that mental set up opened for all the bad things happening in his life. When he threw stones at that sadhu he knew that sadhu cannot do anything. He thinks I have a huge family and so many rowdies around me. what can this sadhu do to me. the sadhu did not do anything. He was just sitting and meditating! When you open this kind of bad flood gates by doing even one or two bad actions, you do not know the result. When that rowdy threw stone on the sadhu he never thought he will go to prison just for that. but that is what happened at the end. Because that single action opened the flood gate for bad things to happen in his life. Learn this sacred secret from this sutra. Even thinking casually, even if you think there no bad result will come from this bad action, do not do because you will open flood gates for bad actions and bad things to happen in your life. Even if it is a beggar on the street who cannot do anything to you, don’t do bad to him because that will open the flood gate of bad things to happen in you. Blessings!