February 09 2011

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Title: No Mind State, Patanjali Yoga Sutras 115

No Mind State: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 115 - Nithyananda Satsang 9 Feb 2011


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda started off his discourse with a riddle: "How can no mind state be explained and interpreted by mind? Very difficult, almost impossible. Only a mind which is in no mind and which can relate with the mind can tell about no mind to mind."

Without wasting the time in unnecessary efforts Patanjali is trying to explain a technical term called nirodha parinama. People, again and again, have a strong doubt, how can mind with so many thoughts and perversions, lead us to no mind space beyond mind? Because for any thought to disappear, you need some other thought to come there. How is unclutching possible from unclutching?

If this is answered logically to you, suddenly 95% of your spiritual sadhanas (practices) won't be required. By sadhana, your consciousness goes deeper and deeper and you make the qualitative breakthroughs in the consciousness, nirodha parinama. The qualitative shift in your inner space is responsible for your change.

A friend's house is never far away, so if enlightenment is your friend, the sadhana will never be far away or difficult, if you feel it's boring and difficult, then still enlightenment has not become a friend for you, the qualitative breakthrough, the qualitative shift in your consciousness.

He instructed everyone to do the following exercise: "Please understand, till tomorrow morning, have a liquid diet, the sharp part of your brain which is responsible for remembering smarana gets into marana 'death' if you have solid food. If you can, have a little Neem juice, it makes remembrance strong. Meditate on this one question, 'how can my mind with so many questions lead to the no-mind state? How can this lead me to the space where there is no thought?"

"Please understand, I'm giving you the clear technology, just understanding this can lead you to enlightenment. I'm not joking. I wanted to do this working on Yoga Sutra and Brahma Sutras as a mystery school. Every day I want to give you the proper technology, prepare you and be ready to take you to the next level, I want to strike when the iron is hot, after hitting, I'll cool it tomorrow and day after tomorrow I'll make it permanent."

Tomorrow's discourse will continue with this 'no mind' technology. Watch, share and like the videos and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe.

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'Description: No Mind State, Patanjali Yoga Sutras by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 09 feb 2011'


Wednesday, February 09, 2011 Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is No mind state! One of the most searched word in the spiritual world in the internet is No mind state! How can No mind state be explained and interpreted! Only a mind which is in no mind and which can relate with mind only can tell about no mind to mind ☺ the mind which is in no mind able to relate with mind only can tell about no mind to mind. Lets see how Patanjali gracefully puts the state of no mind in the words with which minds can understand. I will expand on this sutra for 3 days. In Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 115th sutra, 3rd chapter 9th verse Vyuddhana nirodhaha samskara yo abhi bhava praatur bhavau nirodha kshana chitta anvayo nirodha parinaamaha! Master’s like Patanjali will not use the same word 3 times without a solid reason. Understand Patanjali is not just a guy who knows the theology and spiritual ideologies, no. he is a grammarian. Somebody goes tot Bernard Shaw and asks Sir you written an amazing 40 page book – theories expressed in that book Bigger book – no time? He said true I did not have time, if I had time I would have written a smaller book. If I have time I would have reduced this 40 page to 20 page. People who can say things in less words! Patanjali not only a powerful teacher, an amazing grammarian! That is why I say he is a unique unimaginable extraordinary combination to express he no mind state in the sweet poetic language of Sanskrit. He is using the word Nirodaha at least 3 times in this sutra. Vyuddhana nirodhaha samskara yogaho abhi bhava praatur bhavau nirodha kshana chitta anvayo nirodha parinaamaha! Vivekananda: by the supp of the disturbing ijmp of the mind and by the …..controlling modifications Prabhavananda: when the vision of the lower Samadhi is suppressed by an act of consc control so that there are no longer any …thought waves of the mind Satchitananda: the imp which normally arise are made to disappear by the appearance of suppressive efforts which in turn….new modifications is nirodha parinamaha Osho: nirodha parinama is the transformation of the mind in which the mind becomes permeated by the condition of nirodh which intervenes momentarily of an impression that is disappearing and the impression that is taking its place! In this sutra Patanjali is trying to dissolve an important doubt, an imp question a seeker will face in his journey. If this doubt is clarified & answered, the seeker’s journey will be lot easier and better. Without wasting the time in unnecessary efforts. Patanjali is trying to explain a technical term called nirodha parinamaha. I can say this is one of the oldest doubt. One of the oldest question all the seekers have – how can a mind with so many thoughts and patterns lead us to no mind state. It almost looks impossible. Somebody asked me – Swamiji, is it not like trying to go to moon with bullock cart. I said don’t make things difficult with these wrong examples. But people again & again have a strong doubt. How can mind with so many thoughts, perversions, suppressions lead us to no mind space beyond mind? How is it possible? Because any thought for it to disappear you need some other thought to come there. How can unclutching possible from unclutching? Why is this oldest question still remains unanswered. If just this question is answered logically to you, suddenly 90% of your spiritual effort is not required. you don’t need to do spiritual sadhana which is required. it becomes easy and reduced to at least 90%. First I want you to understand the importance of this difficult question, this strong question and the meaning of this very problem. By not understanding this problem how ignorantly you waste your time, energy, effort in wrong sadhanas. How by understanding this problem you can just disappear into enlightenment, no mind state without sadhana. Just understanding this sutra is a technique for instant enlightenment. I want to prepare you thoroughly for that. All the dangerous & difficult questions we have, all the ignorant and darkening sufferings we have, all the tamasic and rajasic misunderstandings we have, everything boils down to one question – how can the mind lead us to no mind? How can the mind lead us to no mind? I think I would really want all of you to use this chance of getting instant enlightenment. I don’t want you guys to miss this chance of getting instant enlightenment. Because understanding of this problem, this doubt will suddenly take away the fatigue, tiredness, hatred you carry about spiritual practice. Spiritual practice is not something done quantitatively for ever & ever. No. it is the shift that happens in you qualitatively whenever you are ready. It is not like 12 years early morning every day you will do same set of things and the 12 year you are give a certificate of enlightenment. No. then you may ask why sadhana? With sadhana your heat, intelligence goes up and you take a jump in the consciousness. The qualitative jump and breath through in the consciousness is what I call nirodha parinaamaha. The nirodha parinaamaha is responsible for the jump in your consciousness and that takes away the fatigue, tiredness & hatred. If enlightenment is your friend, the sadhana will never be far away. If you are feeling sadhana is tiring, boring, creating fatigue in you then still enlightenment has not become friend for you. enlightenment will become friend for you only if you experience the qualitative shift – nirodha parinamaha. I am ready to blast on this. But I will speak only after you are ready. If I speak without that, no use. With what passion & joy Patanjali would have written these sutras! Every day when he expressed these sutras, he would have seen 1000s of people blossoming, flowering with a quantitative & qualitative shift in the consciousness! He would have enjoyed, flowering with ecstasy seeing more & more disciples flowering. I want to honour the joy & sentiment out of which this great rishi would have created these sutras. I will honour this sutras if I also see more & more people flowering with understanding of this one sutra. So today, I wanted to give this exercise to all of you – people all over the world attending this satsang – please understand, till tomorrow morning you come for satsang, have liquid diet. Unfortunately when you add solid food to your body, the part of your brain that is responsible for sharp remembrance stops working. The non-kmecah parts of your brain which is resp for smarana becomes marana – dead! So till you come back tomorrow morning, have liquid diet and if you can have some neem juice. Neem makes remembrance strong. There is a non-mech part of brain in you which is resp for strong remembrance, clarity in vision. You can drink any amount of juice, have liquid diet, no solid food. Meditate on this one question – how can my mind lead to no mind state. How can this lead me to space where there is no thought, suppression, modification and where there is no mind. 1st – no solid food, only juice 2nd – at least 100 ml of neem juice. If you don’t get juice, have at least 5 neem leaves 3rd - first 2 instruction is for this 3rd. it is very imp. Go on hammering your mind – hwo can this mind filled with so many thoughts lead to space of no mind. Because even unclutching is possible only with a thought about unclutching. Intensely squeeze your brain just with this one thought [if you have one that is ☺ ] Just understanding of this nirodha parinama can lead you to enlightenment. I am not joking. I am giving you the exact understanding. Please understand, I wanted to do this working on Yoga sutra & Brahma sutra like a mystery school. Every day I want to give proper technique, prepare you and then take you to next level. I want to hit when the iron is hot! Tomorrow I will hit. Then after that day after tomorrow I will make it cool!. No solid food – any amount of liquid is okay – 10 or 20 juice also ok. And neem juice of leaves. 3rd – whole day contemplate while you are driving, sitting, talking, anything you do – don’t think anything else. It is like ploughing the land. I want you to plough your mind with this one question today. So that tomorrow when I put the seed, immd sprouting happens. so this whole day, think on this question again & again. How can unclutching which is one more mental process lead me to no mind space. How can mind lead me to no mind. How can the thinking process lead me to no mind space. Be drowned in this one question. Let this be your mental occupation. You will come up with many answers – like unclutching by using not the word but the mood – mood is also a thought – understand. Your mind will either divert you, tire you or console you. I want you to dig out, meditate and contemplate on this one question. What is nirodha parinamaha – how can mind lead to no mind. You dig out whole day. Tomorrow when you come, your brain should have a special groove just thinking on this subject. Only then I c an sow the seed of nirodha parinamaha in you only if you create this intense thinking, contemplating, seeking. For few moments sit with this question now. I will see that this question gets into the non—mecchanical parts of your brain to the level of the kundalini bio memory. Close your eyes & sit in vajrasana & samana mudra.