January 28 2013

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January 28, 2013 Morning Satsang

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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda issues a challenge to His followers. He commits to expanding Himself to meet the annyakara of His sangha: the expectations that each one has of Him. He reveals that when we exhaust the physical capacity of our two hands, that is when miracles happen – we discover that we can accomplish impossible tasks. Nithyananda also points out that within unenlightened beings lies a constant impulse to shrink the self. many human beings long for a "holiday" from their usual schedule. But whenever routine is broken even for one day, the whole benefit of our practice is interrupted, especially for the physical body. As long as we have a physical body, routine is mandatory.


Monday, January 28, 2013 “Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaraacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” I welcome you all with my love and blessings! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 330 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 40 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 186 cities, in 23 countries around the world! I welcome you all with my love and blessings! Cities sitting with us in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha – Los Angeles Arunachalam, Seattle Chidambaram, Toronto Kailasam, Phoenix Kanchipuram, Oklahoma Somanatham, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Sharjah, St. Louis Tirumala, San Jose Madurai, Ohio Shivananda, Vancouver Puri, Maha Kumbhpuri Prayag. Kumbhapuri understand the very land and the sand is sacred. The very land and the sand itself is a deity. Namaha Shivaya! Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, Lawspet Pondicherry. Just think the sand on which I walk. If you put my dust of my feet itself…just think how many millions of years, how many thousands of masters have walked there. And so many masters attain Jala samadhi….if he is enlightened being, the body is put in the huge whirlpool where the Ganga and Yamuna join and where the Saraswathi comes and joins. That is where many masters are put when they leave the body. I don’t know how many lakhs of jala samadhi, how m any millions have walked over how many thousands of years. Kumbhpuri itself is god. Hyderabad Shree, Scottsdale Arizona, …Bangalore Nithyananda Vidyalaya, Charlotte Srisailam, Ohio Prayag, Dactoa Dunes, Bangalore Malleshwaram, Atlanta Ujjayini, Austin Ravi and Shivangi. Blessings for wedding anniversary!.blessings! Today that is what I am surprised how come Shivangi came and gave Darshan to me. Shivangi did you get message about your car? Yes blessings. You car is very nice. Bangalore north, Atlanta Ujjayini, san diego tiru alavai, new york varanasi, Francce, mill valley vairavan koil, louiseville kentucky, Singapore singapuram. First I have a request for all ashramites and Brahmanyam Bahuputrataam participants who want to become ashramites..shall we have morning yoga from 4:30 to 6:00 am? Because complete Brahma Muhurtha we should be awake. So from tomorrow sharp 4:30 we will start. I will also be there. Deepak is back from today. I am going to add the science of that weight also. Please understand I was experimenting even during the Praanaayaama for example, inhaling with weight. If I am supposed to inhale with right nostril and along with dumbles if I inhale the praana becoming separate from the air and becoming part of you becomes 3 times more. just like how haritaki if taken praana becomes 3 times more same way it happens here also. For example, when you inhale – in 100 unit oxygen, 30 unit praana goes in and 70 unit air comes out. When you do the inhaling with the dumble then 90 unit air goes into the body as praana and only 10 unit of air without prana goes out. With every praanaayaama with every Surya Namaskara we will have the weights also. I myself does not know complete science of weights. But we have a person who knows it. I have the science of the praana. So we are working together so that all of you guys have all the four – physique, flexibility, stability and energy – all the four. See now I am so happy that 5 to 6 we have practically become stabilized! From Jan 1st from last 28 days I have not missed a single program even for a single minute. Not only me, all of you have settled with this. now we can plan for the next step like Bramhacharya kriya…Muktipriya is so properly on time…and he is telling stop talking and do it intensely and sincerely. No. this means every one of you had the potentiality. Somehow let me take the responsibility. I was not able to get that side of you out. I am so happy that now I can start the Bramhacharya kriya so many things. One more thing all over the world all the ashramites and devotees if you are outside India please do in your Bramha muhurtha – your 4:30 to 6:00 am. See I have no problem even if you join our 4:3 to 6 also. But you should be doing at your 4.30 to 6. Satsang and paada puja join in our time. Yoga do it in your time. All centres do it in your Brahma muhurtha. Of course India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and shrilanka – this 5 countries can join our 4.30 to 6. And whoever has live ….ashram also – all you guys by 9:30 you will start packing off. 10 lights off! Thank you for co-operating with me. It feels so nice. I am not all feeling anything that I am getting up so early and all that. I am so happy that I am able to make you all guys do that. See what for I am alive? Only to raise you guys. So I have no problem about anything. 4:30 to 6:00 we will have from tomorrow. I wanted this to be like a full fledged Akhaada where all the best international standard machineries and all the best practices of the akhaadas of Varanasi and Malla Kamba, rope yoga and all these best things everything related to the yogic body is made available. We will also make green tea available. These are all the gifts of Zen tradition – green tea and all that to maintain health. All programs should be in such a way that by 10 o clock everyone goes to bed…..i declare with Integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching - I declare this as a commitment by me and on behalf of all of you 4:30 am we will be here and till 6 we will be building the body authentically with the new bio memory. Today we are ending the 3rd level samyama. You will be breaking your fast. But I am going to start my niraahaara again. No heavy lights today so I am going to start till my body comes to lower level of BMI. So Niraahaara samyama ends 3rd level after satsang. The 2nd batch bb is starting today. Yesterday and day before we had the Nithya Dhyana yoga. That is like initial level and today the program is starting in a full fledged way. I can say this Brahmanyam bahu putrataam is the greatest gift happened to all us by Kaala Bhairava’s grace. It is Kaala Bhairavas’s grace. It is so nice. By his grace only you can worship him. Not otherwise. It is by his grace only you can worship him. By his grace we are able to follow him. We are able to live him. Today I will share some of the important further realizations on authenticity. Please understand the more and more I talk about that subject, the more and more we are digging about that subject more and more realizations are landing. Some of the beautiful realizations in last 2 days we had about the authenticity. But one funny problem, worthy problem we had is we are not able to standardize the content for LBP Level I. Because the more I talk more deeper … One of the biggest problems we have in authenticity is which anyakaara we have to fulfil whose ---we have fullfil? Because your mother wants you to become doctor, somebody wants you to become lawyer…, somebody who wants to destroy you wants you to become politician. So which anyakaara to fulfil? Listen. If you have anyakaara about somebody, immediately you have committed to fulfil their anyakaara about you. listen if you have some expectation, imagination, image about somebody, you have committed to fulfil their image about you. if you have an expectation about your mother, you have to fulfil their expectation about you. it is a commitment. Somebody who is walking in the street you don’t have much anyakaara about him other than he should not kill you or attack you. same way you also fulfil his anyakaara that you should not kill him or attack him. He does not have any anyakaara about you, so you don’t have to fulfil his image about you because you don’t have any big image about him. Whose image about you – you should stretch yourself. Only people about whom you carry image, you are also authentically should take responsibility about their image about you. Listen. Anyakaara means others expectations about you. Whose expectations about whose you need to stretch yourself and take the responsibility and whose you don’t need to take responsibility. This is the understanding you should have – for ex, if you have image about your mother, you should take responsibility for your mother’s image about you. if you have image about your master, you should take responsibility for your master’s image about you. just today during paada puja I was deciding I am really going to expand everybody’s anyakaara whoever is initiated by me, I request you guys to send your anyakaara about me. I am requesting come on, let me churn out everyone’s anyakaara. It will be nice if you post it in the facebook. You post it in my page itself. What way you expect me in your life. The moment I thought I did not have a feeling how will I stretch myself for millions of anyakaaraas. I saw I have so much space that I can just stretch myself to billions of anyakaara. I can just stretch myself to billions and billions of anyakaaras. Because I just don’t have this one body. Whatever needs to be fulfilled by this body I am just going to make it extreme. Every session break, I am going to have sarva Darshan. So people who want to have my Darshan can come and be waiting in another hall. We will announce the timings. So every break, if there is lunch break – I will go there healing them, attending their requests and that ½ hour attend and be back to the sessions. Understand we will do it. It is possible. I am going to allot some specific time for facebook messages and requests. Only request is when you use fb, pl use it for emergency boon or request. Otherwise just to get my attention – of course I have to fulfil that anyakaara also. It will be sometimes taking the …maybe it will be 2nd priority for me. first I will attend to the emergency requests. … So I will make this as a routine – attending to face book messages and other things and very soon we will be on Google hangout. We will have Google hangout and the tele presence also they are working. The tele presence is starting very soon. I am trying to stretch myself maximum. See only when you exhaust everything available in your bio energy, more is poured in you. for example, 20 people demand my presence for some emergency help request. If I can attend physically 2 or 3 people, if I stretch myself to that max, 10 people I have attended, the other 10 automatically cosmos takes this form and attends and the energy is extended. That is the way miracle powers express. Miracle powers do not express if you have not extended the capacity of this two hands . if you have extended the capacity of this two hands and still there is more to do, then cosmos extends 2 more hands, then 6 hands, then 8 hands….this is the science of miracles. If you stretch yourself to my anyaakaara miracles will express through you…because if I just say do the book in 2 hours. How will you do? You can just do it. How many days will you guys take to upload the satsang in book form? See I want all morning satsangs to be up as a book on Amazon within 2 hours. Come on, let me see if you guys raise to my anyakaaraa. ..how many days will you take to be ready for this? <3 days> I will give you 4 days. From February 1st every day satsang will go as a book on amazon. Vision guys how many days you guys need to have everyday satsang to be uploaded in Youtube in 2 hours. Alright I will give you 4 hours. From when will you do? Okay. Great! Listen how many are involved in your life directly? Father, mother, brother whoever are involved. Sometimes your father, mother, may not be involved in your life if you have ….whoever is involved in your life, all their anyakaara you have to fulfil and stretch yourself. After this BB program I have to stretch myself. Of course I am going to get the anyakaara list from now itself. Understand I give you guys the freedom even if one minute of my time is free, you have the right to ask for that. Let you guys send the anyakaara. This is the greatest opening I am doing. Pl und. Our Annalaya opening and Vidyalaya opening is not that big. That is like me giving my watch and bracelet. This is literally giving my bone marrow. But it is a great joy and I know from this every one of you will pick up my bio memory and bio energy. When Rama is Rama only he is able to create Hanuman. When Hanuman is Hanuman, he is able to create Hanuman sena. So it is time. We really create Nithyananda sena! You can send whatever anyakaara you have about me, whatever way you expect that I should be fulfilling your life, you are free to send. I will churn out everything and bring authenticity to all those anyakaaras. It is possible. Morning during pada puja this is what I was doing manana. What is the more best way I can make myself available to people, I can serve and take responsibility for people’s anyakaara and inspire people to take responsibility for others anyakaara because eternal expansion is possible. See this is a very powerful science. Listen. Listen. I am just working in some way to make Jaana paal itself to help like tea. Then we will have Jnaana paal itself not Bodhi Dharma’s tea. Still I am not able to land on any combination naturally which can be added in milk and make you not sleep. Jnaana paal will nicely put you to sleep. At least you guys have tea till then…go on stretching yourself taking responsibility of others anyakaara. I tell you go on stretching without fear. Will be able to fulfil. Go on stretching – you will express miracle powers. For ex, 20 people I am able to heal. With given time I can heal only 10, but if I decide I am going to heal all 20, naturally divine takes it form and has the other 10 people also get healed…don’t thing it happens only for me. If you stretch it happens for you also. Cosmos is not my monopoly. I may the monopoly of cosmos. But cosmos is not my monopoly. When you start stretching literally cosmos uses your form also. Adds more hands to you, adds more bodies to you. adds more presence to you. adds more vibration to you, adds higher frequency to you. all you guys who send your anyakaara about me you don’t need to be afraid I am going to send you my anyakaara about you. even if you don’t fulfil my anyaakaara about you, I take responsibility of fulfilling your anyakaara. Because I want to fulfil my mission of being an incarnation. If you want to be a Jeevan Mukta then you have to take responsibility for my anyakaara. So you don’t have any bondage of fulfilling my anyakaara. But I am going to fulfil my anyakaara about you. …if any of you are interested then send a request for my anyakaara and I will describe exactly what I want. You can use that as a guidance and …this tatvaas literally enrich you and others and make life so powerful! How many of you feel oh God everyday morning I have to get up 4:30. At least once in a month I should have 2 day holiday. Please raise your hand. No. take holiday for some time and see. Holidays are most boring. I took enough holidays in my life and saw. I took enough holidays in my life. Now I feel what will I do with my holidays? Boring. Commitment with others gives a bone structure for me to run my life. Understand. See when I know tomorrow morning 4.30 I have to come for yoga, 7 for pp, so my bone structure for tomorrow is ready for me. It is like you have road ready for your car to run. Holiday is like rock terrain mountain terrain where you feel you cannot run your life. …that’s all. But I tell you whoever wanted the holiday. I give you guys the option. You take it. Have holiday and see you will be bored with holidays in few days. Till you are bored with holidays I give you guys the freedom. You don’t have to worry. Be authentic. Mentors note down. I have given them freedom. Take holiday. Till you are bored of holiday, life does not start for you. hangover of the need for holiday is nothing but entertaining death in you. please understand, there is one part of you. listen. There is a constant desire to die, shrink in your bio memory due to some pattern, hatred of life. That hangover only is a deep desire for holiday. I have some disciples around me constantly picking me for holiday. Alright we will have holiday what will we do? We will just eat, lie down, sip a cup of tea. I said alright all this be over in one hour, after that? Because I feel I am alive, joyful, radiating when I go on enrich people. If people are not there it is not that I am not going to miss them. I can sit with my kevalatva the loneliness – aloneness. No problem. I can sit in my samadhi in my kevalatva – aloneness. But even in that kevalatva I am enriching somebody who are asking for my help. Even in my aloneness I am only going to enrich people who are asking for people. Then why not use this body also to enrich people. It is like a restaurant which can supply direct eating and parcke…same way when I directly sit with you it is like direct service where you eat. If I sit in samadhi it is like giving parcel delivery. If I am able to give parcel delivery, why not give direct delivery? Desire for holiday is a poison pattern sitting in you – constantly making you break your integrity and authenticity. I tell you desire for holiday is the pattern which constantly breaks your integrity and authenticity. How many of you are cognizing that the desire for holiday constantly breaking your integrity and authenticity? People who have raised your hand, please raise your hand…listen. If you asked for holiday, raise one hand. Now if you are able to cognize this desire for holiday constantly destroys your integrity and authenticity then raise your other hand. If you don’t cognize I can explain. If you don’t cognize… Come to the mike…. See I started at 3 and did all this till 22. 18 years I did and dropped it till 35. Even then I did not have the same yogic body. It started going down. Please understand I am giving you very authentic info. Vedic mind never gets lost. But Yogic body gets lost. That is why I am saying for body as long as you carry it, routine is mandatory. But mind once you lose it, it never goes back. I have never ever once experienced my mind coming back to old form after 2000 but I have experienced my body going down. Question - so even if your body is not supporting, you have to do this (daily routine of yoga) ? Answer – yes. I would say do it everyday till you drop the body… I tell you I had this thought of this one day okay – if I want I will clean the house, if I want do the yoga…but don’t you guys see this is the small door through with the inauthenticity gets into your house and rapes you? ….But I can get back to routine quickly even if I break. .. Question – But for me whenever I decide, I can easily get back to it… A – I am surprised you say this for me itself it takes too long….. What I am saying if you should be able to get up even if somebody else decided. Because it is very easy to hide behind when “I” decide. You should be able to do when others decide for you. this is where you think is freedom – I can do what I want. Freedom is getting up and coming by 4:30 and doing it. That is freedom. If not, what will you do? Something else like worrying – that is what is not freedom. Question – it is not that I am lazy and don’t want to do yoga. No. I really decide, I deice that’s it. I just do it then. Answer- Even here because the decision is in your hand, you will always be covered by inauthenticity which you will not discover it. Many people niraahaaris tell me the moment I say you can eat once a day, they say in one month they come back to the regular eating patterns…it is like your inauthenticity is singing a lullaby, when you try to wake up, it says, no you are already awake, just sleep….that is the reason I tell you this asking for holiday is a pattern. This is the pattern through which your inauthenticity enters your house. The moment it enters it locks the door and that’s it. See if you feel you are not inauthentic, continue to l….have double CC TV camera means double layer check – is there inauthenticity anywhere? From my life I found from my experience even after 18 years of working and building the body under a powerful guru. When I dropped the routine body was not staying in the same state of the body. Understand with integrity and authenticity I am telling you this truth. Now I am reclaiming this yogic body. I don’t need to do if you guys do ten days yoga if you do. I can do for ten minutes and re-claim. But I have to reclaim that muscle memories or bio memories. So body does not stay the way you left when you broke the routine. But mind stays. I stopped all meditation techniques from 1999 – I never had mind coming back…even thru scandal…because mind once destroyed never comes back. With mind. Destruction over. With body, you have to maintain till you carry your body. So I may or may not insist the mind related things as a regular permanent life style. But I will insist the body related things I may ask you to keep till you breathe. Because I found out from my experience body does not stay as it is if you break the routine. The postures I was able to do, the flexibility I had is not the same now. I can literally take a ear ring and put it in the ear back just with my leg. If a ear ring falls, I can put it up, take It and put it back just with the leg. means the amount of stability you need to have to pick it up and insert it in the eye. I could do that very easily. Now I can’t do. Even with hand I cannot put it now. Forget about leg. I lost it. Of course I can get it back. I never lost any meta physical achievement at mind level. I had extraordinary powers, even though I have not practiced for past ten years, I can just reclaim it. But this body I cannot put it like that….. Age deterioration – the age deterioration starts only after 70 or 80…when all these things are in the body, I cannot say low curve has started for me in the body. There is no reason for me to comment……the low curve cannot be always the reason. The non-practice can be the main reason. Low curve begins for a yogi by late 70s. I will answer with integrity and honesty I will answer all the questions. Question – with integrity and authenticity I believe I am a yogic body and I believe I can reverse ageing process and I believe that through consistent practice of holidays it is possible to have this Answer – with my experience I can tell you it Is not possible. With your experience if you feel so you can carry on. My experience – the moment I have holiday the inauthenticity takes over you and keeps you inauthentic without even you being aware of it. Question – My experience, when I am snow skiing, I feel the kundalini awakening….so when I see the ashram, I can see all of us playing Volley ball…I feel it creates team work and a sense of commitment. So I thrive on holidays. A – 2 or 3 times I have done it in Vancover. Vancouver I have done it. I think Dheera has done it taking me. Maybe time only will prove whether I am inauthentic or you are inauthentic so let us wait for that experience. I am very clear I can see from my experience. If you are able to cognize my experience, don’t allow holiday. Don’t even allow the idea of holiday. Because that takes away your integrity and authenticity very slowly. How many of you are experienced the moment I said one meal you went back to full food? …… How many of you cognize this truth if you allow holiday idea, somehow lack of integrity and inauthenticity gets into you and destroys you? all of you can have holiday. All others including me you cannot have a holiday. That is why even in kumba mela I told you cannot do anything during the morning satsang time. I will not miss even one day…..i will not dump. Authentically I will not dump. If there is no hall, no place then I cannot do.. as far as Kumba mela is concerned. No break. We will have yoga, satsang, everything. Let us come .to this subject which anyakaara to fulfil. Just like me whoever is involved in your life, ask all of them to send their anyakaara to chose. After that you cant choose. You are getting the manual to live, not options to choose. When you get others anyakaara you get manual to live, not options to choose. I tell you if you groan you are rooted in laziness. We can. Even your business is nothing but enriching others life. If you are building, if you are making clothes, if you are giving food, if you are in travel business for somebody, the money you give itself will not become product for you….life happens when you free yourself from the innate lazy pattern which drowns you into inauthenticity. How many of you cognize this? great! As I said there is no pre-requisite or requirement that you should fulfil my anyaaara about you. but you have right to ask me as I am going to fulfil your anyakara about me. This 4 tatvas I don’t know how much it is helping you guys, it has helped and continuously helping me. Today I wanted you guys to remember only this one tatva - whose anyakaara you have to fulfilled and whose you don’t need to. With whoever your life is involved or whoever has image, you have to fulfil the image….come up with all questions, we will again and again do it but we will not compromise on tatvaas. We will now move to next segment of morning satsang – Dial the Avatar. ….. The niraahaara samyama 3rd level 5th day. all niraahaaris. Please sit straight. Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpa Vriksha, Bidadi banyan tree with its deep roots, huge branches, with its fruits, flowers, leaves and the energy. Relax. I bless you all to become Niraahaaris. Adayar Vasanthi and Balachandran blessings for your wedding anniversary. Vasanthi I saw your message on facebook… I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 662 places through Nithyananda TV, 38 in places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 30 cities, 33 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!


Photos Of The Day:
