November 23 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda declares that a Sannyasi is a person who has a romance with life! Many of us are living in fear of death, thinking that we are only the body and with its death, we also die. Once we have the understanding that we are only centered on this body and that the death of the body is only an interval in the long procession of lives, we breathe a sigh of relief, relax, and begin the romance with life.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Sannyasi, romance, fear, death, body, relief, life.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam

Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |

Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam

Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing all over the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Santa Fe-New Mexico USA, Singapore-Singapuram, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, San Diego-Tirualavai, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, St. Louis-Tirumala, East London-UK, Dakota Dunes, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Riverside-California, Mahankal-Nepal, Oman-Sivagangai, San Antonio-Texas, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Hosur, Nithyananda Nagaram-Hyderabad, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Varanasi, Ohio-Prayag, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, San Jose-Madurai, Toronto-Kailasam...

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today I will expand on “SANNYAS”, the concept of Sannyas from different angles. How, whether you take Sannyas or not, this concept is directly useful to you to understand your life and enrich your life, you will understand now.

Please listen! Come to the space of listening, so that whether you take Sannyas or not, this concept is really useful to you.

Listen! Basically, there are two ways of thinking:

· One: thinking that the body you are carrying is everything in your life. From morning till night, washing it, decorating it, painting it, clothing it, feeding it, putting it to sleep; nothing else goes on in your mind, nothing else gets into your system. That is one type of thinking, one kind of thinking.

· Second: understanding that you are centered on this body, but not only the body.

Please understand, there is a group of people who think they are only the body. There are a few intelligent people who understand they are centered on the body. You are centered on the body, but you are not only the body. You are not just the body, you are centered on the body. So, please understand, body is your center.

There are tons of things you do based on the body – relating with the world, relating with humanity, relating with Nature, relating with every piece of your life; but, unfortunately, when you cognize you are only the body, everything in your life gets corrupted. Your attitude towards others, your attitude towards humanity, your attitude towards the Cosmos, your attitude towards the universe, your attitude towards everything is corrupted. When this one understanding is corrupted, when you start thinking you are only the body, you think everything is produced only to be applied on or swallowed by your body. When you see a fish, you see it as food. Even when you see a snake, you see it as food. Whether you see a goat, a cow, or any animal, you see it only as food. Because, when you are thinking you are only the body, you think everything is created just to satisfy the body; or, if it is not created for that, you will find a method to convert everything to satisfy this body – attack, conquer, blow it out, destroy!

This idea that you are only the body is the most dangerous, corrupt, poisonous idea which deforms your consciousness. How arthritis slowly brings deformity in the body, this one idea, ‘I am only the body’, brings deformity in your consciousness.

If you just understand you are centered in your body, you are not the body; the first thing that will happen to you is, you will be relieved from the death fear and anxieties caused by death idea; the heaviness which all of us carry in our heart because of the anxiety due to death, the anxiety due to death! All your anxieties, when you trace back the root, it will end up in death! Death happens once, but is happening every moment! Please listen! Happens once, but HAPPENING every moment! When you are released from the idea that you are not only the body, the first biggest relief you will feel is, ‘Wow! The death of the body is not going to destroy me, end my life!’ Please understand, death of the body is not the climax of your life, it is the interval of your life! It’s not a climax. It may be an exciting scene; a pause, but not full stop! It will bring such a big relief ‘Wow!’ And only then, only when you have that relief, ‘Romance with life starts sprouting.’

Please understand, I’m using the word ‘sprout’; how a seed sprouts, romance with life starts happening! If romance with life starts in you, you are a Sannyasi.

If you think everything is body, listen to this story:

Three engineering students gather together to discuss the possible designers of the human body.

One fellow says, `It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints.’

The second fellow says, `No, it was an electrical engineer. See the nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections.'

The last fellow says, `Actually it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?'


If you think everything is body, you should understand this joke!

Everything is not body. Please understand, you are centered on the body. I am not saying you don’t have any relationship with your body. You have the same amount of relationship with your body that you have with the other person. Body is also other person in your life. So you are centered on the body. Please understand, just this one understanding, ‘I am centered on this body’, means what? ‘When this body dies, I’m not going to disappear; I’m not going to end, everything does not end, the curtain does not fall, it is not that everything is over.’ I tell you, just this one understanding if it gets drilled into you, if that becomes your cognition, your default cognition starts functioning with the idea, ‘I am centered on this body, but I am not only the body’, then naturally you will look at the whole world, ‘Even if I see and enjoy a cow walking, a goat walking, it is beautiful! I don’t need to put that into my body to enjoy! If I just see a fish jumping, that is great! I don’t need to dump that into my mouth to enjoy!’, the taste, the concept of enjoyment will completely change, the concept of fear will change, the concept of enlightenment will change, the concept of Completion will change, the concept of fulfilment will change!

The basic concepts you carry will completely change the moment you understand you are centered on the body, not the body, and the romance towards life will start expressing itself in you. When you start feeling the romance towards life, you are a Sannyasi. Please understand, as spiritual head of the oldest apex body of Hinduism, as a responsible Hindu sannyas leader, I am defining Sannyas. What I am talking is in no way against any Sampradhaya or tradition. It may look very modern because of the words I am using, but I tell you this is the most authentic definition of Sannyas. “When you have the romance towards life, you are a Sannyasi! When the romance towards life starts with the right understanding, ‘you are centred on the body not the body itself’, you are a Sannyasi!”

Remember this one idea: ‘I am centered on the body, but not the body alone.’ With this understanding, start reviewing all your major decisions of life, like what you think as love, what you think as hatred, what you think as fear, what you think as greed, what you think as love, what you think as joy, what you think as pain, what you think as pleasure. Reorganize everything. What you think as success, what you think as failure, re-cognize everything. When you re-cognize, you will recognize the truth. Re-cognizing is recognizing. Recognizing is nothing but re-cognizing. I tell you, this re-cognizing takes away all the fears about life in you and gives you such a beautiful breathing space.

I tell you, just if you understand this one truth “you are not just the body, you are centered on the body”, your breathing depth will increase in twenty-four hours! You will not have shallow breathing any more. You will have such a complete breathing! Complete breathing keeps you mentally in high zone. Like in your car if you pour the crude oil how it will run, if you pour the kerosene oil how it will run, if you pour the government ration kerosene oil how it will run, if you pour the pure petrol how it will run, and if you pour the aviation fuel how it will know! Same way, the ideas you carry inside, the root cognitions you carry inside is the fuel with which you are running. If you just bring this one re-cognition that you are centered in the body, but not the body itself, immediately you will be so relieved from so many of your wrong cognitions, and it will bring a deep breathing, a complete breathing in you which naturally will keep your mind in a very high zone. Understand, deep breathing keeps you in high awareness, keeps you in the highest zone; keeps you in the most joyful space. Deep feeling of relief and complete breathing is “Sannyas”. When this re-cognition happens in you, you become a Sannyasi.

The December 27th, the third batch of Sannyasis are the most fortunate ones for various reasons. One: this time I am myself defining Sannyas, encouraging, enriching, enlightening everyone about Sannyas, so that you are clear and trained. Please understand, even if you feel peer pressure and take Sannyas it is good, because it is such an amazing transformative process! Good things can be done even out of peer pressure; nothing wrong. I feel, how the modern-day kids destroy their life by doing drugs, getting pregnant in teenage, all because of peer pressure..... School kids try to get a girlfriend or boyfriend just because of peer pressure. If you don’t have one then you are useless; the way you are looked at, you are seen by your friends, classmates, colleagues, just the peer pressure makes them do drugs, makes them do everything, get teenage pregnancy, everything, whatnot! So listen! I think we should create the positive peer pressure, peer pressure of Krama Brahmacharya, peer pressure of right decisions, right cognition, not the wrong thing.

With this, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

Photos from the Day