December 27 2010

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Healers Day Nithyananda Jayanthi Morning Message 27 Dec 2010


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, is the visionary through whom this whole revival of KAILASA is made possible. Today, on Healers Day, and as the celebrations continue leading up to the Jayanti (birthday) of His Divine Holiness, a very special initiation into healing was given, where many, whether in His physical presence in Bidadi, or those who joined via 2-way video conferencing, were able to receive this powerful, sacred gift from the Master himself. His Divine holiness expounded on the Cosmic principles of Healing and revealed that the secret of healing is to Just BE. He said that by being in your body, being fully present in the moment awakens the compassion bio memory, intelligence bio memory and awareness bio memory healing body, mind, inner space and all those around you.

His Divine Holiness shared his revelations about the impact that Vedic tradition had and continues to have on America just by the presence of a few Masters, further sharing that throughout the religious persecution - the worst in history where HDH was illegally imprisoned and tortured - allowed Him and His disciples to prove their integrity and strength just because of the compassion and non-violent approach towards the scandal. He requested that devotees are to adopt the same method of patience and nonviolence even if physically and mentally abused. He instructed everyone to retain their patience, honesty and integrity and made a powerful statement - “It is time all the Hindu gurus, swamis, religious leaders belonging to the Vedic tradition wake up!!”

Video and Audio

Healers Day Nithyananda Jayanthi Morning Message 27 Dec 2010

Video Audio


0:45 I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees who are sitting around the world to create the eN effect at the same time. Just sit now with a deep unclutched mood. I am giving instruction to devotees sitting all over the world. You will see the intense eN effect created inside you within next few minutes. I am already connecting with all of you. I can see that you are all connecting with all of me; not just virtually, virtually. Los Angeles.... can you raise your hand... yes I could see... and San Hose... is already in the eN effect. Seattle.... yes... Columbus... Yes.... Houston... yes.... Dallas.... Toronto... Germany... wow... Turkey... great!!

2:55 Today is Healers Day. All over the world all our devotees, ashram centers celebrate Healers Day. Today’s subject is ‘Heal yourself and heal the cosmos’. Today we will do it literally. Let me define healing. This is exactly my message for Healer’s Day. Please understand I am telling you the honest, simple, straight forward truth. Yesterday I was reading a book American Veda, where they are thoroughly analyzing the Hindu gurus, Hindu philosophy, Vedic tradition’s influence on America. They are analyzing from very critical angle all the book contributions and the great contributions of gurus and the scandals happened around them. How some survived, some did not. They are analyzing the whole cumulative effect of all this on the American civilization, the American mind.

4:39 When I was going through it was shocking to see the amazing impact done on American psyche, American consciousness, by the handful of babas and gurus and swamis; without an organized network; even with so much of scandals being systemically created around them. Then I contemplated the whole night what can, can be the reason? Without a proper, amazing, organizing structure or a friendly network among them self how could they create such huge impact on the American consciousness? I realized, I can say reconfirmed my realization that Vedic tradition does not need a marketing department. The strength of the philosophy, the strength of the truth, puts anybody into the throne, if they just decide to represent it as much as they understand, that’s all. I tell you, you don’t need to do anything. How much you understand represent that part; that’s enough.

6:16 If you understand only ritual part, pouring ghee on that fire, you don’t know anything else, you represent that part; you will be in the throne. Because the Vedic tradition is time tested, fool proof. Anything you understand represent that, you will be sharing a strong honest truths with the world. If you understand only washing and clothing the deities; you don’t know anything else but you can wash some deity morning till evening and cloth them properly, put food in front and wave incense sticks, you are good at it, you understand only that part of the Vedic tradition, you don’t know anything else; just represent that. You will see the power of that tradition puts you in throne.

7:16 Or you don’t understand washing the deities or pouring ghee in the homa, you only just understand a few Sanskrit words, you can repeat like a parrot, you will read from some Upanishad or from some purana and repeat like a parrot. That is enough, represent that. You will be transforming thousands. Or you don’t know any of these creative things like a pouring ghee in the fire or pouring water on the deity or pouring some words on your disciples which you may, may not have understood. You know only one thing; left and right you can criticize everybody. Start even that. Because I saw when I was reading yesterday that book American Veda, some of the gurus have become great popular gurus, well known gurus not by their contribution just by their power of criticizing.

8:23 Vedic tradition is so powerful anything in any small dimension any way you understand, the moment you represent that tradition, it puts you in throne because the tradition is so powerful, fool proof, time tested. Understand I am giving you the essence of the tradition without any manipulation, interpolation, interpretation or the stuff added for marketing. Usually in all huge equipments there will be a small in one corner, there will be a small ring attached so that you can pull and push; easy handling. Same way whenever truth is delivered by some organization or organized gurus, there will be one ring attached for the sake of sales, easy marketing. Here I am giving you the honest truth without the ring of easy marketing attached; as it is.

9:45 Please understand the truth as it is I am sharing with you; the secret of healing the essence of healing, the definition of healing. Just BE; you will heal your body and people who are around you and the whole cosmos. Please understand just BE; nothing else. Be in your body. As on now you know one thing you are having a body and you are aware of having a body. You are being aware of having a body. Please understand just be inside what you think as your body; that’s enough. You may think what is this? That is what we are doing. No. You think you are inside your body. You are never inside your body. Be inside your body. First thing will happen to you is you will heal that intense pain and battered consciousness you are carrying. When you decide to be inside your body the power of present moment will work on you. Power of the present moment always heals your system. That is why I am telling you again and again and again I am reminding you just come back to your body. Just be. Even now decide, till the end of this satsang decide you will be heavily present, intensely present in your body. You will see healing happening in you.

12:09 BE; just be in your body intensely. Suddenly you will see the compassion bio memory, intelligence bio memory, awareness bio memory all of them are kindled awakened in you for no reason because BEING is the right button you need to push. Be intensely inside your boundary, inside your skin in this moment. You will really see your body, mind, inner space, gets intensely healed; nothing else need to be done. Anything else is a ring attached to the gadget for easy pulling and pushing. To heal the cosmos and to heal yourself you don’t need anything else; just BE.

13:37 Biggest problem biggest problem is we think that BEING is too simple or too difficult. Don’t decide it is too simple and think it will not bring the result. No!! Don’t think it is too complicated because you failed last few times and stopped making effort. No!! Neither thinking it is too simple it will not bring effort, bring the right effect on you nor thinking it is too complicated it will not be possible for you, is going to help you. Just try to be in now. If you are not able to do after half an hour forget about it; it’s ok. Now for the next half an hour all of you have decided to be around me. Decide just to spend this time BE. Once you catch the taste of being just BE I don’t need to inspire you continuously. I don’t need to give sermons to put you into the vedantic experience. No. Your very living will be healing you and the cosmos.

15:22 Just BE that is what I am talking for last ten years with various different words. Whether I talk about chakra, kosha, sharira, unclutching, whatever I talk finally I land on this one truth just BE; nothing else. Just BE what you think as your body. You will see the powerful effect on you. I can tell you being is the best technique less technique, process beyond all the process, meditation beyond all the meditation. What Buddha describes as TATHATA easeness, what Shankara describes POORNA fulfillment or fullness what I describe as UNCLUTCHING or NITHYANANDA the whole thing boils down to BE; JUST BE.

17:02 Understand my message on the Healers Day to all the healers who belong to Nithyananda sampradaya and all the healers who belong to all the traditions, all the different religious, spiritual, ancient mystical traditions and all the healers who belong to modern day traditions; whoever is in the field of healing the body and mind of all the beings in the planet earth, my message to all of you is just BE; even if you are allopathy doctor. Just learn how to be in your system. The effect of healing, the effect of healing you create on your patients will be intense, amazing, surprising and positively shocking. Whether you are a medical professional or psychological healer or spiritual healer whatever healer you may be, whatever way you may be healing body, mind and the spirit of the planet earth, add this one simple truth in your life. Just learn to BE, you will heal yourself and the world. Even if you are not in the field of healing if you want to heal yourself and the cosmos I am giving you this process of technique; JUST BE. Intense compassion will start oozing out through your very system. Nothing, nothing can help you and the world like the intense compassion. I can say intense compassion which oozes out when you are just in BEING is the sarva roga nivarani; cure for all diseases in the world.

20:01 The first message I sent to all the devotees all over the world who are gathering at Tiruvannamalai, please understand this is my message to all the devotees who are assembling in Tiruvannamalai to celebrate my birthday, my Jayanti on 29th December; have deep love, patience and compassion. During this largest religious persecution happened in this year, throughout this religious persecution we proved our integrity and our strength just because of our compassion, love and non violent approach towards this whole scandal. In hundreds of places thousands of our devotees have been physically verbally attacked abused; but we proved our strength by non violence and by patience. I request all our devotees to adopt the same method of patience and nonviolence. Even if you are physically mentally abused don’t attack them back. Retain your patience. Remain in the honest, integrated compassion.

21:42 Please understand when I say integrated compassion I mean compassion intellectually understood and digested; not just the compassion of fear. Sometime compassion can be shown if you are not interested in participating in life. You just want to move away from life. That can be projected as compassion. No. You are all going to participate in the program. You are not going to escape, move away from life; but you are going to show intense integrated compassion. Please understand this is my message to all the devotees who are gathering from all over the world. Radiate intense peace, silence, patience and intellectually integrated compassion. I tell you learn the art of being, science of being, extraordinary compassion will be expressing through your system, extraordinary love will be expressing through your system, extraordinary understanding about life will be radiating through your system. You will heal yourself and the cosmos. I can say this is the essence of Vedic tradition.

23:34 When I was reading that book American Veda I understood how systematically the Hindu Gurus and Masters are pulled and scandals are created around them. How the whole unit is dedicated to do this job full time funding the right people sorry wrong people, inserting them into an organization, making them feel frustrated. Even those people who are funded and supported by the particular groups do not know they are inserts. They just feel they are doing an honest service of what they experienced. It is such a dirty system of destroying an amazing, thousands of years old tradition. It is time all the Hindu gurus, swamis, religious leaders belonging to the Vedic tradition wake up!!

24:51 I am giving you the wakeup call after studying thoroughly, not only studying, going through with a strong I can say one of the largest scandal and religious persecution happened in the recent times. I am talking to all of you addressing all the healers around the world who belong to the Hindu tradition or who have received the inspiration from Hindu tradition and the devotees, disciples, followers, practicing Hindus, I request and call on all of you. It is time to wake up and stop this continuous onslaught on Vedic tradition and Vedic gurus and continuous scandals created on Vedic tradition and Vedic gurus.

26:03 It is time we all stand up to heal the world. If not I am afraid the very science of healing may disappear from the planet earth, which will be too costly; too costly. It is time we wake up and send a message of compassion, healing in a non violent way to the whole universe, whole planet earth in a systematic, organized, non violent, but strong way; strong way as huge spiritual wave. So I request all the devotees around the world, now I will sit with you all for three minutes just Be. Let us create the intense effect on your body and on the world. Let’s heal us and the cosmos.

27:29 Please just close your eyes and just be; unclutch and be; no need for any mantra, meditation, nothing. Just unclutch and BE. I will see that all of you experience the intense eN effect. As the part of the eN effect you may experience physical or psychological levitation, peace, bliss, anything; just allow it. Let the eN effect happen on all of you and the cosmos. Let us heal the cosmos. Sarvo janah sukhino bhavantu...... Let the intense eN effect happen in the cosmos. Let all the auspicious energies unite and positively explode awaken the cosmos spiritually. Om....... om........ om………. hreem.......... om...... hreem........ omhreem........ omhreem....... shanti shanti shantihi.

31:57 Let the whole world be blessed with this cosmic auspicious energy. Let us all heal us and the world by just by being. 32:19