July 16 2010

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Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 1 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles from Intuition during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed that intuition is the most untapped resource available in every being and when intuition happens, it is realty. He explained that even with Astrology, Nadi, intuitive or psychic readings or Oracles, not to trust them more than your own intuition in order to become Enlightened, but to have the guts to trust your intuition. He shared that intuition awakens the moment when you take up responsibility, and not put blame on others or yourself, when your whole energy is centered on you and you alone. His Divine Holiness revealed that in the Vedic tradition, intuition is the base for many of the Shastras and in order to understand you need to play with the idea of intuition.

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Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 1 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself

Video Audio


Nithyananda on Intuition (Part-2): Meditation Technique to Awaken It


In this discourse on Intuition (Part 2), Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives deeper insights into our state of intuition and how to trust ourselves to be in intuition. He introduces the 137 Shiva Sutra and gives a meditation technique to awaken our intuition.

Video and Audio

Nithyananda on Intuition (Part-2): Meditation Technique to Awaken It

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This is a simple formula from our Tantra shastra to awaken intuition. You m ay feel like a process in the stomach when you do this. It will directly awaken the navel, not only psychologically, even physiologically. Understand these 2-3 things. One – we have tremendous power of intuition by nature. Two – It is not just some power landing on your system about future. It is the very power which makes the info into reality. If you have some idea and you feel that is going to be bad in future it is only prediction. It is not intuition. Intuition is like breeze…it will land on u and flow Third – the only disturbance to intuition is the fear and worry bio memory already existing on you. It is like a sandal wood tree smell which is thin and beautiful but the odour of fear and worry will destroy. You will need to prepare your bio memory to remove this fear and greed. This positive bio memory will help awaken intuition. Especially mothers who are pregnant (TIPS FOR PREGNANCY: WHEN MOTHERS DO THIS CHILD WILL BE PURE) Technique is almost like shakti dharana. When you are visualizing energy descending in shakti dharana, create some sounds – NOT WORDS. It is removing possibility of bad odour of bio memory from your system. So that, continuously, the good smell of sandal wood remains in you and is retained in you. After Buddhism, only Osho has used this. Gurjeff used this differently. He makes people drink som 20 wine bottles and ask them to walk on the rope. It becomes an intense mechanism of surviving the alcoholism and walking on the rope. In this, Gurjeff finishes the process on them. Even Naagaas do this. They make you take 40-50 puffs of ganja. They then give you the belt sword, make you sit on horse and cut potatoes. This makes the survival instinct and bio memory fight. Raising intense awareness. Raghupati Yogi had a pet dog. He would give it Umatta leaf – a poisonous leaf. He will give little bit to dog. The dog will go crazy…the dog would jump 5-6 feet. He would then make the dog walk on the pillars. He used the same process of strong fight between the survival instinct and the bio memory! Of course we will start withj the initial level. After this, we will start with 2nd level which is food. So first with empty stomach – now, then withj food – with little giddiness…then next levels. So that all possibility of negative bio memory of fear and worry is removed in your bio memory and the very thin and awareness of intuition is retained in your body. Actually you will feel a thin fragrant smell in your nose. I have been around Yogi Ram swaroop kumar. He smokes whole day with cheap beedi…tobacco roled in gtutter water. He would smoke that…and funny thing is not even once any bad smell would come out of him…I have been with him 6 years…he never took bath or changed clothes in those 6 years. Ofcourse, after ashram started they would wipe him and change clothes. But before that, never took bath or changed clothes, smoking that dirty beedi and never smelt. Becos constantly he had that pleasant smell in him. If you have knee pain…do not do. BECOS WHEN the bio memory gets cleaned, it will straight away land on your knees. Your knees are the only contact point between you and the earth. Spread and make enough space. All kids, do you guys understand the technique? When your face is up and mouth is open, without moving the tongue what all sounds you can create, create. Only jaw can move, tongue should not move. It will take atleast 2-3 minutes to feel your head is reeling. It is a prana process actually. Actually you don’t receive any special energy. The energy goes from muladhara actually. Nothing lands from above, from below it goes up. It is almost like the pittah from the manipuraka hits the sahasrara. Once if you receive an offer it is called one cycle. Atleast 14 cycles you should do. Do it very slowly. It should take atleast full 1 hour. I will tell you the scale if the process has happened in you. Withou any moment, without any thinking, from the navel to the tongue you will feel like a hollow tube. There will not be any word, but you will have meaningful sounds being uttered in you. From navel to tongue words will not be created. Direclty just from the tongue meaningful sounds/words should happen. If any word comes from navel, it is dirt…it should be avoided. If it comes directly from the tongue - vaak – it is amrutha vachana. Not only are you doing now, even I am literally washing your bio memory. You may feel feverish too. Sit up, please close your eyes. Raise the hands…others you guys sit with closed eyes or leave.


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