February 11 2017

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This discourse was delivered on 11 February, 2017, as the opening session for a program called KALPATARU. In it, Nithyananda reveals the complete understanding of manifestation; how to create our lives as we want them to be. His simple strategic solution is made up of three statements, the understanding of which empowers us to live the highest possibility: 1. Understand that you are not a finished product, you are a possibility; you are a happening; it is never too late to change because you are a seed on fertile soil, even if you are 93 years old! 2. All your patterns are dead, your compulsive thought currents and behaviours are not a living part of you or a living energy. All you have to do is drop them and give them the last rites. 3. Your Will is only Life Energy! Your Will is a living organism, living mechanism, living principal. Give life to that, and constantly you will be rising to your highest possibilities.


Kalpataru, manifesting, Swami, Nithyananda


Sadguru Vandanam I welcome all of you with My Love and Respects!

I’ll directly give you conclusions, i do not want to waste your time. I do not want to waste your time in giving you unnecessary statements, unnecessary concepts, unnecessary ideas, i’ll give you direct conclusions. Understand!

Physiology of reality: I’ll give you the physiology of reality, the moment you know the physiology of reality you know how to manifest your reality.

Understand! If you have just headache which comes rarely, you don’t need to do much other than knowing the name of the medication, the pill and the shop where it is available, but if you are constantly falling sick, you want to attend yourself and the people around you, then just knowing few names is not going to help, you need to go to the depth.

Same way if you want just one boon, one problem solved, you don’t need this whole program, just come for morning Sarva Darshan, i’ll give you the boon, you can go, you just need to know the address of the Bidadi Aadheenam, that’s all! But if you are interested in manifesting your life as you want and helping others to manifest their life as they want, then you need to know the physiology of reality. Listen! Listen to the words i am uttering : physiology of reality!

This science which i am going to share with you now, the conclusions that i am going to share with you now are from Agamas.

SadaShiva gave Vedas to Brahma, to create the Universe, Agamas to Vishnu to run the Universe.

The science which i am going to share with you, the physiology of reality, is from Vedas and Agamas.

Listen to the conclusions! Do not waste your time in non listening space because i am not going to spend much time on logically convincing you, I am going to give you straight conclusions, straight factual statements.

Understand! Human being is a seed, possibility, you are a possibility, seed, this is the 1st truth with which you need to have ShaktiPada, you are not finished product, you are not done!

Listen! You are not done!

The moment you come to the idea you are done, i tell you, you are done!

You are not done! It is unfortunate nowadays even teenage kids feel they are done. Yes, it is really unfortunate!

You are a seed, understand! This is too important idea, truth, you need to imbibe.

In India, please understand, because i am living, meeting millions of people, i am telling you, a woman, the moment she gets married she feels she is done, man, the moment he gets job, he feels he is done. Job and marriage, that’s all !!! We are done!

Understand! The moment you feel you are done, in depth level you are dead! Life is not available to you anymore! Life is over! It is not available for you anymore.

Do not do this one crime to yourself, that idea you are done, no! You are a seed! Continuously life is possible, even when death comes, be very clear ‘’ I am a seed, i am going to see the Life’’!

Constantly start new ventures! Get into new thought currents, new ideas, new actions, new concepts, new lifestyles. Constantly! Even if it is mistake, it will not be a crime, but if you are not doing anything new, it’s a crime, i tell you! Constantly! Because human being is a possibility, is a seed. You are a seed! you need to open up!

You are a great possibility!

The first principle of physiology of reality is : Whatever is perceived by you as reality, is a great possibility, it is not conclusion. If you think you have a disease, your reality is poverty, it is not conclusion. Understand! It is not conclusion! Listen! The first principle you need to know about the physiology of reality is ‘’ nothing is concluded’’, you are in the middle of the life, means there is so much of possibility in front of you. Possibility of the future gives you Shakti to manifest your reality. Understand! Possibility of the future, possibility of life gives you the inspiration even to manifest your reality. Please understand, all of us, as long as we can breathe, we carry the possibility to manifest our reality. People ask me, then, why people are not manifesting, why everyone is not manifesting? Understand, nobody wants to! Everyone has come to the conclusion, they are now end products, qc passed, over! Already packed! You are not a packed food sitting in the mall. You are a seed on the ground. Understand, you are not packed food sitting in the mall, you are seed on the fertile ground.

Life is a possibility.

All the ideas which come inside you,’’ that you are done’’,’’ nothing can be done’’, ‘’it is all over’’, all that need to be completed.

You need to have ShaktiPada with this first principle ‘’ Life is a possibility! Great possibility’’!

Look into yourself and see in how many places you closed the door of possibilities for you.

Sometimes learning the language,‘’No, that is not all for me, i have already done one or two, that’s enough’’ or learning something like as simple as swimming or cooking , ‘’no, no, no, i am too old for all that’’.

Things as simple as just grooming yourself, to look decent and presentable ‘’what is there, i am already married’’.

Marriage is not a crime that you can’t be presentable, you can’t be decent!

I am giving you very simple examples, look in, look into yourself, you have shut many of your possibilities with the idea you are a finished product.

Sometimes you also think, ‘’if i am more loving, how nice it will be’’, but you come to the conclusion, end of the thought current you come to the conclusion, ‘’that is not for me, it’s all over now, it’s ok, leave it’’! ‘’Let me live and go’’!

Or, you start doing the action where others will recognize you that you are a loving person, you don’t work for really becoming loving.

See! You just give some money, you just give some little time or attention, so others perceive you are a loving person, you work for that, you do not try to understand the physiology and psychology of the love and how to manifest that as a reality from your very core. You feel that is all done!

Once i was teaching about this science of what you want and what you believe, what you want, you will never manifest, what you believe as you, you will manifest only that!

One fellow came and told me, ‘’oh i believe all only negative things, my life is done’’! No!!! Listen!

When i am giving you this science, i want you to understand, you have a possibility even to change your belief. I am not here to tell you about Doomsday, no! For Shaivates, only it’s Boonsday

The first idea you need to have is ShaktiPada, connection.

The first principle you need to internalize is you are a possibility! You are not yet done!.

In every dimension, your health, you have a great possibility to live three hundred years healthily, even if you are already in dead bed.

Actually what is dead bed, you know? When you come to the conclusion, you have no more possibility, you are in dead bed even if you are twenty, even if you are teenager.

Whether it is a health or wealth or love or relationships or completion, peace, enlightenment or power manifestation!

Power manifestation is nothing but a loud statement, i am giving it towards the whole humanity, hey! you are a possibility!

Power manifestation is a statement, i am giving it towards the humanity, You are a possibility!

Second statement 


The First statement is: You are a possibility, you are not yet done! Even if you are 97, chronological age, have ten grandkids, you are only a possibility, you are not yet done.

Even SadaShiva after manifesting all the Bowanas, Brahmandas, even He lives with the depth cognition that He is a possibility. Understand, even He does not come to the conclusion He is done! No! Even He lives with the cognition, He is a possibility.

That is the first principle you need to catch up, only then manifesting your reality is possible. You are a possibility!

The Second statement: Listen to the 2nd statement!

All impossibilities you perceive as your patterns, restrictive thought currents, destructive concepts, the patterns you carry, the samskaras you carry, thought currents you cherish, which are restrictive, destructive, which reduce your power manifestation, all of them are dead.

Please listen, listen to this second statement!

I’ll give you example, if you think ‘’I want to get up in the morning and do yoga and build my body, but my laziness, you see, morning…any alarm cannot wake me up’’. If you think you have this lazy pattern which is restricting your possibility or that boredom ‘’ i really want to learn French, but you see i am tired and bored, i don’t know when i’ll open the book and when i want to learn’’, ‘’i really want to learn English, but i cannot stand reading one statement or one sentence’’.

If you think all these patterns are torturing you, listen carefully!

The good news is : all your patterns are dead, but the person who needs to break the pattern, will, is alive.

Your patterns are not living part of you, they do not live, means they do not exist. You are a living mechanism, they are not part of the living mechanism, which is you. Listen carefully, this is the second statement of physiology of reality, physiology of this whole reality.

Listen carefully! For example, this LED screen in Raja Saba, this mic in Raja Saba, and speakers in Raja Saba all three are integral part. That is why my lips movement in the LED screen, and the words i am uttering are in sync when it reaches you.

They are in sync so you see my lips movement and the words you hear, they are in sync means they are part of the living organism.

They both are living, alive, one is working with the other, one is coordinating with the other, one lives with the other, understand!

But your patterns and you are not living organism!

Listen carefully, your patterns and you are like Indian divorced couple. They almost live together, in the same room and same bed but don’t talk to each other.

You and your patterns are not living organism in sync with each other, the good news is all your patterns, the pattern that stops you learning, stops you doing yoga or stops you manifesting powers, that is the best news, all your toxification, toxic mental set-up, corrosion, erosion of your third eye, everything! the good news is they are all dead! They do not have life, understand!

ShaktiPada needs to happen with this second truth!

When SadaShiva gave this science to Devi and Vishnu adopts this science to run the Universe, He has divided it as four parts for our convenience.

These truths i am sharing with you all are from part called VidyaPada.

Listen to this principle very carefully, it can liberate you once for all from tons of the internal and intra confusions and conflicts with which you are stuck.

I tell you 90% of the problems are inside, the remaining 10% does not exist. Do not ever think, ‘’no, no, no Swamiji, if just this one problem outside is solved, i am free’’.

Understand, if something, if you perceive something cannot be solved by you, that itself is an internal problem.

This other day, one of my Brahmacharini was telling me, ‘’Swamiji i know what is the solution but i don’t know how to do it’’, then i told her, It is not solution!

If you think you know the solution but you can’t do it, it is not a solution, understand!

Same way, as long as you perceive problem, is the problem inside.

I have seen people coming and telling me, ‘’i always want to be loving Swamiji, but the moment i see this fellow, i just burst, mess up the whole thing only then i even remember i wanted to be very loving’’.

‘’I really want to wake up and do yoga and build the body but the moment’’…’’only after morning 10:00 o’clock i even understand the world exists’’!

‘’I really do not want to drink, but i don’t know what happens, the moment it is week-end, Friday evening, i already discover myself I am in the bar and i don’t know what happened from work place to the bar, how i reached.. i don’t know..i suddenly wake up with the bottle and cigarette…only then i am realizing i am alive’’.

Whatever may be the patterns, please understand, they are dead, they do not have life. They get life only when your will support them.

A dead body gets life if your soul enters into it. If you decide your soul will not enter into the dead body, the dead body cannot create mess in your life. May be your soul is convinced by the dead body..that body will be really comfortable place for you to live.

Listen! Listen! Listen carefully!

The second principle is too important, life do not exist for all your incompletions and patterns. It can be as powerful as womanizing and drugging and… whatever, whatever patterns you may think or cheating, constant lying or …Even if you are a lawyer your patterns are dead!

Whatever, whatever you may think, the good news you have is your patterns are dead.

They do not have independent life, they are not alive! Understand! Big relief! ‘’ Ah! Pah! so i have to only kill the dead snakes’’, you don’t even need to kill, you just need to remove them, they are already dead, you just need to remove them and burn them, do the last rites for them.

The only thing you need to do in your life is neither completion nor tapas, you just need to do last rites for your patterns. Nothing other than the last rites is left for you to do. Doing last rites for your patterns is tapas.

You just need to recognize, understand, the second idea, you need to have ShaktiPada, is your patterns are dead, just look! It is actually dead! Till your will supports, it cannot have power over you. It can be as complicated as phobias, the patterns encouraged and built by toxic psychiatry industry. Understand the word i am uttering: toxic psychiatry industry.

80, above 80% of the students in the US University campuses are under the control of the legalized toxic psychiatry industry! God! They harm human beings thousand times more than any illegal drugs. Legalized toxic psychiatry industry. If at all you want to awake the humanity, raise the humanity, please, wage a war against legal toxic psychiatry industry, that is much much worst than illegal drugs. I am not supporting illegal drugs, understand, i am only saying this, legal toxic psychiatry industry is harming you, too much.

I tell you, a small seven years kid is walking with the father early morning, from a distance the kid sees the tree and screams ‘’Oohh there is a ghost there! There is a ghost there ‘’!

What should father do? He should just pick up the kid on his shoulders and tell him, don’t worry, I am here, come, let’s go and see near! you should understand it is not a ghost, - take the child there and make him understand it is only tree not a ghost! but you try to find all others solutions:

1- you try to give a knife to the child ; go and cut the tree, cut the ghost or 2- don’t come on this road, turn and go on another road or 3- better sedate him, don’t let him not even come out of bed, if he comes out of bed only, he will walk on this road and see this tree, crying there is a ghost - sedate him!

You find everything else other than solution.

T.P.I. finds everything other than cure. It is adharmic way of keeping people under your control. I tell you, most highest worst immoral way of keeping people under your control is T.P.I. For Indians it may not be a big problem, as of now, but i am seeing very clearly next five years, Indians going through the same, because it takes 5 to 10 years for anything to come from there to here. Whether it is a jeans or inner or inner behaviour, all. When i say all mean all, I mean double meaning all, ALL, It takes only ten years for anything to come from there to here, from western India. Listen!

This second principle can solve the whole issue once for all, you need to be taught from the beginning your patterns are dead! That’s the truth, you give life to it! Your will gives life to it! Nobody else. Whether it’s a sleeping pattern in the morning or pattern, you can’t run your day without your depression medication or the pattern you can’t sleep without your sleeping pills or the pattern all compulsive thought currents or compulsive actions.

Listen! All compulsive thought currents and compulsive actions do not have life of its own. Everyday you give life to it believing the pattern has its own life. No! Patterns suck your blood and make you believe they are alive, independent of you.

It’s like politicians making you believe, they suck your blood but they make you believe they are alive, independent of you and you are dependent on them. No way, nowhere, patterns can have independent life.

Third statement, very important, understand! Your will gives life to your patterns, you deciding you will not give life to them anymore…means patterns are dead already, you just need to perform the last rites, you just need to perform the last rites. I wanted you to have ShaktiPada, means realizing these 3 statements.

I repeat all the 3 statements, First:

You are a possibility, you are a seed, you are not yet done, finished product, you are not a finished product, you are only a seed, happening, opening and happening.

Second : All your pattern which you think that stops you, restricts you, puts you in impossibility, stops your growth manifesting your reality, everything, all of them are dead, they do no not have independent life.

Third: Your will is only life energy, living organism, living mechanism, living principle in you. If your will stops giving life to your patterns, they cannot exist, they just have to leave your intestine along with your kaduka podi, nothing else.

I’ll continue to expand on this physiology of reality and make you all experientially manifest at least one of your reality, as example, sample for you, so you can go and start using this same science and technology continuously.

So let’s gather for next session, Thank you, be blissful!

Listen : I repeat again (sound very low)

First principle: You are a possibility, you are a seed, you are not finished product, you are not yet finished, that’s the good news.

Any idea, concept, pattern whh hhich is stopping you, internalizing it. If you have few minutes, pen down! Listen carefully! See, when i say, you are not a finished product, i mean, in your health, what do you want to become, you can become, it’s not that your life, your body is sealed, that nothing can be done anymore. You can change the shape, size or strength, power, energy, there is nothing like you can’t change all of them… It’s all over!..no!

You can change anything as you want. Still the possibility is open, available. In every level, whether health or wealth or mind or relationships or whatever…in every level.

If you have any idea pattern, ‘’that is not possible’’, pen them down. By bringing it to your awareness, i’ll make them powerless over you, i’ll remove them from your inner space, from your cognition, from your depth.

Second: The impossibilities you carry, listen carefully, the patterns which restrict you..’’OOh this is not possible… that is not possible…my wife will not allow, my boss will not allow and the society is not going to allow’, so many impossibilities you carry.

The patterns you carry…my own laziness will not allow, my own energy is not that capable or my thinking is not that capable, i am not that intelligent..all this stupidity you carry…all that!

Pen down ALL the impossible patterns you carry, means which are dead snakes.

If you are having dead snakes all over you, you are only shava, only if you are having living snake you are Shiva.

WILL IS THE LIVING SNAKE! all the patterns are dead snakes.

Third: Only your will is alive which can change all the dead patterns.

If you pen down, just first two exercises, that’s enough, you can internalize the third one. Few minutes. Why i am asking you to pen down, you know? Only when you pen down you will think about it , otherwise, you will sit and listen like at Bhagavatam. I want you to think, look into these ideas, try to intranalyze.

We also have around, more than hundred cities participating from 60 countries, the whole program like … 115 cities, from 60 countries participating in this program..live through 2 way video conferencing.

Headache, curing, healing your stomach pain or as difficult as you think, expressing, manifesting SadaShivatva and these powers, whatever it is, whether it is a small problem or big problem, whatever plane, whatever level, whatever aspect, whatever dimension…you feel you are down , pen down that!

Even if you are 99, almost in dead bed, i can make you manifest powers of SadaShiva. Understand! Clapping! no, i am not..no,no,no,sorry, please understand, I am not doing any proud claiming or pride claiming or ego claiming..no, no, no, no, no, no, no, i am just stating the fact. It’s a simple fact straight away. It is as simple as getting rid of..your problem can be as simple as getting rid of your headache or as difficult as getting rid of the person who is giving you headache.

Whatever, the moment you feel you are done, it’s not possible, pen down that and then the patterns you feel most difficult or torturing you, your impossibilities…pen down all of that.

The good news you have is all your patterns, it can be as wild as you can imagine, they are dead.

You need to know the difference between bhouta and preta. Bhouta has life, it can frighten you, preta has no life, your fear only frightens you seeing the preta.

Preta doesn’t frighten you, means dead body, your fear of it frightens you, so your patterns are pretas, dead bodies, not bhoutas, ghosts, not asuras, demons, not rakshashas, devils..no.

Come on pen down!

Let’s burn them! Today is last rites for all your patterns. Completion is the last rite, Shraddha for all your patterns.

Now, the third important step, listen!

As i told you, your will is the only living mechanism, i should say, organism, your will is the only living organism in your system. Using the will, making all your dead patterns redundant, irrelevant, is what i call completion.

Listen! Completion means making your patterns, impossibilities, past thoughts, emotions, patterns, hangovers, residues, incompletions which are sitting in your present and destroying your future, making them irrelevant and redundant to your life, because, they are already dead.

You are now surrounded by dead snakes, don’t be frightened.

Being surrounded by the dead snakes and having heart attack and dying is the worst way of dying, that is too cheap way of dying, even in death don’t be so cheap! No, really, even in death don’t be so cheap! That is like drinking milk and vomiting and during the vomiting something gets locked in your throat and dying…no, too bad..even in death have dignity!.

Making your already dead patterns, first of all recognizing they are already dead. Your patterns, impossibilities, incompletions, past thoughts, residues, hangovers.

Listen, all the ideas of impossibilities you carry, the thought currents from past sitting in your present and destroying your future, i call them incompletions.

Making all those incompletions redundant, you don’t need to kill them, they are already dead, that’s why they smell so bad, they are dead bodies, they stink but they can’t harm you, that’s the beautiful thing. The good news is they are dead, the bad news is, they stink. Till you burn them, they stink.

You can’t afford to keep quite saying they are already dead, no, you need to burn them, you need to do the last rites.

Let’s do the last rites now! That is completion!

Understand! It’s one of the most powerful technique, SadaShiva explains this technique to Devi Parvati and in Shiva Agama,

Shiva GnanaUpanishad chapter, 94 verse, 22nd technique

I read out the verse then explain the technique:

Verse in sanskrit

I’ll give you the translation, listen!

All the patterns, incompletions which you feel are stopping you, relive them with your will. Reliving means how they are functioning in you, go in the same circuit and see how, when an impossibility pattern comes up, how you become tired, bored, frustrated, screaming in your shower…many do that!.

Remember each of the patterns and the way you build that pattern, the way you react to that pattern, relive them, understand, reliving is not remembering.

Remembering means sitting and thinking what happened, reliving means forgetting the present and getting into that situation and literally like a 5D, like 3D, 4D, 5D experiencing it. How when you are in shower if you remember the person, you slap the water, literally scream.

Relive not remember. I am not asking you to remember, i am asking you to relive every impossibility, every incompletion, every powerlessness, every suffering, every suffocation which stops you, which makes you feel you are not yet complete, which makes you feel, you can’t manifest what do you want.

Each of these patterns, just going into that pattern, read what you wrote, going into that pattern and the same experience, same emotion, relive them consciously, suddenly you will see, they collapse, that impossibility collapses means the dead snake is burnt. Your will is the only living mechanism, if you relive all the dead patterns, your will will realize your patterns are dead, they do not have life. They were posing as if they have life, they themselves do not have life. When you relive, this understanding will raise in your system.

Some of your impossibilities, patterns you carry, which are sitting inside you very powerfully will collapse completely and i am sitting here to make the ShaktiniPada happen in you and bring completion inside you. You do your job, i’ll do my job.

You take one step, i take thousand steps.

You try your best, that’s enough, remaining, i’ll do it.

Actually i can do it directly, the problem is, if you don’t even try whatever you can, you don’t feel you achieve this state even if the completion happens. You create self-doubt ‘’did i really do or i slept’’? So you put all your efforts, i’ll do my job

I repeat the instructions : every pattern you wrote, spend few minutes on each pattern and relive them, that suffering, suffocation, incompletion, nameless emotion, frustration, everything consciously relive, at least 5 times.

Suddenly you will see they will lose power over you, they will just collapse, they are no more heavy on you. Each of the patterns, impossibilities, incompletions, frustrations you wrote, pick them up and start reliving with your will.

Start reliving, reliving will be relieving. I bless you all! Let’s all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, living Shuddha Advaita Saivam, the eternal bliss - Nithyananda -

Thank you! Be blissful!