July 06 2016

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I welcome you all once again with my love and respects. Especially Swami Atmaram Ji Maharaj from Aghor Peethadheeshwar, from the Keenaram Baba’s Sampradaya. He is actually a direct descendant of a great Avadhuta (अवधूत, Avadhūta) - Keenaram Baba. On behalf of me and Nithyananda Sangha, I welcome Atmaram Maharaji, Aghor Peethadheeshwar with all my respects. We are honour to have you here Swamiji.

(Speech by Swami Atmaram Maharaji being presented by Atmapujananda Swami in Hindi)

01:49 So I’ll continue the satsang on Kenopanishad. As usual everyday Nithya Satsang, so I’ll recite the Shanti Patha, and please recite along with me.

औं आप्यायन्तु ममाङ्गानि वाक्प्राणश्चक्षुः श्रोत्रमथो बलमिन्द्रियाणि च सर्वाणि। सर्वम् ब्रह्मोपनिषदम् माऽहं ब्रह्म निराकुर्यां मा मा ब्रह्म निराकरोदनिराकरणमस्त्वनिराकरणम् मेऽस्तु। तदात्मनि निरते य उपनिषत्सु धर्मास्ते मयि सन्तु ते मयि सन्तु। औं शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

auṃ āpyāyantu mamāṅgāni vākprāṇaścakṣuḥ śrotramatho balamindriyāṇi ca sarvāṇi | sarvam brahmaupaniṣadam mā'haṃ brahma nirākuryāṃ mā mā brahma nirākarodanirākaraṇamastvanirākaraṇam me'stu | tadātmani nirate ya upaniṣatsu dharmāste mayi santu te mayi santu | auṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ||

04:11 Listen. This verse, the Shanti Patha of Kenopanishad starts with a declaration, understand. Even prayer becomes a spiritual practice, when you have a right inner image. Many time people come and tell me, “Why somebody’s prayer is answered? Why somebody’s prayers are not answered?” Listen carefully. The person who carries right inner image, his prayers are always answered. And more and more he prays, more and more he becomes part of the whole, part of the Cosmos. Today I wanted to reveal these two sacred secrets - very important sacred secrets. Humbleness is not powerlessness. In the earlier satsang on Ishavasya Upanishad I explained very clearly, for you to be humble, you don’t need to be powerless. For God to be great, you don’t need to be low, please understand. For somebody to be great, you need to be low is political mental setup, not religious.

06:29 He can be great, you can be great because both are from same source. Both are ultimately one and the same. If you have low inner image, sometimes your prayers may get answered, but, you will never be out of suffering. You will never be out of suffering. When you have the right inner image, not only you will manifest your prayers you will be experiencing Oneness with the reality, understand. Experiencing Oneness with the reality is not only your ambition, it is the ambition of even the Whole! Sadashiva is waiting for you to declare, “You are Shiva,” understand. He doesn’t feel angry or jealousy when you declare, “Shivoham.” No! I am giving you the insider secret. Many of you believe if I declare, “Shivoham,” Shiva will say, “Eeh, what do you mean? Are you qualify for it? Get qualified. How dare you are.” No, that is not the response you are going to receive from Sadashiva.

08:11 Even superficially with all your great self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial, you declare, “Mee… I think I am Shivoham but for my wife in my life.” “But for this disease in my life, if this poverty is not there, maybe I think I am Shiva.” Even if it is meagerly done with so much of self-doubt and self-hatred and self-denial - Sadashiva feels tremendous joy and He just opens up and He only fills what all the parts and corners of your inner space He can enter, and make that Shivoham as a permanent reality to you, understand. Feeling jealousy, competitive, claiming exclusivity, authority is not the space of Sadashiva. I am telling you as an insider. Even if you struggle, and declare, “Shivoham” - Sadashiva only looks how He can make that more and more as your reality, more and more into your reality. Understand.

10:11 The other day I was explaining to Inner Awakening participants - everybody has three life. Public life means social life; private life with the family, close family; secret life. Very rarely, maybe only one or two persons will be part of your secret life. Understand, public life is your friends, relatives. Private life maybe, maybe one or two person from your family or close friend. Secret life, very rarely one or two, surely it will not be from the family. Very rare somebody from your family becomes part of your secret life. Understand! When you are praying with the low self image, low inner image, “Ooh God, you are great but I am sinner. You are rrr… I am powerless.” You can maximum be only part of Sadashiva’s public life. Only from the right inner image, when you declare, “Shivoham,” you enter into His private life. When you understand He is not jealous of you, He is not unhappy having you as Him, when you catch the secret - He is also celebrating you. He is waiting for you. 12:31 Not only He is not jealous, He is waiting to celebrate you, and He is waiting to make your declaration as reality, even if it is with all the self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial. When you understand this secret and declare, “Shivoham,” as your reality, you become part of Sadashiva’s secret life. Understand, God is not one, God is Oneness. If God is one, the God has to be jealous. He has to be holding His seat, authority, throne! But Sadashiva knows the reality - Oneness is God, not one. So, He is waiting for everyone of us to celebrate the Oneness, to celebrate His existence, understand. This is the most important secret you need to know. When you try to declare, when you try to raise yourself, when you want to experience “Shivoham,” “You are Shiva,” “the space of Sadashiva” - He is not jealous of you. He is not angry with you. He is not disturbed by you. He welcomes you and celebrates you. Understand.

15:02 Sadashiva’s social life, public life is what you read in puranas - He went and killed that demon, He went and blessed that devotee, all that. Whatever He shared personally as the original secret of enlightenment as Agama to Devi, Subramanya, Nandi - all of them are part of His private life. Rare beings who are able to understand the secret just like yearning, devotion. Seeking for Shiva is in your eyes, the same seeking is there in Sadashiva’s eyes for you to be one with Him. Understand, the seeking and yearning you carry in your eyes when you gaze at me, is there in my eyes when I see you. This is the secret of the secret. Whoever catches that secret of the secret and declares the truth, “Yes, when I decide to be He, He is waiting to have me as He. Just like I was waiting, He was also waiting.” Whoever understand this secret and declares, “Shivoham,” they become part of Sadashiva’s secret life.

17:38 Understand. Powerful declaration integrates your body, mind, Consciousness - brings tremendous completion with Sadashiva, makes you experience the inner space of Sadashiva and manifest the powers of Sadashiva. Don’t even bother about powers. When you become part of His secret life, He simply manifest through you. He is waiting to have more bodies through which He can manifest. If your eyes are carrying deep yearning, seeking - I guarantee you, when He sees you, His eyes also have to carry that same seeking, yearning for you. You are not a poor orphan human being or sinner. Amritasya Putraha! You are born from His very DNA. When you want Him, He has to want you. If this truth does not click with you, then you can continue to be part of His public life.

19:58 Doing bhakti, means being part of Sadashiva’s public life. Doing sadhana, spiritual practices as per His instructions in Agamas means you are becoming part of His private life. Declaring, knowing this secret, “Eh, when I want you, I know you want me.” “Eh, eh, I know because you want me only, you put the seed of me wanting you.” When you catch that secret, and start enjoying that in your heart, in your being, celebrating, even your seeking, “Eh, I think He wants me, that is why He puts the seeking that I want Him in me.” The moment you catch that secret of the secret, and declare, “Shivoham, Sadashivoham. I am He. He is me. He is waiting for my yes to manifest through me. I am waiting for Him to manifest through me. Why are we waiting, when we both want each other? What stupidity.” When you understand the whole stupidity and declare, “Sadashivoham” from your being, you become part of His secret life.

22:10 There will be enough of fools on the planet earth, “No, no, no, how can we be part of Him? He, He, He... we, we, we... He, He, He… me, me, mee…” There will be enough of fools, make sure you are not influenced by those fools but you are influenced by the fellow who reveals the secret of Sadashiva in you. Ask a person who tasted the inner space of Sadashiva, established in the inner space of Sadashiva. I reveal this Mahadeva Rahasya, understand. You might heard many Deva Rahasya. What Yama Dharma speaks about death is Deva Rahasya. What Sri Krishna teaches to Arjuna is Raja Vidya, Raja Guhyam (राजविद्या, राजगुह्यं, Rājavidyā, Rājaguhyaṃ) - the royal secret, royal knowledge. That is what Krishna taught to Arjuna is royal secret. What Yama Dharma taught to Nachiketa is divine secret - Deva Rahasya. Now what I am telling you is Mahadeva Rahasya.

23:56 Jivatma, the individual existence: the moment the individual existence - Jivatma, starts yearning and seeking for Oneness with the Paramatma, Sadashiva, the Whole - understand, calls never starts from individual, it always has to be initiated by the Sadashiva. Individual has no capacity to start, initiate the call. He can only pick up the phone. Individual Jivatma has no outgoing facility available. You only has an incoming. All the outgoing is only with Sadashiva, only He can call, He can invoke, He can provoke seeking in you. The moment the bell is ringing in your heart, understand, He called. Don’t think you are calling. Don’t think you are calling, He called - answer it. Knowing this Mahadeva Rahasya: seeking itself is a signal He wants you. Seeking itself is a signal He want to manifest through you. Seeking itself is a signal He wants Oneness with you. Understand.

25:47 You can go on believing either your self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial or the secret I am revealing now. It’s up to you. The moment what I am saying clicks with you, you have started understanding Deva Rahasya, start, you start understanding Mahadeva Rahasya. Start declaring clearly, “The seeking in me is the signal you have a secret crush on me.” It is Sadashiva’s secret crush on you, only expresses as seeking in you. Seeking is a too powerful gift which ordinary human beings can’t afford. Only if you have tasted honey, you will start searching for honey. Only if you have tasted the Oneness knowingly or unknowingly, sometimes you may not know it is Oneness, you may not know how to articulate or verbalise, somewhere you have hit, somewhere it has hit you - that is why you even want it. Understand. Your seeking is the clear note, a clear signal Sadashiva has secret crush on you. Proceed with courage.

27:50 I am the ambassador. I am responsible for what I am talking. The moment seeking starts He is calling. He is calling. Don’t be fool to think He needs something from you. No. He just needs you. Not something through you. He just needs you. Understand, He is waiting to manifest Himself through you. He is waiting to expand Himself through you. He is waiting the you in Him to experience He in you. The truth “Sohamasmi” declared by Ishavasya Upanishad. “Sohamasmi.” He is waiting to explode. The truth is waiting to explode. Sadashiva is waiting to possess you. He is waiting to fill you. He is waiting to overflow. Understand. He is not jealous God. He is joyful God. Remember this one thing, Jivatma has no outgoing facility. He only has incoming facility. If you are having seeking, be very clear, it is call from the other side, not the call from you, because you have no outgoing facility. You only have incoming facility. You can only pick up the call. You can’t make it. You can’t make the call. You can only pick up the call. Only Sadashiva can call.

30:23 Understand this secret, and declare with all your will deeper and deeper, greater and greater, “Sadashivoham, Sadashivoham, Sadashivoham.” With this declaration, everytime you declare, how much ever it is filled with self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial - He doesn’t care. Sadashiva comes closer and closer to you everytime you declare. Makes it more and more as reality everytime you declare. Understand this Mahadeva Rahasya. And with this understanding, when you declare, “Sadashivoham,” you became part of His secret life. Nothing more actually need to be told. I let the Mahadeva Rahasya as a open secret today. Live it. Live it. I don’t have one statement for today’s status. Today’s whole satsang has to be your status. Share it. I cannot give the gist. I cannot give the gist. Maybe I can give the title for it - Mahadeva Rahasya. But I cannot give the gist. Every line is a essence. In rahasya, in the secret - you cannot remove any word. Every word uttered is a secret of the secret. Catch it. Start manifesting it. Shivatvamasi.

With this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.

Photos From The Day:

Nithya Satsang

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-6th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8230_varanasi-aadheenam-nithya-satsang-atmaram-maharajji-swamiji.jpg Aghor Peetadeeshwar Atmaram maharaj ji addresses all the Satsangees and viewers around the world. Aghor Peetadeeshwar Atmaram maharaj ji addresses all the Satsangees and viewers around the world. Aghor Peetadeeshwar Atmaram maharaj ji addresses all the Satsangees and viewers around the world.

Aghor Peetadeeshwar Atmaram Maharaj Ji Addresses All the Satsangees and Viewers Around the World

Aghor Peetadeeshwar Atmaram maharaj ji addresses all the Satsangees and viewers around the world. Nithyananda Satsang on Kenopanishad Nithyananda Satsang on Kenopanishad Nithyananda Satsang on Kenopanishad Nithyananda Satsang on Kenopanishad His Holiness with Aghor Peetadeeshwar Atmaram maharaj ji

Kalpataru Darshan

Kalpataru Darshan Blessings Kalpataru Darshan Blessings Kalpataru Darshan Blessings Kalpataru Darshan Blessings Guru Mantra Deeksha - the sacred rudraksha mala is tied and then His Holiness directly initiates the devotee into the sacred mantra, which brings peace and strength to the person who continuously chants it. Guru Mantra Deeksha His Holiness addresses international devotees in the daily morning Sangha meeting His Holiness addresses international devotees in the daily morning Sangha meeting