Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Ashtanga Yoga - Ahimsa & Global Peace - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 86

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Ashtanga Yoga - Ahimsa & Global Peace - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 86


"Non-violence (Ahimsa) is the Door to Global Peace" is today's topic. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, rare Avatar & Enlightened Master amongst us today, expanded on Patanjali Yoga Sutra 86th, chapter 2, verse 35, "Ahimsa Patisthayam Tat Sanidhau Vairatyagah" - translated as "When a Yogi is establish in non-killing, in his presence all enmities cease in others".

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Ashtanga Yoga - Ahimsa & Global Peace - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 86


Welcome. Prayer. Today’s subject for morning satsang is Non-violence door to Global Peace! I will expand on Patanjali Yoga Sutra 86th sutra, 2nd chapter 35th verse. Ahimsa Pratishtayaam tat sanidhou vairatyagaha Vivek – when the yogi is established in non-killing in all enemities cease in his presence Prabhav – when a man becomes steadfast in his obstension from harming others then all living creatures will cease In the presence of one firmly Ahimsa Pratishtayaam tat sanidhou vairatyagaha

If somebody is established in Ahimsa non-violence, in his very presence all the hostility will completely disappear. Not only non-violence, any idea if you are established in, then your bio memory is ripe with that truth and you will radiate it. I am not doing anything to give bliss. I am just living it. In anything you are established all the people you come in contact with are bound to feel it. Please understand, we are not islands as we think. NO. Truth has its own tremendous over your bio memory and the people who are around you. your unconconscious is so powerful it exactly grasps what he means by his words and how much those words mean in his life. How much they will be useful for your life. Please understand, your unconscious is 100 times more powerful than your conscious. That will simply know whatever you are hearing and listening from somebody is it really true for him, is it really going to be true for you and is it really going to elevate your consciousness.

See the fun! Look into your own mind. I can give you simple analysis. Here I am sitting only verbally saying something. I am just using words nothing else. But suddenly your whole being pulsates vibrates the truths. And the truths which I am expressing are not even things related to day to day life like ordinary facts such as 1+1=2. To prove those facts simple words are enough. Suddenly I am saying this whole world is made out of the same material with which your dreams are made. This is truth beyond the facts that you experience. But somewhere it clicks, it starts sinking somewhere. Even if you are not able to believe consciously and your unconscious will start believing. Andy you think maybe he is right. I have seen people do secretly search in Google ☺

Especially if you are brought here by someone else’s force. It is not the words. Please understand, the words I utter are my experience. When I utter this word, not even one inch of my bio memory, one bit of my bio memory is resisting that truth. The whole bio memory is in tune with my truth. I am just expressing the honest in depth experience. Naturally the honest bio memory has to touch you and be transmitted in your bio memory. No other way!

Let me give you one story that happened in my life then you will understand the power of being established In any truth. After my experience of my avataric mission in 2000. At the end of the year 2000 I was staying near a small village on a hill. I was sitting under a banyan tree and I was in a deep Samadhi but eyes were open and I had stretched my leg sitting casually leaning on the banyan tree. I was in deep Samadhi maybe for one hour. Throughout that one hour at big at least 7 to 8 feet poisonous cobra was lying just almost touching my body. It was lying next to me completely in peace and completely in rest! Not on my body but touching my body. Slowly very slowly after an hour I was settling in my body. The moment I was settling in my body, I had a thought – I am a man, means I am this body. The moment I had a thought I am this body, the cobra had a thought he is a cobra till then he did not even have an idea he is cobra. I could see very clearly. As long as I did not know that I am a man, he also did not have the thought and he did not feel threatened by me. complete advaita. Please understand, if you are feeling threatened by someone, be very clearly that person is also threatened by you. Understand this is a basic law. So I you can send a message to that person – abhayam – then it is enough.

Please understand, I am telling you exactly what happened. the moment I felt I am the body, the snake felt he is snake. I could see very clearly. My body slowly moved and the snake just moved, put his head up and moved away. Only when I had idea I ambody, the cobra felt he was body. So when I moved my body out, he moved his body out. And since I was in Samadhi, he did not feel a threat and I did not feel the threat. But the separation. The moment I felt separation, he felt the separation. But there was no friendliness because of the separation. Please understand, this whole world is the mirror. Context how you respond to any context. Same way the context responds to you. Context is not a dead word, it is a living independent intelligence. You always things you are a living mechanism, the context around you is dead matter. NO. If you think you are more powerful and intelligent than the context then you have ego.

Understanding the context is an independent intelligence like you , they do respond, they do react if you have this understanding, you will not blame world is blaming you, making you suffer. The context is harassing you. NO. if you have idea context is harassing you is the source and justification of violence. When you think the surrounding is harassing you, then you will have to be violent.

Context is independent intelligence. Please understand when I say context, I am not only saying that snake. I mean everything. I can tell you another one incident.

In the same village, just few days ahead of that incident, I was sitting under a tree. That tree had long flowers. You can make a garland of that flower without any thread. It is a very strong fragrant flower. I was sitting under a tree. I am telling you one more incident on this truth of context being independently intelligent. So I was sitting under this tree which has this long flowers. If you can just connect one flower with another, you can make a garland without using any thread or connecting material. There was no breeze, nothing. Maybe evening it was complete stillness. Such deep restful awareness. I was completely in the state of ‘freedom from the known’ when you are in deep restful awareness – whatever you know your mind and body will be free from it – such deep restful awareness. Actually the moon was rising and sun was setting at that time. I was in such restful awareness. There was a small stone on which my hand was resting. Suddenly very casually I just lifted my hand and felt a strong life with that tree. The same intense life I was feeling inside my body, I felt with that tree. It is alive just like me. another one person is sitting next to me. when I felt that tree alive, with deep love and care I touched the tree. The tree just literally shook itself without any breeze or air. It just showered the whole flowers I don’t know how many 1000s of flowers. Please understand, it just showered! When it finished. I looked up. Not a single flower was left in the tree ☺

If I am talking the truth your unconscious will simply catch it. You just cannot deny it. You just know maybe I am not understanding but I don’t think he is telling a lie. I may not grasp it but I don’t think he is telling a lie.

Please understand, context is intelligent. Whether it is a tree or a snake. Because of that friendliness and love, the tree showered. Because of that one line of separation the snake went away. Context whether it is a tree or a snake or even a stone. Context is intelligent. So there cannot be any harassment if you handle the context with intelligence and clarity that it is intelligent. Even from other side violence is invoked, if you understand that the context is intelligent it is enough. Non-violence is the ultimate shield and strategy. It is like cutting the jack fruit after applying the oil in your hands. In Indian villages they will apply this oil before cutting jack fruit so that the jack fruit milk will not stick on your hands. Same way completely apply non-violence ahimsa when you are facing violence.

Understand, context is independent intelligent. If you understand this truth you yourself will not create any violence and if any violence is invoked on you, you will handle it intelligently. I tell you the greatest gift you can learn from this is this. With so much religious persecution going on me, retaining the restful awareness and subtle intelligence which goes on churning out, responding and radiation highest deepest subtle truth is impossible! If any of you are lecturers, teachers, professors – if you had one fight with your spouse or got a ticket while driving for missing the signal, you cannot talk what you prepare that day! Even if you are taking the same class 20th time, you cannot. Retaining the intellectual subtlety – stability of intellectual subtlety – means only if your intellect is completely in restful awareness you can go on giving subtle truths every day.

What I am talking is not ordinary everyday subjects. It is subtlest truths. You don’t need any other proof that I am completely unclutched except my morning satsangs with this harassment and abuse going around me. even 1/100th of this if you go through, forget about subtle deep truths, even ordinary simple dialogue and conversation will be impossible. If you understand context is intelligent, you will not create violence and you will have a deep restful awareness which will create intelligence to respond. Non-violence is a powerful energy which can bend air. Because when you are established in the understanding that your are one with the whole and the whole is one with you, you are part of the whole and the whole is part of you, the extraordinary joy not only fills you, it fills the context. When you fill the context with joy, the context fills you with joy!

I am an organism which is the centre and root of creating 100s of organizations. It is not that I am there for organization, organization is for me. I know when I make the context blissful, context strongly stands and gives me bliss only. Even if the context tries to throw violence on you, you be established on Non-violence and you will be able to play with it.

Ahimsa Pratishtayaam tat sanidhou vaira tyagaha If you are established in non-violence, harmlessness then in your presence enmity disappears. If you are established in zero TPS, in your presence for others also the TPS is zero. If you are established in joy, in your presence others also suffering disappears, they become joyful. My own master Raghupati Yogi – I have seen how he can play with people’s bio-memory. All fat people will come to him. He will straight away tell stand upside down! For that fellow standing on his legs is a big job. And master will tell ok stand upside down now. All he will do is call them and give them a hug. In a few seconds that fellow will simple do the asana! The power of the bio-memory. He is established in yoga. It just gets transmitted! Same way, sometime he will ask me to pluck some flowers from some trees. There are some trees which you cannot climb. Then I will ask him can I use the stick. He will say – No, no. he will give me a cup of water. He will tell me to tell the tree that – thatha wants flower. I will do this and the tree will drop the flower and I will give it to him! Established in non-violence. Another one thing, he will not pluck a single flower or tree than what he requires. He will prepare different herbs with these things. He will use sandal wood paste, rose water, cow’s urine and he will grind it on the Kaluva. How much he needs, that much only he will collect. Established in non-violence. Many times I used this technique when I was wandering. I will touch tamarind tree and ask for fruit and they will just give it! Understand, establish yourself in the non-violence – ahimsa. You will simply see and radiate the joy and bliss in your very presence all the violence will disappear. Blessings!