Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Ashtanga Yoga - Asana-New Revelations - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 97

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Ashtanga Yoga - Asana-New Revelations: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 97


Living enlightened master and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began this discourse with a new interpretation of the word. "Asana is roughly translated as Posture. I want to translate it as 'Tuning yourself to the Cosmos'."

Sthira and Sukha - the way in which you tune yourself to the cosmos should be stable, sturdy and comfortable for you. There are 1000s of ways to tune yourself to the cosmos. For every act you have a particular posture. If you lie down in a relaxed way and try to shout at someone, it won't work! Posture, your consciousness, and action - all 3 are connected closely. By lying down you can't shout at someone and by standing up you can't sleep.

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Ashtanga Yoga - Asana-New Revelations: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 97

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Q&A Session Nithyananda Morning Message 12 Jan 2011