Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Ashtanga Yoga - Inner Awakening - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 85

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Straight Way Out of Ignorance: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 85


"Straight Way Out of Ignorance" - today's topic that will make inner awakening happen in you and transform your muscle-memory and break out the negativities. Continuing to enlighten us into the Sadhana Pada, part II of the Patanjali's Yoga Sutra 85, chapter 2, verse 34 - "Vitarkah Himsadayah Krta Karita Anumoditah Lobha Krodha Moha Purvakah Mrdu Madhya Adhimatrah Dukha Ajnana Anantaphalah iti Pratipaksa bhavanam", Paramhamsa Nithyananda, living avatar, dealt with one of the longest sutra's. Almost 21 lines, then understand the importance Patanjali is giving to this technique. "The obstructions to Yoga are killing etc ., whether committed, caused or approved; either through avarice, or anger, or ignorance; whether slight, middling or great, and result is infinite ignorance and miseries. This is the method of thinking the contrary."

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Ashtanga Yoga- Inner Awakening - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 85