January 03 2017

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Nithyanandam! (Greetings of Eternal Bliss.) In this Satsang from 3rd January, 2017, you meet members of the New Species! In this groundbreaking video, Nithyananda Yogam students share the experiences they had sitting with Balasants of the Nithyananda Gurukul who were recently initiated into manifesting the power to answer any question related to the Length Dimension. These were ordinary children, but Nithyananda has given them superpowers we couldn't have imagined even just a few days ago. 2017 is the year of the New Species... don't miss daily live satsang for more. Watch, share and like the video's and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe. Website and Social Media: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Sri Nithyananda Swami Breadth dimension, Manifesting Powers, Manifesting Shaktis, Balasanths, Gurukul Students, New Species, Length Dimension, Agama Defined,



nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome everyone sitting with us all over the world. It’s time we get back to the routine of Nithya Satsang, everyday Satsang. So as I promised, I’ll continue to reveal everything I revealed in Sadāshivoham, through this morning Satsang in a much more detailed way.


Whatever I revealed and sharing in Sadāshivoham 2016, I’ll be revealing and sharing in a much more detailed way with a more understanding, descriptions, examples and details. So anyone can watch this Satsang and have the benefit of what I share in Sadāshivoham. All this great truths I revealed in Sadāshivoham 2016 are basically from the thought currents shared by Sadāshiva in Agama.

I’ll define Agamas once more.

“The software given by Sadāshiva, received by Devi, adopted by Vishnu, to run this Universe is Agama. The principles given by Sadāshiva, received by Devi, adopted by Vishnu, to run the Universe is Agama. The principles given by Sadāshiva, received by Devi, adopted by Vishnu, to run this Universe is Agama.”

Agamas are also applied science, practical technology for Veda and Vedanta thought currents. Listen. Vedas and Vedantic thought currents are like pure science. Agamas are more like applied science to make that into reality, to make that into reality. Basically all you need is Integrity and listening, so you can internalize. You can internalize these great truths, make it as part of you. When you know the Cosmic principles with which the Cosmos is functioning. It’s easy for you to align yourself to it and use all those principles to generate health, wealth, relationships, whatever, whatever, you want make in your life as reality.


You can generate, express all of that as a reality in your life. For example; last few days, maybe two or three days, I have initiated team of New Species. Team of New Species with new power called length dimension.

Understand. The length dimension is master of everything that functions within the logic. All mathematics, all theories, theorems, trigonometry, whatever, whatever, you know which functions based on certain logic, including language, all that comes under the length dimensions.

So last two - three days, I have initiated the New Species into this dimensions and started working, helping them to manifest the powers, by entangling with them. I think more than Me speaking, I should invite few of the Nithyananda Yogam Participants, to come and share what is going on, in the courtyard. Last two days, what is going on in the courtyard, actually why I wanted Nithyananda Yogam Participants to come and share, because they are more excited about this length dimension. Somehow I do not have much respect for length dimension, because it is only a library. See Cosmically if you see, in length you can get only information, you can play only with information. Actions can be done only in the depth. So I am an action guy. So somehow I….. see for example in the length dimension, when you are master of the length dimension, you can only get information, like a yesterday this Nithyananda Yogam Participants were playing with the New Species, they asked a question,

“What’s the size of the circumference of the Mars?

What's the distance between Earth and the Mars?

When is the next transitions, Jupiter, Shani Peyarchi, Guru Peyarchi, Rahu Peyarchi?

All this, these guys were giving a precise answers. Much more faster than Google and but length dimension, the whole length dimension is only information, library. A long library, that’s all. In depth dimension only you can do all that materialization, all that happens in depth dimension only. Somehow I was not that excited like all the Participants, because I think all the Participants, you all know only length dimension, that is why you are so excited about the length dimension itself.


Anyhow, so I can request any Nithyananda Yogam Participant, you can come with your Balasant, the Balasant with whom you worked, come with the Balasant and you can share what you experienced with them. So you can have a glimpse of what is going on in Adhikaar Nandi’s courtyard. Yes please come. Please come. You can come one by one, with your Balasant. See actually, I allotted like a 2 - 3 people, 1 Balasant. Like that they were sitting and entangling and working yesterday. So the team….the team - team, please come with your team and your Balasant and you can share with the participants, what is going on in Adhikaar Nandi’s courtyard. Have your mike, you can have your mike and…


{Ma Nithya Balananada} - I am Ma Nithya Balananada and I am from North Carolina in USA and I am a School Administrator and this is Nandita. She was my Balasant and I have always wondered, “Why we make children regurgitate information and take testing and then we all get test phobia, and we get upset and nervous and anxious and our self concept comes from how much information we can regurgitate and so I always had this mental feeling that there is something beyond the understanding of knowledge, that has to do with direct access.” And what I saw yesterday was direct access to all knowledge. And I am telling you that I am feeling cold chills in a room that is quite warm because when I worked with Nandita, what I started to feel was my own brain restarted to recalibrate in its own ability to directly access.


Swamiji: Actually that was…that was the main purpose of yesterday’s session. It is not only kids revealing, you also getting entangled in that awakened atmosphere. Yes you right.


{Ma Nithya Balananada} - I see Nandita, I know how proficient she is in accessing the Akashic Records and in blindfold reading and I have seen that up close and personal and documented it as a researcher but I still had this cognitive distance in believing it was real, until yesterday. And yesterday, what I saw was that I could take 6 digits multiply by 8 digits divided by 2 and then add multiplication of 10 more digits, which is literally impossible to come up with the answer unless you take hours to do it mechanically and she immediately got the answer perfectly, accurate. Not only it was Nandita, it was every Balasant in our courtyard area where Swamiji was sitting. They were firing out these calculations that were square roots and Pi, and decimals and I asked Nandita, “What’s the distance from the Earth to Moon?” and she got exactly right. So what I am feeling is that in my space that’s here in my body that is my power area is that, I am not there yet but I know that I am getting there really fast. And the way to do that is to come join us and to become the New Species because it’s not about already being there, it’s about shedding your self doubt and having that deep feeling connection with Swamiji and then your whole Being begins to flower into a new life form and it’s great to do that when you are 66 years old. So Nandita, could you share a few things about what you were experiencing.


{Nandita} - So yesterday when Swamiji initiated us and then he told you’ll be…you all will be able to manifest and you can just go ahead. So when we all sat with our Krishta Shilas, that is a granite slab

Swamiji: “Aye it was day before yesterday, initiation is 1 day before.”

{Nandita} - So yesterday when we sat for the manifestation and so when in the Krishta Silas we applied the Jnananjana, the granite slab we applied the Jnananjana…

Swamiji: Ma, initiation was day before yesterday or one day before….day before yesterday. Because it takes almost at least 21 hours for the whole thing to settle down and settle with the body and becoming reality. Go ahead.

{Nandita} - And then so when she started asking questions, then a… the moment she would ask question then I’ll just look at the granite slab and when the entanglement, when that Completion happens and when I just connect to Swamiji, when I just tell...I’ll just tell, “, Okay Swamiji, show the answer for this” and within… like she’ll finish asking the question, there already answer will be in the slab. I’ll just read that out and ….

So thank you so much Swamiji for this opportunity to be a New Species. I never thought I was possible but I am so grateful, thank you so much.


Swamiji: See what Maharishi tried his whole life, what Aurobindo literally imagined, fantasized, what Paramahamsa Yogananda really wanted and what Vivekananda visualized by Sadāshiva’s grace, all their ambitions are becoming reality here. And this batch - Nithyananda Yogam students are the most fortunate because from day one, they are experiencing this high zone entanglement and power manifestation. Actually two days before, means day before yesterday only they got initiated. But initiation was given for length and breadth both, together only. From yesterday they are manifesting length and today also they will work on length. In one or two days, once whole team masters length, then I will move to the breadth. Breadth will be like a GPS, Google Map. Anything you ask, they will give a visual answer. For example; how many floors are there in National Building, that New York one building is there, what is that? I don’t know… Empire State Building. How many floors are there? How many switches are there? Watches…. How many plugs are there? They will give answer. And ask how many hills above 1000 meters are there in the planet earth? They’ll give answer or how many rivers are there above 1000 kilometers or above 200 kilometer, they’ll give answer. So it’s like a GPS. You feed a question into GPS on them, they’ll give a more accurate answer, more quickly than the GPS and the Google Map. It will be even much more than even a Google street view. Google street view, Google Map, Google… 3D photos, they will play with all the visualization informations and the visualization abilities, when they manifest the breadth power.


So now they are manifesting the length power. I think today and tomorrow, maybe one or two more days I’ll take, help them to settle down with the length power. Once they manifest length dimension completely, then they’ll move to breadth dimension. All the arts belongs to breadth dimensions, means now automatically they will able to do all the painting, drawings, sculpting, the dancing. You ask them to carve you, they will carve you in ten minutes and give you. They will see you and carve you and give you because the whole pulse related to arts belongs to breadth dimension. When I say pulse, the life energy. When I am using the word ‘pulse,’ I mean the heartbeat of the arts, belongs to breadth energy. So you just give them paper and pen, they do not know the basics of painting or art, and come and sit. They will just paint and give you. And they will just see you and paint and give you, and then carving. Anything you come and ask, they’ll just carve and give you. So playing with the breadth dimension, will be the next thing. Now continue…… Let’s finish the length dimension and then start the breadth dimension.


{Mamta Shridhar} - Nithyanandam to everyone. Mamta Shridhar from Bangalore, doing the Nithyananda Yogam Program and myself and Ma Vinaya, we were entangle….we were sitting with Yogamata the whole of yesterday. Really words fall short to express, what I am going through right now. Unbelievably she was cracking questions on trigonometry, decimals, logarithms, algebra expressions which were like three to four steps, she just...the moment I presented the question, she was able to write the answer less than 15 seconds. In less than 15 seconds she was able to arrive at the answer. We gave her questions like the future planetary transits for the year 2017 and she was able to write the transit dates with the time. When the planets are going to move out of the existing places to another…..to a different house, she was able to give the predictions. The forecast was so perfect, that we checked it on the Google and it was to the dot with time and the date. Some things as detailed as the Pi, you know in the mathematical expression we have this Pi, she did not know what it was but she said, “Some thing, I can see some symbol,” and she wrote down that symbol and then she asked, “What is this?” So it was…. She was able to give the square roots of such huge numbers to the recurring decimals, which is…..which was…. I was like shocked! Because it takes so much of calculation to…..we can approximately come to an answer but to write a dec…..a recurring decimals which go on continuously. Followed after the decimal, it is so difficult, but she was doing it like in less than…..the maximum time she took for a particular question was like about 60 seconds - the maximum. The minimum was 15 seconds. Some were less than 15 seconds. We asked her about the circumference of the earth and the answer that she gave was perfect. That was like less than 5 seconds. Circumference of the earth and then we looked back in the Google….we had to check for the answers because we really didn’t know the answer, so we were checking the answers. It took us longer for us to actually check the answers, so she wrote the answers like it was so precise. And then, she looked…...she…..we asked her questions on analogy which has lot of verbal reasoning which is basically used to crack your logic, in these competitive exams like a…..CAT which is used for entering into top business schools in India. She was able to crack all the questions in that logical reasoning question paper. We put her questions only from those. And she was able to give the answers in less than 10 to 15 seconds.


{Vinay Garg} - Yah it was just amazing. You know I am not good at mathematics because I did not take much and when Ma Mamta was asking her those trigonometry and algebra questions, even I had no idea what she is asking. But the amazing thing was as she is writing the answers, I was also getting to know really what she is writing and what is saying. You know I was acknowledging it. It was going in, cognizing it also. So it was amazing. See we started out with very simple mathematics and slowly, slowly advanced to higher and higher and higher mathematics and then to of course the planets and the distance from earth to moon and she took like sometimes 2 - 3 seconds and just writing, take another 2 - 3 seconds. But so quick and everything less than like 50 seconds. So it is amazing how entanglement happened and we experienced it ourselves, amazing thing, unbelievable. Thank you very much Swamiji.

And one last thing, I want to add that being a math student, I have spent years and years to mug up those tables and the trigonometry formulas. She was just writing it like that, writing just like that and I felt, “Oh my God, I wish I was….had met Swamiji a few years ago.” Thank you Swamiji.


(Tamil sentence)

Swamiji: There is no jaadu, there is no magic here. It’s a straight access to Devi Sarasvati’s Aksha Mala. See Sarasvati, She has the Aksha Mala, the Japa Mala in Her hand and the Veena and the Kalasha, the water pot, the Kamandalu, the Aksha Mala represents the length dimension, the Veena represents breadth dimension, the Kalasha, the Kamandalu represents depth dimensions, knowledges. So this Aksha Mala, the length dimension….. now these New Species have been declared as the Indras of the length dimension. So all the…..all the things of the length dimension are their servants. They just revealed themselves to these New Species, just like that. So they just have to ask and it is given. Like how if you have money in the bank, you just give a check, immediately it is given to you. Like that anything obliged to the length dimension. All graphs for example; the weather, weather prediction, weather forecast graphs. Even those graphs they can precisely draw including stock market graphs. Anything, which is under the logic, submits itself to the logic. That is called length dimension of life. So this New Species can have access to all the information of that. That is what they are now manifesting from yesterday. Go ahead.


{Nithyananda Bodhana} - Nithyanandam. I like to introduce our Balasant. This is Ma Atmamaya and myself Nithyananda Bodhana and Shandhya - Ma Nithya Karunananda, and also Shaktiroopa. We were the team with Ma Atmamaya yesterday. So first let me give the results. At some point through the whole day process, Atmamaya was doing numbers to the powers. We were giving her numbers with powers and she was doing those in less than four seconds. For example; something like 400 to the 8th power. She was doing algebraic equations in less than…..at first it was 30 seconds and it was down to about 14 seconds. After these Balasanths start getting it, they get a little….she is getting a little bored. She said, “Can’t you give me something more interesting, do something differen.t” I was asking, “What would you like?” So she wanted patterns. So we gave her a pattern called triangle pattern. We gave her three triangles of dots and she was to continue the pattern. She got the….drew it first in about I think that was one was around 21 seconds and then she got the pattern again in less than 15 seconds. Then there was all the excitement of….you know these... using this other aspect and she wanted questions on distances. So we asked her the circumference of Mercury and she got it exactly. What I want to talk about with Ma Atmamaya that was different because the day before I had been sitting with Yogamata. What I want to talk about that was different working with Atmamaya that would really help a lot of us that want to be using our third eye powers, want to be using manifesting powers but still not a breakthrough is watching her. So what we did was we started with these big numbers. Eight digit numbers, six digit numbers times eight digits, six digits divided by…. I can say for the first half hour, Atmamaya, there was no thought at all. We gave the equation, she looked in the Krishta…. or in the granite slab and simply wrote out the answers. Some of the….on the...numbers of the number was correct, some of the numbers were correct but there was no exact. But what I saw, what we all witnessed is it didn’t bother her in the least. She kept saying, “Swamiji is showing me, Swamiji is showing me, Swamiji is showing me.” She would take the number and write. Take the number and write and what I know from our process is that we started getting into logical a lot, “Oh maybe I should try this, maybe I should try that, maybe it should be this, if I should write this out.” She didn’t have one bit of that. She completely trusted the process that if she kept on, and kept on and kept on, she would have the breakthrough and she did. It was so amazing. At one point she said, “Let’s just stop, let me re-entangle, let me entangle with Swamiji again,” and she just sat for about two minutes. She said, “Let’s start again.” And that’s when the breakthrough happened. The very next algebraic equation happened.


Swamiji: You see, this is the biggest lesson, you need to learn. When things don’t work, don’t change the method, dig deep. I have seen always people, try with Me. Whether it works, I am okay for them. If it does not work, they will not wait to dig deep with Me, “Oh, next shop, next some other solution.” So this whole problem is when you approach Me with that kind of a use and throw utility, you will never be able to explore My depths. Balasants, they know if it is not working, it’s nobody’s fault, they just need to dig deep. That’s all. They just need to sit over it. They just need to sleep over it. They just need to spend little time over it. That’s all. I think this is one of the most important lesson. Anybody who wants to manifest power need to learn that will-persistence without changing the methodology or the Guru. Next.


{Nithyananda Bodhana} – Thank you Swamiji. So then, this is what, in terms of entanglement, this is what I got. It’s like that depth went in. From that point every single question, she first took time just to re-entangle or whatever to connect with Swamiji and then did the question and that process is what entered me and what kind of shook things up and threw something out. So it was one of the most beautiful process sitting with Ma Atmamaya, through this non-questioning, just complete trust in the process. Thank you Atmamaya.



Shandhya - Ma Nithya Karunananda

I would like to add that I was really amazed with her enthusiasm throughout the whole process. She was very pleasant and laughing and encouraging us to give her different questions. And other thing I wanted to say is this length dimension, Swamiji said that Ramanujan was the one who was….he solved all the problems in length dimension and now Swamiji is producing so many Ramanujans, mass producing Ramanujans. And lastly we have been here for last three months for Nithyananda Yogam and we have entangled with Balasanths, quite a few times. It was really wonderful but yesterday’s entanglement was totally at a different level and we thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward for us to expressing all the powers. Thank you Swamiji.

{Nithyananda Bodhana} –

Yea, I just want to say that those of….when we listen to Swamiji talk about decision fatigue. Like there is no fatigue here. The more answer she got the more she kept saying, “Again! You guys are taking too long. Set the timer again, come on another question.” Lunch came, she said, “No doing, keep going, keep going.” This was so beautiful to spend that time and see how it generated upon itself. So thank you again Atmamaya. Thank you Swamiji.



Participant (name not given)

Nithyanandam Swamiji. We are very fortunate to entangle with Ma……. What an amazing experiences. We actually started….she was sitting with me and another participant. Actually I started with a…..depends upon her age and looked at her size, I started with a small number, like 85 minus something, divided by something. And she said that a…, “Please add more number with the decimals.” I looked at her and I was thinking logically, how she can….all that it was in my mind. And after that what happened was, “Okay let me try and give it to her.” And I given lot of numbers with a decimals and square root. She able to do it exactly, she got all the numbers actually. Exactly like the….point difference only the….little bit difference in the points and next thing we asked….that itself with not even one minute, it’s around 58 seconds and second thing is actually I asked about the month and the year.” What is the 2015….sorry 2018 October month, 17th and she said that, “It’s a Tuesday.” And before I looked….I took lot of time to look at...Google it and she is asking the next question. And after few hours we were very tired to look for the more sums. Thank you for the amazing experience Swamiji.

And also asked a question about, “What is the temperature of Venus?” And she said, “455 degrees Celsius. And when I checked, it was correct. We both checked. And she answered like within 20 seconds. And also I gave her lot of difficult algebra questions with x, y, z, a plus b minus this and that and I had no idea what the answer was. So I had the answer on my phone as well and she said the correct answer within like, I don’t know, five seconds.


Swamiji: So the whole mathematics, can be taught to you within a week. Actually I am going to have a ten-day program—whole maths known to the world in ten days. Whole maths known to the world in ten days and I’ll challenge. I’ll challenge the world. If you want, come and check and see, whole maths known to the world within 10 days. Because you see it is not just about the number, for example if you say, “What is 1780 kilometer, how many miles it is?” They’ll just tell. So all these symbols are also under the logic, under the length. If you say, “348 acres, how many square feet?” They’ll give the precise number of square feet. So like this the…...so anything which is under the dimension of length. See the… it’s 11 dimensions - length, breadth, depth, like this the 11 dimension. They become Indra of those length dimension. By yesterday’s manifestation, now they are lord of the length dimension. Indra of the length dimension.


Nithyanandam, this is Ma Chida; I am Saraswati, and she is Ma Nithya Mahaishwaryananda We had a chance to work with Ma Chida yesterday.

Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda: You should introduce yourself, you are a doctor, educated.

I am Doctor Saraswati Jampala, I am a practicing physician in Atlanta, yesterday we had a chance to work with Ma Chida, she is really pleasant, and we really enjoyed working with her. We actually gave her initially complex additions, subtractions, and all. And, initially; she was taking little longer time. But arriving at, almost correct answer, but later on she, picked up on the time, really shorten, and, algebra questions she actually kept asking us, give us different questions. So we gave her algebra.

Actually, she did not do algebra before, as Swamiji was saying, they didn’t even know algebra, she was given correct answers within probably less than a minute, sometimes, sometimes 30 seconds. And then, she said give me some general knowledge questions, something else. I remember Swamiji said, he initiated us in Krista Shila, he said remember you can see the whole Cosmos. And, so, was not able to see, at that time. I know these Balasands would see, so I asked them about, what is the distance between the moon, actually surface of the planet, the moon, and she actually arrived at the correct answer within less than a minute, probably 40 seconds. It was amazing actually to see that, also she asked me to ask general knowledge questions, so I said; “Who is the fourth president of US?” And, she was seeing, and she actually she came to the last name very quickly, she said, it is Madison, she actually spelled it, Madison. And the first name, she said it starts with J E, she missed M, but she said; E S. So, it was really surprising we didn’t know, we had to search, and we had to, confirm it later on.

(41:54) And Mahaishwaryananda, also, I also wanted her to share. Nithyanandam. My name is Mahaishwaryananda. And, I was amazed yesterday, that actually they got initiated on the first off January, but yesterday, not only them but they also were able to project the answer on the Krista Shila, because I asked Ma Chida; “Which day is on the 28th of June 2028?,” and, she could within a few seconds answer, and I was able to see the answer on the Krista Shila as well. And, I’m also, I was questioning, how can we change the school system, because, I stopped studying when I was 23. And, basically, yeah, I don’t remember anything what I studied, in my 20 years. So, actually, Swamiji is the answer. And, our job our task is to go and spread the word and start as many Gurukul schools, as many we can because, this knowledge is just amazing. So, Thank you Swamiji.


Nithyanandam. My name is Rajendra xxx, I am a company owner who deals with electrical vehicles, and I like numbers a lot. And I have the chance to be with Bramhasukha Maharaj, and Ajara Maharaj. And at the two Bala kids, super kids, I would say, around me, to ask all kind of questions. Before they were mathematical questions, to which I played around, and I am thinking, now I am getting a bit of short kind of questions, to ask all kind of questions, retaining Jupiter. So, within 10 seconds he says 145, -145 degree Celsius. So it was mathematical questions. It was like a, while I was asking these questions, I found that my inner space was changing with them. It just showed me, what have I learned till now. Or know about, was just so unimportant because Swamiji made it, this information in length, what we, study, learn, so much in a school irrelevant actually. This information and length, so much what we study in school, it can be just programmed, like Neo. Putting a program of Kung Fu, and you are a Kung Fu M aster. And, it, all changed also, the attitude, how I understand the whole Universe. And Swamiji, is Sadashiva himself, who can put any program, anywhere, in anyone. And I find myself in the best place of the Universe. And everything is possible, and this is something gone beyond understanding. The world outside will be surprised what I am talking here, you can literally program anything. Swamiji can program you into you anything what you want, and what you want, but I will still want to ask my Bala kids what do they think about that, because they are the ones who are giving me this answers10 seconds, 20 seconds, yes and I was just what's the next question and he was finished, and he was on the other one.


So, my name is Brahmasukha. And Swamiji initiated us into, the length dimension power. So, whatever we wanted to know about anything, which has length in it, we were able to know.

Nithyanandam. My name is Sri Nithya Ajara Maharaj. So, yesterday we had the manifesting powers practice, so Swamiji had initiated us into this length dimension, so he had asked me a question yesterday, asking what the temperature of Jupiter is. Before that, he actually googled the answer, and he saw that as 145. So, he didn’t see the negative before that, he didn’t see it as -145. So when he asked me the question, and he saw it in the Krista Shila. When I had seen it I told him, it is minus 155, and he was like not very, he was kind of puzzled because he saw the answer as 155. And then we went back and checked, he saw that there was actually a minus. So he didn’t actually notice the 145.


Swamiji can we all be programmed as I also want to be Neo.

Swamiji: Done, done. You see, actually, yesterday this was the biggest discussion I was having with Mamta. She was asking me; “Can I do it Swamiji?” 

I said, you see, to tell, you can’t do, I don’t need to come down. See, Me coming down in the biggest yes for everything.

See understand, to say not only ‘yes’, to make it to happen for you guys only, I am here. See, to say, “Oh, it is only possible for one people, not for another one group or adult or some community, religion or some human beings.” I don’t need to be here! I am here to say and make it happen for EVERYONE.

Understand, because of the damage you guys did to you, I may take few days to heal you and recover you; but that does not mean it’s not possible for you. Understand very clearly. Not only it is possible for you, I’ll make it happen. See, earlier when I started working with this third eye powers, it was like a only… everyone was thinking, only for Balasants.

Now this Shuddhadvaitam, 85% of the people have started manifesting at least one power – we have a survey report! We have a documented survey report. 85% of the people started manifesting powers. So understand, maybe that removing the calcification on your third eye, that… that may take little time. But no way, no. No question of ‘no’ – I am the grand yes.


See, making Sadāshivoham happen for you is the only reason I have to come down, which is the most difficult and struggle with all these fools. Why do you think I put up with all that? Because I know I can make it for you. Not for anything else. See, if I have to say ‘no’ to you, then why should I go through all this stupidity? I am better off where I am, I am better off in Kailasa. But I’m here just to make sure to make it happen for you. Understand.

My strength facing all this attack means I am going to make it happen for you. That is… that is the statement I’m giving you – it is for this I’m tolerating that, if I’m tolerating that, be assured I’m going to make it for you. So it may just, I may need to remove the erosion, corrosion, that calcification on the third eye, this toxic mental setup, that may take little time. But don’t even think I am saying ‘no’, or even that word little time, don’t interpret as years. No, surely not. I should say only days, and with my constant entanglement, encouragement, excitement, inspiration and all this manifestation, it’ll not even be days, it can be brought down to just hours.


It… it all boils down to simple integrity training I’m giving you, that’s all. See, decide with a simple things, like a morning, when you’re required to do yoga here, be integrated to that. Morning, when you’re required to do puja, be integrated to that. Start with those simple things establishing your integrity. That… that itself will break years of non-integrity pattern. Understand, you see, to light a room, which was in darkness for ten thousand years, you don’t need again another ten thousand years, one lamp is enough. So even few days of integrity practice – what is the integrity for all of you as on now? It’s not like a cutting thousand trees or waging a war, no. For all of you, the expected integrity is just, come and do morning yoga, and do the Guru puja, do the Kirtan, don’t try to be non-attending Kirtan visual participant, no. Stomach need to churn, get churned, the stomach need to bend, the pitta layer need to be broken, pitta needs to melt down. So participate. So when you’re sitting in the satsang, be in the space of listening, that’s all. I don’t see anything-non… non-do able or difficult in this. Just this simple integrity is enough to break the layers and layers of toxic patterns and non-integrity lifestyle. Nothing more is expected as integrity from you. At least now, the work we’re doing, now the work we’re doing to manifest these powers, no other integrity is required other than this simple morning spiritual routine integrity. That’s all is required.


See then, if you want to become Sannyasi, then separate integrity is required for that vows. For each of those specialization, the different vows integrity is different. But any common devotee, or any Nithyananda Yogam participant or any Satsangi, anybody who is sitting and watching the satsang in Bidadi or all over the world, simple integrity is morning spiritual routine. Nothing more is required, nothing more is expected. Understand. Just if you go for this simple integrity, you will break years of non-integrity patterns, that’s all is required, nothing else. Actually, the solution is too simple, that is why you’re making it… you’re not able to trust it or believe it. That is actually, that is the problem, that’s the biggest problem. Solution looks too simple; “How can this morning integrity, coming and bending the body, and sitting and offering few flowers to Him, can bring so much powers to me?” Come on, I’m too simple. Put a bael leaf and few drop of water on my head and ask Bolenath and I give, that’s all.

So it’s all that simple basic integrity, is all needed to break the non-integrity pattern and start the power manifestation. Yes.


Nithyanandam everyone. My name is Jeena Tang from Singapore. So, first of all I want to thank you Swamiji for accepting me in Nithyanandam Yogam, it has been amazing in Swamiji’s courtyard, so amazing space and also with all the Balasants, so yesterday we were working with Priyatma, so we asked many different questions to see what is the outcome, at first we were not sure of this is going to work, we were all kind of questioning it a little but, but we just continued to just relax, it's a very casual kind of space, he is very relaxed, and was like, “is he really doing his things,” when I asked the questions, he started to look into his Krista Shila. The first few number of question, did not turn up exactly as the answer. But we continued keep patience, and we remembered what Swamiji said to keep entangled with balasants, we had a lot of fun and conversations, small talk and all that, became like a friendship thing, is going on.

So when we had that with him, we also felt Swamiji in his space, and coming through us. So I thought, this is very important, because if you see him not coming through the answers, you are like, oh maybe you start to doubt that will drop the level of entanglement. So, then, one question we ask him, about different questions, he got actually, six algebra correct, so he started with timing of one minute, 30 second dropped down shortened to one minute 15 second, it keep going until the shortest time is 25 seconds. I thought that is big achievement already for him. There was one question we asked, how deep is the ocean to the bates of the sea. So he went to look into the Krista Shila. It was taking about 36 seconds. He came out with the answer, but a different matrix that we had. It was in kilometers. Ours was in feet. So we say, oh okay, Kilometers, we need to convert. So then 824, kilometers, which is 290 something thousand feet. It was exactly right, that was big for us.


Awesome. And one more, 29 000, it was 26 000 feet, sorry. The other one was asking in what is the sunlight speed to us. How much, and how fast is the speed. So, he was taking some time, and he came up with a number is 300, 000 kilometer per second. Our answer is 299975 I think it is really close, it is around it is big also, so, anything else I missed out? Oh temperature, we asked about Vancouver, what is the temperature now in Vancouver, so he came out with 26 degrees Celsius. I am like, okay, but it was not, it was -2 degrees Celsius, then we say, wait, wait, hang on hang on, the metric he gave us is always another one, then we convert, it was exactly right, it was 26 degrees Fahrenheit. Which is -2 degrees Celsius.

And then, of course, my teammate she didn’t want to come up, because she is camera shy or what. We actually asked about her birthday, and it was within how long? Almost few seconds. Maybe three seconds he got it right, the birthday exactly right. And that was big also. So, I want to ask Swamiji can I take him home with me and pack him in my luggage seriously, before you initiate us, thank you.

We are going to have more fun as we go along, I am looking so forward to really have this wonderful friendship of the Balasants here, Thank you Swamiji, anything else you want to share? No. Thank you.


Nithyanandam. I am Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda. And I was actually in the first batch, the Guru Poornima batch of Nithyananda Yogam, but thanks to Swamiji’s blessings I get to stay here, and yesterday, I sat with Ma Nithya Shivayogananda, and experienced something amazing. Actually, I’ve never been very good with math, so I don’t know trigonometry or algebra. The questions I was giving here, was nine digit numbers, multiplied by other nine digit numbers divided by four digit numbers, she looked at the questions and said it was too easy, can’t you give something challenging.


And within a few seconds she came to the correct answer, faster than I could Google the correct answer. So, what I found so amazing is that basically all of us who are around Swamiji, we know that if we write something down on a piece of paper, and give it to a blindfolded Balasanth, they can easily read it through the third eye, so I was thinking to really proof that this is a new Shakti, expressing. Instead of having the answer already on the cellphone or the computer screen. First ask the question, and then verify the answer. And every single time ma Shivayoga got it correctly. There is only one question, where our partners and I thought that she had given a different answer. And that’s when we asked the size of the red spot on jupiter. She gave two specific digits, and what we googled was something completely different. Then, afterwards I decided to Google it again, looked through a few different websites, and as has happened with other Balasanths, she gave a exact size in kilometers while we googled it miles.

And I think it was within three seconds she gave the core temperature of the sun, surface temperature of the star Arcturus, the exact, red spot on Jupiter, and afterwards, she said I didn’t know there is a red spot on Jupiter, and absolutely, there is not something they even could memorize and regurgitate.


Swamiji : If you know there’s a black spot on the nose of the Jupiter, that is enough, you don’t need to know. Then you will know all the spots all over the world.

Maybe next time I will ask them how many hairs on the beard of Guru Deva. So, it was really an amazing experience, and I feel like this is that Shakti that, there is not a single scientist alive, not a single skeptic alive to deny the results of the experience yesterday with the Balasants, even if they wanted to, they would not been able to read over our shoulder, we ourselves, only checking on the calculators, or on the Google search engines. One of the favorite things that happened, somebody asked the Balasants, how old is the planet earth, and the Balasants gave the answer, when they Googled it, it matches the current scientific understanding, verified that is is accurate, verified the science, finally came up with an accurate answer. So, thank you so much Swamiji for letting us be here to experience all this.


Swamiji: All right, I think it is time. Everyday satsang, I have to do this only. I have to bring new, new team with a new, new powers manifesting, and present it to you guys; this is going to be the satsangs further. Anyhow I’ll explain on length dimension in the further satsangs and how the initiation happens. Actually, I was surprised that people are all excited about the length dimension initiation. Because, the whole world functions on information, that is why all of you guys are excited. I was actually getting excited only about the depth dimension initiation because only in the depth, the Balasants will start manifesting the… means materialization, teleportation and all. I was only getting excited about that. I was so happy that this initiation is successful; so I can move the Balasants to the next dimension, breadth; and then move them into depth. Because by Shivaratri, I’m pretty sure I’m going to move them to the depth, and Shivaratri I’m expecting at least hundred Balasants will be sitting and materializing Vibhuti and giving it to public and devotees and blessing them.


So, I was looking at that and getting excited that okay timeline is okay. I have enough time now, because Shivaratri is February 24th, I have 1½ months, almost 1½ months to move them length to the breadth to the depth, because I wanted to take the whole team with me. I don’t want to leave even a one kid behind. You see, I’m looking at, seven days is the maximum time even the last kid will pick up, and master the length dimension. Then, I will have to, I may have to spend some at least 4-5 days on breadth dimension; once you pick up the length, the breadth will not be difficult, it will very easy, it will be only 4-5 days. Then the depth dimension, in the depth I have to make them manifest all the cognitions – like a… this whole Universe is same material out of which they are also made – all these cognitions need to become reality. Then they will be able to take anything out of anything and materialize or teleport and share. So I was looking at only depth dimension and getting excited. Only now I understand, whole world is functioning on information that is why all you guys are so excited about this length dimension.


Length dimension you guys are excited, because your whole life you wasted on length dimension. Your whole life you were studying, studying, studying and so much of suffering associated with that stupid studying. No really, see unnecessary, worthless suffering. See, what I’m saying, see if you get some pleasure and then pain, at least we can, we can, okay, worth. Okay half an hour fight and half an hour joy, okay go ahead, it’s okay, tolerable, but this whole stupid education is illogical suffering. You don’t need to go through so much suffering, to acquire that informations which are put in your head, which is no way useful for you in your practical life, and you don’t remember after 2-3 years. Understand? So, that is why I felt that whole education system is a torturing. And it is actually by the way of torturing, it’s like a, you are reduced, which is not right. I’m telling you, torture is okay if it is tapas to tune to the highest possibility. Then any torture is okay, nothing wrong, it is only tapas, but torture is not okay to reduce you consciously, that is something seriously wrong.

I’ll continue explaining this length dimension in the further satsangs. I’m so happy, Balasants are picking up, and, it’s like the success of your favorite people.

So I bless you all, let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, living Shuddhādvaita Saivam, Sadāshivoham, the eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful!


Photos From The Day

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