February 06 2011

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Title: eN-Kriya, Deeper Insights

eN-Kriya: Deeper Insights by Nithyananda - Morning Satsang 06-Feb-2011


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda conducted his second eN-Kriya initiation in front of devotees at the ashram, as well as over 700 centers from around the world connected via the internet. "From time immemorial, masters have always created strong, powerful, energetic, experience-based meditation techniques: kriyas, sutras, mantras, mudras, yoga postures, etc. to reproduce the extraordinary experiences and powers. This eN KRIYA is one of the ancient secrets, I can say the sacred secrets delivered to the world in the Hatha Yoga tradition by the great masters Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath, preserved, protected, practiced and preached by the Hatha yoga sampratha yogis."

"In this eN KRIYA, I have collected the essence of the great secrets embedded in the Hatha yoga and Mahavatar Babaji's tradition. We have done a thorough study for 21 days during the Inner Awakening program in December 2010. The study proves that the Kundalini process, the initiation, has increased the mitochondria cell energy levels of the participants up to 1300%."

Because of this, Swamiji wanted to help all people, regardless of religion, caste, or social standing, to achieve this. His contemplations resulted in the creation of his eN Kriya process. This Kriya focuses on balancing the five life-breath movements happening in your system (Pancha pranas). The Pancha Pranas are - Inhaling, holding, the prana which was held that spreading inside your system, exhaling, and cleansing. The net result is the awakening of the Kundalini energy within you.

"eN KRIYA is a powerful tool for you to heal your body, mind, fulfill you spiritually, contribute to social peace, peace for the place you are living. If these five movements are balanced and proper, naturally your body will be in health, your mind will be in a balanced space, your consciousness will be soaring higher and higher."

This is Swamiji's gift to the world, "Here, I'm trying to reach out to the world in as many ways as possible so that people can experience health physically physiologically, mentally, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. I feel by spreading this eN-KRIYA, we will create a new world health order."

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