November 13 2019

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Jnanapada of Suprabedha Agamam || Practical Understanding of Chariyapada - The Enlightened Lifestyle || eKailaasavasis || Vakyartha sadas ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles from Jnanapada of Suprabedha Agamam during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Practical Understanding of Chariyapada - The Enlightened Lifestyle, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed many details of Hinduism lifestyle, Charyapada (छर्यपद) and how He confirmed that Kailaasa truly exists when He read the Jnanapada of Suprabedha Agamam. He shared how the lifestyle and taste you develop while in the body decides where and you are going to reach after leaving the body. He called for Kailaasa ecosystems wherever you are and to be eKailaasavasis.

All were invited to sit and connect with deep devotion, prayer and Oneness with Paramashiva while intensely chanting of the Mahavakya, to make Kailaasa happen inside and outside. Following was the invitation to do Vakyartha Sadas on today’s message.

Satsang Video:

Video Audio

Number of Lives Enreached And Enriched


Number of Temples Participated

16 temples from all round the world participated.

Satsang Transcript

om nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all the Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Nithyananda Yogam participants, Nithyananda Hindu University students and … Nithyananda online Gurukul. Let's call it as eGurukul; Nithyananda eGurukul students, everyone sitting with us all over the world. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today I have too many wonderful revelations for all of you. I have here, Suprabedha Agamam Janapadam (सुप्रभेध अगमम् जनपदम्). Jnanapada: see, all Agamas have four component. Charyapada (छर्यपद) - lifestyle component. Kriyapada (क्रियापद, kriyāpada) - the rituals, ceremonies you are supposed to conduct to connect with Kailaasa space. The passcode for the door of Kailaasa, space of Kailaasa, is given in the form of rituals and ceremonies. That is Kriyapadam. And, yogapada (योगपद) is all about uniting you with Paramashiva. And, jnanapada (ज्ञानपद, jñānapada) is also called vidyapada (विद्यापाद, vidyāpāda). Knowledge, the original jnana and vijnana, knowledge of Kailaasa, Paramashiva Jnana and Paramashiva Vijnana is in jnanapada. These four component will be there in all Agamas. So today I have Suprabedha Agamas Jnanapada. Understand, many of the knowledge, jnana and vijnana I received from Kailaasa, Paramashiva Jnana is confirmed, … absolutely proven as truth in the Agamas. And even modern day science is tiptoeing, catching up with the Agama, in realizing many of the facts Agama is revealing.

This Suprabedha Agamam Jnanapadam, I have multiple things to reveal. And, I'll reveal … and give you the reference of this Agama wherever ... is needed. So first thing, let me start revealing. Listen. Keep integrity as a strategy. Listen. Keep integrity as a strategy for … all the policies and ideologies for your life. For example, when you start growing, you need to evolve a policy about your eating, certain ideology about your eating. I tell you, ... now I have absolutely perfect amrita, nectar strategy for every human being. Understand. I'll tell you a very simple incident. It really happened. At least ten times I tested, minimum ten times. By mistake, one fly fell in the water when I was taking bath. But I was shocked, the guy did not die and started swimming and playing. I just lifted him and left him out of the water so he can save himself, he should not die. But he comes again and jumps into the water and flies and doesn't die. I was shocked, “What happen? Maybe this guy is fly who can live in water.” I just left it. After ten minutes, I saw him slowly walking out and did not die and he went away.

And then after few days, this happened in last six months multiple times. I sipped my tea and kept the teacup, and, same way one fly fell and he was not ... struggling or anything, getting suffocated. Was nicely enjoying and then moving this inside and outside. I thought, “What is going on?” After multiple times when this happened, I realized that tea I sipped has become nectar, and the fly is not dying because sip the nectar. Of course, trolls apart, I am talking to my disciples. All of you understand, to all my disciples, I want to assure you, I want to assure you - I have got this science. I have consulted with one of our close devotee who is lawyer also. He has very strictly told me that, “Swamiji, first do copywriting, established this whole science to the modern day humanity, then reveal it. Otherwise, they can, people can just go greedy! And out of greed, they can do, they may do anything they want. We don't want to take the risk of you, you revealing all these sciences directly.”

Anyhow, they are doing all the legalities. I told very clearly, I will not monetize this out of this science. Copywriting only for a legal kind of protection and non-dilution, for all. Anyhow, whoever is trusting me, for all my disciples be informed - Paramashiva has given me this knowledge and I am going to share it with you all. Start celebrating from today. I am going to share with you all. I am also making it as practical as possible, like I wanted this to be practiced by eKailaasavasis. See, whom I call eKailaasavasis you know? People who attend morning satsang and who do yoga in their own homes, create a beautiful Kailaasa ecosystem. As of now, the best Kailaasa ecosystem is San Jose Aadheenam. Kailaasa in San Jose, I am gifting all the Kailaasa in San Jose, the ecosystem … people, everyone my Atma murti. My own Atma murti. My, I myself will be there as Archavatara in that deity, and cause you all miracles. If you call, I’ll move. I’ll do all miracles. The miraculous Atma murti I am gifting to all the San Jose Kailaasa ecosystem part. It’ll reach you in next few days.

It's so nice to have the San Jose ecosystem. I, I actually San Jose and me have a very deep romantic … sweet relationship, it’s a Madurai. It’s a Madurai. So, so beautiful Vinesh and everyone. Blessings to all of you and the whole team, and it’s wonderful team evolving the Kailaasa ecosystem, umm. Dash and Brahmananda and Brahma, Ma Brahma son. Umm. I am seeing all you guys every day in the ... Ma, Manas and … everyone of you. Blessings to all you guys. I am sending my Atma murti to each one of you. Separate, each one receives one, one Atma murti as gift. It’s made out of pure … As per Agama, it is made, and it’ll be my own Archavatara. It’ll do miracles and help you manifest powers.

See, I am making all the sciences. You can practice from your own place. Like … you can be in your own home. Morning, only that … like a, erm … friends team if you develop. They’ll really support you. It is like a bromance. We call it brother romance. If you build brothers, who are really lovingly involved with you, who are interested in the same ideas - bromance is much more fulfilling, completing, enriching than any ordinary romance. Understand. I only wanted the ecosystem to evolve in multiple places. Enrich and cause … see, wherever you are, get up and give a wake up call to your brothers, sisters. Gather, do yoga and then do Nithya Puja. And satsang, that's all. And just through this, I'll make you all achieve all the sciences I am revealing to the world. That the way I am working now. I am working sincerely to make it this way.

So ... see, the strategy of you all coming to one place, and me conducting that class - all that is outdated. It’s a old ideas. Tsk! Where my physical presence was needed, we did all that those days. Now I become absolutely free! Paramashiva is manifesting enough intensely through this body. Actually physical presence, many people may not be able to handle. It is so heavy and intense! I can manifest ten thousand times more intensely than you need for enlightenment wherever you are, just through my Divya Sarira. Just through my Divya Sarira, I can manifest and initiate you and enlighten you, and support you. I think that is the best. And this way, we also reach out and enrich billions of people. Let us reach out and enrich billions of people. Let this science spread.

I am here after all to share all these gift to all of you. I am not here building a money making mechanism, be very clear, understand. A little bit of money you give, what I will do? I'll tell you, alright build temples. And like this, I'll make deities and give it to all of you. I'll get all the books organized, printed and give it to all of you and that's all. And I am not even part of any of the organization.All of you should know that, I am not part of … already long before I was not part of any of the organizations. Now it has become absolutely clear. I am only guiding spiritually, and I am going to do that in a large scale. Listen, large scale.

I was talking about the ideology for eating. What is supposed to be the ideology for eating? Decide what you want in your life. You want to be very active, alive, ... constantly moving towards what do you want to achieve in your life to manifest what do you want. Then naturally align your food for that. That's it. In six months you can evolve an amazing customized ideology for eating. When you do Nirahara Samyama, you will awaken your bio intelligence - what suits you, what does not suit you, what kind of a, juice makes you feel energetic and what makes you feel tired, when to eat. Ideology and policies for eating you can develop, if you just do one or two Nirahara Samyama. I tell you, ... Nirahara Samyama is the best way to develop an independent policies and ideology about eating. And same way, Kutakesa Samyama. Try Kutakesha Samyama to develop ideas and policies about sleeping. How you should sleep, when you should sleep, how many hours is best. You can evolve your own strategy, understand.

Evolving your own strategy in every field: your own policy and your own strategy for yourself in every field can be achieved through integrity. If you apply integrity as a strategy, in every field will evolve your own policies, your own ideas. I tell you, anyone who has evolved his own strategies, his own policies for food, sleep, sex, tiredness, to deal with boredom; all these, if you develop your own strategies and ideas by applying integrity as the strategy - you will achieve anything you want. I tell you, apply integrity as a strategy. When you apply integrity as a strategy, in your policies for eating, you will see so much of clarity about your life, your body. Like I can do a complete full MBBS class for you. I can teach for five years the whole physiology, everything, what happens with what kind of food. At least I give you set of principles which I realized when I applied integrity to ... develop the right ideas and policies about eating.

I tell you, a constant delusion, fear, kind of a constant … panic attack, waiting for nervous breakdown; that kind of a mental setup - completely gets cleaned, if you take haritaki and Nirahara Samyama. I tell you, ... it is your stress hormones monitors your body clock twenty four seven, not neurons. Building right ideas, policies for your eating. Same way, sleeping. Building right ideas and policies for your sleeping. If you apply integrity in your thinking, the kind of the restful awareness you have - morning Brahma Muhurta you will just wake up so alive and fresh. I tell you, very simple secret. Have some pet animals. Every night before falling asleep, play with it for ten-fifteen minutes. Jumping, dancing, play with it. You will have such complete fulfillment. Early morning you will just wake up, wake up. You will vibrate with Mahavakya, I tell you. Your consciousness and your DNA is connected through sound.

Mahavakya is the greatest sound to connect your consciousness consciously to your DNA. Let Mahavakya be the bridge to connect your consciousness consciously with your DNA. Actually, whole Tiruvannamalai hums Mahavakya intensity. That is why I scan, I sent Skandamatha to be in Tiruvannamalai. Understand. The Girivalam pathai (கிரிவலம் பாதை), the Hill rounding road - inside that road, you can put your ears on any stone of Tiruvannamalai, and hear this humming intensely happening. Tiruvannamalai is vibrant, alive, living energy system. Mahavakya is alive in Tiruvannamalai. And I can, I tell you, I have sent Skandamatha so that her consciousness will be consciously connected to the, to her DNA through Mahavakya.

Brahma Muhurta is the right time … to wake up your ideas and policies about sleep, will be perfectly organized, if you bring strategy in your thinking. Understand. If you bring integrity to develop policies about sex, ideologies about need for sex, need for the kind of the sex, understand. You should consciously decide about all the questions related to sex with your integrity, then your life will be such heaven. No one else should dictate your conscious policies, ideologies for sex other than your own integrity. Whether you want to be gay, you want to be bisexual, you want to be straight, you want to be transgender, you want to be male or female - all these policies, all these ideas. You should have the checklist. You should keep your integrity for your life’s goal and purpose, and do that “yes” or “no” or each idea each policy you should make.

I tell you, brahmachari means absolutely integrated to your life's purpose and from that integrity, evolving the right ideas and policies for sex is brahmacharia. First twenty one years, all human being should live a celibate life and evolve a policy. Through integrity they should evolved a policy and idealogy, decisions for sex, about sex in every level. Every question, they should have the conscious clear answer aligned to their integrity. That is why I insist that first twenty one years, let’s live in Gurukul, study the science of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. And I tell you, … I was introduced to Agamas maybe, at the age of … four or five. That time I remember me, I have started hearing all these words “Veda,” “Vedanta,” “Agama,” there used to be a huge big book. In colloquial Tamil, I called, I used to call thalayanai (தலையணை). And the book, the original name of the book was Vedanta Manana Chintamani.

Vedanta Manana Chintamani by a great Sadhu. It, it’s actually a compilation by a great Sadhu. Sivaprakasa Swamigal used to be called Karapatri Sivaprakasa Swamigal. He used to eat only in his hand and means he will not have separate vessel. Kara is the patra - “karapatra.” Karapatra Sivaprakasha Swamigal, so he will stretch the hand and people can put the food and he will eat in the, in the hand that’s all or maybe one handful he will eat, that much only per day. So he was well known great Yogi and enlightened being - Karapatra Sivaprakasa Swamigal. He has compiled from various scriptures a book called Vedanta Manana Chintamani. It used to be like a huge size, so we used to call, colloquial I used to call thalayanai (தலையணை) book. Means, it used to be like a pillow size, huge book. And I was introduced to these books - Agamas and Veda, Vedanta, Agamas in, at the age of the time I remember me, from the time I remember me.

Listen. When I downloaded this cosmology principles from Kailaasa and read in the Agamas and cross verified, confirmed the pramanas, satyas, descriptions, I tell you, ... just knowing about the Cosmos ... has made me evolved amazing policies, ideologies, … strategies for life, with such a joy and integrity are the, as the core component. I tell you, listen carefully. If the integrity becomes your core component, you radiate so much of strength, especially with the knowledge of Cosmos. With the clarity about the Cosmos, if the integrity becomes your … core strength, core content of the being, ... you will have so much strength even in front of the aggressive violence. See, all these people who try to assassinate me, who do character assassination, all these gang - you can see so much of aggressive violence, aggressive vengeance in them.

But just with my paramashanta of Paramashiva, Paramshiva, Paramashiva’s paramashanta, I deal everything successfully. Paramashiva’s paramashanta is my strategy. Understand. If you know even little bit of cosmology, the kind of the strength you will develop inside you, and the kind of the integrity and strategies you will develop, Oh God! I tell you, all these aggressive … vengent, I should say, revengeful, vengentful, aggressive abusers, maybe this is not the right word, because I have not done anything wrong to them. Just they have anger, violence, frustration, ... aggressive vengeance. All of it fundamentally destroys themself is the truth. Listen carefully. Knowledge about the Cosmos and integrity to the Cosmos. Listen carefully. Knowledge about the Cosmos and integrity to the Cosmos, even if you get one glimpse the Kailaasa exists, the kind of the ...

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Listen. Sorry for the technical glitch. Let me explain detail. Listen. I'll put it in one sentence. See, when I experienced that truly Kailaasa exists ... and when I read the jnanapada of Suprabedha Agamam, and every line it confirms even the directions of the different lokas and Kailaasa as I experienced. Detailed description when I read in this book, not only I am shocked and surprised, now I have confirmation, I am not hallucinating or I am not deluded and I am not having any mental breakdown fortunately. By Paramashiva’s grace, I am only in samadhi. That clarity, that assurance that I have received when I read the Agamas after I experienced. Listen carefully. I have not read the jnanapada, this part of the Suprabedha Agamam. See, I am introduced to Vedas, Vedanta, Agama, all that in the young age. But this part I have not read.

I have experienced Kailaasa and cosmology. And after settling, I was trying to map where can I get any evidence, that somebody else also has experienced the same as I have experienced. When I started searching for it, I came up on this Suprabedha Agamam Jnanapadam, and when I verified every line was so true, it’s like including the bus stop, like a GPS. So detail. Then understand. Then my whole policies about how I am supposed to live in the planet earth when I am having this body - my strategies, my ideologies, everything has become so beautiful, aligned, integrated to Kailaasa. Understand, not only I have seen Kailaasa, I have seen how the hells look, heavens look, all the lokas - Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Patala; and upper - Bhu, Bhuvar, Svar, Jana, Tapa, Mahar, all these lokas.

Now, please understand, I want all of you to know, not only this Agama describes precisely as I have experienced; one important thing you need to know, what in the west you learn about the hell and heaven is not the same the Veda Agamas description of Naraka and Svarga. See, hell and heaven is totally different. It’s, it’s like a based on your actions here, you go there after death. You will be given a judgement and that is description of hell and heaven in the west. That’s different. In the Hinduism, Veda Agamas, I'll talk only about Hinduism’s Veda Agamas, I will not comment on what west describes as hell, heaven and I will not get into that. I will talk only about what I know. I know what Veda Agamas describe as Naraka and Svarga.

Be very clear, you don't go to Naraka and Svarga after death. The time zone you live while you are in the body, in the body, the space you hold. The time zone you live, you just get sucked into that space after you leave the body. That's all. See, while you are living in the body, if your inner space is Svarga, that is the time zone you are in tune - you just get sucked into Svarga once you leave the body. If your inner space is hellish, hell, Naraka, … extreme aggravated vengeance, aggravated anger, aggravated violence - you just get sucked into hell, Naraka after you leave the body. That’s it. Actually that hellish space inside damages your body, mind quickly. So quickly, and it, it just pulls you towards hell and destroys. And, if carry the Kailaasa space and connected to Paramashiva, ... I tell you, while you are you alive, you live as Paramashiva. When you need to leave the body, you decide, and you live and leave and you are as Paramashiva.

I tell you, ... how much I am excited to teach this science to all of you. Because, I know Svarga exists. I know Naraka exists. I know Kailaasa exists. I know all of them are in the vertical time zone. And I know the inner space, means the core component of you. The core integrity of your being is aligned to which kind of a space, what makes you feel very excited and tasty about life, that decides into which space you are going to get sucked after you leave the body, understand. The space in which you live is the space you are going to get suck once you leave the body. I am absolutely sure now because my Atma Pramana is confirmed by Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramanas. It's not that I have read all these book and then got into some trance … and saw those visions. No! I got into those space and had the darshan and vision. When I came down, I confirmed my experiences, authenticity in Agama, Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramanas. And some of the objects I brought from there are still physically there with me in physical reality. Understand.

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Listen. Sorry for the technical glitch again. Listen. I have read ... Vedanta Manana Chintamani in the young age. My Gurus have introduced that book from the time I remember me. And they used to … teach. Sometimes they will make me read, and they’ll explain. Once this has happened with Tinnai Swamigal, a great Sadhu. And my Guru - Kuppammal, she told, “Let’s go and sit with Tinnai Swamigal and get his blessings, and listen from him some of the Vedanta truths.” And err … she took me with her and we both went, and we asked Tinnai Swamigal. Tinnai Swamigal said “Come on, you read Ribhu Gita and this Vedanta Manana Chinta, Chintamani. I will explain.” And he will not, he is not a person who is talkative, very few words. So I started sitting and reading. Kuppammal was sitting very devoted and attentive way.

I was reading and then I was seeing this Tinnai Swamigal after one hour ... he’s a old man and his head fell and the mouth open wide, and that saliva started pouring. I thought he is sleeping. And ... I thought what is this, without explaining he is just sleeping, and I am sitting and reading reading, reading, reading. I just nudged Kuppammal, my Guru, that Mata Vibhudananda Puri. I just nudged and showed he is sleeping. Did not tell he is sleeping, I just nudged and showed without stopping the reading. He’s such a sweet being. He was not only not sleeping, he was in that samadhi. He just, he did not respond anything. He just put his hand on my knees to show that, assured me that he is not sleeping. And I tell you, it was like a electrical shock for me, and whatever I read … becomes just reality in front of my eyes. Means, he was sitting in samadhi and making all those words to get into my system, and become experience in me.

Listen. I'll do the same for all of you now. Step by step I’ll explain. Even though I have read all those books at that time, I have not read this description of cosmology in Suprabedha Agamam Jnanapadam. Anyhow, now after completely experiencing the cosmology and being in Kailaasa for quite a long time in that space, ... when I settled and started analyzing, … to cross verify the authenticity of the experience, so I can share it with you all. Not that I have a doubt. I did not have any doubt inside because that experience is too authentic and too strong. Stronger than any of this world so-called reality, understand. This world whatever you believe only is delusion. Like how the Indian still believe cinema is a real hard work that artists, real people with the erm ... hard work and sincerity only win. No, no, no, no, no, understand.

There’s lot of other things. I don't want to get into all that. Let’s forget about it. Let's forget about all that. News itself is fake, how the history will be? What is introduced to you as a news or history, everything is fake. Leave it. Umm. Let me come to the real subject and let me talk to you about the reality. Listen. So when I experienced the Kailaasa, cosmology … and I was searching and Paramashiva himself showed, and when I landed on this book and read - every line, every line I could map. Wow! Wow! Wow! Then I know ... not only what I experienced is authentic, now I have a reference book to share with you all. Shastra Pramana is fundamental requirement to share my Atma Pramana to all. See, my Atma Pramana, if I have hundred experience, whatever is authenticated by shastras, that only is useful for the universally all beings.

Hundred things I might have learnt from the Kailaasa, in Cosmic space, but whatever is authenticated in the Shastra Pramana - ten or fifteen, only that is supposed to be shared with all of you. That is only universal, good for everyone. And that will only be like a to the level where the human logic can understand. Today, I really feel … whether I am conveying what I am conveying in all proper way, the language in which, logic in which you all can understand. So, I want all of you to come to the profile page - Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, and put a comment whether you are able to understand the satsang I am doing live now. You can put comments even in the Nithyananda TV live comments, you can put a comments whether you are able to understand, whether I am conveying what I am conveying logic to the your level logic, to human level logic.

Let me now repeat. See after I experienced the space of Kailaasa, when I read the Shastra Pramana and it was absolutely matching. Because of that, I have decided to share all the great truths with you all, and I also realized the western concept of hell and heaven are different and eastern Veda Agamic concept of Svarga and Naraka, Kailaasa, all this is different. See, all this spaces like a Kailaasa zone, Svarga zone, Naraka zone - all of them have a particular frequency, vibration and … particular kind of a time zone. See, they have a particular frequency and particular time zone. While you are living in the body, to which frequency, to which policies, to which time zone you are more integrated, your core is more integrated and excited way connected - you get sucked into that time zone, that space, that zone after you leave the body.

So, the quality of your life while you are living in the body and after leaving the body … Listen. The quality of the space ... you are having while you are living in the body, that decides … the quality of the space you are going to reach, after you leave the body. It is actually, you just get sucked even while you are living. That energy stays in you. It is like a … whatever kind of a energy you are carrying. If you carry the Shiva space, Shivadutas appear and say, “Come on, let's move to Kailash!” if you are carrying that hellish space, then Naraka, the Yamadutas come, “Aye!” And they drag. If you carry the space of Svarga, Devatas come and say, “Come on, let's go to our home.” And they carry you. Understand, the what kind of a space you are carrying while you are alive, decides where you will reach after you leave the body. This is one truth, one sacred secret. And second, … if I introduce the Kailaasa space to you all, Paramashiva to you all, give you even glimpse of it once or twice also - all your strategies, ideologies, everything gets aligned to Kailaasa, because that is the most beautiful space to exist.

I enroll people for Kailaasa. I have come from there, to introduce Kailaasa to all of you, and enroll you all for Kailaasa. So, while you are living, you live in Kailaasa. When you leave, you just merge into Kailaasa. Listen carefully. My effort to create Kailaasa ecosystem wherever you are, my sincere effort to create Kailaasa ecosystem wherever you are, is only to help you to live in Kailaasa while you are in the body. That’s it. And, when you bring integrity to your strategies, like a your policy, strategy, ideology about food should be evolved based on your integrity to Kailaasa. See, you want to live in the space of Kailaasa while you are in the body, and reach Kailaasa once you leave the body. That is what is supposed to be the … life’s goal for you. So, with integrity to that, … evolve food - what kind of food I should eat? When I should eat? How I should eat?

I have even policy how I should eat. I'll pick up the food in the spoon or in the hand, through my eyes I’ll count the number of rice, and then only I’ll put it in the mouth. It means only the countable number of rice I’ll put it in the mouth. Vegetable piece can be bigger or smaller, but I should be able to count through my eyes. Like that only I’ll pick up and put it in the mouth. That is one of the way of eating. It is from Thiruvalluvar. Thiruvalluvar Nayanars, Thiruvalluvar Nayanar has written not just Thirukkural, multiple books, at least fifteen books. And, in that he describes the methodology of eating. So listen. The policies, strategies, ideologies you evolve for eating based on your integrity to live in the space of Kailaasa while you are in the body, after you leave the body.

I think, now I am trying to put the whole thing together ... in human logic. Same way, what should be your ideology, strategy, policy for sleep. What should be your ideology, strategy, policy for sex. What should be your ideology, strategy, policy towards ... the luxuries, various luxuries of life. What should be your ideology, policy, strategy for … wealth. What should be your ideology, strategy, policy for … either your career, your business principles, your relationships, your love. And your policies to protect yourself, defend yourself when you are attacked. Your policy is about how to bring up your children. Your policies about how you should spend your time, energy, talent, treasure. All these can be aligned to the one core principle with integrity, while you are in the body - radiate Paramashiva, be in the space of Kailaasa. While you leave the body, be absorbed into Kailaasa and be in Oneness with Paramashiva. Understand.

I’ll go on be revealing the precise policies and ideologies I adopt. You can pick up, pick and choose from that however, whatever way you want to adopt and manifest in your life. But this is the fundamental introduction, why I am doing what I am doing. Why I am teaching what I am teaching. Why I am successful in all my strategies. Because I adopt … eternal principles of Kailaasa. Some understand, some may not understand, some takes time,. All that is one. But why I am doing what I am doing. Why I am doing what I am doing is because of this, understand that. Because of this ...

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Listen. Listen again, sorry for the technical glitch. Let me now explain. >>>transmission choppy<<< Charyapada means developing … taste for lifestyles and habits to >>>no transmission<<< enjoy the space of Kailaasa. For example, being >>>no transmission<<< alive, excited, joyful, that is the space of Kailaasa. Developing habits which keeps you in that space, like a ... eating food which keeps you excited, joyful. If you developed the taste for sulking, depressed ...

>>>extended technical glitch<<<

Listen. Sorry for the technical glitch again listen. I’ll explain. Developing a taste for exciting, fully awake living, alive life is charyapada. See, if you develop taste for laziness, sulking, dull, >>>no transmission<<< and developed the concept like a morning not getting up and not doing yoga, spiritual routine is a kind of a freedom; if you develop all these ideas - you start developing taste for hell, Naraka. You develop taste for … cheap existence. Then that lazy, non-productive, cheap life, starts making you do a very cunning strategies. And that develops the anger, vengeance towards the people who achieved great things. And you think by cunning, crooked strategy, you can capture it. And you start developing hellish space inside. And naturally while you are living, you live in hell and when you die when you reach the hell.

Listen. When I was reading the description of heaven, hell, all that; I realized multiple things clicking. For example, there is a hell described ... for all those dullness likers, people who like to be depressed, developed the taste for being depressed and dull. That hell you described as a shitty smell. I was thinking, “Why it is described as smelling shitty?” Then I understood. Here while you are in the body, if there are too much of poop - digested, undigested did not sent out of the body, you developed the same character. So if you be get, you see ... if there is a constipation, and too much of poop inside your stomach, smelling shit inside your body, so much shit, it did not get sent out, too big stomach - you developed a pattern of taste for lazy, depressed, abusive lifestyle. So naturally because of that taste, you live in hell why you are in the body, and you get sucked into hell while after you leave the body, and there the same shit is smelled. You live forever, understand.

That is why I insist on early morning getting up, taking haritaki powder … and night also taking haritaki powder, and cleaning the stomach. Not letting the shit stay in your stomach. Don't allow poop and shit. Poop is paap. P-o-o-p is p-a-a-p. Both should not be stays in your stomach. Paap will stay in your head. Hell in your stomach is poop. Hell in your head is paap. P-o-o-p creates p-a-a-p mental set up. Every day, I strongly recommend all my eKailaasavasis, understand, whoever is practicing the Kailaasa ecosystem in your city, I declare and bless all of you as eKailaasavasis. Wherever you are, if you practice Kailaasa ecosystem, I bless you and declare that you are all eKailaasavasis. Understand, for all my eKailaasavasis, I strongly recommend every day you take haritaki powder and castor oil. At least one teaspoon, pure organic castor oil. You can mix with the honey and take one teaspoon. Poop will make you do all paap.

Taste for inactive lifestyle, lazy lifestyle, is creating hell space while you are in the body. That is the worst sin, understand. From there starts all the violence, vengeance, anger, jealousy, arrogance, and ...

>>>extended technical glitch<<<

Listen. Sorry for the technical glitch again. I'll read out from the Agama one line. I’ll read out the Tamil translation.

>>>Tamil 3<<<

Listen. It says, the Raurava Naraka is full of shit, poop. Kumbhipakam is full of heat, hot. Avichi Narakam, full of bacterias, >>>?<<<012607 means which can create multiple diseases in you, viruses and bacterias. Listen carefully. While you are alive, if you allow all these three in your stomach, you build a space of hell and hellish life when you are in the body. So, naturally while you leave the body, you will be sucked into that. Never allow heat, shit, bacterias in your stomach. I have seen my Gurus, … Visiri Swamigal, whenever he is releases the smoke after taking in from the bidi or cigarette, never I have seen any smell. That is why I tell you, he is the most graceful being I have ever seen, because the whole body is in grace. There is no shit inside. There is no heat inside. There is no hell inside. That is why nothing comes out of the body as any bad smell. Same way, Isakki Swamigal, I have never seen him eating. So many years I lived around him. Rarely … if some devotee, sincere devotee brings he will take one morsel. Emm, Ah! When I asked him once, “Why Swamiji is not eating?” Isakki Swami, “Eh, once if you eat, it takes forty two days to clean the body.” I was shocked! Oh God! One meal, it takes forty two days to clean the body! Anyhow, let us not bother about that extreme now. Now understand this much.

Lifestyle you live, the space you hold while you are in the body, creates a kind of a magnet and you get sucked into the same zone one, when you leave the body. Understand this one truth today. That is why I insist on Nithya Puja, Nithya Yoga every day. Please understand. One hour a day spent for yourself. Align your internal organ, intra-organ to Kailaasa, to Paramashiva. One hour is not much time. And what else is the use of the life other than these great things. Even if you make billions of dollars and if you are living in a hell space while you are in the body, you are going to be sucked into the hell. Live in Kailaasa while you are in the body and leave to Kailaasa when you leave the body. Nithya Puja, Nithya Yoga Nithya Satsang.

Satsang if you can, attend live satsang. Otherwise the recorded is uploaded. At least once a day watch that day satsang whenever you are free. See if you can come and sit in the live satsang - great! Even if you are not able to sit in the live satsang, that day’s recording is uploaded. The gist is posted. So within twenty four, within that day, at least read and listen to the satsang. That's it. I tell you, … my whole effort is to make you live in the space of Kailaasa while you are in the body. And, make you reach Kailaasa while you leave the body, after you leave the body. That's all is the whole effort of my life, and the whole sangha’s policy. Why I am creating this Kailaasa? Why this Kailaasa is getting created, getting revived by Paramashiva? This is the reason. While all of us are in the body, let us be in the space of Kailaasa. While we leave the body, let us reach the space of Kailaasa, reach Kailaasa. That's all.

Listen. Your eating habits, sleeping habits, ideas for sex, ideas and strategies for wealth, ideas and strategies for good, ideas and strategies for bad, ideas and strategies for right, ideas and strategies for wrong, ideas and strategies for love, ideas and strategies about death, ideas and strategies about wealth, ideas and strategies about luxury, of everything - let it be integrated to Kailaasa. That's it. I tell you, … I have more detailed descriptions of multiple things - cosmology and deep sacred secret, nuances, understand. Only after experiencing Kailaasa and seeing the whole cosmology, and studying these scriptures; I can understand very clearly how that magnet and this magnet. Your individual body is like a magnet. If you tune your magnet to Kailaasa magnet, you just get pulled into that. If you tune your magnet to the hell magnet, you get pulled into that. If you tune your magnet to the heaven magnet, you get pulled into that.

Lifestyle you develop, that taste you develop while you are in the body decides where you are going to reach after you leave the body. Understand. That taste you develop while you are living in the body, decides where you are going to reach will you leave the body. I really tell you, … when you start strategizing with integrity about your sexual policies, ideologies, strategies; you develop a beautiful brahmacharya space in you, around you. You live like a God. Lifestyle of God. If you develop right policies about the wealth, strategies about the wealth … with integrity to Kailaasa, that is what is called asteya, non- stealing. Only by contribution, you generate wealth, you make wealth. Non-stealing, asteya is the strategy for wealth, integrated to Kailaasa. Apply integrity as a strategy for your life. You will be continuously manifesting Paramashiva. I tell you, … if you apply integrity to your personal life, luxuries, it’ll become aparigraha. It’ll evolve as aparigraha.

My administration team will tease me. I will not buy a car, ... spending fifty lakh for myself, but I will allow the temple to make silver chariots and even gold chariots, spending crores. Because, listen, I am not miser. I spend only with the right purpose, with integrity to Kailaasa. What for people give me money, I maintain the integrity to that money. That’s it. That ideology, principle to Kailaasa. If they want the better camera, better relay system, I will never say no, because people are pouring donations to attend the satsang. See, if you are enjoying the satsang now, you should be grateful to all the SJP Yajamans, SJP Karthas, people who are donating. You should put a thank you message - “Thank you all SJP Yajamans. Thank you all SJP Karthas. We are able to enjoy the satsang.” Because they provided everything. And now, we are upgrading ourself. Soon within next one month, you are going to get more clear, high definition satsangs. It’s all getting upgraded. Many of the SJP Kathas and Yajamans are donating. We are getting more everything, more upgraded.

Anyhow, listen carefully. Integrity applied in your sexual policies, ideas, strategies, evolves your own principles of brahmacharya. Integrity applied in the zone of wealth, in your life, evolves as asteya, aparigraha. An amazing strategies for wealth. Integrity applied in your life related to personal life luxuries, evolves a beautiful strategies, policies, for aparigraha, living with minimalist things, I tell you. In my personal life, I never allow any luxury item which makes me lazy or stops, reduces my possibilities. Understand. I will never allow bed to take away my possibility to sleep anywhere I want. Any bed I’ll use, but I will never allow bed to take away my possibility to sleep anywhere I lie down or sit without sleep for days in samadhi. My possibilities and powers should not be affected. I should not be dampened, slowed down reduced. My possibilities and powers should not be stolen away by the physical objects and luxuries is the principle of aparigraha, living with minimalist things.

Listen. I’ll repeat. Not letting physical luxuries, luxurious items steal your possibilities and powers ... is aparigraha, living with minimal things. I will never let bed steal my ability to be in samadhi or not to sleep. Or sleep where I want, when I want on the floor or anywhere as I want out of my free will. I will not allow any bed, any cot to steal my capacity, my powers, my possibilities. That is what is aparigraha, living with minimal things. Understand, like this in every level, apply integrity, apply integrity, apply integrity. In every policy for your life, if you apply integrity as a strategy, develop that as a lifestyle, taste for yourself. Understand. I will not allow any of my throne to break my back. My ability to sit straight in padmasana, ardha padmasana in as many number of hours as I want. I have never allowed it to be stolen or dampened or reduced by any of the thrones I sit, I use. So, anyone jealous, burns, boils seeing my multiple various types of thrones creates hell for themself and I do not brother, and I am not affected by it.

Because, if you see me sitting, the earliest photograph of me sitting available with us, is maybe when I was ten. That photo and take a still screenshot of Nithyananda TV now the present, this moment satsang. Almost more than thirty years, I am sitting for hours every day. I have not allowed any of the luxurious thrones, cushions, big big seats about which the abusers are boiling, burning, crying, screaming. I have not allowed any of those external objects take away my power and possibility to sit straight in ardha padmasana or padmasana for hours, keeping my spine erect for days, and not just days or weeks or months, years, thirty years gone, quite a good thirty years.

From this photo till this moment. Understand, from that photo till this moment, my possibility and power, ability to sit long hours in ardha padmasana or padmasana, and go on doing what I am supposed to do - initiation or satsang or giving sessions. I have not allowed any of the thrones, luxuries, luxury, comfortable cushions, this that; I have not allowed any of them steal my ability, steal my possibility, steal my power. I have not allowed any of them to dampen me is aparigraha. I am giving you practical example. In thousands of homes, thousands of temples, multiple types of naivedyam, food is offered to my deities. Any variety food needed can be in front of me, but I have not allowed that luxury to steal away my freedom, ability, possibility, power to be without food and living Nirahara life. That is what has saved me from the poisoning effects and I was able to detox myself and protect myself, understand.

Not allowing luxuries, comforts of the outer world steal your possibilities, powers, capacities, dampened your ability is aparigraha, living with minimalist things. I have not allowed ... my body to be dampened in last thirty years. Surely, we may have at the age of ten my first photograph of sitting, me sitting in yogasana, straight padmasana, ardha padmasana, but I started sitting from the time I remember me, because my Gurus have started training. First photograph is age ten and now I am more than forty one. You can see the compare the photographs. Sometimes I will be leaning on the thrones and all those, but I have not allowed any of those thrones, those luxury cushions, those couches steal my ability, dampen my ability steal my power, steal my possibility to sit for hours, integrated to my responsibility which is giving satsangs, initiations, classes, programs. I can sit even now continuously twenty four hours in padmasana, ardha padmasana, keeping my spine erect, and go on giving initiation, giving satsangs.

Last forty years, these luxuries are not able to steal my abilities and my powers and my possibilities is what is aparigraha. The health and the stomach I maintained when I was doing my parivrajak yatra by making and eating. Still I maintain, I did not allow food to steal my ability, possibility, capability, powers to live without food. I have not allowed the luxurious foods, tasty foods to steal my ability, capability, possibility, power to be without food. My Nirahara is my power, my strength, my ability, my capability, my possibility. I have not allowed that be stolen dampened, destroyed by luxurious foods. That is what is aparigraha, living with minimalist things. Whether it is a silver throne or golden throne or couch, sofa or the best couch. It should not make you couch potato. That's all matters. Nothing should make you steal your possibilities and powers and capabilities from your existence, from your consciousness, understand.

I think I have spoken lot of time. I’ll continue in further satsangs. It's too important, too important subject, very interesting subject. First thing, I wanted all of you to come to Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Facebook profile, and comment whether I convey what I wanted to convey in the human logic, or if you feel that I should be elaborating or detailing more things, please put your comments in the post; today’s satsang gist will be shared now. Please put a comment. So, tomorrow I am going to expand on this same subject, giving you deeper nuances and details. Like today how I described the Raurava Naraka, Kumbhipakam Naraka, Avichi Naraka. How that Narakas description and the space you generate while you are in the body is directly one and the same. Like that I am going to give you more detailed understandings. The way you live will decide that taste you develop while you are living, will decide whether you are going to be sucked into Naraka or Svarga or Kailaasa.

Essence of today's satsang: create Kailaasa ecosystems wherever you are. Become eKailaasavasi from wherever you are. This is the essence of today's satsang.

To become eKailaasavasi from wherever you are, to create Kailaasa ecosystem wherever you are - send email to [email protected]. We’ll guide you further. You can create a Kailaasa ecosystem wherever you are. It's a lifestyle of Hinduism. Lifestyle of Hinduism. I am also sharing details about why Hinduism in multiple understandings, multiple questions, like why jata, why vibhuti, why rudraksha, why Nithya Puja; all that. So fill form at, and create Kailaasa ecosystems everywhere, and become eKailaasavasis wherever you are. This is the essence of today's satsang.

So with this, today's powerful cognition: integrity to Paramashiva, makes you live in Kailaasa. Sit now, connect with Paramashiva with the deep devotion, prayer and Oneness. Prayerfulness, Oneness, connect with Paramashiva now. Chant Mahavakya intensely. Pray to Paramashiva to manifest through you, make Kailaasa happen inside you, outside you from this moment. And sit as Paramashiva. Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham.

Meditation starts with continuous chanting of Mahavakya in the background

Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. Listen. The gist is already shared in Sri Nityananda Paramashivam profile page. Come to the page and give your feedback on two things. One, are you able to understand? Am I conveying what I am conveying in human level logic? That's first. Second, all the concepts I defined, you can do Vakyartha Sadas on it. Listen carefully. Hindu aparigraha, living with minimalist things, minimalist lifestyle is not poverty. Hinduism does not gives sanctity to poverty. Hinduism does not promote poverty. Hinduism does not give sacredness to poverty. No! Hinduism only says, “Let the luxury not steal your capacities, possibilities and powers,” understand.

All the luxurious thrones, big big thrones, big big sofas, couches, last thirty years were not able to break my back or it is not able to take away the power of my back bone, the strength of my backbone, my ability to sit straight in padmasana or ardha padmasana for hours. Even now I can sit in padmasana and lift my whole body. Understand, I can sit in padmasana and lift my whole body. I can swing. Maybe I can even do a yoga session for all you guys live. All the luxurious thrones, sofas, couches are not able to steal the power of my backbone, my spine. They are not able to steal the power of my spine. They are not able to break my spine. That is aparigraha, living with minimalist things, understand. The aparigraha of Hinduism is not poverty! And, aparigraha is in Hinduism is not promoting poverty. Aparigraha of Hinduism is not giving sanctity to poverty.

Some of the most costliest thrones in India are occupied by the great Yogis. Whose spine did not lose its power and possibility by any of those thrones, understand. That is why we say, “Simhasanathil Alankrita.” By he is Yogi is sitting in the throne, they make the throne beautiful. Understand. Not that throne makes them beautiful. They make the throne beautiful. If you are living in aparigraha, you make the throne beautiful. Understand.

So with this, two thing. Today's essence of the satsang is, let's create Kailaasa ecosystems all over the world, wherever we are, and let's become eKailaasavasis from wherever we are. This is the essence of today's satsang. Share the essence, share the gist and do Vakyartha Sadas in Nithyananda Paramashivam page, Facebook profile itself. And put your comment whether logically you are able to, logically I am able to convey the truth I am conveying to all of you.

So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.

Satsang Photos:

Sakshi Pramana Video

Video Audio

Miracles with Pramanas Video

Video Audio

Declaration of Initiatives/Policies

• Establish Kailaasa Eco-Systems all around the world.


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