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Vajrasana : Asana


Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source

Yoga-Kundaly-Upanishad 1.6

Original Verse

"वामाङ्घ्रिमूलं कन्दाधः अन्यं तदुपरि क्षिपेत् । समग्रीवशिरःकायो वज्रासनमितीरितम् ॥ ६ ॥"


"vāmāṅghrimūlaṃ kandādhaḥ anyaṃ tadupari kṣipet | samagrīvaśiraḥkāyo vajrāsanamitīritam ॥ 6 ॥ "


One should place the left heel under the knot of the navel and the other heel over it, with his neck, head and body in a line. This is known as the Vajrasana posture.

Apta Pramana Source

Gheranda Samhita II 12


"jaìghäbhyäà vajravatkåtvä gudapärçve padävubhau | vajräsanaà bhavedetadYoginäà siddhidäyakam ॥12॥ "


Make the thigh tight like adamant and place the legs by the two sides of the anus. This is called the Vajrasana. It gives psychic powers to the Yogi.


"1. Kneel down and sit with the feet on either sides of the anus.

2. Engage the thighs.

3. Keep the hands on knees .

4. Keep spine erect. "

Atma Pramana Benefits

Strengthens the entire lower body, especially the thighs and gluteals. Develops, determination, stability and balance. Helps to move prana freely. Removes leg and joint pain. Improves digestive processes.Beneficial for pregnant women. While in this asana one should do prolonged recaka and puraka.

Regular Photo

Vajrasana (Yoga-Kundaly-Upanishad 1.6.jpg)