February 01 2005

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Jump Beyond Name & Descriptions || Shiva Sutras || 01 Feb 2005


Name of Convention: Shivasutras
Session on: Jump Beyond Name & Descriptions
Date: 01 February 2005
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to His delegates about going beyond name & descriptions (using a lion and sheep analogy). When one realises that one is a lion, a different life, dimension and space will be waiting for one. But we are in the dilemma of whether to stay in the current sheep's life or take the risk of understanding a lion's life. Once we understand and jump beyond name and descriptions (to be a lion), we transform to have better life.

Come and find out more from the Avatar!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video Audio:

Video Audio



“I will do Arathi properly, but don’t tell me anything more. Don’t tell me anything more” but he will not let you just do Arathi. He will see that you realize that you are lion; you are also lion. Actually the moment I say, “You are beyond name and descriptions”, you get frightened, “How will I go back and do my business?” The cub gets frightened, “How will I go back and live with my fl… sheep of… flock of sheep? That is the only life I know. How will I eat the grass? Where will I get the goat’s milk if I am lion?” You don’t understand, the moment you understand, you are a lion, there is a different dimension of life waiting for you. There is a different space waiting for you. There is a different group of friends waiting for you. There is a different place waiting for you. There is a big kingdom waiting for you but you are in dilemma whether to have the same goat milk and safe secured goat friends and little bit of grass, and a happy comfortable cozy life or take the risk of understanding you are a lion and go around, roaring. You are in a big dilemma.


Once you understand, you are lion, you are beyond names and descriptions, you don’t have to bother, “If I understand this, how will I go back and do my profession?” Once you understand, you will understand, you will have better profession, better place, better space, better life, and totally transformed being. Totally transformed being. So have courage and jump, you will understand you are lion. So…


By this doubt, by all these doubts, Devi has described all the dimensions, all the possible doubts are expressed in this six doubts. It is now your time to gather the courage and take the jump into the space beyond names and descriptions. We will share our question and answers, we will have our doubts and responses to doubts. After the… we will see something more in the next session. Alright, any other questions? Hmmm… Delegate: Swamiji, in the story that you were telling us <inaudible 04:10> the lion and the cub, there is one part where you say once the lion showed the cub that you are a meat-eater <inaudible 04:17> a different group altogether. You… you should move on, right! He disappeared, the lion <inaudible 04:24> disappeared. Now in our context, you said that uh… there is a family waiting for you, their friends, this, that. How are we to understand this? Swamiji: It’s actually intensity of the individual person and the situation and when the lion has understood it has… it is lion, it <inaudible 04:50>… it is not that it cannot live with sheep; flock of sheep. It can play the game in a much better way, that also can be done, that is what I say, “Ultimate maturity”.


Delegate: But will that be satisfied? I mean knowing its true group is the lions group, and knowing that it… Swamiji: Lions has no group, only Lions club is there but that is not Lion’s, there only rats are sitting. The guys who are doing the rat race, they all gather themself, and they can’t call it rats club na? So they need some… they need some good name, so they call it as Lions club. I don’t think it’s a Lions club. Lions don’t have club, they live individually.


Delegate: So you are saying uh… after realizing who they are, they still can stay on with…

Swamiji: When I can live with a flock of sheep. Why can’t you all? When I can put up with you all, can’t you put up with your families? Allow the cognitive shift, later on we will take care, and cognitive shift will never give the disturbances.


Delegate: Shankara in the later stages, one is told that he was slightly more aligning towards Bhakti, and they quote that Bhaja Govindam has a <inaudible 06:12> of his… Swamiji: No, no, no, no, he was always in Bhakti. You see, an enlightened guy will be the overflow… will be always overflowing with Bhakti. You can’t see a great Bhakta than a Jnani. You can’t see a great Jnani than a Bhakta. It just overflows. What the ordinary guys knows about Bhakti first of all? All these guys know is only business, bargain, not Bhakti. So only an enlightened man can… can express the Bhakti, devotion. भज गोविन्दं… [Swamiji is singing] गोविन्दं भज मूढमते | सम्प्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले नहि नहि रक्षति डुक्रिङ्करणे ‖ डुक्रिङ्करण is one of the Vyakarana. Greatest intellectual, they only can understand डुक्रिङ्करण. Unless you under… understand डुक्रिङ्करण, you can’t study the scriptures. It’s one of the key to understand the scriptures. So he says, “नहि नहि रक्षति डुक्रिङ्करणे”, that will not take care of you when the death comes. “सम्प्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले, नहि नहि रक्षति डुक्रिङ्करणे” Only NSP will help, डुक्रिङ्करण will not help, only NSP will come and stand; that is why he says, “नहि नहि रक्षति डुक्रिङ्करणे” “भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं, गोविन्दं भज मूढमते |”


One of… one of our lady devotee who has done NSP, she passed away in… recently. Her daughter wrote an email to us, that she very clearly felt Me and clearly they could see at the time of leaving; and wrote a email, that’s one of the important uh… testimonial for NSP programme because NSP I claim too much actually. It’s too good to be true. Only when you die and see, you will understand it is true. In the ASP <inaudible 08:18>… I don’t claim much because I am speaking to public. In NSP, I claim too much that I assure I will be there at the time of your leaving the body and here is a clear testimonial. Delegate: <inaudible 08:32> ask her? Swamiji: Yes, ask… because it is the private… such a private, intimate incident. we will ask her permission and then put; hmmm... Delegates: <inaudible 08:40> change the name… Swamiji: We will just ask her permission then put it…


Delegates: Swami, in this last doubt that Devi asked Shiva. She talks about, beyond name and description, and she talks about space and time. What context and what understanding is that then Swami? Swamiji: I will take one more discourse to describe space and time. Now I have described only the name and description. Space and time I will describe…. That’s what I was telling, she had a glimpse. I think because she was caught in Anahata, she was not able to get complete Enlightenment, that must have been the… I don’t know. Alright!


It’s time. Go and rest, you can today sleep with that idea that, “Beyond name and description”. Instead of having an usual idea, just start searching “Who am I?” And with that feeling of beyond names and descriptions, sleep. Tomorrow morning Shiva can descend on you.

Thank you.



Guru Puja - Meaning of Manasa Puja || Part 1 || Shiva Sutras || 01 Feb 2005


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Session on: Guru Puja - Meaning of Manasa Puja Part 1
Date: 01 February 2005
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to His delegates the meaning of the Manasa Puja in the Guru Puja. Doing puja is an ultimate meditation technique. Understanding the meaning of it will help one to do the puja better.

Come and find out more from the Avatar and how He translated it!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video Audio:

Video Audio



Morning Guru Puja, I am seeing so many of you are doing so much of… so many mistakes in that Puja Mantra. All of you have a xerox of this page; hmmm… and I will now read out. Alright, first you all guys sit and chant then I will correct the whole thing. Start the Manasa Puja Mantra. Manasa Puja Mantra endral ennanu theriyuma? hmmm... Delegate: om hṛt-padmam āsanaṁ dadyāt sahasrāracyutāmmṛtaiḥ | pādyaṁ caraṇayor-dadyāt manastu-arghyaṁ nivedayet || tena-amṛtena ācamanīyaṁ snānīyaṁ tena ca smṛtam | ākāśa-tattvaṁ vastraṁ syāt gandhaḥ syāt gandha-tattvakam || cittaṁ prakalpayet puṣpaṁ dhūpaṁ prāṇān prakalpayet | tejas-tattvaṁ ca dīpārthaṁ naivedyaṁ syāt-sudhāmbudhiḥ || anāhata-dhvanirghaṇṭā vāyu-tattvaṁ ca cāmaram | sahasrāraṁ bhavet chatraṁ śabda-tattvaṁ ca gītakam || nṛtyam indriya-karmāṇi cāñcalyaṁ manasas-tathā | sumekhalāṁ padma-mālāṁ puṣpaṁ nānā-vidhaṁ tathā ||

amāyādyair-bhāva-puṣpaiḥ arcayet bhāva… |


Swamiji: bhāva-gocaram… gosanam illai... gocaram. Delegate: bhāva-gocaram. Swamiji: paba illai bhāva; ellamae bhava than. hmmm... Delegate: bhāva-gocaram. amāyam anahaṅkāram Swamiji: amāyam anahaṅkāram Delegate: amāyam anahaṅkāram arāgam amadaṁ tathā ||

     amohakam adambhaṁ ca adveṣa-akṣobhakau tathā |

Swamiji: akṣobhakau tathā. Delegate: akṣobhakau tathā. amātsaryam alobhaṁ ca daśa-puṣpaṁ vidur-budhāḥ... Swamiji: amātsaryam alobhaṁ ca daśa-puṣpaṁ vidur-budhāḥ || Delegate: amātsaryam alobhaṁ ca daśa-puṣpaṁ vidur-budhāḥ ||

     ahiṁsā paramaṁ puṣpaṁ puṣpam indriya-nigrahaḥ |
     dayā-puṣpaṁ kṣamā-puṣpaṁ jñāna-puṣpaṁ ca pañcamam ||
     iti pañcadaśair-bhāva-puṣpaiḥ...

Swamiji: bhāva-puṣpaiḥ... pava illai bhāva Delegate with Swamiji: bhāva-puṣpaiḥ sampūjayet sadgurum.


Swamiji: I think I should give you the meaning of this Mantra. This is the Manasa Puja. You see, doing Puja with outside objects is different, doing Puja with your whole being is different. This is a ultimate meditation technique. This Mantra says… Let Me first chant, then I will give the meaning…

om hṛt-padmam āsanaṁ dadyāt sahasrāracyutāmmṛtaiḥ | pādyaṁ caraṇayor-dadyāt manastu-arghyaṁ nivedayet || tena-amṛtena ācamanīyaṁ snānīyaṁ tena ca smṛtam | ākāśa-tattvaṁ vastraṁ syāt gandhaḥ syāt gandha-tattvakam || cittaṁ prakalpayet puṣpaṁ dhūpaṁ prāṇān prakalpayet | tejas-tattvaṁ ca dīpārthaṁ naivedyaṁ syāt-sudhāmbudhiḥ || anāhata-dhvanirghaṇṭā vāyu-tattvaṁ ca cāmaram | sahasrāraṁ bhavet chatraṁ śabda-tattvaṁ ca gītakam || nṛtyam indriya-karmāṇi cāñcalyaṁ manasas-tathā | sumekhalāṁ padma-mālāṁ puṣpaṁ nānā-vidhaṁ tathā || amāyādyair-bhāva-puṣpaiḥ arcayet bhāva-gocaram | amāyam anahaṅkāram arāgam amadaṁ tathā || amohakam adambhaṁ ca adveṣa-akṣobhakau tathā | amātsaryam alobhaṁ ca daśa-puṣpaṁ vidur-budhāḥ || ahiṁsā paramaṁ puṣpaṁ puṣpam indriya-nigrahaḥ | dayā-puṣpaṁ kṣamā-puṣpaṁ jñāna-puṣpaṁ ca pañcamam || iti pañcadaśair-bhāva-puṣpaiḥ sampūjayet sadgurum ||


om hṛt-padmam āsanaṁ dadyāt: It means My Hrudaya Kamala is the Asana for you. See actually Puja means, if I come to your house what you usually do. You will give Me seat. You will wash My feet and give Me food to eat and give Me water to wash the hands. The same thing is done, that’s all. God is there, you are taking care and especially here he is actually sitting there, you can’t… you don’t even have to visualize. He is sitting there. He is simply there. Go and ask Him. He will give anything. Only ask good things. Of course I told him, these idiots will come and ask all nonsense. Just take care that… give only what is good for them. He will give, do only good but He is simply there, anyhow…. om hṛt-padmam āsanaṁ dadyāt: my Hrudaya Kamala, hṛt-padma is the seat for you. sahasrāracyutāmmṛtaiḥ pādyaṁ: means the āmmṛta which comes out of the sahasrara, when the Kundalini reaches the sahasrara, āmmṛta which comes, that is the padya for you means ah… water to wash the feet. Padam means feet. Padyam means water to wash the feet. pādyaṁ caraṇayor- dadyāt: means to wash your feet, that is a padyam. manastu-arghyaṁ nivedayet: arghyaṁ means, offering a flower, my mind is the arghya for you. In the arghyaṁ we will keep five things, betel leaf, sandal paste, rice and the Druva grass and flower; five, all these five represents the mind. Rice represents the Karmas; sandal, Gandha represents the Vasanas; the betel leaf represent the Chitta and the flower is the Buddhi, and all these things are just offered at the feet of God. manastu-arghyaṁ nivedayet, my mind itself I offer it at your feet as a Arghya. tena-amṛtena ācamanīyaṁ: that same āmmṛta… tena-amṛta means which was said yes, little earlier the sahastradhara āmmṛta, same tena-amṛta is ācamanīya; that is the same… the… that same āmmṛta I give you as a water to wash the mouth. tena-amṛtena ācamanīyaṁ means the same āmmṛta I give for your mouth washing. snānīyaṁ tena ca smṛtam: with that same āmmṛta I do sna… Abhisheka for you.


ākāśa-tattvaṁ vastraṁ syāt: This whole sky ākāśa-tattva, I offer it to you as a Vastra, dress. gandhaḥ syāt gandha-tattvakam: The whole planet Earth, I will put as a dot for you. gandha-tattvakam; the planet Earth, this is the Gandha means the sand, the mud. The whole gandha-tattva I will put it as a sand… sandal paste for you, it’s a Gandha for you. cittaṁ prakalpayet puṣpaṁ: My whole memory, my whole chitta, I offer it at your feet as a Pushpa. dhūpaṁ prāṇān prakalpayet: The Prana, prana otta; the flow of the Prana is the dhoopa for you; that sambrani hmmm… that is the Dhoopam. tejas-tattvaṁ ca dīpārthaṁ: My Tejas, intelligence, I show as a Aarti to you. dīpārthaṁ. naivedyaṁ syāt-sudhāmbudhiḥ: suddha buddhi; suddha buddhi means a pure mind, I offer that as a Naivedya to you.


anāhata-dhvanirghaṇṭā: anāhata-dhvani means when you meditate you hear a sound, soundless sound, that anāhata-dhvani is the ghanta, the ring bell for you; bell for Puja. vāyu-tattvaṁ ca cāmaram: The whole breeze is chamara. sahasrāraṁ bhavet chatraṁ: The sahasrara chakra is a umbrella which I hold for you. śabda-tattvaṁ ca gītakam: The śabda-tatt… śabda-tattva is in the throat. From śabda-tattva only you start speaking. Because the śabda-tattva is there, you are able to speak, otherwise you won’t… you can’t speak; that śabda-tattva is a music for you. I offer this śabda-tattva as a music for you; śabda-tattvaṁ ca gītakam.


nṛtyam indriya-karmāṇi: After the Puja you are supposed to dance to please Him. My indriya-karmās, all my work is the nṛtya to please you because that is one of the service. cāñcalyaṁ manasas-tatha: My physic indriyas movement and the mind movement is a dance I do for you. I do it to… for your sake or to get… to make you pleased. sumekhalāṁ padma-mālāṁ puṣpaṁ nānā-vidhaṁ tathā: Your Abharanas, the sumekhalā means that is the Abharana; till the hip... the… till the hip what… what all the Abharana… Abharanas you will wear. I offer my padma-mālā, means that… my seven Chakras. The seven Chakra Padmas I offer it as a sumekhalā and padma-mālā for you. This is the sumekhalā and padma-mālā for you.


puṣpaṁ nānā-vidhaṁ tathā, amāyādyair-bhāva-puṣpaiḥ arcayet bhāva - go caram: I visualize so many other different kinds of flowers and now I am offering that to you. What all the different flowers? amāyam: means dilus… disillusionment. a mayam; mayam means illusion. amāyam, pure intelligence is the first flower. anahaṅkāram: means egolessness, second flower. arāgam: non attachment; rāgam means attachment. arāgam, non attachment is the third flower. amadaṁ: madaṁ means ego; amadaṁ, humbleness is the fourth flower. amohakam: the non… no moha, the non-desire state is the fifth flower. Adhambham: dhambham means pride; adhambham, the sixth flower. The humbleness is the sixth flower. adveṣa: dvesam means vengeance; vengeance, violence; adveṣam means non-violence or non-vengeance attitude of non… attitude with mind with no vengeance; adveṣam. akṣobhakau tathā: ṣobham means luxury; akṣobha means simplicity. akṣobhakau tathā.


amātsaryam: mātsaryam means impurity; amātsaryam means purity; amātsaryam means purity. alobhaṁ: lobhaṁ means miserliness; alobhaṁ means the generous… generosity. Generosity is the tenth flower. You see, amayam, one flower; anahaṅkāram, arāgam, amadaṁ, amohakam, adambhaṁ, adveṣam, akṣobham, amātsaryam, alobhaṁ. daśa-puṣpaṁ vidur-budhāḥ: I offer this ten flowers. If you just do this Manasa Puja Mantra that is not enough unless you have all this flowers? How will you offer it? How will you offer it? It’s a great purification process. It’s actually a great purification process. ahiṁsā paramaṁ puṣpaṁ: ahiṁsā, the next flower. puṣpam indriya-nigrahaḥ: indriya-nigrahaḥ means controlling the senses is the second flower. dayā-puṣpaṁ: the compassion is the third flower. kṣamā-puṣpaṁ: forgiving the others is a fourth flower. jñāna-puṣpaṁ: means the knowledge or the wisdom the… that is the fifth flower. jñāna-puṣpaṁ ca pañcamam: five. iti pañcadaśair: first ten; now five. iti pañcadaśair, 15 pushpam. bhāva-puṣpaiḥ: I visualize this 15 Pushpas and sampūjayet: I do Puja with that Pushpas to shree Guru to… sadgurum: to my beloved Master. puṣpaṁ nānā-vidhaṁ tathā|| amāyādyair-bhāva-puṣpaiḥ arcayet bhāva- gocaram: Delegate: <15:46 Not Audible> Swamiji: means I visualize all these type of Pushpas and offer it, start worshiping you in the… through visualization.



Meaning of Manasa Puja || Part 2 || Shiva Sutra || 01 Feb 2005


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Session on: Guru Puja - Meaning of Manasa Puja Part 2
Date: 01 February 2005
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to His delegates the meaning of the Manasa Puja in the Guru Puja. Doing puja is an ultimate meditation technique. Understanding the meaning of it will help one to do the puja better.

Come and find out more from the Avatar and how He translated it!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio