January 27, 2005

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The Unanswerable Doubt || Part 1 || Shiva Sutras || 27 Jan 2005


Name Of The Convention: Shiva Sutras Part 1
Session on: The Unanswerable Doubt
Date : January 27 2005
Venue : Adikailaasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video, we see the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continue his discourse on the #Shiva Sutras. Here, we are hearing the discussion between Swamiji and the audience as they attempt to find an answer to the question: ‘What constitutes as a seed?’. Through a series of questions and answers, His Divine Holiness leads us to a better understanding of this concept.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



Next question or next doubt: What constitutes seed? This one line is enough, I can finish, I can speak till Shivaratri. 😃 I can speak till Shivaratri, because this is the ultimate doubt, this is the ultimate doubt. She asked, Devi asked: What constitutes seed? All of you know you are Atman. Atman is your true nature. You are the ultimate energy; whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, realize it or not, you are God. All of you know that. You memorized it, because again and again I repeat. But you know one more thing: You suffer, you have body, you have mind. You suffer.


How and why, when the Atman becomes body-mind, Atman became body-mind. How, when, why the Atman became body-mind? How, when, come up with answers! Participant: When I chose. HDH: When I, when you choose. Why did you choose? Participant: Memories, desires. HDH: Why did memories and desires come? Because they say Atman itself is energy and enjoyment, bliss. Why did it, that get some other desire? Participant: That is the doubt, Swamiji, how? HDH: How, that is what I am asking you. How? Participant: Because you are not experiencing it. HDH: Atman is experiencing. How, you see, how you became this person? Participant: Choice. HDH: But why choi (..) what choice? Participant: Because of your karma. HDH: How the karma started? Participant: Previous births. HDH: How did the previous births started? Participant: purva janma vasana HDH: How the purva janma vasana started?


Participant: Desires. HDH: How the desires started? Participant: With Maya. HDH: How the Maya started? (Participants inaudible) HDH: How the ignorance started? Participant: Maybe in the past we were enlightened. Participant: Why did life start then Swamiji HDH: But you are enlightened already. You were enlightened. Participant: It’s only a drama. Participant: Swamiji, it goes back to when life started. HDH: Why drama started? Participant: He wanted it. HDH: Who wanted? Participant: God. HDH: And you and Shiva is one and the same, then how? Participant: Delusion HDH: How the delusion started? Participant: Ignorance HDH: How the ignorance started? Participant: Shiva is only playing with the energy. HDH: Why is Shiva is playing? Participant: He wanted to amuse himself. HDH: He want to amuse himself. So, if you are Atman, you have all possible amusements. Why do you want some more amusements? Means you are bored. Then how can you say you are Atman? How can you say you are bliss? Then again the state which you are going to reach, you will have, you need some more amusement. Better carry some of your amusement things.


Participant: Goes back to: Why is there even physical life then? HDH: That is what! Why? That's what I'm asking. Participant: To understand the Atman. HDH: Why should you understand, you are Atman? Why should you understand Atman? Participant: To experience the Atman. HDH: You were Atman earlier. Why should you experience? Participant: Consciousness enters you. HDH: Why consciousness enters into you? Consciousness is supposed to be all pervading, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. Participant: It goes back to why there is individual consciousness and superconsciousness. That is what, why there is individual consciousness and superconsciousness? Huh? Huh? Huh? Participants inaudible Participant: Energy needs action. HDH: Energy needs action? New theory. Please don't create new philosophies. The next generation will start cursing you because they have to read one more philosophy. Hm?


Participant: I've forgotten HDH: What you forgot? Participant: Past HDH: You scrambled there also. 😃 Participant: The experience of the body and mind. HDH: How will you forget if you are Atman? How will you forget if you are Atman? So you are basically Atman, but now you have suffering of body and mind. How you became body-mind? Participants inaudible HDH: Then why did you have suffering of body-mind? Participant: Body-mind controls the suffering. HDH: Ok, why do you suffer, if you are supposed to be Atman? Participants inaudible HDH: All right, if you suffer, do you feel the suffering or not? Participants inaudible HDH: Do you feel it or not? Then how come you say: I am not suffering. Participant: Right now I am not as I am, I am associated with the body-mind HDH: Ahh that is what, how did you get associated? Participants: We broke the link HDH: How did you break the link? How did you break the link? Participants inaudible HDH: How the desires erupted? Participants inaudible HDH: First of all, if you are Atman, how will you have other choice, how will you be able to choose something other than Atman because in Atman only one thing exists that is atman. Participant: This is just the superconscious play. HDH: Superconscious play means what? Superconscious play with whom? Huh? Participant: With itself. HDH: Huh? Participant: With itself. HDH: How will you play with yourself?


Participant: You have the capacity - energy and consciousness is there, which creates so much of variety. HDH: So you say energy and consciousness is two different things? Participant: inaudible … they create when they are together. HDH: How can they be together and not separate? Then togetherness means there must be two Participant: Swami it's like two sides of the same coin Swami HDH: But in coin there is two side, but in Atman there is no two side. It's only one, not even a side, one. Participant: Weare saying it just to… for want of better word. Consciousness energy are there... existing... Just existing like that is not great fun, it creates itself... HDH: So you need some fun. Participant: What will it do just lying like that, Swami? HDH: Oh, you think that Atman is just lying like that? 😃😃 Participant: Consciousness is built, consciousness is there. What I am saying is we are talking about right from the beginning, not talking about now. HDH: No, no I’m talking about the big bang and black hole hmm. Participant: Ok. Just to express itself isn't it, because it’s so... HDH: It has to express means it is not fulfilled when it is there as it is. Am I right? Participant: No Swami, it is so full, it has to express itself otherwise - bored. HDH: When it is so full, where else it will express, where is the place for to express it? Participant: Swamiji, do you have an answer? Why is universe created then? HDH: That is what I am asking. Participant: It has to express itself in itself Swami, different dimensions. Participant: If there is a different dimension means, then it means the lower dimension and higher dimension. So there is a higher level and lower level or two different levels. Participant: No Swami there is the atman….. HDH: This the way you are showing na Swamiji demonstrates 😃 What size atman? 😃


Participant: It’s filled with potentiality, its not been expressed. In that same space it expresses itself in all variety and beauty, Swamiji. HDH: Then how can, if it can express in some more variety and some more beauty, how can that be called as Atman? Participants: We didn't say more. If it is not even expressing… HDH: If it is expressing in a different variety and different beauty, how can that be called as Atman, because Atman is the ultimate fulfillment which has nothing more, nothing else to happen, an ultimate fulfilment, that’s what is Atman. Participant: Swamiji, we haven't experienced Atman, we haven’t got knowledge on Atman …….. We’ve only got the knowledge now that I am the atma, I am not the body and mind. We haven't experienced that atman alone without the body mind ….. HDH: So you know now that you are suffering as body-mind and you are supposed to be Atman? Participant: Yes HDH: Hm? Participant: Yes So, how did you become body-mind? Participants inaudible HDH: If you are Atman, you are self understanding Atma deepo, swayam jyoti, swayam prakasha suddha chaitanya.


Participant: But I was ignorant of it till the age of 54. Only now I understood I am the Atma. HDH: You see, it means, till the 54 you started thinking you are body-mind. Now you know, even before the age of 54 you’re only Atman. Hmm? How did that Atman become body-mind? Participants inaudible HDH: Listen here, listen here, mmh, mmh, mmh, mmh, mmh. Participant: In science, energy is in a very higher state and dissipation of energy takes place by any means then the crystallisation takes place. HDH: That energy has got some place where it can dissipate or crystallise, but atman has no gap. Participant: It’s a full energy. HDH: Full. Participant: Full energy. HDH: Then when where it will dissipate, or where it will crystallize? Participants: or maybe falls down in potential level itself...inaudible HDH: If it is a potential level and actual level, then there are two levels. There must be two Atman. Participant: Same atman, Swamiji.


HDH: Same Atman, how can that have two levels? Then it is not Atman. Atman is supposed to be the same, eternal Participant: But it has got intelligence also HDH: No intelligence, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, everything should be permanent. Participant What is calling it dissipated that is what is not …...? HDH: That is what I am asking: What constitutes a seed? Participant: The dynamics, the changes? HDH: If there is a dynamic change, how can that be called as ultimate? Participant: Swamiji, It’s like the chicken or egg question. If the chicken came first or the egg came first? HDH: Egg only; from egg never chicken comes. Oh, chicken only comes from the egg (All laughing) 😃😃 From egg actually... No you see, listen here, actually from the chicken never egg comes, from hen only chicken, egg comes. (All laughing) 😃😃 Ha, I just missed the word. From hen only egg comes, chicken, no, from egg chicken comes, from chicken never egg comes. From hen only egg comes. Participant: Swamiji, the question, ‘what constitutes seeds’ is ours. You have to only reply, not ask us …inaudible….


HDH: Alright, anybody else has got any answer? Participant: Did Shiva …inaudible…swami? HDH: No, but Shiva is already Devi, but I have to make you all Devi. Participant: After becoming Devi she asked this question, then what do we know Swami? This is too much. HDH: No, after she thought she was Devi, she asked this question, but you guys give, try to give answers, because you think you are Shiva. If you really felt that you are Devi, the moment I put this question, you would said, No, no, we don't know, please answer. You should be very clear that you don't know. Participants: We don't know! HDH: You tried. Participant: No Swami, because you asked. We don’t know. HDH: Even if I ask. You see, for example, for a small thing, now I ask you: In office, who are all sitting? You don’t know, no, no, no, you don’t know but with …. No, no, going and finding out is different, you should sit here and answer. Participant: I don't know HDH: That is what you would have told. Actually, I just wanted you to understand, this is the ultimate question, which cannot be answered. This is the doubt, which cannot be answered. Only experience can be given as a reply.



Experience Is All You Need! || Part 2 || Shiva Sutras || 27 Jan 2005


Name Of The Convention: Shiva Sutras Part 2
Session on: Experience Is All You Need!
Date : January 27 2005
Venue : Adikailaasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video, we see the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continue his discourse on the Shiva Sutras. His Divine Holiness explains the importance of having your own experiences in order to gain complete understanding of a concept. We also hear briefly about the six main philosophies, and how they relate to the #chakras, or main energy centres, in our body.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



Here Shiva, The Ultimate Enlightened Master never answer this question. He never answers this question; just gives the technique for you to experience. Just he gives a technique to, technique for you to experience. Yesterday I had fight with Amma. She was asking Me that I told her once that you are My mother in some one janma. Now she is demanding, “Which janma?” I said “Some one janma.” She asked Me, “Are you Enlightened at that janma or not?” I said, “Yes, I was Enlightened.” “Then you say… if you are supposed to be enlightened, you say that once you become enlightened all your forefathers, mother-father, they are liberated, seven generations up and seven generation down. Then why have I not become enlightened? Why I have not been liberated? You have not doing your homework properly.” 😃 And I said, “No, no, no, no, no, that time I was not enlightened. After enlightenment I came to know I was enlightened even at that time.” She says, “No, you are giving reasons; now come out, give me the clear reason. Clear logical answer. If I was your mother, if you were enlightened that time, then how did you, why you didn’t liberate me? Why I have to come down once more?”. I said, “No, that time I was not enlightened. Only when I became Enlightened now I know I was enlightened in the past, present and the future. Can you understand this concept? Participants: No HDH: That is what fight was going on yesterday. That question remains as question. Unless you experience, the question will remain as question; because for you, the past, present and future exists. For Me, the past, present and future does not exist...it has just fused.


Participant: (Inaudible) HDH: Because you think it exists. Because you think it exists, it exists. Participant: It is like the time shaft….(Inaudible) HDH: Same. The moment you are relaxed with time shaft, the present moment, you have no past and future and naturally when there is no past and future, how can you use the word ‘present’? Participant: That means she can also be like You……(Inaudible) HDH: Yes. The moment you create, past and future, present happens; past, present and future. Unless you experience the zone in which the past, present and future does not exist, you will never be able to understand there is a zone called past, present and the future does not exist. For example, can you explain the ASP experience to a person has not done? How much you try, what you will say finally? We all danced. Only you will give wrong idea. You will only misrepresent Me, you will only give a wrong idea. Can you say anything else? This small ordinary experience you say ‘unless you experience you can’t understand.’ How can I say such a huge experience? How can I reply this question? Participant: Because You are Shiva! HDH: This question can never be intellectually replied. You can only give a technique so that you will also experience and start speaking in the same way as I am speaking now.


Participant: Nearest thing in physics is, if you are travelling at the velocity of light. Time comes to a standstill. HDH: Actually when you reach the intensity of velocity of light, time actually stand still, it freezes, it freezes. Travelling in the speed of light means you have reached beyond visualisation. All your visualisation is light. You visualise only with different lights: High beam light - white, low beam light - black. Only the colours are nothing but the way of lights, frequency of lights. So when you reach the state beyond visualisation, means no mind state, you don't have time. That is what I say Mano Atita, Kalaatita. Over. When you go beyond mind, you go beyond time: Mano Atita, Kalaatita.


Anyhow now understand this question: ‘What constitutes seed?’ What constitutes seed? Actually if I explain this one concept, all the shad darshanas you will understand in this one question. Shad darshana. Patanjala, Sankhya, Sankhya and Patanjala, Nyaya and Vaisheshika, Purva Mimamsa and Uttara Mimamsa - Six philosophies are there in India, the major philosophies. All the six philosophy you will be able to understand if you understand this one question. People have tried to answer this same question from six level, six chakras again. The seventh guy, the sahasrara, he gave experience, never answer, never opened the mouth. This six guys who are established in six level, they try to give six different explanations. Participant: This will take care of western philosophies also


HDH: Yes, all the western philosophies are byproducts of this six, nothing else. Now let Me come out. ‘What constitutes seed?’ What is the karana for everything? The first level, the people who are caught in the muladhara, they tried to answer; their answer is what is Karmakāṇḍa - Do homa, Yajna, ritual, you will get. Established in desire, Kāma - muladhara. What is their solution? Pour ghee in the homa, pay the Gods, you will get the benefit, rewards. Karmakāṇḍa. Kama - satisfying your desires. Karmakāṇḍa - Do this Homa you will have the heaven there. Do this… the people who are caught in the Muladhara, when they tried to answer this question, they put karma as a karana for the whole jagat. Karma as a karana for whole jagat; that is why it is called Karmakāṇḍa. If you have a little bit of this, background of this philosophies, you will enjoy this whole session, because I am the bringing the whole gist into a line.


People who are orientated on the muladhara level, caught in the muladhara, they say, Karma is ultimate. Do this Homa, you will get that. Do this you will get that. Karmakāṇḍa. Purva Mimamsa, that is what is called Purva Mimamsa. Karmakāṇḍis. They say heaven is ultimate; to reach the heaven, karana for heaven is homa. Over. Their answer.


Then next swadhisthana guys - Fear. They gave the answer - Vedanta - Uttara Mimamsa. That is why the kathopanishad is from Vedanta. Swadhisthana meditation is from Vedanta. Kathopanishad is from Vedanta. Swadhisthana meditation is from Vedanta. People who are caught in the swadhisthana chakra, their answer for this question ‘what constitutes seed’, is fear. Vedantis. That's' why they delivered upanishads to go beyond the fear, to go beyond the fear. That is why our vedantic meditation is from, our swadhistana meditation is from vedanta.


Next, people who are caught in the manipuraka. They came out with a philosophy called Nyaya. Tailadhara patra or patradhara taila - logic. Actually your logic originates from manipuraka only. From manipurka only your logic originates. Your words come out only from manipuraka. Tarka shastra. They say words are the reason. Words are the karana. That is why Bible says, from sound the whole universe came out. Om Mihit Brahma Om itye aksharam brahma. Nyaya - for them the ultimate is word. Nyayis - the ultimate is word. They say, from the word, whole world came out. People who are centered in manipuraka. They are the worshipers of Brahma. That is why Brahma is always depicted as a person who came out of nabhi of Vishnu. From Vishnu's Manipuraka... Vishnu means what exists. Sarvam Vishnumayam Jagat means…. vishnu means what? What IS, is Vishnu. So from the navel of the universe, came Brahma. Logic. That is why Brahma is never respected in our philosophy; he is never worshipped.


Brahma means what? Logic, Saraswati. Who is... Saraswati herself is sitting in his tongue. Logic. From manipuraka. The persons who are established in manipuraka, they try to give answer for this question - ‘What constitutes the seed?’ Their answer is logic. Logic is everything, nyaya. Nyaya is everything. And if you learn little bit of nyaya, you will have so much of ego. You will have so much of ego. That is why Brahma is always described as embodiment of ego in our puranas. Brahma is always described as a embodiment of ego in all puranas.


There is a beautiful story. Once Shiva appeared as a light pillar. Brahma and Vishnu started fighting, you are big or I am big. Shiva appeared as a light pillar - Deepa stamba - Anurachala, and told, “Any of you try to find out either my feet or my head, then you are the great person.” Both of them have decided to search. Vishnu, he became a pig, Varaha, and started the digging the earth. Taga taga taga taga taga digging digging digging digging, digging, went on digging. Brahma, he became a hamsa and started flying. Flying, flying, flying, flying, flying, went on flying. After thousands and thousands of years when Vishnu was totally tired then he felt, “No, enough, I am done.” He decided, “I think now it is time I should surrender.” He just took out one bell and tied near the feet of Shiva and came out. That bell is still there; in all shivas statue you can see the bell will be here, in this place [Swamiji gestures towards His calf muscle on His leg]. Means what? Only till that place, Vishnu is going to travel... Vishnu was able to travel; not more than that.


This guy who flied, flied, flied, flied. He saw in between suddenly one Thazhampoo, Thazhampoo means what in English you will say? One flower, hmmm? Anyhow Thazhampoo, one flower. He saw that flower and caught hold of that flower and asked, “Where are you from?” The flower said, “No, some devotee offered me to Shiva. And Shiva instead of putting me in his hair, he put me in his ears. So I have suddenly fallen from his ears. Still I am coming down. I am travelling. I have not yet reached the ground.” Brahma asked, “How long you are traveling?” “Oh how long? Just 4 age of Brahmas I am traveling.” The guy got totally frightened, chatur brahma yuga. One age of Brahma is one brahma yuga. Chatur brahma yuga. That fellow got totally shaken. Even if I travel chatur brahma yuga I can reach only the ears, not the jatta?


So this guy asked the Thazhampoo, “Will do a small favour for me?” Thazhampoo said, “What, what do you want?” I will tell Shiva that I have seen his head, and you just be the witness.” Then this guy thought “After all I am falling. What is there? Let us be a witness.” When a disciple tries to help another one disciple against a master, he does the same thing. When you try to help another one disciple against me…. when you do a mista...when a disciple does a mistake, and if you think, “Let me not show this to master. Let me not tell this to him. Let me support him.” Out of your compassion, if you do, you do this same mistake. What this Thazhampoo has done, out of compassion, Thazhampoo has no income, Thazhampoo has not nothing to gain, by witnessing the Brahma. But what Thazhampoo thought? “Poor guy, he has to suffer. After all, I can help him.” The moment you think this way towards another one disciple what happens? You do this same mistake. This guy was feeling little compassionate. He said, “Alright. I will be a witness.” Then both of them came down. Brahma said, “I have seen, this is the witness.” As if Shiva doesn’t know! From His ears only this guy is falling. But he forgets that Shiva knows everything. Shiva knows everything. Because he is falling for a long time, he forgot, he lost touch with Shiva. He didn’t remember. Then what, what happened you know. Shiva cursed Brahma, “You will not have temples”. And he cursed that Thazhampoo “You will never be used for my worship.” When you try to give your compassion to another one disciple against me. You will also have this same trouble. You will also have this same trouble. Even in the name of compassion, don’t cross the rules of master, the discipline of master, words of master.



The Right Way To Achieve! || Part 3 || Shiva Sutras || 27 Jan 2005


Name Of The Convention: Shiva Sutras
Session on: The Right Way to Achieve!
Date : January 27 2005
Venue : Adikailaasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video, we see the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continue his discourse on the #Shiva Sutras. His Divine Holiness describes the dangers of losing sight of why we wish to achieve things. With this in mind, we are reminded of the importance of achieving our goals in the right context.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



This is the story. Now, we have many things to learn from this story. Who is Vishnu? Husband of Lakshmi. Wealth. Representative of wealth. And who is Brahma? Husband of Saraswati, representative of knowledge, intellect. You should understand a basic truth. Neither by intellect nor by wealth you can achieve bliss, you can achieve God. Neither by intellect nor by wealth you can achieve God. You can’t reach the ultimate, neither through, lo.., wealth, nor through intellect.


Second truth. If you try to achieve the bliss through wealth, at some point, you will end up in success of depression and you will have little bit of intelligence. There is a chance you may be saved. If you try to achieve the bliss through wealth, at some point, after 50, once you get everything, whatever you want to have, you will face the success of depression, and there is a possibility for you to turn towards the God. There is a possibility for you to surrender. But if you work in the path of intellect, you will never be saved.


If you, go through the wealth, there is a chance of you falling into the success of depression, and you may turn, you may understand: “I can’t. I am done. Enough.” But when you go through the intellect, when you go through knowledge, not only you will not achieve, you will try to get some false witnesses to show, to prove you have achieved. The rituals or the false witnesses brought by the people who worked in the line of knowledge, but who have not achieved the ultimate truth. Rituals are the thazhampoos. They have not achieved, but they wanted to show to the society they have achieved, the false witnesses, the wrong techniques, wrong techniques and wrong rituals.


You see, when rightly done ritual itself will become meditation. Every, every puja starts with Dhyana. When wrongly done, meditation itself will become ritual. The wrong techniques, the wrong rituals are the thazhampoos, brought by the people who try to achieve through the path of knowledge, intellect, and did not achieve. The wrong philosophies are the thazhampoos, brought by the people who tried to achieve but did not achieve through the path of intellect. All these shad darshanas are the thazhampoos, brought down by different, different people. People who work through the intellect, not only they don’t achieve, they do not want to agree they do not achieve. They have not achieved.


The third lesson. Flying high is rajas. Going down is tamas. Neither tamas nor rajas can lead you to bliss, can lead you to God. Going up is rajas. Going down is tamas. Neither tamas nor rajas can lead you to God. Brahma is a representative of logic, nyaya, a complete utter anyaya. Nyaya, is the total anyaya. If you are, the people who are caught in the manipuraka, they gave nyaya as the solution, logic as the solution. They say: “If you are a great tarki, if you can conquer anybody, you know the solution.” Conquering is the solution.


That is why... goes on changing, time to time, place to place, and Tarka has no end. Tarka, has no…. Tarka, Tarka is the Nyaya, Tark the uh, logic. Debates has no end. Actually, let Me narrate what is Nyaya. Only then you will understand. I should give a simple basic introduction about all the philosophy. Only then you will understand how great Shiva is, how honest Shiva is. Unless I remove all the other things, all the other bushes, I will not be able to plant this Kalpavriksha in your heart. So, now I am removing all the other bushes which exists in your mind, in the name of Shastras, so that I can plant this Tantra in your heart.


I am trying to show how Shiva has done a wonderful job, by delivering this great Tantra, which is a gist of the, essence of the whole spiritual philosophies. This is the book of books, unabridged dictionary of world philosophies and spirituality, sutra of sutras.

[00:07:04] What is nyaya you know? The people of nyaya... how somebody is declared as a pundit in nyaya you know? You will sit and start speaking. You will decide what question the other guy should ask. You will make him ask the question which you wanted, that is the way you design your lecture. That is the way you should design your lecture. And the moment he puts the question, again you will answer and in your answer itself you will give it in a such a way, you should know what question he will ask. And again you will answer such a way, from that answer only he must be able to ask the next question.

If you can manage the opposite person in the same way, 7 questions if you can make him ask as you wanted, you are Tarka pundit, you are a nyaya pundit.



7 Stories, 7 Chakras || Part 4 || Shiva Sutras || 27 Jan 2005


Name Of The Convention: Shiva Sutras Part 4
Session on: 7 Stories, 7 Chakras
Date : January 27 2005
Venue : Adikailaasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video, we see the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continue his discourse on the Shiva Sutras. Based on our 7 chakras, or energy centres, His Divine Holiness reveals a #technique that we can practise to sharpen our communication skills.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



Understand this, you should start speaking, you should speak in such a way the guy should ask only the question which you wanted him to ask and you will answer to that question in such a way the next question also will be decided by you. Same way, you must be able to decide next 7 questions what he is going to ask. You should write down all the 7 questions and give it in a leaf before the argument starts and you should know how to direct the whole argument; just same way he should ask these 7 questions. Before the argument starts you should write all the 7 questions and keep it here separately and start it and argument should go only with these 7 questions one by one; then you are a tarka pandit, you are a nyaya pandit.


Participant: But why 7 sir? HDH: Let me now come to the that. Seven questions you must be able to guide him. How? Participant: Inaudible HDH: Hmmn Participant: Inaudible


HDH: Let Me tell you, now there is a beautiful book come has out; on the book on the… there is a beautiful book ‘Movies of Bollywood’ and ‘Movies of Hollywood’ two books; because of the ‘Movies of Hollywood’ book has come, ‘The Movies of Bollywood’ has come. Any of you have seen that book? A beautiful pictorial book about this movies of Hollywood first came. Then these guys have copied and ‘Movies of Bollywood’ one book has come.


In that book of, in that movies of Hollywood the introduction is written, beautifully they write the, they give a gist of the whole cinema history. In that they give a amazing, shocking truth: throughout the world exists only seven cinema tech a.. seven types of cinema stories, only seven types of cinema stories. All cinema stories written ever on the planet earth - what is written and getting written or yet to be written can be classified under these 7 category. There is no more stories, cine stories than these seven stories. You will be shocked! And not only that, then next they give the gist thread line of that seven story line, the seven stories. You will be shocked - the 7 chakra of emotions. 7 chakra emotions. Human mind can think only based on these 7 emotion.


One small experiment, 21 minutes just sit and speak out whatever you think; just go on speak out whatever you think and record it. After 21 minutes just transcribe that and see; in 21 minutes completely you have had at least once these 7 thoughts related to these emotions. In every 21 minute at least once you fall in this 7 emotions, at least one thought will come which is related to this 7 emotions. Every 21 minute you go undergo a complete cycle 3 3 3 3 3


Participant: Except when I sleep? HDH: Even, no, in sleep you don't have thoughts; that is different. In every 21 minutes of waking moments you undergo, you get thoughts related to sex, thoughts related to fear, thoughts related to worry, thoughts related to love-attention need, thoughts related to comparison, thoughts related to your ego-superiority, thoughts related to discontentment.


Participant: What is 3,3,3 Swami? HDH: 3,3,3, minutes I am telling, 21minutes. In every 21 minute you undergo this cycle, you will have thoughts related to this 7 emotions. And I was shocked when I read that book, that ‘Movies of Hollywood’. This 7 emotions they say all, all the stories ever written on the planet earth come only under this 7 category and I can be sure they never read 7 chakra philosophy, they never read 7 chakra philosophy. And when it is classified and the main thread of each category is given, it exactly corresponds to the each chakra emotion.


Now, learn this secret. Any man can think only on this 7 emotions, related to 7 emotion. Now when you start speaking about some particular subject, for example: You start speaking about food, you should speak in such a way, all the other 6 planes, in other 6 planes you should answer, in one plane you should not answer; leave it open. When whatever subject you speak, listen here carefully, whatever subject you speak, in that subject, in this 7 emotion speak about this 6 emotions leave one empty; so naturally he can't put any other question except that emotion, that subject.


Speak in such a way mooladhara on food, that you should answer, swadhisthana on food you should answer, manipuraka on food you should answer, anahata on food you should answer, ajna on food you should answer, sahasrara on food you should answer, vishuddhi on food leave it; he will not, he cannot ask any other question except that. Even unconsciously he cannot ask any other question except that. Even though you may not know how your mind works, this is the way your mind works. tak tak tak tak tak seven jump, 7 jump only you are continuously doing. If all 6 jumps are answered, you are cornered in one jump. What question you will ask? Only related to that jump. So naturally now I know what question you will ask. When I know the question, simply I know the answer. Simply, I know the answer. Basic secret, how to make the other person to ask the question which you wanted him to ask. This is the way your mind works whether you know it or not this is the way your mind works.


Questionnaire: 7 times Swami ji, always 7 chakras? HDH: Anything you will relate with this 7 only; whether it is this camera, first you will have the thought, Desire - ‘let me possess this camera’, Then fear - ‘I may not have it, if i take it away somebody else may catch me’, Then worry - ‘how will I maintain’, Then attention - ‘how can I use this, how can I have this more, what will it do for me? what will it do for me?’, Vishuddhi- ‘people have got much bigger cameras, what to do, people have got much bigger facilities, what to do. I have only, I may be having only this. Even if I have this something will be lacking’ some comparison, Then ajna - ‘how can I prove myself through this’. You will start fantasizing as if you are hanging, hanging this in your back and doing duet in the Ooty gardens or as if you are videographing your whole family incidents; somewhere how you can prove yourself through this. Then end discontentment - ‘Even if it comes I cannot be totally contentment’ - only the limitations. ‘It can only do only this much. If there is a small cell phone also attached with this it will be very great. There is no cell phone attached to this camera . I should see a cell phone attached camera.’ Only these 7 link of thoughts can happen to you, anything with anything only these 7 link.


Participant: Inaudible HDH: Again tadak tadak tadak tadak tadak with anything, anything you see this 7 link only. In this 7 link only somewhere you will touch; no where else, your thoughts cannot go anywhere else. Now, I give you the secrets of your mind, how your mind works. If you can just understand this one secret you can manage anybody by speaking. I am giving you the basic secrets of logic; nobody can win you by talking. But the problem is you will become egoistic. That danger is there, you will become egoistic. That is why there are few keys still retained. There are few keys still retained. Simply understand this one thing with anything, anything you see, your thoughts will jump only in this 7 layers, only in this 7 layers, some one related to some one layer. When you speak to somebody if you can block all the 6 leaving only one, now you know from which level he will be putting the question. He is cornered. He asks only question put through from that level. When you answer that question you should block all the other 6 chakras.


For example, you will, allowed him to ask vishuddhi question. When you answer, block such a way, now you leave only mooladhara. He will answer only, he will put the question of only mooladhara. When you answer the mooladhara, block in such a way you leave only manipuraka. He will put only the questions related to Manipuraka. So the same way you can play with him in 7 chakras in the 7 steps. That is why, if you can play with anybody through this 7 questions, if you can manage him to ask 7 continuous questions as you wanted, you have mastered the tarka, you have mastered the nyaya, you have mastered your manipuraka.

(11:39) Participant: Requires tremendous intelligence, continuously doing it real time? HDH: It's not a big job. Actually it is not a big job. It's just little bit of clarity, study, studying the human beings carefully. Just for 10 days if you continuously talk to human beings with this awareness, with this background, just 10 days if you speak to anybody, whomsoever you talk to them, just speak with this awareness background. ‘This guy is going to relate only with from this 7; which chakra he is hitting, which chakra he is hitting?’ Answer, and block him in all other chakras when you answer, and leave him in only one plane. And one more technique, one more important secret, normally people never move more than anahata. A middle class man, a working category people, a labor or a normal guy never thinks more than anahata. So now you have only four; you don't even have to bother about other three. That's for very intelligent guys. Normal common mass lives only below this four.


Participant: Swamiji, most difficult to handle is the ego guys only? HDH: No no no ah that is that is different; but very limited people are egoistic. Participant: They are the most difficult to handle? HDH: Hmmn, there are other people unaware only hmmn. And, but you are not, you will not come across egoistic people much in your life. If you can play this just for few days with awareness, the moment guy starts talking, anybody starts talking to you, you know he is attacking which chakra, and you can simply block him. You can corner him, over. A man who can guide the opposite person who is arguing with him for continuous 7 questions is what is, he is only called as Nyaya pandit, Nyaya pandit. The 7 emotional play, 7 play, the play of 7 type of thoughts, anything you can be sure of this. I told camera just now. Anything when you see, this is what starts, this is what starts happening. You relate in some one way; just block in that way and twist him, block all the other things, leave only one gap. Naturally he will put only the question related to that opening, that opening. The person, people who are caught in manipuraka they gave nyaya as a solution. Next people who are caught in anahata.


HDH: Any question? Participant: This technique you can declare it as a Nithyananda Sutra. HDH: 😄 Nithyananda? Participant: Sutra HDH: 😄 Participant: Can you give one more example? HDH: Tell me anything Participant: Inaudible HDH: I will connect with that. Anything you tell Me I will connect with it . Participant: Education. HDH: Education. The moment you hear the word education you start thinking ‘How much I have studied. I could have add little more education’ - desire And all the responsibilities related to education- fear - you have to study you have to give up so many things. You cannot simply have education, you need to sacrifice many things - the responsibility fear. Then immediate next you start worrying - ‘how much I have to work, so many things, it's simply, it's not possible’ - worrying some worries related to it. Or ‘what I can get from education, what I can get from edu.. what is there for me’ that’s what is attention. How I can, what I can get from that. What I can get from that - attention need.


The next vishuddhi, comparison - this and that Then ajna - ego- ‘how I can prove myself as a great person by that education.’ Utility. ‘What I can get from’ is different. ‘How I can prove’ is different, is different - ‘I can show as a big person by that education’. When you, you are caught in ajna, you are ready even to go for a certificate without education because you wanted only yourself to be proved. So if you just have a Doctor certificate without Doctor education you will be ready. But with anahata you will not be ready for that. ‘What it can contribute to me, what is the utility for me’ you will stand only in that point. But in ajna you will be ready to go for duplicate certificate also. If it can prove you, that's enough, nothing more is necessary. In sahashara - discontentment - ‘what will I do, how much I can achieve, what is this?” Anything, in this 7 only you will start, in this 7 only you will start. If you continue to contemplate you will undergo all these 7.



The Master Key to be Confusion Free! || Shiva Sutras || 27 Jan 2005


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras Title: The Master Key to be Confusion Free! Session on: Swadishtana Chakra Date: 27 January, 2005 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains how the decision making process affects the chakras, and how to know when a chakra is blocked. Learn in this video how to decipher from what chakra you are making a decision, and how this manifests in your life. HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam delves into the physics and science of fear in this empowering convention.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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(00:16) More and more that will be block. If you take a hundred decision per day, for example, and you take 50 decisions based on the Svadhisthana, 50 decisions are stuck. You, when you take decision, you take 50 decisions when your thought is stuck in Svadhisthana means the Svadhisthana is block. You are taking 70 decisions per day for example, and ten-ten decisions you take from, in each Chakra, then you can be sure your life is balanced.

Participant: That is not under our control. They come.

HDH: A little bit of awareness. A little bit of awareness can bring things under your control. These all basic keys. Next time when you start thinking, when you start worrying, when you start getting confused, look how your confusion starts. From which Chakra to which Chakra, you jumping. From where, from where you were, from where to where, you are falling. It's a straight cut powerful techniques to clear your confusions.


Participant: Swamiji this is ……….inaudible.....

HDH: Straight cut techniques to come out of your confusions. All your decisions taken from fear, they lead only to more and more fear, because it becomes heavy. Anything heavy attracts more mass. Physical law. Anything heavy and vibrant, alive, rotating will attract more mass. Any of your Chakra if it becomes heavy, by more and more decisions and is active, what will it, what will it do? It will attract more of your thought pattern. You will start deciding more from that same Chakra. Ten times if you decide based on fear, eleventh decision also will be attracted to the fear only. In all other chakras you will spend one,one second and come back to this fear chakra and you will stay there 21 minutes and you will decide. In the 21 minutes time, one full circle, for all other Chakra only 7 second, complete other 20 minutes and 53 seconds where you will stay? In Svadhisthana. Then naturally you will decide, when you are staying in the Svadhisthana. Over. If you… if you travel throughout the Chakras 3-3-3 minutes you will have a clear-cut balanced decision. Your decisions will be right, balanced, based on the situation.


Participant: Do you have to train your mind to do it?

HDH: No need to train. Just be aware how you are cheated by your being.

Participant: Can we tune our chakras through meditation?

HDH: Tuning through meditation is one thing. When you are, whenever you are confused just sit and watch; which, on which Chakra your thoughts are more stuck? Whenever you have a problem, either you have a problem because of fear or because of confusion, simple worry or because of comparison or because of attention need. Now just see in which Chakra the problem is actually resonating. In which area the problem is more strong. Immediately you will see just confusion melts. You can be confused as long as you do not know you are confused. The moment you can penetrate your confusion, confusion cannot exist because it is just fusion. When you separate it, it cannot be fusion? As long as it is fusion, it can be confusion. When you penetrate and separate it, how can it be fusion? It cannot be fusion anymore. When you don't penetrate, it's confusion. When you penetrate, gone fusion. Gone fusion. Fusion is gone. Gone fusion.

So, when you are not aware, how your… the thinking system, the link is working, you will continuously be in confusion. This one key, if you know how to play with this one key, just for ten days try with this one key, whenever you are in confusion, whenever you are in anxiety, trouble, difficulty, just see with this one key. Simply the clarity will descend on you. Because you are caught only in this runs. Tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, some where you jump and you are caught. In 21 second…. 21 minute if you just speak out, and listen the tape recorder and transcribe it, you will be able to understand in which Chakra you have more mass. 21 minute just sit relaxed way and speak out whatever you think. In that 21 naturally you will see that you've gone to all the 7 and come down but usually in some one Chakra you spend 20 minutes and in one minute you do a quick visit 😊 to all other 7, 6 Chakras, quick visit.


Participant: Swamiji ……inaudible……… before we take any decision do we have to give time to align this? HDH: That is what I am telling, before you take any decision, whenever you are in confusion just sit relaxed way and see in which emotion you are too much caught? In which emotion you are too much caught? In which line, in which place, you have too much of mass? The moment you understand that, simply the fusion is gone. You know how you are continuously cheated all these days. How you are exploited by your own mind all these days? And it is you who give weight for all your Chakras.


Participant: recognition may not be …...inaudible..... HDH: Hmm okay. Just sit and understand. Understand on which Chakra you stay too much. That diagnosis is enough. Participant: Total assessment.. HDH: Hmm. When you are in confusion sit and see your thoughts moving, the way in which moves, the relaxed way. And that's one more…. this one will give you the main diagnosis, general diagnosis like general checkup. 21 minutes relaxed way speak whatever comes in your mind and then transcribe that. From that if you start calculating the number of thoughts, for example if you have 700 thoughts. If you start ticking M- Muladhara, SW -Swadhisthana thought, Ma- Manipuraka thought, Ah- Anahata thought. If you can just classify them and just that number you know in which you are blocked too much. General diagnosis.


Participant: Can you say a word about watching the witness? When I am stuck in confusion, I am so attached to that part of mind of attachment, confusion that I need to be in a witness place and I don't know how to make that. HDH: There is no need for you to witness and all those things Ma. Just don't you know what thoughts are coming? Participant: When I am stuck in confusion, I am very aware that I am stuck there. I don’t step back from that attachment.

HDH: You don't. Then do one thing, don't. No, no you don't have to step back. Just speak out whatever comes and record it. Then transcribe. That's the best solution. This one key if you caught, you have mastered the whole life.


Participant: Swamiji, by awareness the heaviness is not gone right for some reason. Probably that particular meditation technique will help. HDH: No, just bring it to awareness. I am here. Now I am guiding to take decisions in life. This can totally change your way of thinking. This can just change your way of relating with others. Nobody can cheat you. You can play with anybody. Nobody can cheat you. You can play with anybody. It will give you such tremendous confidence. You will be able to handle or speak anybody. Anybody. A mere boy, I just sit and speak to any pundit. He may be any pundit. Whether he is a physics scientist or a geography scientist or chemistry scientist or a great Vedic scholar, bring him. He will feel I am scholar in his subject. People who live around Me they know that. They know it. Anybody comes and meets Me; they feel I am Master in their subject. They simply feel and surrender and go. Simply they fall and go. At the most they can know; they can think only one thing. “Oh, I think He is well read in my field; I can't play with Him.” Anybody, any field, just bring him. It is not that I know all those books, I have read all those things, I know all the facts! I know how to handle his mind.


Somebody asked Me. Somebody was, somebody was telling Me, some when they were talking, they were telling Me how to play with people. And he was trying to play with Me. He was trying to play with Me. Participant: Mind reading? HDH: No, no, not mind reading. That is another one story. Let Me come to next. When it comes to Vaisheshika, I will come to that story hmm. This guy was trying to cheat Me. Cheat Me means some game, some play. I told him, “Arrey fool you are cheating with mind, I have cheated mind itself.” 😊😊 Only when I cheated My mind, I became enlightened. 😊 I cheated the mind itself. How can you play with Me? You may ask how do I know the facts, subject. I don't need to know the subject or fact to play with them. Just let them speak, few words. Let them speak few words and now you know in which Chakra he is attacking. From which Chakra he is attacking to which Chakra and catch him, block him. Over.


Participant: How do you manage to do with a crowd? Just now I spoke to my sister in Mysore, my brother-in-law is not coming. He is in great dilemma. But she says he is highly impressed so he is finding some excuse not to come. I said he is probably afraid because he will have change. See, I was wondering that how you know when it is not one to one? HDH: In mass, in mass it is done. My cassettes, you can see, I touch all these seven. Any guy who is caught or who has got more mass in any Chakra will simply fall because I attack all the seven. All the seven, in a nice way. In a very zig zag way, I attack. So anywhere, you can be caught only in any one Chakra or all the seven. You cannot be out of this seven. If you are out of this 7, you are enlightened and then even if you are enlightened you will know the guy is, that guy who is speaking is enlightened guy. Only an enlightened guy can play this game. So, I touch all the seven, and any... you see, whether he is a intellectual, emotional or atheist, anybody just give them our cassette. The fellow will be flat because I play with all the seven. In every discourse, I go through or Criss cross, I do a zigzag, play with all these seven and he may be caught in any Chakra he will simply fall because I’ll be touching it. That is why everybody feels ‘something is there for me in that’. Something is there for me in that. Why? Because something, some way, he is touched. Because some one, he will be caught in some one Chakra. Anybody will be caught only in some one Chakra. When you criss-cross all the seven what will you do? When we penetrate all the seven, what, what he can do? Can he do something? No. He has nothing. He has no other choice than simply falling. Simply falling. Over. Clear. And they can say, they can escape. They can say, I will not come for any other reason but they cannot say they are not impressed. They cannot say what I am speaking is wrong. People may say other way, “no, no, no, no I have no work. I have this work, I have to, I cannot come this way, that way”, due to some reason, fear or something, but they can’t forget Me. They can't go untouched. They can't go untouched.


Participant: The same night he drilled me with questions. How much he has studied? What is his depth? I said, “okay, everything I will answer but why are you asking it?” Then quietly he says, “he seems to be very different. He seems to be highly informed and knowledgeable in all Science and Engineering.” HDH: And to tell you honestly, I never, never, never studied. Just behind you, the person sitting who has seen Me from a young age. Ask him what I studied. Ask them all what I studied. All I did was closing My eyes and sitting. Hardly one diploma mechanical engineering. That also with all hardly, with all hardships. Participant: But your Sanskrit knowledge is still baffling us. HDH: And ask them where I studied Sanskrit. And even in Ramakrishna Mutt, I have not studied. Ask some of the people, who had stayed in the Ramakrishna Mutt. I will never study. I am just against any rules. I think Nitya Ramya knows, some of your workers, some of their workers, some of your staff na? Some of his staff members were doing volunteer service when I was in the mutt. For sometime I spent there. When I was staying in the mutt, some of them have done volunteer service. They all told her I have never seen Him studying or doing anything except meditating. I never did anything. Just when you go beyond the mind, you know how to play with minds. That's all.


Participant: But still, you are, you are able to talk like a lot of genuine information. It's not that. HDH: That's true. The genuine information can be directly gained. It is not a big deal. Participant: Swamiji …inaudible……..It doesn't surprise any of us. If you say that with this awareness that you are going to download on us, we can handle our situations. But most of the times, it is either some sort of decision making, either marriage of a girl or education of the boy or business venture or something.


HDH: Even there. Participant: We end up in the Svadhisthana with fear. How dowe come out of?

HDH: That is what I am telling Ma. Ah, ah, ah you see ha, when you end up in the fear, if you are sure that you end up in fear just start on meditating the worst thing which can happen and cleanse that fear. Do the Svadhisthana meditation. Customized Svadhisthana meditation for that situation. Is what? What is Svadhisthana meditation? Visualising and going through the worst experience. Just undergo for few minutes. Take few minutes and undergo. The mass will just melt away. And now you will have the courage and confidence to decide. The moment the mass melts away from Svadhisthana, you will have the courage and confidence to decide. That's all. Nothing else. And the moment you understand you are caught in Svadhisthana, Ma, simply the mass will start melting Ma. Intelligence itself is a Agni - fire. Intelligence itself is Agni to burn this mass.


Participant: Diagnosis, diagnosing the problem itself is…. HDH: Ah. In... in medical field, diagnosis and treatment. In spiritual field diagnosis itself is a treatment. Diagnosing is treatment. Awareness is enlightenment. Participant: All these emotions that you shared about the chakra there is a positive side to it as well. Can that positive side also come true……..?

HDH: Ah... Whenever you are in positive side you just switch it, escape. In positive side you never stay much.

Participant: No, but can that influence my decision? HDH: Ah, that can also influence but in the, as for, when it is a positive decision Ma, you don't feel the thoughts coming up. It is so, the positive decision, the positive thoughts are like a fragrance Ma. Negative thoughts are like a stone, which you will see. Participant: So, when it is on the positive side, it just happens.

HDH: Just happens. You will not even know the thought has come and gone.

Participant: But there also is it, are there situations when you keep taking decisions from one Chakra. HDH: Hmm. You take. Hmm. But that's not a problem. When it is on the positive side no problem at all. But you think only the worst things. We always think only the worst things which can happen.



Beyond All Doubts! || Shiva Sutras || 27 Jan 2005


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Beyond All Doubts!
Session on: Explanation on how different philosophies are related to different cakras and their answer to the question: “What Constitutes Seed?”
Date: 27 January, 2005
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continues His discourse on the Shiva Sutras. Here, we are hearing the discussion between Swamiji and the audience as they attempt to find an answer to the question: ‘What constitutes seed?’ Through a series of questions and answers, His Divine Holiness leads us to a better understanding of this concept.

His Divine Holiness begins with sharing how the 7 wonders of the world are related to each cakra. An in-depth explanation is given on how different philosophies have answered the question: “What constitutes seed?” in relation to each cakra (energy center). There are 6 philosophies from the root center (Muladhara) to the brow center (Ajna cakra). For the seventh energy center, the Crown center (Sahasrara) there is no philosophy. Paramashiva gives you the straight technique so your own experience can give you the answer to the question: “What constitutes seed?”

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Anyhow, now let us move to the Anahata.

Participant: I think the world’s 7 wonders also, I think some, somehow falls in a way on the...

HDH: I don’t know. Let us see.

Participant: The Great Wall of China

HDH: Now, now, let, let us uhh, Great Wall of China - Swadhisthana. Taj Mahal - Mooladhara. Correct. 😄 That’s what.😄

Participant: Pyramids?

HDH: Pyramids must be Sahasrara, pyramids must be Sahasrara. Mmm, because they have deep energy.

Participant: 7 seas.

HDH: Let us start, uhh, that, let, first let us, uhh, please get Me what ………..us then we’ll connect and explain it.

Participant: Pyramids

HDH: And that’s what, let, uhh, we’ll connect, hmm? Before that let me finish this, this shad darshanas.

Participant: (inaudible)

HDH: Maybe comparison, because they wanted to stand, to prove. May..maybe it’ll be Ajna, ego. We don’t know, hmm, to prove.

Participant:I have the... Participant: Columns of...

HDH: That’s what, no, that’s natural.

Participants: inaudible)

HDH: Pisa, Pisa tower maybe for Vishuddhi, comparison, something unique.

Participant: Hanging Garden

HDH: Alright, get on uh, write it, list it out, we will compare.

Participant: Swamiji, said some cities and countries are in ………inaudible……..

HDH: Let us ah, let us speak about that, hmm. You get the fact, get the 7 things, we’ll compare and bring it out.


Now let us go to Anahata chakra. The persons, the people who are caught in Anahata, they produce a philosophy called Vaisheshika, the Chaitanya, all these people are from Vaisheshika. Means, just love, love, love. Nothing else. Vaisheshika is nothing but love, antidote for logic, that’s all.

Participant: Anti?

HDH: Dote for logic.

Participant: (inaudible)

HDH: Ahh, you see, materialism, the love, materialism is one and the same. Mmh. Attention is nothing but materialism. Hmmm, ganaatha. In Vaisheshika, these guys have tried to give the solution, ‘what constitutes seed?’ They started telling ‘love’. That is why you have a statement “love is God.” That is why you have the statement “love is God.”


Means, the persons who are stuck in Anahata, they try to give a reply, for the question ‘what constitutes seed?’ That question only creates Vaisheshika. Again and again, Chaitanya says: “Start loving Krishna. Start loving Krishna,” things are over. They start giving love as a solution that they start telling, “love constitutes the seed, love is God”. Vaisheshika.

Participant: Like Osho.

HDH: Ahhh, one way we can..we can say, he’s that philosophy.


Then comes Vishuddhi, people who are caught in the Vishuddhi, people who are caught in the throat centre. For them came Yoga. You are supposed to become something unique. And Patanjali’s system itself is created, comparing all the systems. Comparing all the systems. He comes out and tries to give a reply, ‘what constitutes seed?’ And he comes out with a system called Yoga, his reply.


Next comes, the persons who are caught in Ajna. Their reply for this question, ‘what constitutes seed?’ is what is Sankhya. They give the reply of Sankhya. Purshattva or Ishvarattva, means, the more your ego is expanded, more you become great. The more you think yourself as a big, the more you become great. That is the philosophy of whole Sankhya. If you want anything, if you want to become big, sit under a tree, close your eyes and strongly imagine, visualize, you have become big. You’ll become big. That is the philosophy of Sankhya.

Participant: Buddha

HDH: That’s the philosophy of sankhya. Ajna. These guys have replied, ‘what constitutes seed?’ These guys have replied, ‘Thought, the power of thought’, Sankhya guys. Power of ajna. Ajna means Sankalpa. Sankhya guys, that is why ‘Sankalpa.’ From Sankhya only the word ‘Sankalpa’ came. Sankhya guys, they say Sankalpa, means, Ajna. Ajna means Sankalpa. That is ultimate. Understand...

Participant: Advaitha is a...

HDH: No. Advaitha is what is Purva uhhh, Uttara Mimamsa, Vedanta, Swadhisthana.


Listen here, these guys who are stuck, who are caught in Ajna, they gave the reply. Their reply only is in….. their reply only came out in the form of Sankhya philosophy. Anybody who tried to reply this question from this 6 chakras, they created philosophies, Darshanas.


Understand this small story, 6 blind fellows were sent to write an article about an elephant. They, all the 6 asked: “We should see the elephant.” Elephant was brought, all the 6 guys were allowed to go and feel the elephant. The guy who went and caught hold of the tail, he wrote an article “Elephant is broomstick.” The guy who went and felt the legs, he wrote an article “Elephant is a pillar.” The guy who felt the trunk, he wrote a article, “It is a pounding stick. Elephant is pounding stick.” The guy who felt the ears, he wrote the article, “It’s a sieve. Elephant is nothing but sieve. Nothing but sieve.” Each guy who felt... each guy felt in his own way, wrote articles in his own way. Finally all the 6 started fighting. “No, my article is right.” “My version is right.” “My philosophy is right.” “My argument is right.” “Mine is ultimate.” The person who takes care of the elephant, bowed, he sees from Sahasrara. He says, “Array, all you 6 are put together and something more is elephant. All your guys articles put together and something more is elephant.” When you see from Sahasrara, you give a different explanation. The guy who has seen from Sahasrara Mahouta, he saw the fight and he never created philosophy. He never told these blind people: “What you’re talking is wrong.” He just brought some medicine and gave vision to all these 6 guys. That’s all. He just brought a technique, through which all the 6 can have vision, full vision.


Now, Shiva is never going to answer your question ‘what constitutes seed?’ Shiva is not going to answer your question ‘what constitutes seed?’ Shiva is not going to answer this question and create one more philosophy, no. He is not interested in falling in the category of philosophers. He just created a technique to give you vision. He never answers any of this question, that is the beauty of Shiva Sutras. None of these questions are answered, because they are all doubts, not questions. None of these doubts are straightaway addressed. Simply He gives the technique. He gives the technique: Let you have vision and see what you want.


Four guys were there, they went to a tank to drink water. Before entering into the tank itself, all the 4 started fighting. “I’m going to drink paani.” The other guys said, “No, no, only water is there. How will you drink paani[water in Hindi]?” The third guy said, “Eh, array, my grandfather built that tank, only thaneer [water in tamil] is there. How will you drink water?” The other guys: “My father only is maintaining. I know only paani is there. How will you drink water?” All the 4 started fighting with each other before entering into the tank. There came a man, he simply pushed all the 4 into the tank. There they understood, ‘water,’ ‘thanni,’ ‘paani,’ ‘neer,’ everything is same.


So now, Shiva is not going to give you the answer for this question, ‘what constitutes seed?’ He’s not going to give you the answer. If He gives the answer he’ll become one more philosopher. He’s not staying in any of this Chakras. He’s staying in the Sahasrara. He’s staying in the Sahasrara. That is why He’s described in this form, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshvara, Sadashiva. All of them are in the lower Chakras. He is above all of them. Anandeshwara. He’s sitting with Anandeshwara and Anandeshwari. He’s in the Sahasrara. So He’s not going to give you answer, to create one more philosophy. He’s just going to give you the technique, so that you will realize it. You will become enlightened.


Now the next question: “Who sent us the universal being?” We’ll see this question in the next session. Enough for now. Thank you. Participant: The cycle of energy, in all 7 levels, again why cycles …inaudible…..? HDH: Ah, because, you always, you are in move. The... anything alive moves. Participant: (dynamic inaudible) HDH: Ahh, anything alive only moves. It is not that it is a clear cycle, it can go in a zig-zag cycle. From Mooladhara you may suddenly go to Sahasrara. And from Sahasrara you may suddenly come to Manipuraka. From Manipuraka you may suddenly go to Vishuddhi. From vishuddhi you may suddenly come away to Swadhisthana. From Swadhisthana you may suddenly go away to Ajna. Any may, but this way it happens, goes on. Goes on, goes on, goes on.



Wisdom of Shiva Sutras by the Avatar || Part 1 || Shiva Sutras || 27 Jan 2005


Wisdom of Shiva Sutras by the Avatar
Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Wisdom of Shiva Sutras by the Avatar Part 1
Date: 27 January 2005
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals how we are stuck with our own pattern of life and end up making it as a life routine not realizing the real wonders of life.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Wisdom of Shiva Sutras by the Avatar || Part 3 || Shiva Sutras || 27 Jan 2005


Wisdom of Shiva Sutras by the Avatar
Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Wisdom of Shiva Sutras by the Avatar Part 3
Date: 27 January 2005
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals how we are stuck with our own pattern of life and end up making it as a life routine not realizing the real wonders of life.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio