January 30 2013

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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expounds on Katopanishad Chapter 2, 6th verse: “the blind leading the blind”. He observes that when disciples comment to each other about Him they are only discussing their projections of Him, not conscious perceptions. Disciples should learn to think and speak with authenticity and integrity: then they are using the language of God – Devabhasha. Linguistically, this language is Sanskrit. As we transform our consciousness, our language also changes to reflect our inner awareness. This spiritual evolution creates the right understanding for renunciation – sannyas, the monastic lifestyle. One conscious renunciate can neutralize the negative effects of millions of unconscious people. Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam breaks new ground by offering the Sanskrit attitude in English, propounding the Vedic tradition through global communication.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Katopanishad, conscious, integrity, language, God, Sanskrit, transform, awareness, spiritual, evolution, attitude, English, Vedic tradition, global communication


0 to 30 min

SadaaShiva samaarambhaam Dhyansambandha madhyamam I

Asyamataachaarya Paryantam vande Guru Paramparaam II

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment, 438 places through Nithyananda TV; 32 places 2 way video conferencing having NayanaDeeksha and 218 cities and 27 countries around the world.

And I welcome our esteemed guest Swamiji Mahalik Mandal Swamiji from…. for gracing us and blessing us on this occasion.

Cities sitting with us in 2 way video conferencing having NayanaDeeksha - Sharaja; Hyderabad Bahyanagaram; Phoenix Kanchipuram; Tiruvannamalai Arunachalam; Vancouvre Puri; Seattle Chidambaram; Oklahoma Somanatham; Toranto Kailasam; SanJose Madurai; Los Angeles Arunachalam; Maha Kumbhapuri Allahabad,Prayag, Kumbhapuri Prayag; Oman Shivagangai; Dubai Tirukkuvilur; Bangaluru Nithyananda Vidyalaya; London Kashi; Hyderabad Shri; Laspeth Pondicherry; Hong Kong Shirgali; Indian hills Kentucky; Charlotte Srishailam; Guadaloupe Rameshwaram; New York Varanasi; Ohio Prayag; Dakota Dunes; Singapore Singapuram; Atlanta Ujjaini; Monterrey Mexico; Louisville Kentucky; Saint Julian France; Paris Kalighat; Austin; New York Varanasi; Ohio Prayag; That’s it! Oh! Priyankananda Malasia; Mokshapriyan on the road! Blessings to all of you, I welcome all of you with my love and blessings!

Today, birthday of my favorite Bahuputri Rasika ,Toronto! Rasika blessings, Birthday blessings! I will talk to you during Dial the Avataar. I will talk to you during Dial the Avataar.

Brahmanyam Bahuputrataam! 5th day happening very successfully! Each one discovering their root thought pattern of suffering, and getting ready to go for the next level. Please understand, all the 1st batch participants also continuously do completion. Poornatva is required. Only then you will be ready to experience that Brahmanyam Bahuputrataam! Now only we are weeding out! If you just know all the weeds exists and if you don’t remove it then you can’t experience the Brahmanyam Bahuputrataam!

I will enter into today’s Satsang on Authenticity, Katopanishad! After seeing Ma Priyankananda in Kavi…. earlier I was contemplating on this concept, now I decided to execute. See when I went to study, before I went to study in that Polytechnic college, whatever you call it, Kuppammal did one big thing. She did Viraja Homa and gave me Sanyas before I went to the college itself. If you see the Sanyas Patra that she gave, if you see the date, it will be before I left the college. She did Viraja Homa, everything! Ma can you show that Sanyas Patra Ma, the Initiation document with Acharya Abhishekm and all that, she did everything! She called few Sanyasis and performed all the rituals, gave Sanyas. Then she said “Now go to the college and study for the sake of your future mission.” No, that gave me such a big click! Even when I go for studying, I know I am a Sanyasi! In Buddhism they do this. They give Sanyas and then send the person to have the regular education. See it states 24-5-94, means which year? I was born 78. So when I was 14, am I right? 16? Ah Yes, yes, I think, or in the first year, she gave in first year. Umm, am I right? I actually left the house only when I was 17 and a half. I think 95 or 96 only I left the house. Ma, just raise,it’s 94 only, let me verify. Yes, 94 only! So before itself she gave the Sanyas and all the rituals and everything; initiation, Acharya Abhishekam; and declaring that I am an Incarnation, and all that, before that itself she finished! It has done a very big impact on me.

So now all the youngsters who are planning their life, future is Sanyas very clearly with Integrity and Authenticity and once the family also agrees, I am going to give them the Krama Brahmacharya Deeksha, UpaKrama Brahmacharya and then send them to college for education. The next word is a important word in my expense. I am going to give them education! Sangha will take the responsibility. In Buddhism they do it. It is very unfortunate that in Hinduism we did not encourage all that. First of all very unfortunate in Hinduism, we ourselves lost respect on this Sannyas, we ourselves lost respect, we ourselves gave up the idea that we can be authentic, we can be integrated, we can be responsible , we can be enriching ourselves and enriching others, we can be not giving up on us and not giving up on others.

I can see now Chennai Alawar Peth center also.

So next step I am opening. Just like Annalaya, Vidyalaya, all the youngsters, unmarried, interested and decided to take Sanyas as their future life, you can apply. We will scan and take the responsibility of initiating you and your education, both.

Immediately we will have a question “If they study and then don’t come back, become Sanyasi, go away?” What is wrong, what is there? After all I want to educate thousands of people, give this as a service. So give this as a service, over! And let us also trust the Integrity of the people. Not only we being integrated, when we are integrated, anybody comes in our presence becomes integrated.

I tell you it helped me so much! So much! Now you know Abodha is jumping first. Me, me, me!

Manisha, now whatever I spoke, give it as a clear introduction and put it in the website, Anywhere from around the world they can apply. We are a lifestyle! Anybody has no problem; we also don’t have a problem. Anybody has a problem, then we tell them just give up that religion, that’s all! So anybody can apply because I see so many youngsters are waiting. At least from my memory I can say some 50 youngsters are waiting. Ma, they should be initiated into 4 Tattvas and they should be living all the 4 Tattvas with Authenticity. We can call them all may be Gurupoornima or Shivaratri, initiate them. You can email - en.sharing@ nithyananda.org.

So thank you Priyankananda for giving me this idea. Earlier I was contemplating, when I saw her in Kavi, I thought, yes, she is worthy of Kavi! Why not start initiating people now itself? This is the way I was trained. I can see very clearly, this is the way I was trained and this is the way. Even in Buddhism this is the way training is done. Before even the patterns settle down, you know you are a Sanyasi! Your Anyakara about you is defined so that you can live Sanyas.

I am getting message from Kumbhapuri, many Sadhus from Tamilnadu are coming and attending our Satsang in Kumbhapuri it seems! And Poojananda is telling me please say a few words and bliss them. ……….Tamil blessing……. Poojananda please accommodate all of them, give them place to stay. Umm! Seems they are all coming regularly to morning Satsang! Everyday my routine is - I will spend at least half an hour sitting and gazing all the Kumbhamela photos. Kumbhamela official photo is my screensaver and homepage, screensaver and homepage, everyday morning half an hour! Tddd,Tddd,Tddd! So mostly I feel in my core muscle in my bone marrow, I am Aghori! Only the Aghoris have that ability to kindle that fire inside your core!

See so many Sampradaayaas, Bairagis, Ramayat, Jatadhari, the Vaishnavait, so many Sampradaayas! But only Aghoris create that in your core muscle. God! Naagaas! Of course Naga is Aghori. Aghori and Naagaas are just the internal branches of the Shaiva Sampradaaya. Shaiva has few internal sects which is Lingayat, Shaivasiddhaantis and Kashmiri Shaivaits, Aghori and Naagaas,umm, Kaulamaargis, umm, NathaSampradaaya, Nathapanthis!

Avidyaya mantare vardhamaana svayam dheera vanditam manyamaana l

Tantramyamaana pariyanti moodha ante naivatiyamaanayataanta II

Katopanishad 2nd chapter, 5th verse, I was talking. Today I will expand on the same verse.

Inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic just because they had knowledge which has not yet become experience go round and round in crooked ways just like the blind lead by the blind. You should see visually how a visually impaired man can lead another visually impaired. Or how a blind cannot lead the blind if they start where it ends.

I always used to tell, disciple-disciple relationship is most dangerous. Most dangerous! Because one unconscious is talking about another unconscious! One unconscious is, please understand, listen! I am not saying one unconscious is talking to another unconscious; one unconscious is talking about another unconscious, means they don’t talk about me, they talk about their images about me. When a disciple talks about me to another disciple, he doesn’t talk about me, he talks about his own projections. It is so unfortunate! That is why I insist on the important truth – Blind leading the blind: both of them fall into the ditch! When blind leading the blind,it’s the most dangerous! Even if you are not lead by another blind, at least you will be sitting in the safe place of your house. You see, you are not late, what you will do? Just sit in one corner. But blind leading the blind is the most dangerous! Most dangerous, horrible!

Avidyaya mantare vardhamaana svayam dheera vanditam manyamaana l

Tantramyamaana pariyanti moodha ante naivaniyamaanayataanta II

Inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic just because their knowledge which has not yet become experience go round and round in crooked ways like the blind led by the blind.

Even if you are person with experience without knowledge you are not dangerous, like Bhakti Yogis. Many of them had the experience of either Krishna or Shiva or Rama. But they don’t have the knowledge. They will not have the knowledge why it happened and how to reproduce. They will not be dangerous. At the most they will just sing and dance which is completely harmless! Out of their charisma they may impress, inspire few 100 and lead them. Completely non dangerous! But the people who have knowledge and no experience, they are the most dangerous, poisonous, venomous snakes. Don’t even wear them! Very dangerous because it is like a blind led by the blind!

Andhentamasavasrutah l

Avidyaya mantare vardhamaana svayam dheera vanditam manyamaana l

Tantramyamaana pariyanti moodha ante naivaniyamaanayataanta II

Avidyaya mantare vardhamaana svayam dheera vanditam manyamaana l

Tantramyamaana pariyanti moodha ante naivaniyamaanayataanta II

Inauthentic ones yet imagining themselves as authentic just because they had knowledge which has not yet become experience go round and round in crooked ways like the blind led by the blind.

Let’s see what Upanishad has in the next verse:

Nasaam paraayat pratipadhipalam pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham l

Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani punah punar vasamapadhyateme ll

Nasaam paraayat pratipadhipalam pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham l

Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani punah punar vasamapadhyateme ll

You guys can chant? Start, 2nd chapter 6th verse in Katopanishad.

Nasaam paraayat pratipadhipalam pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham l

Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani punah punar vasamapadhyateme ll

Once more!

Nasaam paraayat pratipadhipalam pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham l

Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani punah punar vasamapadhyateme ll

Once more!

Nasaam paraayat pratipadhipalam pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham l

Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani punah punar vasamapadhyateme ll

Nasaam paraayat pratipadhipalam pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham l

Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani punah punar vasamapadhyateme ll

The hereafter never rises before the thoughtless child. The ignorant deluded by the glamour of wealth, this world alone there is none other. Thinking thus he falls under my sway again and again. God! Listen! The hereafter never raises before the thoughtless child, ignorant! Deluded by the glamor of wealth, this world alone there is none other, thus thinking falls under my sway again and again and again! Listen! Death keeps his secrets away from you by showing wealth.

Ramakrishna says - When mother is cooking, child is crying, she first tries all the possible ways. She gives toys, she tries to give candy, she tries to give everything. If the child is pacified with that then the mother goes on with her work. She doesn’t bother, she doesn’t come. If the child throws away everything and cries “No, I want only you”, then she has no other way, she comes and lifts the child and keeps in the lap. It’s a very beautiful example. With his own village innocent authenticity he gives this example.

Listen, when your life evolves from fish to tortoise; tortoise to pig; and next, next, next level; after you enter the human body, the first thing - what is the further thing? The more possibilities in the human body! What is the visible more possibility in the human body? Wealth! There are invisible more possibilities, Siddhis, extraordinary powers! The visible more possibility in the human body is wealth.

(30 mins to 40 mins)

With his own village innocent authenticity he gives this example. Listen, when your life evolves from fish to tortoise, tortoise to pig and next next next level, after you enter the human body the first thing, what is the further thing. The more possibilities in the human body, what is the visible more possibilities in the human body, wealth. There are invisible more possibilities, siddhis extra-ordinary powers. The visible more possibility in the human body is wealth. I have always seen even in the ashram if somebody comes to the ashram as a volunteer or from a very poor background first few months he will eat like anything. But if they come from the upper middle-class background first thing they will start nirahara samyama. No from where they evolve matters. It matters understand. Even in Ramakrishna mutt I have seen sometimes these fellows will come and join, 6 months they will eat so much and then they will go away. If you find out why they came they came just to enjoy the food for 6 months. Our swamis used to say all right this annadhanam leave it. Why do you think all NRIs are obese. Because they all have gone outside India 25 30 years before when when India was struggling even for food. Almost our generation if you look back either we had very less or just matching. Authentically how many of you feel when you were young your family was struggling for even regular food. I will raise my hand. I was from that kind of family only, yes. So naturally when these people go and settle there and when they see so much wealth the first thing what they do, eat. Because that is the first possibility. That is the first possibility. When you take the human body first time this is what exactly you do, wealth, wealth. I tell you it is the matured souls who don’t get swayed by the wealth. How many of you authentically cognize you are not at all swayed by the wealth. I tell you, you guys are matured souls. You have taken the human body at least 10 times. Please understand when I say at least 10 times, one zero. Unless you take human body at least 10 times you don’t go to the space, one more thing these good qualities don’t even take it for granted. Don’t take them for granted. If you are not swayed by the wealth don’t think oh it is ok. No. You have already grown at least 10 human bodies. Even if you were decided not to marry with integrity without authenticity, with integrity without authenticity even in there is no authenticity ok. Even with integrity if you have decided not to marry you have lived and passed at least 25 human bodies. Each of these qualities comes to you bio-memory after many time you go through the human body. If you are beaten by the broomstick and chappal nicely from morning till night at least one jenma only then next jenma you are very sure you don’t want to get married. Even then next jenma you think I will not get married but I will just have some lalalala. Have some companionship. In the marriage you get beaten by the chappal and broomstick. In the companionship that what do you call little high quality chappal. Only after the nicely beaten you come to the understanding. Same way at least 10 jenma when you waste in the possibility of wealth. Please understand, first wealth gives joy. In that pattern itself one jenma will be wasted. Then, wow let me accumulate and then I will enjoy. Then, let me take birth in the house where I don’t need to waste time in accumulation, directly I will start enjoying. Please understand even you don’t need to accumulate you only need to spend and enjoy when you take birth even in that kind of families and background, the insensitization of your senses happen very soon. Listen insensitization means tired of having so much food, so much of pleasures, so much of womanizing, so much of other pleasures everything, the senses lose the vigour. Insensitization of the senses, kind of ehheuh. How many of you cognize with this truth that you have felt insensitization in your life. You saw everything but you are feeling insensitization. This is the way the, this comes after lot of maturity. First money gives pleasure, run run run run run run. That itself at least one jenma will go away. Then various methods of making money. Then various methods of making money and having pleasure. Then no no no no. Too much time is wasted in making money. Let me take birth in a family where enough money is there, I directly start spending. Straight pleasure. Then this insensitization of the senses, senses lose vigour. Only after that you land in a matured body which does not get swayed by the wealth. Listen, the deeper questions of life is not entertained in the brain which is aimed at wealth.

Min 40 to End –

Wealth makes you live with the superficial space of life. Superficial questions, superficial answers, superficial living! That is why Yama is so clear that here after never raises before the thoughtless child. Please be very clear all wealthy countries are one life based religions. The solution - Why this one life idea? Now I am not blaming anybody, disrespecting anybody. When you are deluded by the glamour of wealth, the idea, what is here after never raises. This world alone is and there is none other thinking thus he falls under my sway again and again. What a beautiful word he is telling – Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani punah punar vasamapadhyateme, punah punar, again and again! vasamapadhyateme ll God!

Sanskrit is actually very easy for any Indian because all Indian languages have at least 60 % of the words from Sanskrit. punah punar, even in Tamil the same word only, in Hindi the sameword only, in Telugu same word, in Kannada same word. The only thing stopping people learning Sanskrit is pizza(?), nothing else! Means the attitude of ‘It’s okay, Chaltaa Hai’, nothing else! Yesterday I defined Sanskrit which all of you need to know. Listen! Sanskrit was never a common man’s language.

Listen! Now all the Ashramites can understand what I am saying. Whoever is initiated into these 4 Tattvas can understand whatever I am saying. Even the way you think, the language you speak has become different from common man’s language,outside civil society’s language. Am I right? The language which planet Earth ? speaks, the language you speak itself is different! Now the language in which you think and speak is DevaBhaashaa, the language of Gods! Understand? DevaBhaashaa! When you think and speak with Integrity and Authenticity, the language you speak is DevaBhaashaa, language of Gods. How many of feel so much of love and confidence on you when you started living these 4 Tattvas, practicing these 4 Tattvas? I want to raise my hand. No, really! See with this alignment now I am talking! But when I learnt these Tattvas in young age, it gave me so much of love and confidence!

DevaBhaashaa, language of Gods means when you speak, think with awareness, even if you have one word, Wow, this car is very nice! Over! Now you have given a commitment to yourself that you will have car like that for you. Either now you have to sit and consciously complete – No I am not committing to have that kind of a car for me. No, I am liberating myself from that word. Either you have to complete or fulfill, get that car for you. Do you understand the responsibility of Integrity? When you think in this language and speak in this language, the very cognition happens in you, becomes DevaBhaashaa. I am translating the word, defining the word Devabhaashaa - Conscious cognizance is Devabhaashaa.

The common man’s language was always Prakrit or Paali, now Hindi. See the common man’s language in the Vedic civilization was always Prakrit. During the Vedic age it was Prakrit and during the age of Buddhism and Jainism, it was Paali and now it is called Hindi. That was the common man’s language. The language of the people initiated, the conscious cognizance, only their language was Sanskrit! That is why the definition of Sanskrit means consciously created – Samskritam - well done! Understand? Sanskrit is not a language. It is the source of languages. When you take conscious cognizance of everything that DevaBhaashaa happening in you is Sanskrit! Understand? If I did not know Hindi, English and teach you guys all these Tattvas you would have simply picked up Sanskrit because these Tattvas cannot be taught without Sanskrit. These Tattvas are all in that very language. When you learn the Tattvas, simply you learn the language! All of you cognize what I am saying? In those days, the common man’s language was different, the language of the conscious cognizance was different! The language of the conscious cognizance is DevaBhaashaa.

Now first time, please understand, Vyasa made DevaBhaashaa out of Prakrit people. Gnanasambandar made DevaBhaashaa out of Prakrit Dravidian language. Please understand Tamil was founded by Gnanasambandar. Before that it was Prakrit and Dravidian language. Same Prakrit, north and south both, different dialect! Just different dialect! The conscious cognizance of Gnanasambandar, he created the Devabhaashaa. Like Vyasa radiated a DevaaBhaashaa which became Sanskrit, Gnanasambandar created a DevaBhaashaa which became Tamil. And Basavanna created DevaBhaashaa which became Kannada.

Listen, I am creating a DevaBhaashaa in English! The world's largest spoken language! When you learn and live these Tattvas into Satyas, your conscious cognizance becomes a new language and the new language happens and radiates, expresses through you. How many of you feel the new language is actually happening in you? It’ll evolve, it’ll evolve, it’ll evolve! How many of you became very conscious and aware in your thinking? It’ll evolve! Understand, today I have defined the language of conscious cognizance, the Brahmana!

Please listen, listen, in every field there is a separate language. The language doctors and nurses speak you cannot understand. I can give you hundred example. Dovetail means, what is the meaning for us, the tail of the Dove. But for a civil engineer the corner lock they make is dovetail. Am I right? Civil engineers, how many? Any civil engineers? Nobody? The corner lock they make is dovetail. For each profession language becomes different. Each field language becomes different. When you live in conscious cognizance the language in which you think and relate is DevaBhaashaa.

All Indian languages have the content of Devabhaashaa, the Sanskrit base because all over the India Devabhashaa has penetrated little, little, little. May not be completely but little, little, little, that’s penetrated!

So today I make a commitment with integrity and authenticity and responsibility I will speak only in Tamil of Gnanasambandar. No more colloquial Tamil. Of course in English, my English is completely Osho and J Krishnamurty. It’s already DevaBhaashaa. Fortunately I did not learn English from ordinary roadside books or from the schools and classes. My learning of English itself is from the conscious cognizance directly from Osho, J Krishnamurty and Vivekananda of course. Ramakrishna never spoke in English. So I never learnt English from Ramakrishna, but from Vivekananda, Osho and J Krishnamurty. My English is complete conscious cognizance but my Tamil has been corrupted by the colloquial Tamil also. Now I declare- no more colloquial language because the language has lot of importance for the listeners. In every Indian language there is conscious cognizance part, Devabhaashaa. You will see that completely belongs to Sanskrit. The Basavanna’s Vachanas , Gnanasambandar’s Thevaram and Dnyaneshwar’s Dnyaneshwari, all in Sanskrit, the Sanskrit based even though it belongs to that regional language.

When I went to Paris they took me to this museum where that smiling, that lady’s photo is there, Mona Lisa, yes, umm, that original painting is there, they took me to that museum. There I saw Basavanna’s Vachanas are preserved, the original palm leaves. I don’t know whether he himself wrote or the earliest available copy of those palm leaves. It’s all preserved and shown. There, there is a beautiful description which says that the researcher studied Tamil, without the necessity of learning Kannada, he was able to understand Basavanna’s Vachanas. I was wondering, how can it this be? This is the answer. Understand, in all Indian languages people who lived with the conscious cognizance, they were talking in the Sanskrit based language. India is at least 80% Sanskrit words. Am I right Priya, 80% can be said? 80 % Sanskrit base! As far as I know, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, all 4 of them have at least 60 % Sanskrit base, the words. But these 60 % words are used only by the people of conscious cognizance. 90% of the people just use that remaining 40% words and live and die.

Language happens based on the level of cognizance. If you are selling fish in the fish market, you can never do that in language of conscious cognizance because the group, sangha is like that. Your sangha decides your level of cognizance and your language. So today I give up the taste of colloquial Tamil which I started enjoying because of this ‘It’s okay’ attitude. And I also started feeling it’s very cute. No. I have to be responsible. I cannot afford to get succumbed by this ‘It’s okay’ or cute feeling. Same way whenever I read Osho’s Hindi almost 85% to 90% I can make out, the whole meaning and the flow.

The language you use reflects the consciousness you have. A man not be telling continuously – God will take care, God will take care, god will take care verbally and not believe in one corner of his heart, it is not possible. You may have some doubt, no problem but you will have one side of faith. As I said always a communist will have a doubt God may exist, who knows? Always Theist will have a doubt, who knows he may not exist, he is not there! But the language you use very strongly impacts the consciousness you have. You can see knowingly or unknowingly already I have created a language of conscious cognizance defining thousands of technical terms. This everyday Satsang is nothing but creating a conscious cognizance in you. If you are attending everyday Satsang, the language in which you think and speak becomes different. That is why somebody in the media, they were telling when I speak to Dhyanapeetam people, even their language is totally different, I am not able to understand. Because we are using DevaBhaashaa, not NaraBhaashaa, not human language, DevaBhaashaa, conscious cognizance!

Panini very clearly records in his introduction to Mahaabhaashya, he has cognized 300 conscious cognizance. At that time he went to 300 different monasteries and studied their conscious cognizance and organized and created the Mahaabhyaashya, sorry Patanjali wrote Panini’s Mahaabhaashya. Patanjali writes in the introduction of Mahaabhaashya, Panini’s Mahaabhaashya. See each Gurukul had their own conscious cognizance, DevaBhaashaa, their own dialect of DevaBhaashaa. He goes around and collects all the DevaBhaashaas and compiles them into one and that book is Panini Mahaabhaashya. Um, that is what Ma – Panini’s Sutras, Ashtyadya. It is written by Patanjali but it’s called as Panini Mahaabhaashya na, or Patanjali Mahaabhaashya, written by Patanjali, Panini’s Ashtadya. The Mahaabhaashya is the compilation of 300 conscious cognizance languages.

Why do you think in those days all the Brahmins are settled together in Agrahara means one settlement, because of the language they need to maintain! I tell you, maintaining the language maintains the culture. If you want to destroy a culture just destroy the language. Over, which has been done in Tamilnadu and the conscious cognizance, language of Gnanasambandar is no more! No I don’t want to, I can’t say no more, it is. I can’t afford to say no more! The colloquial language when it started spreading, understand colloquial language is always violence based or greed and fear based. In every Indian regional language we have to revive that conscious cognizance part as a lifestyle, as a living language. Swaminarayan’s Gujarati, Dnyaneshwar’s Marathi, Basavanna’s Kannada, Gnanasambandar’s Tamil. Who is the Telugu poet Saint Ma? Annamachari is too late. Bodhana, hmm. The language expressed by the people of conscious cognizance , if it is revived, spiritual revival will happen.

Vyasa’s Sanskrit, Tulsi’s Hindi, I tell you, with authenticity and Integrity I tell you First time when I heard Tulsi in the steps of Kashi, Varanasi, Ganges, in Varanasi ghats, without missing a word I could understand. Without missing one word I was able to understand. In the steps of Varanasi ghats, in the Ganga ghats only first time I heard Tulsi, not from a Pundit, some 4-5 men who were sweeping and cleaning. Morning I was sitting on the banks of Ganges, to see the beautiful flow of Ganga, this 4-5 men, they sweep, see they have a kind of a stick bamboo and at the end the edge of the broom is tied. They sweep. That time the 4-5 that they were chanting in the same tune very nicely. I was wondering what they are chanting. In few minutes I am able to catch and understand they are singing Rama’s life. I sat there listening, listening. Then I started going every day to sit there asking them to chant. You will be surprised they know by heart Tulsi, whole Tulsi. I don’t know Tulsi’s how many thousands of Shlokas. Bhaktimayi any idea? Can you google Ma Jnanatma- Tulsi, how many thousands of shlokas? Without missing a single line I was able to catch the whole Tulsi! And same way, Kabir’s couplets. Somebody gifted me books of Kabir's couplets, what do you call? Yes, Doha. Even that, it is not colloquial language. Please understand it is simple language but not colloquial language. And same way Akshaykumar Sen’s Sri Sri Ramakrishna Bundi. A disciple of Ramakrishna wrote a book called Ramakrishna Bundi in Bengali. When I read without missing a single word I was able to follow, cognize.

So I tell you the language you are learning now, the cognized conscious cognizance, you become master to learn any language of conscious cognizance. Now you can catch any Saint’s language; you may start doing the conscious cognizance in English now. But even if you read Tulsi, you will understand; if you read Ramana Maharishi you will understand; if you read Gnanasambandar you will understand; if you read Basavanna you will understand in their language because conscious cognizance happens in the same frequency. That is why the German scholars are saying Sanskrit should be used as a base language for translations into multiple languages because conscious cognizance! Samskritam, if you do well!

Consciously carve your thinking and speaking keeping integrity as a chisel and authenticity as a hammer, the language you create for yourself is Sanskrit, responsibility – polish and enriching- marketing! Use the chisel of integrity, hammer of authenticity, polish as responsibility and marketing of enrichment. The language you create for you, the conscious cognizance language!

Fortunately we are the first ones leading a conscious cognizance language in English based on Vedic tradition. The DevaBhaashaa in English is happening. English is blessed. We will call this language as conscious cognizance! DevaBhaashaa!

punah punar vasamapadhyateme, from here we went! Again and again and again! From here I started speaking on language, went, we are coming back to the center subject.

apadhyateme, vasamapadhyateme Yama says thinking thus they fall under my sway. If you think there is only one life you end up in death because you lived like that only. You stay there as a stone, dead body, for ages. If you live knowing there are many lives, please understand, a child who has not seen anything more than the chikki, will only ask for chikki from me. No, really, if he is tired of chikki he will ask something higher from me. Same way if you are too engrossed only in the wealth you will see only that as a life. Only when you are able to see beyond wealth, please listen, see beyond wealth, you see the whole vision of life. Wow, life is not 10 years for me. It was few thousand years; it will be a few thousand years. Then what kind of planning I should do? Life planning happens with the larger vision- What am I supposed to do now in this 60-70 years I am going to be in the body, which is part of the larger life, larger part of life.

Nasaam paraayat pratipadhipalam pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham l

Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani

Person who thinks this world alone, this is, this much only is his life plans with a sharp very narrow vision of life. Person who thinks so many births, a larger picture plans more properly about the life. If you cognize what is seen in front of you that’s all is the world, what naturally he will do? Take up an IT job! Work, work, work, have money; have a boyfriend or a girlfriend who will abuse you. For entertainment! Otherwise how will you have entertainment? You need some fight na? Hey if your life goes so smoothly you will feel uncomfortable! Morning you get up and do your work and you go to your office; things go smooth; and you come back and you just go for a movie and come back and sleep. This is too much of normal! You feel lonely. At least if you have somebody in facebook who will nag you, life looks little- Wow, I have a purpose to live! If you think life is only what is seen by you your plan about life is too small. If you understand larger vision of life you will not be swayed by the wealth and get caught by Yama. Yama says very clearly I have spread the net of glamor of wealth.

pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham!

mohena moodham! The Moha, net of Moha of wealth! I tell you whenever I see the eyes which are yearning, seeing some materialistic wealth, I feel oh God, Yama is seen in his eyes. I can see inside his eyeballs, Yama is nicely sitting on the buffalo and enjoying - come on, come on, come on; let’s have fun, let’s have fun! You die, I will have fun! That’s what it means! See there is a big valley, calls you – Hey, jump, jump, let both of us have fun. If you jump, who is going to have fun? He is going to have fun, not you! You jump, we will have fun! You think both of you guys are going to have fun jointly? No! That’s exactly how I feel whenever I see the eyes deluded by glamour of wealth. I am not against wealth. Create wealth out of completion.

Poorna mada, poorna midam, with the clear purpose, with the clear cognizance, you know the larger picture of your life- wealth is for your medical care or because Swamiji has said body has to be kept as long as possible, so I should give it medical care in the old age, food, clothes, shelter, all the things necessary from the world and if I want little charity, for that- wealth!

Have the right reason for wealth, that’s all I am saying. I am not saying- don’t have wealth; have right reason for wealth! I caught the point! Having right reason for wealth, right cognizance for wealth is all I am asking! If you authentically have a right cognizance, right context, have wealth! Context is decisive. Having wealth or not having wealth is neither right nor wrong. Having or not having is neither right nor wrong. Why you are having, why you are not having decides whether you are right or wrong. Even not having because of poverty mental setup is wrong. Even having because of the ignorance is wrong. Whether you have or not is not right or wrong. This is the right cognizance towards wealth.

Nasaam paraayat pratipadhipalam pramadhyantam viddha mohena moodham l

Ayam lokonaasti parayidhimani punah punar vasamapadhyateme ll

When I read a verse and give the commentary on it, the meaning, it is Shruti part, ultimate truths. When I go little side and the stories I tell, the announcements I make, it is Smruti, how to live that as a part of life, implement it.

We will move to the next chapter of the morning Satsang-Dial the Avatar.

I bless you all who are sitting with us around the world in 735 places through Nithyananda TV and 35 places 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 318 cities and 34 countries around the world, let you all achieve , experience, live, express, radiate, share, explode and enrich with eternal bliss. Nithyananda! Thank you.