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The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Himself performs a homa - fire ritual - in a devotee's house in San Jose, for the wellbeing of the family and the entire ecosystem surrounding it.
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Name of the Program : Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) Title : Worrying To Wondering Place : Oklahoma City, USA Date : 12 Feb 2004


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Starts with the story of a farmer who did not have his own land. When his #prayer for land of his own got fulfilled the farmer fell down dead due to his greed and fear. Everybody has greed and a fearful mind. Food for the mind is tension and postponing We are always in a restless state of mind and running the rat race. Mind never lets us relax, enjoy and be blissful because the mind will die if we enjoy and relax.

Creating and Planning chronologically are a good use of the mind . Continually worrying about what will happen tomorrow is not, in fact it will harm us physically.

Video & Audio - Worrying To Wondering Part 1

Video Audio



Worrying To Wondering || Part 2


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam continues to expand on the Pain Body which is called Maya in Sanskrit.

The pain body continually hurts us even when there is no action that could cause pain. This is caused by a decision taken in a past memory and repeated over and over again. Worry adds to the pain by bringing all the painful possibilities to mind even though 99% of those possibilities never happen. This is how the unconscious mind is convinced that the problem is too big leading to an overload of stress and pain. Only when the emotions are separated from the memory the pain will disappear.

There are five faces /phases to Divine activity, Creation, Sustenance, Destruction (Rejuvenation), Forgetfulness ( Delusion) and Enlightenment (Liberation).

Video & Audio - Worrying To Wondering || Part 2

Video Audio


0:14 Lot of research on it. Pain body, the pain body is only called by the word maya in sanskrit. Yama iti maya. Maya means which is not there but which continuously hurts you. Which is not there but which continuously hurts you.

0:37 Maya now they call it in the modern terms pain body. Let me explain the basics of pain body. Then you will be understand. You have so many past memories, incidences, suppression or your past record. You have collected everything. Past memories useful to live the future life. That is why you collect. If the past memories is there, oh Nithyananda Swamiji’s lecture. Alright let us go. There will be meditation. We can have a healing. Let us go. You will have the past memory. With that past memory only you will be decide whether to come here or not. Your decision will be taken only by the past memory. From the past memory only you move the next step. That is why you collect the past memory.

1:32 Past memory has got a value to decide. That is true. But the problem is if you are lost some money in the past life in the past time, for example one million dollar in some share market. Now if you lose even 10 dollar immediately the losing 10 dollar will create an effect or the feeling psychologically the same pain which you underwent when you lost one million dollar. Most of the time it will happen. If you are little aware then you will be able to understand first time worries almost like addiction. First day, you get the addicted, get the feeling if you drink little bit that’s enough. Next day you have to increase the quantity. After a year or 2 how much you drink you will not feel anything. You will become totally num or otherwise all day you will be feeling the same way. You will be totally unconscious. Just like you need to increase the (,) drugs. You need to increase the alcohol. The worry is also an addiction.

2:53 First it’s actually the other way. First one big incident is necessary to make you disturb. Next after by and by as time passes your pain body becomes so strong. Your pain body becomes so solid. Even a small incident, even losing 10 dollars will create the same suffering. Same depression. Same mood.The mood which you have when you lost the one million dollar. After some time you don’t even have to lose 10 dollar just by remembrance you will have the same pain. Just a remembrance will bring the pain back. The pain body is only called as maya. Illusory disturbance or the memory or the chitta. Memory which again and again creates the same psychological injury, same psychological effect without the outer activity. Without the outer reason. I tell you one thing.

4:18 There is a beautiful example in Vedanta. It is call Rajjusarpa. Whenever you see in the night time, in the dark time if you see a rope in your garden. Suddenly you get the shock. You would think it’s a snake and you get the shock that is a snake. Because of the past memories about the snake. Or the information about the snake, the ordinary rope looks like a snake. The past memory is brought and forced or projected on the present incident. Even though the present incident is not actually the past, like past. Understand, all of you are able to catch? Because it is a very subtle concept. To understand this in Vedanta, they take two three years. Two three years they will explain this. It is call Rajjusarpa nyaya. In so many aspects they will explain.

5:23 If you understand this one concept, your whole life can be transformed. I am giving you in a modern language. The pain body, the past experience, the hangover of the past experience or the memory of the past experience will be so deep even the slightest remembrance of that experience, even you don’t have to lose money. If somebody loses money immediately you will get the feeling, you will get the memory of the same thing. You will undergo the same suffering. The same thing will be awakened in your mind, in your system. The memory which is created for the sake of use for the sake of further living, the same memory will become like a load on you. The same memory when you start worrying, when it starts giving you the worry it’ll become load on you. That is why as age grows you will see your eyes become dull.

6:37 In the east with the rishis as they become old their eyes will start shining. In the west as they become old the eyes become dull. Why? We do not know how to withdraw ourselves from the past memory. Today morning I was speaking with the mind body group. This is the subject today morning I was trying to explain to them. When we know how to slip away from the mind, when you know how to come out of the mind, when you know a simple method to switch off or switch on the mind you will be able to slip away from the memories. You’ll be able to slip away from the chitta. Then it is not that all the memories will be destroyed. No. It is not that you will lose all the memories. The memories will be there. The past incidents will be there. But the emotion attached to the memory will disappear. You will be able to remember the same person who has disturbed you without being agitated. Without getting the same feeling of enmity. Without having the same feeling of hatredness. Without having the same feeling of negative emotion. The same incidences, same feeling, same memory will be there but the negative hatred towards him, towards that incident, towards that place will not be there.

8:19 One more thing whenever the emotion attached to the memory is disconnected all the memory will be available to you. You will have such a tremendous energy, all the memory will be available to you. Now, as on now you will have only the memory of this life. Somebody goes and ask Ramana Maharishi, “Bhagavan, please give me the memory to see my past life”. Bhagavan says, “fool the memory of this life itself you are not able to handle. You have so much of headache, disturbance, depression and if you get the memory of the past life also what will happen?”. You will suffer more. You will not be able to bear. You will not be able to handle it. That is why there is a special word call throbhava. Throbhava means making you forget. One of the activities of the god. God has got 5 activities. Creation the shrishti. Sthithi laya, throbhava and anugraha. In tantra they say 5 activities. In vedanta only 3. Shrishti, sthithi, laya : creation, sustaining and destroying. In tantra they say 5. Shrishti:creation. Sthithi:sustaining. Laya:destroying.

9:53 There's a one more thing. Making you forget your nature or the past memories. Anugraha means giving you enlightenment. Giving you the spiritual knowledge. The throbhava or throdhana, they call it both way. Throbhava means making you forget. Ramana Maharishi says out of his grace, out of compassion, god has made you forget. God has not given you deep memory. Out of his compassion he has made you forget all your past life. Never try to know your past life. First try to know how to drop, how to come out of these emotional attachments. How you can come out of psychological past and psychological tomorrow. Psychological yesterday and psychological tomorrow. There is nothing wrong in chronological yesterday and chronological tomorrow but there is something deeply wrong with psychological yesterday and psychological tomorrow. You attach too much of your own concepts towards the past incidences.

11:14 A simple example: if you have lost 1 million dollars some time ago, you would’ve suffered. You would have created a memory. You would have created a system or you would have created a verbalization to correct yourself, “Ohhh what has happened? I have to be careful” This, that. So many inner chatterings to correct yourself. Now, if you lose even 10 dollars, the same amount of shock, the same amount of fear, the same amount of suffering will start happening to you. It is not necessary. The pain body when it becomes too thick, too solid. Even a small thing can provoke pain in you. Even a small thing can provoke pain in you.

12:08 The real incident, it has happened: once a lady middle aged, some 40, she came to see me. As soon as she came, entered inside the room she started weeping and wailing. I told her “why, why are you weeping? Please tell me the problem.” she said, “My son is not at all listening to me. I do not know what will happen if the same thing continues. I'm afraid he may marry on his own. In india son means its a good commodity you can sell him for the best price. Especially if he is a doctor or engineer if he has got some social status, you can sell him for a very good price. Dowry. And if you have 2 or 3 sons, you don't have to work at all. Just get 2 or 3 sons and somehow make them doctors or engineers or in a social position in which they'll be, they’ll have their own social status. Nothing else needs to be done. You can sell them in the market and get a good amount which will sustain your whole life.

13:17 So she started weeping. “He may marry on his own.” if he marries on his own then she will not get the dowry. He may marry on his own. What can i do? Please tell me something.” I told her, “why don't you bring your son, I'll talk to him. I will talk to him. Then I'll be able to solve the problem. Let us see what is the problem. Then she said,no no no i've brought. She showed. She showed a 4year old kid. You'll be really surprised. I was actually shocked. She is talking about a 4year old boy. Too much of thinking. Too much of worrying. Too much of brooding over about the future.

14:10 Actually when you listen to this, you'll laugh. But if you look into your life then you'll understand how many places you're doing the same thing. Whenever you too much invest yourself, you too much put your interest on something. If you put your interest on something too much. If you are too much vested interest. Then you’ll see, you will be thinking the same way. Your psychological system will be bothering you, your consciousness too much. 4year old boy, she don’t have to brother the marriage which is be going to happen only after the 24 years. But so much she is possessing, so much she is concern, the reality is forgotten. She is stopped seeing the reality. She started seeing, she started living her own world. Whenever the pain body becomes too strong, you forget the reality. You start living in your own world. That is what they call it maya, illusoriness. Illusion.

15:22 You do not know the reality. You start living with your own world. With money, with people, with situations, with your life comforts you have so much of invested interest. You are so much of possessiveness. As i told you yesterday the possessiveness never lets you live. Possessiveness just eats you. As long as you eat how much you want you will eat the food. Once you eat too much the food will eat you. The food will eat you. Anything any habit, if it is in, under your control, you will be enjoying it. If you are under the control of that habit, you are under control, the habit will be enjoying you. That’s all. Whether you smoke or whether you smoke the cigarette or cigarette is smoking you is the question. Whether you are drinking or alcohol is drinking you is the question.

16:28 Most of the time our pain body become so strong, so solid, so thick. You will never be living the life. The life will be living you. As long as the life is living you, as long as the pain body is living your life, you will see every inch will be only pain. There are two things. Physical pain and emotional pain. You may not have physical pain. But continuously there will be emotional pain. The emotional pain will make you sick either today or tomorrow. Even if you don’t feel physically painful, even if you don’t feel the physical pain, the very emotional pain will make you continuously feel the heaviness. The solid feeling in you. Continuously you will feel heavy. You will feel heavy. Emotional pain is the real pain which we undergo in the life. The pain body too much of worrying, too much of suffering makes you continuously live in worry. Continuously live in worry. Once you know the method or the technique to drop from the past, to drop from the future, to drop from brooding over. Then you will see life becomes just wondering. Now you saw what is worry. Let us see what is wondering. 18:12


Worrying To Wondering || Part 3


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam continues with Wondering about Life. Life is a Miracle - Every Being walking on the earth is a #Miracle and every step taken consciously is a Divine Event.

There is a beautiful Zen walking meditation; when you walk consciously you feel Mother Nature in every step.

Kids just live their life consciously and joyfully because they do not have a painful body . They do not reduce life by words or dove through their experiences.

Our minds react in every situation because we live in words which classify our experiences and create the pain body. When we do not live with joy or bliss ( Ananda) we are disrespecting God. The Divine lives in bliss (Ananda) and joy and prayer is the entrance to this divine state. When we walk through this door our whole life is immersed in wonder and becomes Puja, the great living prayer of Divinity.

Video & Audio - Worrying To Wondering || Part 3

Video Audio



Worrying To Wondering || Part 4 || ASC || 12 Feb 2004


Name of the Convention: Ananda Spurana Title : Worrying To Wondering - Part 4 Place : Oklahoma City, USA Date : 12 Feb 2004

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continues with Wondering about Life. He gives His insights on the question relating to past life memories.He explains that working on the Muladhara Chakra is the way to access past life memories."Chita" which is the Universal bank is where all the Universal memories are recorded.He also adds how Enlightened masters are able to access to the Universal memories and describe about the Universe, Big Bang and Pralaya.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video - Worrying To Wondering || Part 4 || ASC


Path of Meditation || Part 4 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 12 Feb 2004


Name of the Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Path of Meditation Part 4 Venue : California, USA Date : 12 February 2004

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains the various States of Mind and how our Mind works. Swamiji Explains Powerful truths about Four states of consciousness, that human beings experience regularly are waking state, dream state, deep sleep state, and the fourth state, Turiya, the state of enlightened beings. He went on to explain about Aparoksha jnana, the Knowledge which is gathered, and Aparoksha jnana the knowledge which is Experienced. Spirituality does not have any faith; it is rooted in Cosmic Truth. Also Described the Details of Iyama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, samadhi Patanjali is an unabridged dictionary of world philosophy. Iyama: has five branches, ahimsa Non-violence, Astheya, non-stealing, Sathya, truthfulness, aparigraha, living with less, and brahmacharya, living like a God on planet earth, which includes celibacy. While Expressing the Quality of the Mind, Swamiji simply explains that ‘’Mind and energy is like a mother in law and daughter in law, if you try to make them silent, they will fight more. They both are possessed by each other in the same way your mind is possessed by the consciousness’’ You can say yes to only one person, not to two-people.In the same way, if you say yes to the mind you will say no to meditation. When you get solidified, you get integrated, when you let go of your mind, it goes it's own way. Only when you live Sathya, truthfulness, in mind, word, and deed, is it authentic. The Whole perspective of science towards the east and spirituality, is the last word of science, ‘’everything that exists is energy’’. Where science ends spirituality starts. When you live your life according to others’ choices or opinions you make your whole life a lie, and do not live the life you took birth for. At End, he also Explains about Varnashrama Dharma - The Ancient Varana System, which was Beautifully holding the Structure of the Society in its Authenticity. And in course time it got diluted by an Anti-HIndu Elements.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video - Path of Meditation || Part 4 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Himself performs a homa - fire ritual - in a devotee's house in San Jose, for the wellbeing of the family and the entire ecosystem surrounding it.