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(January 18 2017)
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audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-01jan-18_work-with-your-silicon-devices-through-the-power-of-your-third-eye"/>
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-01jan-18_work-with-your-silicon-devices-through-the-power-of-your-third-eye"/>
Any silicon based electronic objects, you will be able to handled it just by your will. You don’t need to touch. I have programmed anything which runs, by this silicon and the chip based or memory, hard-drive, means: laptop, ipad, cellphone. Anything which runs by electrical and that electronics energy, just 3, 4 days before I was just trying to play with My ipad, whether that is listening to Me. I just started, just listen to me I said, “This apps switch off” it switch of without typing the soun; ahhh,  password, open, it opens.
And I just said, “Go to this app store”, went “and download the messenger” it downloaded.  It was continuously doing, then I decided “let Me convert this into software and initiate has a power to everyone.” Very causally only I did. And also by tomorrow you guys will be having a software, I’m preparing it. Any battery, you just hold in your hand, it will be charged. Any battery, from the air it will produce energy. Actually I have done it already. I am converting that into a software, that work is going on. Maybe today after initiation I’ll be in Samadhi, that time I will finish that software. Actually whenever I am in Samadhi I do all these software writing. This power software writing.
And I also tighten and close the all the loops, loos ends in this rain software. You see, rain is related to length, breath, depth, all the three. It was too much for many of you guys to swallow yesterday, it was too strong. So I have completed all the, tightened all the  loose ends. Today you guys will see. It really becomes hundred percent success.
The rain power, the power of vatavaran after tightening all the loosens, that is one second. Any gadgets, which runs electrically, electronically, you will be able to controlled by Will. Operate it, do anything you want with will. Two thing: This Jnananjanam I will send it, all of you have, and after having, I'll initiate you guys. Then the first step, where you are suppose to bring rain, write that keep it under the Krishnashila; give instruction and leave it. Leave it for 42 minutes. That time don’t waste, start playing with the gadgets. Give the instruction and give to Krishnashila. Once you give the instruction that is enough. It doesn’t need to be constantly followed up. You only have to follow that place, what is happening there. Then pick up any, any electronic objects you want to play, just put it on Krishnashila. Let Nithyanandhom participants asks what the balasants should do.
You pen down the instruction you request, the balasant will do that. You give that instruction,  it’ll do, in any object, it doesn’t need to be only balasant’s objects, balasant’s iphones. You keep your iphone, they will open it. It'll open it, it'll get switch on, it'll download the apps or delete whatever you want, whatever you want you'll write and give them. Always all your request should be writing. And then after they perform you tick or cancel. Any command, only 3 minutes. If it takes more than 3 minutes; cancel. Means, they are not done it, go for the next command. Any command only maximum 3 minutes, the rain only 42 minutes. If it is more than 42 minutes, cross, it does not happen, go for the next. Second, start the next place.
Understand, so that is the way the fluttering will settle down, and it'll become part of your bio-memory. There were some of the loose ends, means: I should say, it was too much for your bio-memory to grasp does, it was too big bite. So, many of the biomemories get stuck on the throat unable to digest. First of all, your are not able to, many of them, many of you guys are not able to grasp that it is possible.
If you are integrated to that core, that’s enough you will manifest powers.
See, if you sat with your balasant, three times if they have made the rain happen. Then the entanglement of Shaktini Pada has happened with you, now - now you can start. For example, three of you are sitting with one balasant. If the balasant has made three times rain happen, all three of you now can start with your Krishnashilas, you will start manifesting. Three times is enough time for the Shaktini Pada to happen to you. Same way these gadgets, if you see them, if you are sitting with them and five commands they are making it successful. Shaktini Pada has happened to you, now you can start.
Because, you - you are not taught, strong, to protect you from Shaktini Pada. More than a certain period. Once, once they make it three times rain happen, immediately your core will opens up for the Shaktini Pada. If five times you see your balasant, successfully making the commands on the electronic objects, then you can start doing, it'll work, it'll work for you. That much Shaktini Pada only is required.
It's almost like a second Garbha Mandir. (Applause) Third form, like a, Surya - Sun. His Son is sunny, sunny is his Son. Sometimes, the part you deny, comes and appears as your Son. And Surya’s one wife Usha. Means, his light. Chaya, all his self hatred. Shade is opposite to light. See, all his self love comes as Usha, self hatred comes as Chaya. So the whole Graha structure is nothing but our integrity, authenticity, completion, responsibility and enriching’s expression. Maybe when I find time I will sit and explain in detail and give you guys a session on that.
Yes. All you guys are settled down?  Then close your eyes, for a few minutes. I'll finish the initiation.
You can open your eyes. You can start manifesting both the powers now. So the Nithyanand Yogam participants can decide where the rain should happen, you can even keep two/ three places, no problem. Write as a slip, but find out there should not be weather forecast there. Find out,  make sure there is no weather forecast there, rain. See under one Krishnashila, one balasant can keep even 2-3 places, that’s not a problem. But the balasants should visualise all the 2-3 places and give instruction.
Sadashiva says in one place, even drinking alcohol, the karma will not be carried once the liver is destroyed. Means, it will not come to you in the next janma and all. And, each of the vows you take, whether during the marriage, or during the other kind of a initiations. The vows are taken on Jatharagni. Means, the Agni fire in the stomach, once that settles over. That sins related to that does not come with you. The breaking of those vows does not come with you. It is left here.
For example, if I have to give an example. You take a vow on the Jatharagni, that I will not steal other’s things, but you steal. That karma will not come to you in the next Janma. It will come as long as the Jatharagni is alive. Once the Jatharagni  goes away, means you are dead, during the death the Jatharagni is taken away. So after that, that karma doesn’t come.
For example on jatharagni only you take the marriage vows. All the saptapadi is taking on jatharagni in Agama. So when you break the marriage vows, karma doesn’t come to you in the next janma and all. Once the jatharagni goes aways it goes away, that’s all. It doesn’t come after that.
But if you miss the integrity with the Guru, that goes into the bio-memory and gets carried to the Janmas. Gets carried to Janmas. Understand, because the relationship with Guru is bio-memory level, deepest level. It’s a level of relationship and level of commitment. Only based on that, how much of what karma comes with you and not karma does not come with you. Nothing else... Cosmos does not recognise property. Means ownership is not recognised in cosmos. Means this is mine, that is yours. That's not recognised in cosmos. That’s recognised only in local law. 
Marriage is not recognised in cosmos, it is not recognised in cosmos. It's only recognised in your locality and in your society. But integrity is recognised to the cosmos. It is the spindell, on which the Lokas circulate, Lokas spin around. Understand, you all need to know, the Vedic tradition says, “The whole... the Universe you know is going around the Earth. This is the Sun, this is the Earth. Earth is going around the Sun physically. Means the timing you know, but cosmically if you see billion year, Sun is also going around. Sun itself is going around. This is billion year, this is one year.” That is why you always think about the one year, and forget this billion year. Based on this only the yugas are counted.
Understand, the whole Universe, the spindell, standila is Planet Earth. Because only here consciousness is alive. The spindell, you guys know only about the ver - the horizontal universe. In the vertical Universe, this is the spindel. Below bu, patala, atala, sutala, patala, Bhu. The whole thing you know is “Bhu”. The whole Milky Way, everything is “Bhu”. Above; Bhuva, Suaha, Tapa. In this whole spindell, the spindel goes through the Planet Earth. That is why the Upanishads and Vedas say; Planet Earth is a center and everything goes around. So the whole thing you know, end of the day, in billion year goes around the Planet Earth.
Earth is flat as per vedas. Because whatever you know as “Bhu'' is called as Earth in Vedic tradition, not just this Planet Earth. This ball, whatever you know the whole Milky Way is called as Planet Earth, in,-called as “Bhu” in Vedic tradition. Earth is flat, as flat as for the veda is right. Because the definition of  “Bhu” is not this Planet, all the Grahas you know put together is the milky way. It is described as “Bhu” in Vedic tradition, that is flat.
Actually, I am writing the software, the kids will start writing all the err planet transitions, results and the impacts. They will start writing the rasipalan, I am going to download that software into them. That is why the whole Graha is going inside Me. Grahas are running up inside Me. Maybe next four/ five days. Mhh, that’s what. All the transits she gave, the Palant, Pala she will start writing. Not only she, the whole group will start writing the Pala for each Rashi.
Now I am preparing this whole software, they will able to give a precise predictions for each Rashi and Nakshatra, for about each transition…  Based on the Shastra Pramana I am preparing, and they will also write the original verse. Why they are coming to this conclusion? The whole thing I am putting it in that software.
So now, please start. The team start your, ask your balasant where you want to rain, want  the rain. find out that there is no forecast. Each of the place I'll  give one instruction, let it rain with thunder and lightning, after finishing the instruction, then you can start playing with the gadgets, electronic gadgets. Any gadget you keep it in the Krishnashila and tell “whatever you decide will listen”.
This only one power, in the 400. In that 460, around 460 I havel put My, laid my hands on now. In the 460, whole length is only one power. And whole depth is only one power. The depth now with that you will do multiple things, that is different. But the whole depth is only one power, mhh. And these are all the powers which is not directly described in the Agama, which is the side effect of the Agamic powers, like a Ishta Siddhi or Sankalpa Shakti. These are the side effects of that, that one power Sankalpa Shakti. Mhh, Ishta Siddhi, Ishatva. Ishatva side effect is this, all this. One part of Ishatva.
== Photos ==
== Photos ==

Revision as of 21:05, 30 March 2021



Supreme Pontiff HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam is initiating disciples into the Science of Manifesting the State, Space, Being, and Powers of Paramashiva. These Powers or #Shaktis revealed directly by Him to the world and manifested by His disciples as “Nithyananda Yogis”, are directly from the Agamas, the original words of Paramashiva.

Balasants, initiated by His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda into the Depth Dimension, are now able to control the weather by making it rain anywhere in the world! Where zero rain was forecasted moments before, rain happened in that place! Next, His Holiness initiated them into using silicoln-based electronic items without hands. Due to the Science of Sadashivatva, using Shaktinipata or Entanglement, the Balasants can turn on/off, open apps, and navigate in electronic devices that are silicon based.

Hinduism is REAL and that the possibilities for human beings are nothing less than extraordinary!

Video and Audio - Work With Your Silicon Devices Through The Power Of Your Third Eye! || Courtyard Session

Video Audio



Any silicon based electronic objects, you will be able to handled it just by your will. You don’t need to touch. I have programmed anything which runs, by this silicon and the chip based or memory, hard-drive, means: laptop, ipad, cellphone. Anything which runs by electrical and that electronics energy, just 3, 4 days before I was just trying to play with My ipad, whether that is listening to Me. I just started, just listen to me I said, “This apps switch off” it switch of without typing the soun; ahhh, password, open, it opens.


And I just said, “Go to this app store”, went “and download the messenger” it downloaded. It was continuously doing, then I decided “let Me convert this into software and initiate has a power to everyone.” Very causally only I did. And also by tomorrow you guys will be having a software, I’m preparing it. Any battery, you just hold in your hand, it will be charged. Any battery, from the air it will produce energy. Actually I have done it already. I am converting that into a software, that work is going on. Maybe today after initiation I’ll be in Samadhi, that time I will finish that software. Actually whenever I am in Samadhi I do all these software writing. This power software writing.


And I also tighten and close the all the loops, loos ends in this rain software. You see, rain is related to length, breath, depth, all the three. It was too much for many of you guys to swallow yesterday, it was too strong. So I have completed all the, tightened all the loose ends. Today you guys will see. It really becomes hundred percent success.


The rain power, the power of vatavaran after tightening all the loosens, that is one second. Any gadgets, which runs electrically, electronically, you will be able to controlled by Will. Operate it, do anything you want with will. Two thing: This Jnananjanam I will send it, all of you have, and after having, I'll initiate you guys. Then the first step, where you are suppose to bring rain, write that keep it under the Krishnashila; give instruction and leave it. Leave it for 42 minutes. That time don’t waste, start playing with the gadgets. Give the instruction and give to Krishnashila. Once you give the instruction that is enough. It doesn’t need to be constantly followed up. You only have to follow that place, what is happening there. Then pick up any, any electronic objects you want to play, just put it on Krishnashila. Let Nithyanandhom participants asks what the balasants should do.


You pen down the instruction you request, the balasant will do that. You give that instruction, it’ll do, in any object, it doesn’t need to be only balasant’s objects, balasant’s iphones. You keep your iphone, they will open it. It'll open it, it'll get switch on, it'll download the apps or delete whatever you want, whatever you want you'll write and give them. Always all your request should be writing. And then after they perform you tick or cancel. Any command, only 3 minutes. If it takes more than 3 minutes; cancel. Means, they are not done it, go for the next command. Any command only maximum 3 minutes, the rain only 42 minutes. If it is more than 42 minutes, cross, it does not happen, go for the next. Second, start the next place.


Understand, so that is the way the fluttering will settle down, and it'll become part of your bio-memory. There were some of the loose ends, means: I should say, it was too much for your bio-memory to grasp does, it was too big bite. So, many of the biomemories get stuck on the throat unable to digest. First of all, your are not able to, many of them, many of you guys are not able to grasp that it is possible.


If you are integrated to that core, that’s enough you will manifest powers.


See, if you sat with your balasant, three times if they have made the rain happen. Then the entanglement of Shaktini Pada has happened with you, now - now you can start. For example, three of you are sitting with one balasant. If the balasant has made three times rain happen, all three of you now can start with your Krishnashilas, you will start manifesting. Three times is enough time for the Shaktini Pada to happen to you. Same way these gadgets, if you see them, if you are sitting with them and five commands they are making it successful. Shaktini Pada has happened to you, now you can start.


Because, you - you are not taught, strong, to protect you from Shaktini Pada. More than a certain period. Once, once they make it three times rain happen, immediately your core will opens up for the Shaktini Pada. If five times you see your balasant, successfully making the commands on the electronic objects, then you can start doing, it'll work, it'll work for you. That much Shaktini Pada only is required.


It's almost like a second Garbha Mandir. (Applause) Third form, like a, Surya - Sun. His Son is sunny, sunny is his Son. Sometimes, the part you deny, comes and appears as your Son. And Surya’s one wife Usha. Means, his light. Chaya, all his self hatred. Shade is opposite to light. See, all his self love comes as Usha, self hatred comes as Chaya. So the whole Graha structure is nothing but our integrity, authenticity, completion, responsibility and enriching’s expression. Maybe when I find time I will sit and explain in detail and give you guys a session on that.


Yes. All you guys are settled down? Then close your eyes, for a few minutes. I'll finish the initiation.


You can open your eyes. You can start manifesting both the powers now. So the Nithyanand Yogam participants can decide where the rain should happen, you can even keep two/ three places, no problem. Write as a slip, but find out there should not be weather forecast there. Find out, make sure there is no weather forecast there, rain. See under one Krishnashila, one balasant can keep even 2-3 places, that’s not a problem. But the balasants should visualise all the 2-3 places and give instruction.


Sadashiva says in one place, even drinking alcohol, the karma will not be carried once the liver is destroyed. Means, it will not come to you in the next janma and all. And, each of the vows you take, whether during the marriage, or during the other kind of a initiations. The vows are taken on Jatharagni. Means, the Agni fire in the stomach, once that settles over. That sins related to that does not come with you. The breaking of those vows does not come with you. It is left here.


For example, if I have to give an example. You take a vow on the Jatharagni, that I will not steal other’s things, but you steal. That karma will not come to you in the next Janma. It will come as long as the Jatharagni is alive. Once the Jatharagni goes away, means you are dead, during the death the Jatharagni is taken away. So after that, that karma doesn’t come.


For example on jatharagni only you take the marriage vows. All the saptapadi is taking on jatharagni in Agama. So when you break the marriage vows, karma doesn’t come to you in the next janma and all. Once the jatharagni goes aways it goes away, that’s all. It doesn’t come after that.


But if you miss the integrity with the Guru, that goes into the bio-memory and gets carried to the Janmas. Gets carried to Janmas. Understand, because the relationship with Guru is bio-memory level, deepest level. It’s a level of relationship and level of commitment. Only based on that, how much of what karma comes with you and not karma does not come with you. Nothing else... Cosmos does not recognise property. Means ownership is not recognised in cosmos. Means this is mine, that is yours. That's not recognised in cosmos. That’s recognised only in local law.


Marriage is not recognised in cosmos, it is not recognised in cosmos. It's only recognised in your locality and in your society. But integrity is recognised to the cosmos. It is the spindell, on which the Lokas circulate, Lokas spin around. Understand, you all need to know, the Vedic tradition says, “The whole... the Universe you know is going around the Earth. This is the Sun, this is the Earth. Earth is going around the Sun physically. Means the timing you know, but cosmically if you see billion year, Sun is also going around. Sun itself is going around. This is billion year, this is one year.” That is why you always think about the one year, and forget this billion year. Based on this only the yugas are counted.


Understand, the whole Universe, the spindell, standila is Planet Earth. Because only here consciousness is alive. The spindell, you guys know only about the ver - the horizontal universe. In the vertical Universe, this is the spindel. Below bu, patala, atala, sutala, patala, Bhu. The whole thing you know is “Bhu”. The whole Milky Way, everything is “Bhu”. Above; Bhuva, Suaha, Tapa. In this whole spindell, the spindel goes through the Planet Earth. That is why the Upanishads and Vedas say; Planet Earth is a center and everything goes around. So the whole thing you know, end of the day, in billion year goes around the Planet Earth.


Earth is flat as per vedas. Because whatever you know as “Bhu is called as Earth in Vedic tradition, not just this Planet Earth. This ball, whatever you know the whole Milky Way is called as Planet Earth, in,-called as “Bhu” in Vedic tradition. Earth is flat, as flat as for the veda is right. Because the definition of “Bhu” is not this Planet, all the Grahas you know put together is the milky way. It is described as “Bhu” in Vedic tradition, that is flat.


Actually, I am writing the software, the kids will start writing all the err planet transitions, results and the impacts. They will start writing the rasipalan, I am going to download that software into them. That is why the whole Graha is going inside Me. Grahas are running up inside Me. Maybe next four/ five days. Mhh, that’s what. All the transits she gave, the Palant, Pala she will start writing. Not only she, the whole group will start writing the Pala for each Rashi.


Now I am preparing this whole software, they will able to give a precise predictions for each Rashi and Nakshatra, for about each transition… Based on the Shastra Pramana I am preparing, and they will also write the original verse. Why they are coming to this conclusion? The whole thing I am putting it in that software.


So now, please start. The team start your, ask your balasant where you want to rain, want the rain. find out that there is no forecast. Each of the place I'll give one instruction, let it rain with thunder and lightning, after finishing the instruction, then you can start playing with the gadgets, electronic gadgets. Any gadget you keep it in the Krishnashila and tell “whatever you decide will listen”.


This only one power, in the 400. In that 460, around 460 I havel put My, laid my hands on now. In the 460, whole length is only one power. And whole depth is only one power. The depth now with that you will do multiple things, that is different. But the whole depth is only one power, mhh. And these are all the powers which is not directly described in the Agama, which is the side effect of the Agamic powers, like a Ishta Siddhi or Sankalpa Shakti. These are the side effects of that, that one power Sankalpa Shakti. Mhh, Ishta Siddhi, Ishatva. Ishatva side effect is this, all this. One part of Ishatva.




Nithyananda Puja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9061_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9070_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9077_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9101_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9107_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9122_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9143_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9160_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9170_bengaluru-aadheenam-nithya-puja.jpg


Nija Pada Procession to Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9247_bengaluru-aadheenam-nija-pada-procession-temple-deities.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9255_bengaluru-aadheenam-nija-pada-procession-temple-deities.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9280_bengaluru-aadheenam-nija-pada-procession-temple-deities.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9298_bengaluru-aadheenam-nija-pada-procession-temple-deities.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9301_bengaluru-aadheenam-nija-pada-procession-temple-deities.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9307_bengaluru-aadheenam-nija-pada-procession-temple-deities.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9321_bengaluru-aadheenam-nija-pada-procession-temple-deities.jpg

Nithyananda Yogam

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8689_bengaluru-aadheenam-courtyard-shaktis-initiation-session-balasants-aadheenav-nyogam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8581_bengaluru-aadheenam-courtyard-shaktis-initiation-session-balasants-aadheenav-nyogam.jpg Balasants can now control the weather, making it rain at various points around the world. Balasants can also operate mobile devices without speaking to them or touching them! http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0017_bengaluru-aadheenam-courtyard-shaktis-initiation-session-balasants-aadheenav-nyogam.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8716_bengaluru-aadheenam-courtyard-shaktis-initiation-session-balasants-aadheenav-nyogam.jpg


The Special, Traditional Games were blessed and enjoyed by His Holiness. http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9368_bengaluru-aadheenam-kabbadi-ropepull-sack-games-swamiji.jpg Kabbadi, Kabbadi, Kabbadi! http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9392_bengaluru-aadheenam-kabbadi-ropepull-sack-games.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9453_bengaluru-aadheenam-kabbadi-ropepull-sack-games.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9376_bengaluru-aadheenam-kabbadi-ropepull-sack-games.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9414_bengaluru-aadheenam-kabbadi-ropepull-sack-games.jpg Sack races with Gurukul kids http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-1jan-18th-nithyananda-diary_DSC_9513_bengaluru-aadheenam-kabbadi-ropepull-sack-games.jpg Rope pole tests the strength of both teams!

Enriching Material

Flyer - Nirahara Samyama

Nirahara Samyama

Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:

