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audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2008-01jan-07_be-unclutched-part-1-nsc-07-jan-2008"/>
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2008-01jan-07_be-unclutched-part-1-nsc-07-jan-2008"/>
We are going to enter into Initiation. Please understand this word deeply. Initiation means giving you the glimpse of the truth. The next body is ‘Cosmic Body’. In this layer, you don't have any engrams. You experience this layer very rarely when you experience the mindless state. Very rarely, if you are really relaxing in the beach or with nature or you understand some great truths, suddenly by contemplating or sudden shocking things like a death of near and dear one or some shocking thing, can unclutch you from the attachments on life. In those few moments you experience this ‘Cosmic Layer’ - very rarely.
Of course, ‘Nirvanic Layer’, we never experienced, very rarely you experience the Cosmic Layer. Before entering into the layer, how many of you really felt, morning fresh, alive, not feeling like sleeping? Oh God! Good. All you guys have done the ‘Causal Body’ properly. You have done the meditation properly. How many of you felt after that 42 minutes, you are not able to sleep?
Huh? Wide awake! Where has sleep disappeared? Cosmic Layer is so powerful, if you know how to enter into it consciously, you don't need so many hours of sleep. You don't need to spend so many hours lying down, rolling in the bed. It can do so much of work in you.
Participant: I slept only two hours today.
Swamiji: That's good!
Participant: Excellent.
Swamiji: Every day I sleep only two hours.   
Swamiji: No, you will see…Every night before going to sleep, just sit for maybe, you don't have to plan like half an hour, or one hour or ten minutes and all. Just sit. Decide, ‘Till I fall asleep without my awareness, I’ll meditate on darkness.’ Meditate on darkness, as long as you have the awareness about yourself. And after that, suddenly you will fall asleep. You will relax into the Causal Layer.
It's a very powerful method - to develop the quality of your sleep. Please understand, if your quality of sleep is developed, your quality of waking state also will be developed. Your quality of awareness will become more, so the sleep and the waking state, both are closely connected.
In this Cosmic Layer, you don't have any engrams. Please understand. The ‘Physical Body’ - you carry chronic fatigue. Pranic layer’ - you carry desires, ‘Mental Layer’ - guilt, the ‘Etheric Layer’ - all pains, ‘Causal Layer’ - all the engrams in seed form in ‘Causal Layer’ and in the ‘Cosmic Layer’ no engram. When you unclutch, you experience this layer. When you disconnect from your body-mind, you will experience this layer.
Of course, ‘Nirvanic Layer’ is - getting established in that same unclutching. That is what is, ‘Nirvanic Layer’. So now, Initiation into the truth, the Ultimate Truth. Please understand. From time immemorial, the truth is only initiated. I tried My best to transmit this same truth through media, through video, DVD, books. I was not successful - I’m not able to. I tried My best. Actually, I just wanted to replace a Living Master, through some system, so that forever this tradition will go on. I tried My best - last four, five years I tried. I’m not able to. I tried so many different ways. I even tried that - I’ll just sit and let the DVD play, whether people are able to catch the truth. No. Something happens - when it comes from the experienced inner space, directly it touches the inner space of a listener. It directly penetrates the being.
Please understand why I am saying this. The knowledge which you are going to receive now or the truth which you are going to catch now, is never, not only is never, cannot be transmitted through any book or any other DVD or any other source. It has to be directly heard, internalized and experienced.
There are so many great truths revealed as ‘Mahavakya’. ‘Mahavakya’ means, in Sanskrit, the ‘Ultimate Word’, ‘Ultimate Truth’, to lead you to the Enlightenment or Experience. In Vedic Scriptures, there are so many Mahavakyas like ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, ‘Tatvamasi’, ‘Prajnanam Brahma’. So many Mahavakyas. Understand. Even this word is my own contribution. We went up to the Oxford dictionary, Oxford people, they said that, “There is no such word in English Swamiji”. We copyrighted this word.
Maybe you can say, this is the Mahavakya, I want to share with you. First, let you understand the truth behind this Mahavakya, then have the Initiation into Mahavakya. Let me express the word exactly - ‘Unclutch’. ‘Unclutching’, is the Mahavakya - that is the word. Understand in English, there is only one word ‘Declutching’. The ‘Unclutching’ word is a new word. Maybe my (...) Anyhow, but the word itself came out of the deep meditation.
See, what I mean by this word ‘Unclutching’ - if you unclutch the car, nothing needs to change in the hardware, but the whole action, whatever was happening, will stop. Same way, if you unclutch in your inner space, nothing needs to be changed in your day to day life, in your lifestyle, in your hardware - means the life which you are living with your body. But suddenly you will see, whole thing will come to a stop. You will have new space - new life. It’s a very subtle, but very powerful technique. I can’t even call this as technique. It's a truth - just revealed truth.
Spirituality is inward journey, no doubt. But not for cowards, who can't face the simple problems. Surely not for the cowards, who can't face the simple problems, and these simple problems are okay, nothing wrong. It shows that you are courageous enough to stand for what you are believing. That's perfectly all right.
I’ve seen many people don't even want to know, their first circle to know, that they are spiritually involved. And moreover, see, it’s a strong, it's a courageous statement you are making to the society, with which you are living that, “I’m trying to live in a different way, just don't disturb me.” I can say one thing, in the initial level only, it’ll create little disturbances or unrest, but it will liberate you from many problems. First actually when you go back from this program, when they see big, big mala and bracelet and everything, first few days they will be creating some unrest and all those things. After a few days they know that this fellow has gone crazy. What can be done?
I know how the scene goes. Usually when you go back, suddenly the husband will see, person is with big, big mala, bracelet and a new cloth with a bindi. Except one small stick and a flag, practically everything is done. And when you go back to the house, first thing, “What happened to her?” And the problem is, you also don't keep quiet. Whole day this “Namo Nithyaya” is singing in the house and jumping is going on and the poor guy, what he will do? And you carry two big suitcases of books and in the house, continuously some songs, discourses is going on. That poor guy. And after two, three hours, slowly when he is coming to terms with the reality, that something has happened, you start talking, “You should go and meet that Swami. You should go and attend the program.”
That guy says, “Keep quiet, I don't have time for anything.” But you know how strong and stubborn you’ll be. For two-three days continuously, you’ll be playing the discourse in loud voice, loud volume and music will be going on and some two-three days you will be sitting early morning,  “Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm” and that poor guy can't sleep early morning.
I’m describing to you the scene - exactly how the things happen. And, after one week out of sheer tiredness and unable to withstand your joy, slowly when you are not there, he will try to pick up the book which you put near bed and slowly see few lines. The moment he hears the sound of knocking the door, he’ll just put the book back and sit. You also know, but you also act as if you don't know, and this goes on. Suddenly people start calling you and somehow he only will pick up that phone. They will ask, “I heard that your wife is healing. Can I come for a healing?” He can neither say yes, nor say no. He just call you, “Hey, can you attend your phone? Bimla.” You will say, “No, I told you long before, my name is changed. Why are you calling with the old name?” He will say, “Alright, I didn’t remember the name, please come Nithya Ananda. Please come and attend your phone.”
Then you will see continuously for three-four days, some ten-twenty people are coming to your house everyday for healing. And naturally fifth day or sixth day he will come and sit and watch, what these guys are talking among themselves. So naturally he will see one or two cases, coming and telling, “Oh, I had knee pain, it become alright”; “I had headache, it become alright”; “I had wheezing it has come down.”
Anyhow, he can neither say ‘Yes’ nor say ‘No’ in front of public. He will keep quiet. After 20 days, he will slowly call you, “See last two days, I’m having headache and fever. I heard that you do something. If you want you can try. I don't have faith in all these things. I don’t have faith, if you want you can try. It’s after all nothing but sitting for few minutes silently. I can sit. It’s nothing wrong. But I don't believe in that young Swami, the photograph which you are having. Just I wanted to see.” Naturally, you will smile inside, but you can't show outside. If you are too aggressive, then this guy will say ‘No’. So you’ll put your hand. Two days healing will go on, third day, “I think the medicine which I took two days before, worked. Today I am feeling better. But if you want, for your satisfaction you can try once more.” You also can't say anything, you will heal.
He may not tell you, but he knows what has happened inside. So afterwards only, first time in front of you, he will pick up the book and try to see. When you ask, “How you feel with the book?” “Sounds logical, but even then, I don't believe in all these things. It’s okay” After one month, you want to come for some program - Jayanthi or Shivaratri or something. Naturally you will say, “I’m going, why don’t you also come?” “I’m not stopping what you are doing, don't call me. Don't try to convert me.” Naturally you will say, “No, I’m not converting you. I’m just calling. If you want, you can also come.” “No, I’m not interested. You can go. But I’m not stopping you.” It means what - half yes.
Anyhow, finally after two months, suddenly there will be some flexes, posters, banners everywhere - ‘Nithya Dhyan University.’ And this guy will come back to the house, “I heard that your young Swami is coming to our city. What's the program?” Then you will naturally tell, “It’s a satsang. If you want, you can come and attend - Meditation Program.” “I don't have time. It’s okay go. If you want, you can go.” Just half an hour before the program, “All right. After all there’s nobody to drop you. I can just come at least for taking care of you. It's okay. I’ll just see. But don't force me to meditate and all. I’ll just come and see what he talks.”
He’ll come and sit. Anyhow, all three days - program will be over. If you ask, “How do you feel with the program?” “Good. Okay. But you are too much into it. It says to meditate, meditate and leave it. That's all. Why there is so many malas, so many bracelet; constantly from morning till night calling people and talking? You are too much into it. Don't go overboard. Just be balanced.”
Anyhow, after two months, suddenly he sees in the magazine that there is going to be NSP. Without even telling you, silently he will register. And just two days before, slowly will tell you, “I heard that you are going for volunteering to that program.” You will say, “Yes, yes. I’m going to volunteer. Rarely we get the opportunity to be with Him.” “I think I don't want to send you alone this time.” “What do you mean by you don’t want to send me alone this time?” “That, I’ll also come and be there and see what is going on.”
Anyhow, you will laugh inside, but you will not tell anything. “It's okay, if you want, come and try. What is there?” Then naturally, the whole NSP he will be there. It’ll be going on. In the gaps you will try to talk to him and he will say, “No”. He will keep silence. After the NSP, after everything is over, when he lands in your house, next day morning suddenly you will see, in the next room also the same sound, “Mmm, mmm, mmm” is happening. Same time but in two seperate rooms. Two separate rooms, ”mmm, mmm, mmm”. Now it is too much. Now it is too much. Naturally, you’ll ask, “How do you feel? Now do you understand, what I said is right?” He will say, “No. What Swamiji says is right. It sounds really true, but you did not present me as he told. Because of you I delayed my meditation.” Again, who will be blamed? You. You see what’s, accepting Swamiji is very easy, but accepting, you are right, is very difficult. Accepting that Swamiji is right, is easy. But accepting you are right, is too difficult.
Anyhow, after one month, when somebody calls and says, asks, “Can I come for healing? Your uh, can you ask your wife and tell me, what time I can come?” “No, today she’s not there. But you can come. I myself can heal you.” Now I’m also a healer.” “Please come and heal me.” “I can heal you.” Here ends the show. That's all.

Revision as of 16:49, 16 March 2021


Rising in Love with the Master || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Title: The Grace of the Guru
Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Rising in Love with the Master
Date : 07 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains that when we are deeply connected to the Guru, everything the Guru does will look graceful. HDH goes on to say that expecting help from the Guru when we are in need is not selfishness. Taking help from the Guru is directly taking help from the super consciousness, which is the source of each of us. The Guru does not lose anything by sharing; rather, whatever is given only multiplies.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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(Swamiji reading a question from a participant) Somebody is writing: “Your walking, sitting and talking, everything is so graceful. I’m enjoying all these things. Is it wrong to enjoy all this?”


(Swamiji answering the question) I won’t say it is wrong, but I only want to say it’s dangerous. Understand, you are entering into a non-return zone and you may have to join the club, that’s all. See, falling in love with the Master.. Maybe I can use the right word 'rising in love with the Master’ not ‘falling in love’. When you are, when you get deeply connected or feel connected, whatever he does looks graceful. For some people, who are constantly judging, for them it will look very silly. But people who feel connected, for them it’ll look, look very graceful. One danger - the moment you start feeling graceful, one danger with that is that you have to join the club.


(Swamiji reading a question from a participant) “Is it selfish on our part to become your disciples and expect you to help us when we are in ill-health or in trouble?” [00:01:38] (Swamiji answering the question) No-no. That’s no way selfishness. Understand. Taking help from the Master is directly actually taking help from the Superconsciousness, which is source from, source of you. So, it is in no way selfish. It is no way... Selfishness and this has nothing to do with it. You see, if you take help from somebody who also has an individual self - boundary - then it is selfishness, because if you take, it’ll reduce with him. But the person who doesn’t have boundary, who is ocean, if you take little water from ocean, can you call yourself as selfish? No. I don’t lose anything by sharing with you. So, you can't call yourself as selfish. Actually, I don’t lose anything. I’m very practical. Whatever I am giving and sharing, I don’t lose. It’s only multiplying, it’s only growing.



Flower Into Bliss || NSC || 07 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Title : Flower Into Bliss
Session on: Experiencing the truth of Initiation
Date : 07 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

This video is an excerpt from the Nithyananda Spurana Convention conducted on 07 January 2008. Here, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda Paramashivam tells the delegates that Lust is pure energy and that if their lust is a desire brought forward from their previous life, it will be fulfilled and if its a borrowed desire, then it will disappear. He then goes onto saying that when cleansing happens inside of us, we will just feel peace, but if flowering happens, that is when we start experiencing bliss.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



All I feel, let us accept and acknowledge, pay gratitude to each one's contribution, each one’s contribution. That’s the reason I keep all these things alive. This name and everything, it’s from the Vedic tradition. When you are given Gayatri, you will be given new name. Do you know all Brahmanas, any of you received Gayatri formally, you will be given a new name during the Gayatri initiation. See, it’s like a, when you are initiated you are a new being, new person, that is why you are given new name. So the name giving is not from Osho, it is from Vedic tradition. He did not acknowledge from Vedic tradition. I acknowledge clearly it is from Vedic tradition, that’s all.


Anyhow, let’s enter into the initiation. [Swamiji answering questions which have come in] Somebody has given empty paper. B.S. Jaya, you can talk to publication in-charge, Ma. You want to translate some books into Kananda? Talk to publication in-charge. “My age is 17, I can’t change…” Who, Rohit Shastri? When you become 18 take the name. I am going to be here quite a long time, don’t worry. We will have fun. Coming in the young age to a Master is the best thing can happen for your life, so much of suffering can be avoided, so much of suffering can be avoided.


“You look differently in different times, some time far away from reach, some time very near in my heart, some time very womanly in appearance, is it my view in which I look at you or anything else?” When Enlightenment happens, physically you may be male or female, but in the being level you go beyond. Understand. Enlightened being is neither male nor female or gay, He is beyond all the three. It is, it’s like a how I hold the kerchief and drop it when I don’t want, I am holding this body. So, just I, just because I hold this kerchief, you think that this kerchief has become male or female now? No. It is just an object. Same way, the Master's body also becomes simple object through which He relates, that’s all. Some time, whatever you want to see, you will see, that’s all. Some time you will see Rama, Krishna, Govinda, whoever you want to see; whatever you are praying you will see that.


“During meditation in the last session you suddenly appeared and stood on my navel center when I was concentrating on it. Being standing there for few minutes followed by Lord Shiva who persisted in all chakras for the rest of the meditation. I couldn’t believe it and felt blessed.” Wonderful experience. Only thing, don’t be stuck, don’t be stuck with this experiences. These are good, but as long as you see Me as form, you have not had the ultimate truth. It’s only you are growing - maybe you can say, it’s like a if you see a board ‘Bangalore 60 kilometre’, it’s a good sign you are travelling in a right track, but it’s not that Bangalore has come - so, don’t stop near the sign boards.


Sangeet, you will be healed Ma. Somebody is asking, “Do you have a technology for of converting buddhus into Buddhas?” What else you think I am doing now? You see, if I call 'buddhus into Buddhas’ it looks very condescending that I am telling people buddhus. But even if I don’t tell, truth is truth, nah. “So how many buddhus have become Buddhas so far?” I can say, less than 50. 50 I tried. Less than 50, at least 25. I can say at least 25. If you want to find out - I, for some technical reasons, I don’t release the names. It creates lot of complications for them, for their simple life. If you want to find out try to live around the people who are living closely with Me, for last few years, you will be able to smell the same energy, the same intensity in them. Participant: They look like you. HDH: Hmmm? Look like, looking like Me is not the thing. I don’t think, how will they look like Me? I don’t understand.


Anyhow, alright. He is not leaving Me. “As Tamil NSP, you have been in dining hall at least once a day, but here you don’t turn at all into dining hall, we expect you on lunch.” In Tamil NSP I go and serve everyday at least once. He gave Me yesterday also letter, but somehow I avoided that letter, today I… Alright I will try. The, one big problem in the programs conducted inside the ashram you know - one good positive thing you have energy field and the banyan tree and all those things. One bad thing is I am too much caught in so many things. The moment I go out of the hall, there will be 20 fellows standing for some instruction, report. That is the reason I am not able to come and serve in the dining hall. But at least I will try; today I will try.


And moreover, there I go and serve because usually people get that stomach problems when they do this, all this vata-pitta-kapha balancing. To heal the stomach I energize the food so that they will all be healed, they will not have much problem. But here, food is already energized. Everyday it goes for offering. Please understand. All these four days you are eating the offered prasad, energized food. So nothing much. No, not much problem.


Somebody is asking, I don’t want to read their name, very personal question, “After the prarabdha or after the desire meditation, I know I have a deep lust but I want to get rid of it, how to?” I tell you if it is your prarabdha, don’t even bother about getting rid of it. You will see that lust has enough of power and capability, intensity. It will bring right person to your life. See, understand, lust is not a dead energy. It’s a living, intelligent, intense, energy. Respect it. If it is agamya it will die. If it is prarabdha which you brought, it will bring the right person to your life and give you the deep fulfillment and of course, beyond fulfillment, the bliss. So, I don’t think you should start working for suppressing or dropping, You should only bring more and more awareness to it. If it is agamya, it will drop. If it is prarabdha, it will get fulfilled.


Sundar Vajpayee...“Would you please explain the flowering of the emotional body. When we are crying in joy, is that it? When I think of sharing your meditation and teaching with other, I feel joy in my third chakra. Is the flowering or is it cleaning, cleansing?” It is flowering. In cleansing you won’t feel joy. You will only feel peace. In flowering only you will feel bliss.


Let’s enter into the initiation. Ma, can it be just 2 minutes? We will meditate and give our prayers and respects to all the great Masters who developed this science of initiation into the truth and who preserved this truth on the planet earth. Please close your eyes and sit straight. You don’t have to tie the ribbon. Just sit straight and close your eyes, pray intensely to all of them to give you the experience of the truth, the initiation. Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.



Q&A on Death, Suicide, Ghosts and More! || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Title: Q&A on Death, Suicide, Ghosts and More!
Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Candid answers about death
Date : 07 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam candidly answers questions on death, suicide, ghosts and possession. HDH explains the difference between dying accidentally and committing suicide. He also talks about the difference between the living and ghosts; and how possession can occur.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



(Swamiji Reading Question from a Participant) “If in a mass transport accident like plane, trains, ship and in some cases like 9/11 US attack and all the people in there were destined to die. What happens to those souls who had still not finished their journey.”


(Swamiji Answering Question from Participant) They all hang till their regular time comes. Understand. Whether it is murder or accident, till your time, the natural time is ending, you have to wait for next body. You have to wait for next body. Only one thing, if you have not consciously accepted, you will not have suffering. Please understand. For example, you have come down to the Planet Earth, decide creating a body to live 100 years. If somebody dies by sucide or murder - 60 years. They have to wait 40 years for the next body. If it is a sucide, that 40 years will be hell, worst suffering. Understand? Worst thing you can do is sucide only. Never ever contemplate. Actually, it’ll be worse than the present situation. Sucide is not courageous. It is fear of escaping from life.


(Swamiji Reading Question from a Participant) Somebody asked a question: “Why these people commit sucide without bothering about near and dear ones?”


(Swamiji Answering Question from Participant) It is not courage, they commit sucide Ma. You asked from where they get the courage. It’s not courage. It’s actually cowardness. They are afraid of life, so they escape. They want to change. They don’t know anything else. So they take sucide.I tell you, sucide will be the worst thing. Your Consciousness will suffer at least 100 times more. If you are murdered, if somebody is murdered, not sucide, even then they have to wait for the body - that same time - but there won’t be suffering. They will be in a peaceful way. They will be just put inside, maybe I can say anaesthesia. They’ll be just put in causal body. They will be put to rest. So, never ever contemplate about sucide. That is the worst thing.


Just imagine. If such a wonderful food is in front of you, neither you have tongue to eat, nor you have hand to pick it up and put it in the mouth - how you will suffer? Same way, person who committed sucide - the whole world will be in front of him, but he can’t enjoy, he can’t live it. That is why he suffers so much without any body. He just goes around and sees, is there any empty body. If you live without fully aware of your whole body, naturally what you will think? After all half of the body is empty, you live in one corner, I will live in another corner, and they catch your body. That is how, the possessing happens. If you are completely aware of your whole boundary, live with the full Consciousness, you will never be possessed. You will not be caught. Otherwise, wear the mala. I have already made a agreement, they should not touch, whoever is wearing mala.


Please Understand. I can say this is one of the important secret. Ghosts are actually lower level, low energy Jivas than you. You have seven layer. They have only four layer. They do not have the first three layer - physical, prana and mana - physical body, mental body, pranic body, They don’t have the three layer. So actually, they have only 70% of your energy. Only they need to be afraid of you. You don’t need to be afraid of them. But the problem is, your fear empowers them. The moment they see that you are afraid of them, they just take you for granted and try to possess. So, if you are not bothered, if you don’t have fear then nothing can be done by them. They cannot possess or they cannot do anything to you.



Meditation on Darkness || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Title: Meditation on Darkness
Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Adding awareness into the deep sleep state
Date : 07 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces a meditation to work on the casual body, the layer experienced during deep sleep. This meditation is designed to reduce the power of engraved or past memories that can distort or disturb our decision-making capacity. It completely heals any insomnia or sleep related issues and gives an opening into higher consciousness.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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We are going to work on causal body - fifth layer. See causal body is the layer you experience in the deep sleep. When you are in deep sleep, you experience, causal body. Please understand. You know ‘waking state’. In a ‘dream state’ all of you know - ten minutes before and ‘deep sleep state’ - almost. What is the difference between this ‘deep sleep’ and the Enlightenment? What's the difference?


See both without thoughts, only the “I” Consciousness is the difference. If you add that awareness, “I” exist to the sleep, what will happen? It will become Enlightenment. It will become Enlightenment. Tonight, that’s what we are going to do. We are trying to add that awareness into deep sleep. No thought but the high awareness.


Please understand. There is every possibility tomorrow morning we will have 330 Enlightened people here. Why are you laughing? I think you don’t have confidence. Anyhow, even if you… You see, I want and it should, it should lead to Enlightenment - that is one thing. Apart from that, it can give you at least a glimpse of the thoughtless awareness. It can take away so much of your engrams. So much of your samskaras can be burnt.


See samskaras are not as you think numbers, it is the quality actually. If you add more Consciousness to your being, it’s not that one by one samskaras will reduce. All..For example, if you, now if you have 1000 samskara, if you add awareness to your being, all thousand will lose its power over you. Don’t think, first 500 will disappear, then 500 will disappear, then slowly... No. The moment you add awareness - it’s like the moment you add one light, the whole darkness in this room will start reducing. If you add two-three lights, the whole thing will become lit - alive. Same way, adding awareness to your deep sleep will reduce the power of engrams.


See sleep is the worst engram or most powerful engram in you. You can escape from any emotion. But you can not escape from sleep, more than 20 hours. Twenty hours is the maximum gap you can provide, between one sleep and the next session. So now, you are doing something straight to fight your engrams till this layer, till fourth layer. All these four layer, you are indirectly only fighting with your enemy. Now what you are going to do? Straight-away... No. Almost, all of you are waiting to fall asleep. Am I right? What waiting? Already Swamiji.


Try your best. Let us see, the depth of will or the tapas you have. Try your best. One plus point, I am also going to be with you. I’m going to be here. Understand. Don’t grumble, grudge, “Oh, I thought this will...” Maximum you will feel like sleeping, only first 42 minutes. If you can manage that 42 minute, after that you won't have a problem. You will be able to settle into that deep silence.


See, what you experience in the deep sleep? Tell me what you experience? Deep darkness and the deep silence. Am I right? Just meditate on that. That’s all. Just meditate on the same experience, which you experience during deep sleep - intense darkness - as if darkness covered by darkness and deep silence. Meditate on these two quality.


Understand. The darkness stays in your mother’s womb. You came out of that darkness. It's called ‘karana sharira’. Your mother’s womb - the energy which resides is called ‘karana sharira’. Karana shakti - means the reason for your body - causal energy. You came out of it. Every night you go back to that same causal energy, rejuvenate yourself and come back. That is why your sleep will almost look like a child. How you are in your mother’s womb, you were in your mother’s womb - the same position only, you will curl and fall asleep. All the bed, cushion, pillow, everything is trying to imitate, trying to bring the same comfort of mother’s womb. That is what we are trying to provide, so that we will fall into the same state and rejuvenate ourself, come back.


Please understand. Now you are going to fall into the same state. The healing creative energy which is there in your mother’s womb - we call it ‘karana shakti’, darkness energy. You will go back to that same energy and come back. Only one thing - you’ll consciously go into that and come back.


Please understand. Healing, creative, darkness energy, which is there inside your mother’s womb - that is what we call Kali. Kali is nothing but darkness energy. The energy which is dark, but which creates. Please understand. Always we have a wrong opinion about darkness. We always think darkness means negative - graveyard silence, graveyard’s darkness. No.


Now we are going to meditate on creative darkness - the darkness out of which you are born, you are born - the darkness energy, in which every night you rest and come back. Every night you fall into the darkness energy. That is why, when you, next day morning, you are fresh, alive, ready to live your life. So, start meditating on that darkness. Very simple, only thing, only one important instruction - your neck, head and backbone should be in a straight line, all the three should be, straight line. No question of [Swamiji imitating dozing off posture while meditating] No. No lying down and no chair, no backside balancing, supporting.


Alright, first let me finish the instruction, then you can start. Please understand. See, one thing. Please listen. Let me tell you exactly the importance of this meditation. I promise, any kind of insomnia or sleep related issues if you have, will be healed completely - I give you the assurance. One more thing, when I said all these words I mean.


Please understand I do have a sensitivity and I do feel responsible for the words which I’m uttering and I do feel responsible for what I’m making you to do. I’m not here to torture you, even though you feel it. I’m not here… Be very clear, for you this is only once in a lifetime. Again I’m telling you, this is life for me. If I’m allowed, not only you, I’ll also go and sleep. Haan, I‘ll also go and sleep. But you don’t know how much can happen inside you. I know how much can happen inside you, just these few hours. Few hours, standing against the samskara, standing against your habit. You see, habit is the worst thing. If you remove ‘H’, a bit will be there. If you remove ‘A’ bit will be there. If you remove ‘B’, it will be there. Only if you remove ‘I’, it will die. Only if you remove ‘I’, it will die.


Now, stand against the, I can say strongest habit you carry. What is the strongest habit you carry? Sleeping. Just stand against two cycle. You see, one cycle is 21 minute. Two cycle if you can manage - that’s all, 42 minutes. After that you will not feel like sleeping. It’s not that I’m telling you after 42 minutes go and lie down. You are expected to sit as long as possible, at least till tomorrow morning 6 o’clock. But I’ll be here. You will see, till the last person, I’ll be here. I have done at least, I think uh in Iast three-four years, I don't know whether 200 or 300 NSPs. I don't know, at least 200 it must be, hmm?


But I tell you, this process is the process, which gave, opening into the higher Consciousness to, maximum number of people. Because this is the powerful tapas, very powerful tapas. So, maximum number of people had opening to the higher Consciousness or healing in their body through this process, through this process only. One more thing. It’s little mystical, but please understand - it is literally sleeping inside the Master’s energy field. It’s literally, sleeping inside Master's womb. When you stayed inside your mother’s womb, you had first birth. Stay inside Master’s garbha, you’ll have second birth. Understand? You will have second birth.


Every possibility to catch the glimpse. So now, you have a chance, you have time. Don’t bother. One night you don’t sleep, it's not that you will die. Anybody says I’ll die if I don’t sleep in one night. If you will die without sleeping one night, better die early. What is the use of you living, if you can’t stand even one night? I tell you, one night - don’t miss. It’s literally standing.


See, causal body is the layer, where all the engrams go and settle down in seed form. If you can burn this layer, all the engrams will lose its power over you. The Anja - Anja means will - the will, will become so strong. Please understand. Your will power will not become strong, if you avoid sleeping. If you meditate against sleeping, then your will power will become strong, not just avoiding sleeping. Not sleeping is not going to strengthen your will; centering yourself on meditation is only going to strengthen your will.


You may have…Sleep is only one distraction. There will be other distractions also. Taking yourself away from all the distractions and fighting the worst enemy. Who is the worst enemy? Sleep is the worst enemy, the engram, which you can never handle. Now you can stand. No even talking, emotion, anything can be handled. But sleeping is the thing, which become almost like a second nature, second nature of you. Two instruction - one, head, neck and backbone should be in a straight line. Second, visualize you are sitting inside a dark cave, filled with intense darkness. That’s all. You are inhaling darkness, exhaling darkness, filedl with darkness.


All I want you to do is just 42 minutes. After 42 minutes suddenly you will see where the sleep has disappeared, where the tiredness has disappeared, you will not know. If you can manage 42 minutes, you are done. After that, try to sit as long as you can. If you can’t, you can go back and lie down - maybe after two-three hours.


Really, if you are old or sick, please raise your hand. Really you are sick or old. Alright you can go after 42 minutes. That two-three people, or whoever raised their hand, you can go after the 42 minutes. I think in 42 minutes, surely you won’t die, you won’t have any problem. After 42 minutes you can go. Others, please sit as long as you can.


Understand. I’m not forcing you or I did not force you to do anything. I’m only telling, trying to encourage, trying to break the engram of sleeping. See, first few moments only...The moment you decide to sit - the strong will. Suddenly you will see so much of joy. And even if you want to sit in your house - first thing, I’m not going to be there physically. Second thing, everybody, when everybody is sleeping, how do you think you will be able to sit. Now you have company.


So, please understand. See all our Brahmacharis, they do this 12 hours continuously for 12 days. Not even sitting in the room, sitting inside fire. If you have seen, you can see. It brings so much of understanding, clarity and energy - integrity to you. You don’t know how much of awareness will be added to you. Because so much of awareness will be added to your decisions. I have seen.


Please Understand. I’m not giving some false promise or I’m not telling some stories. Otherwise how do you think, so many thousand lakhs of people got initiated. The whole thing has happened in five years. How do you think it’s happened? I have initiated in my five years of my life - two million, means 20 lakh people. I’m little strong, little what to say that uh, little hard working or making you hard work, making you work hard. But I deliver what I promise.


Your unconscious layer will become so thin. Practically, you will become aware the whole day, whatever goes on inside. And so much of your mental energy will be integrated. I’m not interested in compromising the depth or intensity. Only tapas, only the strong tapas - the transformation becomes eternal, permanent in you. Again and again, you see your mind will start wandering. It will start entering even into dream. But bring it back. Bring it back to that same darkness and the silence. Again and again bring yourself back to the darkness.


One more big problem. When you meditate on light, you will have the darkness. When you meditate on darkness what will happen? You will see, there will be one corner, one light. That's the mind. Don’t bother, we will do it. But I can tell you one thing, if you somehow sit tonight, tomorrow you will only bless me. You will only say, “Oh God, this Swami has done a big help for me”. I know how much...Many samskaras which you carry, will just lose its power over you.


You see, darkness is the place where all negative things can grow - unconscious. If you don’t use at all, two-three rooms in your house, what will happen to that room? Cobweb, everything will come into that. Sometime even scorpion, snakes. Same way, the causal layer. You never entered into that layer with awareness. So all the snake, cobweb or scorpion everything is sitting there.


Now, put torch. Tonight, put torch in that layer. Half of them will disappear, other half will run away. So, even though it's little strong technique, don’t miss. Sit. If you can really sit the whole night, I'll be very happy. Not only I, even you will be happy. Tomorrow you’ll really feel...Not just tomorrow, you will see in your life, all your engrams have lost power over you.


Even though logically you don’t understand, how can fighting with sleep, heal my so many other engrams. You don’t know. It’s practically, I’m destroying the very land in which the engrams are growing. If I just destroy the very land, what will happen? It cannot grow. Same way, I’m destroying the very root of engrams. This is the ultimate technique you can do, ultimate method you can do. Please don’t miss.



Be Unclutched || Part 1 || NSC || 07 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Convention
Session on : Be Unclutched Part 1
Date : 7 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam says that at the cosmic layer, there is no engrams. In very rare occasions, we unclutched from our mind and body and experience this cosmic layer. Just like when we unclutch the gears of the car, when we unclutch our inner space, nothing needs to change in the hardware, our external lifestyle and day to day activities continue to exist. However, like the car will stop when the gears are unclutched, our inner space will also come to a stop when we unclutch our inner space. Through initiation, the Guru transmits His unclutched inner space to the inner space of the disciples.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



We are going to enter into Initiation. Please understand this word deeply. Initiation means giving you the glimpse of the truth. The next body is ‘Cosmic Body’. In this layer, you don't have any engrams. You experience this layer very rarely when you experience the mindless state. Very rarely, if you are really relaxing in the beach or with nature or you understand some great truths, suddenly by contemplating or sudden shocking things like a death of near and dear one or some shocking thing, can unclutch you from the attachments on life. In those few moments you experience this ‘Cosmic Layer’ - very rarely.


Of course, ‘Nirvanic Layer’, we never experienced, very rarely you experience the Cosmic Layer. Before entering into the layer, how many of you really felt, morning fresh, alive, not feeling like sleeping? Oh God! Good. All you guys have done the ‘Causal Body’ properly. You have done the meditation properly. How many of you felt after that 42 minutes, you are not able to sleep?


Huh? Wide awake! Where has sleep disappeared? Cosmic Layer is so powerful, if you know how to enter into it consciously, you don't need so many hours of sleep. You don't need to spend so many hours lying down, rolling in the bed. It can do so much of work in you.


Participant: I slept only two hours today. Swamiji: That's good! Participant: Excellent. Swamiji: Every day I sleep only two hours.


Swamiji: No, you will see…Every night before going to sleep, just sit for maybe, you don't have to plan like half an hour, or one hour or ten minutes and all. Just sit. Decide, ‘Till I fall asleep without my awareness, I’ll meditate on darkness.’ Meditate on darkness, as long as you have the awareness about yourself. And after that, suddenly you will fall asleep. You will relax into the Causal Layer.


It's a very powerful method - to develop the quality of your sleep. Please understand, if your quality of sleep is developed, your quality of waking state also will be developed. Your quality of awareness will become more, so the sleep and the waking state, both are closely connected.


In this Cosmic Layer, you don't have any engrams. Please understand. The ‘Physical Body’ - you carry chronic fatigue. Pranic layer’ - you carry desires, ‘Mental Layer’ - guilt, the ‘Etheric Layer’ - all pains, ‘Causal Layer’ - all the engrams in seed form in ‘Causal Layer’ and in the ‘Cosmic Layer’ no engram. When you unclutch, you experience this layer. When you disconnect from your body-mind, you will experience this layer.


Of course, ‘Nirvanic Layer’ is - getting established in that same unclutching. That is what is, ‘Nirvanic Layer’. So now, Initiation into the truth, the Ultimate Truth. Please understand. From time immemorial, the truth is only initiated. I tried My best to transmit this same truth through media, through video, DVD, books. I was not successful - I’m not able to. I tried My best. Actually, I just wanted to replace a Living Master, through some system, so that forever this tradition will go on. I tried My best - last four, five years I tried. I’m not able to. I tried so many different ways. I even tried that - I’ll just sit and let the DVD play, whether people are able to catch the truth. No. Something happens - when it comes from the experienced inner space, directly it touches the inner space of a listener. It directly penetrates the being.


Please understand why I am saying this. The knowledge which you are going to receive now or the truth which you are going to catch now, is never, not only is never, cannot be transmitted through any book or any other DVD or any other source. It has to be directly heard, internalized and experienced.


There are so many great truths revealed as ‘Mahavakya’. ‘Mahavakya’ means, in Sanskrit, the ‘Ultimate Word’, ‘Ultimate Truth’, to lead you to the Enlightenment or Experience. In Vedic Scriptures, there are so many Mahavakyas like ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, ‘Tatvamasi’, ‘Prajnanam Brahma’. So many Mahavakyas. Understand. Even this word is my own contribution. We went up to the Oxford dictionary, Oxford people, they said that, “There is no such word in English Swamiji”. We copyrighted this word.


Maybe you can say, this is the Mahavakya, I want to share with you. First, let you understand the truth behind this Mahavakya, then have the Initiation into Mahavakya. Let me express the word exactly - ‘Unclutch’. ‘Unclutching’, is the Mahavakya - that is the word. Understand in English, there is only one word ‘Declutching’. The ‘Unclutching’ word is a new word. Maybe my (...) Anyhow, but the word itself came out of the deep meditation.


See, what I mean by this word ‘Unclutching’ - if you unclutch the car, nothing needs to change in the hardware, but the whole action, whatever was happening, will stop. Same way, if you unclutch in your inner space, nothing needs to be changed in your day to day life, in your lifestyle, in your hardware - means the life which you are living with your body. But suddenly you will see, whole thing will come to a stop. You will have new space - new life. It’s a very subtle, but very powerful technique. I can’t even call this as technique. It's a truth - just revealed truth.


Spirituality is inward journey, no doubt. But not for cowards, who can't face the simple problems. Surely not for the cowards, who can't face the simple problems, and these simple problems are okay, nothing wrong. It shows that you are courageous enough to stand for what you are believing. That's perfectly all right.


I’ve seen many people don't even want to know, their first circle to know, that they are spiritually involved. And moreover, see, it’s a strong, it's a courageous statement you are making to the society, with which you are living that, “I’m trying to live in a different way, just don't disturb me.” I can say one thing, in the initial level only, it’ll create little disturbances or unrest, but it will liberate you from many problems. First actually when you go back from this program, when they see big, big mala and bracelet and everything, first few days they will be creating some unrest and all those things. After a few days they know that this fellow has gone crazy. What can be done?


I know how the scene goes. Usually when you go back, suddenly the husband will see, person is with big, big mala, bracelet and a new cloth with a bindi. Except one small stick and a flag, practically everything is done. And when you go back to the house, first thing, “What happened to her?” And the problem is, you also don't keep quiet. Whole day this “Namo Nithyaya” is singing in the house and jumping is going on and the poor guy, what he will do? And you carry two big suitcases of books and in the house, continuously some songs, discourses is going on. That poor guy. And after two, three hours, slowly when he is coming to terms with the reality, that something has happened, you start talking, “You should go and meet that Swami. You should go and attend the program.”


That guy says, “Keep quiet, I don't have time for anything.” But you know how strong and stubborn you’ll be. For two-three days continuously, you’ll be playing the discourse in loud voice, loud volume and music will be going on and some two-three days you will be sitting early morning, “Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm” and that poor guy can't sleep early morning.


I’m describing to you the scene - exactly how the things happen. And, after one week out of sheer tiredness and unable to withstand your joy, slowly when you are not there, he will try to pick up the book which you put near bed and slowly see few lines. The moment he hears the sound of knocking the door, he’ll just put the book back and sit. You also know, but you also act as if you don't know, and this goes on. Suddenly people start calling you and somehow he only will pick up that phone. They will ask, “I heard that your wife is healing. Can I come for a healing?” He can neither say yes, nor say no. He just call you, “Hey, can you attend your phone? Bimla.” You will say, “No, I told you long before, my name is changed. Why are you calling with the old name?” He will say, “Alright, I didn’t remember the name, please come Nithya Ananda. Please come and attend your phone.”


Then you will see continuously for three-four days, some ten-twenty people are coming to your house everyday for healing. And naturally fifth day or sixth day he will come and sit and watch, what these guys are talking among themselves. So naturally he will see one or two cases, coming and telling, “Oh, I had knee pain, it become alright”; “I had headache, it become alright”; “I had wheezing it has come down.”


Anyhow, he can neither say ‘Yes’ nor say ‘No’ in front of public. He will keep quiet. After 20 days, he will slowly call you, “See last two days, I’m having headache and fever. I heard that you do something. If you want you can try. I don't have faith in all these things. I don’t have faith, if you want you can try. It’s after all nothing but sitting for few minutes silently. I can sit. It’s nothing wrong. But I don't believe in that young Swami, the photograph which you are having. Just I wanted to see.” Naturally, you will smile inside, but you can't show outside. If you are too aggressive, then this guy will say ‘No’. So you’ll put your hand. Two days healing will go on, third day, “I think the medicine which I took two days before, worked. Today I am feeling better. But if you want, for your satisfaction you can try once more.” You also can't say anything, you will heal.


He may not tell you, but he knows what has happened inside. So afterwards only, first time in front of you, he will pick up the book and try to see. When you ask, “How you feel with the book?” “Sounds logical, but even then, I don't believe in all these things. It’s okay” After one month, you want to come for some program - Jayanthi or Shivaratri or something. Naturally you will say, “I’m going, why don’t you also come?” “I’m not stopping what you are doing, don't call me. Don't try to convert me.” Naturally you will say, “No, I’m not converting you. I’m just calling. If you want, you can also come.” “No, I’m not interested. You can go. But I’m not stopping you.” It means what - half yes.


Anyhow, finally after two months, suddenly there will be some flexes, posters, banners everywhere - ‘Nithya Dhyan University.’ And this guy will come back to the house, “I heard that your young Swami is coming to our city. What's the program?” Then you will naturally tell, “It’s a satsang. If you want, you can come and attend - Meditation Program.” “I don't have time. It’s okay go. If you want, you can go.” Just half an hour before the program, “All right. After all there’s nobody to drop you. I can just come at least for taking care of you. It's okay. I’ll just see. But don't force me to meditate and all. I’ll just come and see what he talks.”


He’ll come and sit. Anyhow, all three days - program will be over. If you ask, “How do you feel with the program?” “Good. Okay. But you are too much into it. It says to meditate, meditate and leave it. That's all. Why there is so many malas, so many bracelet; constantly from morning till night calling people and talking? You are too much into it. Don't go overboard. Just be balanced.”


Anyhow, after two months, suddenly he sees in the magazine that there is going to be NSP. Without even telling you, silently he will register. And just two days before, slowly will tell you, “I heard that you are going for volunteering to that program.” You will say, “Yes, yes. I’m going to volunteer. Rarely we get the opportunity to be with Him.” “I think I don't want to send you alone this time.” “What do you mean by you don’t want to send me alone this time?” “That, I’ll also come and be there and see what is going on.”


Anyhow, you will laugh inside, but you will not tell anything. “It's okay, if you want, come and try. What is there?” Then naturally, the whole NSP he will be there. It’ll be going on. In the gaps you will try to talk to him and he will say, “No”. He will keep silence. After the NSP, after everything is over, when he lands in your house, next day morning suddenly you will see, in the next room also the same sound, “Mmm, mmm, mmm” is happening. Same time but in two seperate rooms. Two separate rooms, ”mmm, mmm, mmm”. Now it is too much. Now it is too much. Naturally, you’ll ask, “How do you feel? Now do you understand, what I said is right?” He will say, “No. What Swamiji says is right. It sounds really true, but you did not present me as he told. Because of you I delayed my meditation.” Again, who will be blamed? You. You see what’s, accepting Swamiji is very easy, but accepting, you are right, is very difficult. Accepting that Swamiji is right, is easy. But accepting you are right, is too difficult.


Anyhow, after one month, when somebody calls and says, asks, “Can I come for healing? Your uh, can you ask your wife and tell me, what time I can come?” “No, today she’s not there. But you can come. I myself can heal you.” Now I’m also a healer.” “Please come and heal me.” “I can heal you.” Here ends the show. That's all.



Be Unclutched || Part 2 || NSC || 07 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Convention
Session on : Be Unclutched Part 2
Date : 7 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam says that at the cosmic layer, there is no engrams. In very rare occasions, we unclutched from our mind and body and experience this cosmic layer. Just like when we unclutch the gears of the car, when we unclutch our inner space, nothing needs to change in the hardware, our external lifestyle and day to day activities continue to exist. However, like the car will stop when the gears are unclutched, our inner space will also come to a stop when we unclutch our inner space. Through initiation, the Guru transmits His unclutched inner space to the inner space of the disciples.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



Please understand, whenever you want to use this portable knowledge, I don't have a problem. You are free to use. Many people ask Me, “All these meditation techniques, can I teach for others?” I tell, “You are free to use. It’s not My property. Property of Buddha, Shankara, Mahadeva, Krishna. You have full freedom to teach. I don't have a problem.” I think somebody give me a big list of all the classes there. (mentioned participant’s name) Oh, please be seated. You can take all this knowledge, whoever wants can use. I‘ve no problem. I’m clearly segregating the people who are here for portable knowledge and the people who are here for non-portable experience, people who want non-portable experience. Moreover, when you receive non-portable experience, really you feel like committing with your whole life. You won't even you feel; it will just happen.


When you close your eyes, start meditating, you’ll be just sitting with your regular life and dress. When you open your eyes, suddenly you’ll see, you’re with mala and bracelet. It just happens. All I feel, let us accept and acknowledge, pay gratitude to each one's contribution, each one's contribution. When you are given Gayatri, you will be given new name. You know, all brahmanas, any of you received Gayatri formally, you’ ll be given a new name. During the Gayatri Initiation. See, it's ’like a, when you are initiated, you are a new being, new person. That's why you are given a new name. It is from vedic tradition.


Reading delegate’s question: “My age is seventy, I can’t change.” Who? (says participant’s name) Ah, When you become eighty, take the name. I’m going to be here quite a long time, don't worry. We’ll have fun. Coming at the young age to the masters, master is the best thing can happen for your life. So much of suffering can be avoided. So much of suffering can be avoided.


(Reading delegates question): “You look differently in different times, sometimes far away from reach, some time very near in my heart, sometimes very womanly in appearance. Is it my view in which I look at you or anything else?”


When enlightenment happens, physically you may be male or female, but in the being level you go beyond. Understand? Enlightened being is neither male nor female or gay, He is beyond all the three. It's like, eh how I hold the kerchief and drop it when I don't want, I’m holding this body. So, just I, just because I hold this kerchief, you think that this kerchief has become male or female now? No, it is just an object. Same way, the master’s body also becomes simple object through which he relates. That's all.


Sometime whatever you want to see, you will see. That's all. Some time you will see Rama, Krishna, Govinda, whoever you want to see. Whatever you are praying, you will see that. Reading delegates question: “During meditation in the last session You suddenly appeared and stood on my navel centre when I was concentrating on it; being standing there for few minutes, followed by Lord Shiva visible in all chakras for the rest of the meditation. I couldn’t believe it and felt blessed. (Participant’s name).” Wonderful experience; only thing don’t be stuck with these experiences. These are good, but as long as you see Me as form, you have not had the ultimate truth. It’s only you are growing. Maybe you can say, it’s like eh, if you see a board ‘Bangalore - 16 Kilometre’, it’s a good sign you are traveling in the right track. But it’s not that Bangalore has come. So don’t stop near the sign boards.


Somebody is asking: “Do we have technology for converting budhus into Buddhas? What else do you think I am doing now? (All laughing) You see if I carve budhus into Buddhas, it looks very condescending. But I am telling people budhus. But even if I don’t tell, truth is truth, na? (All laughing) “So how many budhus have become Buddhas so far?” I can say less than fifty. Fifty I tried; less than fifty. I can say at least twenty five. I can say at least twenty five. If you want to find out, I, for some technical reasons I don't release the names. It creates all complications for them, for their simple life. If you want to find out, try to live around the people who are living closely with Me for last few years, you will be able to smell the same energy, the same intensity in them. Delegate: ”They look like You.” Look like? Looking like Me is not the thing. I don't how do they look like Me. I don't understand. Anyhow.. He’s not leaving me. (Swamiji laughs) Reading delegate’s question. “As part of Tamil NSP You have been in the dining hall at least once a day, but here you don't serve, turn at all. In the dining hall we expect you at lunch. (Swamiji laughing)


In Tamil NSP I go and serve everyday at least once. He gave me also yesterday letter, but somehow I avoided that letter, today I.. (All laughing) All right, I’ll... One big problem in the programs conducted inside the ashram you know; one good positive thing you have a energy field and the Banyan tree and all those things. One bad thing is I am too much caught in so many things. Continu.. The moment I go out of the hall there will be twenty fellows standing for some instruction, report. That's the reason I'm not able to come and serve in the dining hall. But at least I will try; today I’ll try. And moreover, there I go and serve because usually the people get stomach problems when they do this, all this vata pitta kapha balancing. To heal the stomach I energise the food so that they’ll all be healed. They will not have much aa problem.


But here food is already energised, everyday it goes for offering. Please understand, all these four days you are eating the offered prasad, energised food, so nothing much, no, not much problem.


Somebody’s asking, I don't want to read their name, very personal question: “After the prarabdha, after the desire meditation, I know I have a deep lust, but I want to get rid of it. How to?“ I tell you, if it is your prarabdha don't even bother about getting rid of it. You will see that lust has enough of power and capability, intensity; it will bring right person to your life. See understand, lust is not a dead energy. It's a living, intelligent, intense energy. Respect it. If it is agamya, it’ll die. If it’s prarabdha which you brought, it will bring the right person to your life and give you the deep fulfillment and of course, beyond fulfillment, the bliss.


So, I don't think you should start working for suppressing or dropping, You should only bring more and more awareness to it. If it is agamya it will drop. If it is prarabdha it’ll get fulfilled. Reading a delegate’s question: “Would you please explain the flowering of the emotional body? When we are crying in joy, is that it? When I think of sharing Your meditation and teaching with other, I feel joy in my third chakra. Is that flowering or is it cleaning, cleansing?” It is flowering. In cleansing you won't feel joy, you will only feel peace. In flowering, only you will feel bliss.


Let’s enter into the initiation. Maybe just two minutes we’ll meditate and give our prayers and respects to all the great masters who developed this science of initiation into the truth and who preserved this truth on the planet earth. Please close your eyes and sit straight. You don't have to tie the ribbon. Just sit straight and close your eyes. Pray intensely to all of them to give you the experience of the truth, the initiation.


Swamjii chants: Sadashiva Samaarambhaam Shankaracharya Madhyamaam | Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam Vande Guru Paramparaam ||


Understand, this truth was transmitted only from being to being. You do not know which moment the truth will click with you. Don't miss even a single statement which I’m uttering. Any moment it may click. It may just click with you. You may feel connected to these words, to the truth which I'm uttering. First thing I want to explain, how you clutch, connect, and create your so-called mind.


Please understand, even if you have been initiated, even if you have been initiated already, do not bother. Listen intensely, you might have been initiated into any mantra. Even the same initiation of unclutching you might have had. If you already done an NSP or Nithya Dhyan, you would have had this initiation. But don't think you already had initiation. Just sit with the fresh beginner's mind. It can take you to the deeper level clicks, deeper level initiation.


How you clutch and create your mind. Let me explain with a simple diagram, then you’ll be able to understand what I'm saying. Usually, how you get thoughts and how it flows inside you: (Swamiji writing on a board)


Your thoughts are different shape, different size, different length, different colour, different frequency. They’re all just flowing. They some time even overlap. (Swamiji writing on a board)


Please understand, very important but basic truth about you, your mind, life. You can say one thought related to some joy and something is related to some suffering. Again some joy; then again some suffering, some painful thoughts. Then some joy thoughts, then some painful thoughts, some suffering. Like this, different different thoughts are coming, mixing and mingling. Am I right? Please understand. Different different thoughts are continuously flowing inside you. You are basically bundle of unconnected, illogical, independent thoughts.


If you want to experiment, just you can take a few minutes and pen down whatever is coming from inside. Please let me explain, then you can start doing. Whatever comes inside, if you just pen down, you’ll understand there is no logical connection between one thought and other thought. For example, if you see a dog in the street, immediately you will start remembering all the dogs which you have seen, in your, when you were young and the fear which you had or the attachment you had for the pets. Then you’ll remember the young age, the teacher under whom you studied. Then you’ll remember that place where the teacher stayed.


Please understand, there is no logical connection between the dog which you saw on the street and the teacher under whom you studied in young age. But suddenly the mind has slipped to.. this is the way your mind flows, even though both of them barked at you, that is different. But there’s no logical connection between the dog which you saw in the street and the teacher under whom you studied in young age. But your mind just slips. You are nothing but a bunch of unconnected, independent, illogical, unclutched thoughts.


Let us first understand this statement. This truth, let us understand. Let us experiment with it. Just sit now, take up the paper and pen. Please understand, pen down whatever goes on inside. If you, if you, if you feel like, “Oh, I’m not feeling like writing anything. I’m feeling bored”, write that also. Whatever goes on inside. As if.. Please listen, one minute. Please listen, then you can start. Have you heard this transcription softwares, the Dragon. The medical, eh all the doctors are using now? Doctors are using for medical transcription, the transcription software, whatever you speak it will transcribe. If a transcription software is connected to your mind, how it will transcribe. Without missing one sound, one word, don't edit, no grammar change, no phonetic change, no spelling change, no pronunciation change, whatever goes on just pen down for few minutes. Just for few minutes, please start.



Be Unclutched || Part 3 || NSC || 07 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Convention
Session on : Be Unclutched Part 3
Date : 7 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains how pain shafts and joy shafts are formed. We are just a bunch of unconnected, independent, illogical unclutched thoughts. We create our so called mind, when we clutch and connect the independent thoughts together into a shaft. We try to break pain shafts and elongate joy shalfs. Swamiji reveals the secret that we can neither elongate nor break the shafts because these shafts are just imaginary, they are not real. Only flowing of different thoughts exist in us, it is the happening of our being. But the picking up and connecting these thoughts into shafts happens only in our imagination. It is not there, but which troubles us as if it is there, is what we call maya. Maya, also known as illusion, is the gap between what we are and what we remember ourselves to be.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio


Be Unclutched || Part 4 || NSC || 07 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Convention
Session on : Be Unclutched Part 4
Date : 7 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam goes on to explain that we can only experience one thought at a time even though we may be crowded with many thoughts. For every new thought that comes into our inner space, we have renounced the previous thought and the past thoughts. Only when the old thought vacates our inner space, then new thought can enter our inner space. It is not about diverting or distracting the mind, it is about allowing the thoughts to flow. Just grasping and understanding this can transform us. Any simple thought, for example, to drink coffee, can replace our so call greatest problems.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio


Be Unclutched || Part 5 || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Session on : Be Unclutched Part 5
Date : 7 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains that the prarabdha karma, which is the desires or the energies which we brought, and with which we create our physical body, is intelligent enough to run all our responsibilities, all our duties and has enough resources to fulfil the prarabdha. Catching this truth means bhakti. Bhakti means trusting the cosmic energy, which is going inside us, as prana and coming out as out going prana, that energy has intelligence and compassion to run our body, mind , family and the responsibilities we have taken.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



No, I am not telling, please understand, I am not giving you some false idea. I am not giving you some false hypnotist things. No! I am just stating the simple straight. If you, if you are, see, if you think, there is something wrong in what I am saying, come up. I have no problem. We’ll analyse the question. Let me finish the initiation. Alright, your, your, question can ask?

Participant: My question was Swamiji that if I am suffering pain now, say I’ve broken my knee, I to, how to, what do I do about it? I can’t...

Swamiji: Ah, yes please be seated. No, no, listen, no, no, see that is, that is what I told just now, you didn't understand. The pain which you experienced in your body 10 years ago somewhere, 9 years ago somewhere, 8 years ago somewhere and now why are you connecting that same experiences and saying it is the pain? You understand?


Just see as if a child, how a child watches the rose, same way just see, what is going on in your knees? Something strange is happening inside, let me see. Try with your pain, I guarantee it’ll disappear; because I've done it.

Participant: He is talking about acute pain; like you fall and have an injury?

Swamiji: See, there is no such thing as acute. Alright. Can... you have the thought now, ‘acute pain’ and you have the thought ‘let me stand up’. Can this thought ‘let me stand up’ come without replacing the thought ‘you have acute pain’?

Participants: No.

Swamiji: Tell me?

Participants: No.


Understand, it is only the number of times that thought getting repeated. If the thought, “I have acute pain” is getting repeated, thousand times per second in your - in you, you start thinking it is a strong existential experience. Please understand, if you take one fire torch and rotate, in a full speed what you will see?

Participants: Fire circle.

Swamiji: Fire circle. Why? Because number of times that fire is moving is more than the

Participants: eyes power.

Swamiji: Eyes power, the ability to catch. Am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: Same way, the number of thoughts… the thought ‘I have acute knee pain,’ if it gets repeated more number of times than your mind's awareness, please understand, than your awareness, what happens? You start seeing the fire circle. Am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: The person who questioned, you are able to understand what I am saying?

Participant: Yes.


Swamiji: Let me finish the initiation, then I’ll answer all your questions about this, because this is the essence of NSP. Understand? This is the essence of NSP. If you can catch this truth, the note with which you wrote will look very funny and you will feel, “3 days Swami wasted my time. 3 days Swami wasted my time.” Because now if you read again, once more, it’ll look, “Ahhhh. Ahh, Swami should have told this first day itself.” Understand, no, that’s what...I am now, I am coming to physical pain, physical disease, relationship, mental problem, I am coming to everything. I am coming to every step, how to apply this initiation.


If your eyes, attention, whole thing is centred on master, only then the initiation can happen. Only then every word will make - have that click in you. Please understand, even if you miss one sentence what I am uttering, you will miss the truth. See, I was talking about this pain; the idea, the concept that you have acute pain, if it is repeated thousand times per second, that's what I call thoughts per second - TPS, thousand times per second, you will not have awareness to see the gap between the two, two repetition, am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: See, it is like a water bubbles coming from the fish tank. Every bubble is a independent, individual, unconnected bubble, am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: But because the number of bubbles is more, you think it is just a fountain. Am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: Same way, because the number of times you repeating that you have acute pain is more, you start thinking that acute pain is a experience.


Please understand, first try to play with the simple pains you are carrying. Stomach pain or headache or knee pain. Suddenly you will see they will disappear, they will not be there. This will give you so much of experiential courage, understand? When the initiation is applied in life it is called tapas. Now what I am talking to you, this truth is initiation. When you are convinced and when you have courage about it and start experimenting with it, it is called tapas. In the initial one or two days, it may take a few more minutes, because the number of times you repeat, ‘I have acute pain, I have acute pain, I have acute pain,’ you’re just repeating hundred and, hundred times, two hundred times per second. That has to come down. How long it will take? Hardly few seconds, nothing else.


Listen, the moment you say, ‘let me have cup of coffee’ - if you want you can say even orally, loud way. Now you know for last one second the idea that you have acute pain has been replaced, am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: The moment you entered this sentence that, ‘I want to have a cup of coffee’; it does come back, that is different. Then what you are supposed to do now again? ‘I want to have one more cup of coffee. I want to stand up.’ Please understand, only, first two three times your mind will try to play the game. If your mind knows one thought or one pain or one fear, you successfully replaced, it’ll be completely shaken. Even once, if you beat a dada, he will lose his wole power. He will lose his whole grace. He will lose his whole... am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: Your whole game, the game between you and your mind is a simple psycho-drama; who shouts more, he wins.


Understand? It is the same game between you and your spouse. No, there is no logic behind who wins. Sometime what you talk may be logical truth but that does not mean you are going to win. Who shouts loud is going to win. That's the truth, am I right?

Participants: Yes 100%

Swamiji: No, the same thing, same thing with your mind. Whether it is, ideas about persons or the sufferings caused by persons, when I say knee pain will disappear - what about simple mental heaviness? That will disappear in [Swamiji snaps finger to indicate disappear in a snap] The moment you have the heaviness or depression decide, “let me have ice cream.” That's all. The thought “I scream” will disappear. “I scream” will disappear. Why?

Participants: Ice-cream

Swamiji: “Ice-cream”. You may think, “No, no, no, how long I can be replacing continuously these thoughts?” Don't be afraid. The moment you can replace, with one simple thought any big emotion, you lost fear or respect about that big emotions. Am I right?


Participant: I just experimented

Swamiji: That's all. That's all. Nothing else Ma; just experiment with the simple things which you are having now, you will see they are not there. What can be done? The whole problem is you bring all these guys again and again back to your inner space because you feel lonely. Without your pain, your suffering, your fear, your troubles, your depression, you feel lonely. You want to have your company. See, by and by you started enjoying them. By and by you feel they've become part of you. You feel, ‘without them what is life?’ No, that is the whole problem. Otherwise, see whatever I am saying does any one statement, looks illogical?

Participants: No

Swamiji: Tell simple truth straight away. That's all.


So now, if you have... one more thing, understand. You can experiment with any problem from this moment, from this moment. I guarantee I have seen in My life. I have seen in millions of My disciples lives. It works. Simple understanding. Only one clarity - you can not have two, two thoughts at a time, am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: So any new thought which comes inside replaces the old thought, am I right?

Participants: Yes.

Swamiji: So, any emotion which can be replaced by a simple thought, what is the value of that emotion? Ahhh. You don't even have to think now to have cup of coffee. If you have a deep fear or a deep greed or vengagence or anger, what you are supposed to do? Ahhh. Somebody asked Me, “If I am sitting whole day and saying Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, to my, whatever is going on in my inner space, then how will I run my life?” This is the next question, let us come to the...


They asked Me, “No, no. Who will pay my bills? Who will go to my job? Who will feed my family? Whole day I am sitting and saying, ‘Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhhh.’ Who will take care of my wife? Who will take care of my life?” Listen here, now comes an important revelation, truth. Whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, understand or not. The prarabdha, the desires or the energy which you brought and with which you created your body, is intelligent enough to run all your responsibilities, all your duties and expand the infrastructural luxury which you want.


Please understand. I am not giving you false promise, listen. It's the important truth. Catching this truth is what I call bhakti. Bhakti means, not believing some statue which is there somewhere, or some person who is there somewhere. No. Bhakti means trusting the cosmic energy which is going inside you as prana and coming out of your body as a outgoing prana - that energy has intelligence and compassion to run your body and mind and family and the responsibilities you have taken. That is what Krishna means when he says in Gita (9.22)

ananyāś cintayanto mām ye janāḥ paryupāsate I teṣāṁ nityābhiyuktānāṁ yogakṣemaṁ vahāmyahaṁ II

Whoever reminds, remembers me, remains in me, relaxes in me, whatever they want, I bring it to them and see that it stays with them. Please understand.


Beautifully Buddha says - Buddha says very beautifully, “when you relax from the constant irritation which is pushing your body.” Please understand, when you unclutch all you will have, all you will lose is only the constant irritation you are having. For example, when you lie down in the bed, early morning, 7 o'clock, your wife is calling you, waking you up. First thing you will have an irritation. “Oh I have to get up. One more day.” You will lose only that constant irritation you are carrying, nothing else. Nothing else. Listen intensely, this is the important part.


He will be - you may be having fear: “No, no, from morning till night whatever comes inside if I am sitting and saying, ‘Ahhh, ahhhh, ahh.’ Will I not become lazy? How will I go for job?” Understand, you will go to the job, proper time, proper way, without carrying irritation or without carrying restlessness or vengeance against anybody. How you know? First 10 days unclutch, even if you lie down in your bed, nothing wrong. 10 days don't go to the job, nothing wrong. Take vacation, it's okay. In 10 days you think your job will disappear, or your life will disappear? Nothing wrong. 10 days is worthy gain, I tell you. At the most within three, four days, three, four days you may lie down and sleep, sleep, sleep but how long you can be sleeping? How many days, you can lie down, tell me? How many days you can be lazy? As long as the tamas in your body exhausts, you can be lazy.


See, your body is made out of 33% of tamas, 33% of rajas - restlessness, 33% of sattva - peace. As long as the 33% gets exhausted, you suppressed that 33% tamas. You didn't, you may, you may not have given enough rest for your body. So till that desire for the rest disappears, exhausts, you will be lying down. After that what will happen? You can't be lying down. Suddenly, the rajas will come out as creativity, it will come out as creativity. You will feel, I think, now it is time I am fresh, lets do”.


Understand, even if you say, ‘Ahh, ahh.’ You will see, without any irritation, without any itching, a simple thought will flow out of your body and it will become action, that is what I call karma yoga. A simple thought, expressing out of your body and becoming action is karma yoga. Not anything else, Karma yoga is not anything else. Simple thought happening and becoming action, without creating irritation.


Please listen, now what I am saying may look too big promise. Try. In one week you won’t disappear, you won't die, nothing wrong. That trying is what I call tapas. That trying is what I call tapas. Decide, for next 11 days, whatever comes up in my mind, all I’ll do is, “Ahhhhhh. Ahhhhhh.” You will see, without feeling irritated, you feel like, “Alright, let me go to office, let me do this decision, let me do that.” You will start doing, but you will not be carrying the weight with which you used to work. The fear about your emotions, fear about your inner being or the disrespect you carry about you will not be there. Suddenly you will see so much of courage, so much of confidence, so much of integrity, so much of respect for yourself that you can handle your being.


Please understand. Respect that you can handle you, is what I call Jnāna. That is what I call Jnāna. Bhakti, the trust, the existence is here to fulfill you, not to take revenge on you; you don't have to constantly protect you to fulfill yourself. Just open your hands, you will be fulfilled. Just open yourself, you will be fulfilled. You don't have to be so insecure to fulfill what you have to be. Relax. The whole existence is running, moving. Earth is moving, Moon is rotating the Earth. The Earth is going around the sun, the whole cosmos is moving to fulfill what you want to become. Please understand. The whole cosmos is moving. You can have two attitude. One, “This cosmos is moving, to fulfill what I want to become.” Or “No, this cosmos is moving, to take away what I want to become”. What you want to believe?

Participants: The first one.



Be Unclutched || Part 6 || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Session on : Be Unclutched Part 6
Date : 7 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam expound the power cognition that "Cosmos is here to fulfil me. Consciousness is here to fulfil me." Unclutch and know that cosmos / consciousness is here to fulfil us. Our inner space is pure, self purifying, self cleaning eternal light. The human brain is wired for God experience, to experience God.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio


Be Unclutched || Part 7 || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Convention
Session on : Be Unclutched Part 7
Date : 7 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains that this initiation is a stress buster. Whatever we can change, we change, Whatever we cannot change, we accept. Recognizing what we can change and what we cannot change is the power of initiation. 80% of our diseases are just because of the samskaras on us. Samskaras are the subtle mental impressions left by all thoughts, intentions and actions that an individual has ever experienced. Often likened to grooves in the mind, they can be considered as psychological or emotional imprints that contribute to the formation of behavioral patterns. 100% of our relationship and mental problems exist because of samskara. Relax, trust and let go, The Guru will take care of us with Divine Grace.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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For next 10 days, decide strongly, any stress comes up inside you... understand, let Me define stress means. If you have heaviness in Anahata or in Manipuraka, in the navel or in the heart, don't do that. Anything which creates heaviness or stress in navel or Anahata; you feel the weight in this two zone by any thought coming up, just say “ahhhh”. All you need to do “ahhh”. Don't bother. I promise, you will not miss anything. You will not miss wealth, you will not miss health, you will not miss your relationships. When I promise, I mean, understand? I mean.


One more important thing. It's not that you will not go to your job, it's not that you will not relate with your relationship, it's not that you will not take care of your body. Few times, when you don't bother about that stress which is happening, the way which is happening, suddenly you’ll see the same thought coming up without stress. The same thought coming up without fear. The same thought coming up without difficulty. The same memories about the same persons coming up without irritation. Just the thought will come in a very simple way. For example, if you have thought now to have a cup of water, will you have irritation? You will just get up, go and drink. That's all. You will live with that simplicity. If you can live with that innocence 24 hours you are living enlightenment.


Understand, enlightenment, jeevan mukthi means ‘nothing’. Don't think you will have two horns, you will have two horns. You will not even have 2 thorns. Forget about horns. Nothing. When a thought comes, it will not create any weight in you, it will just simply come out and become reality without even you interfering in it. When it comes, just see if it creates any heaviness, don't fulfil just say “ahhhh”. If it does not create any heaviness, you don't have to do anything, your body will simply act. Your body will simply act. Please understand, just a simple understanding; from now you can work, from this moment you can work. Anything comes up with no stress, with no difficulty, with no irritation, with no tension, with no stress in you, you don't need to do anything to fulfill that thoughts. What happens? Simply... Participants: It happens. Swamiji: It happens. If anything creates any disturbance or stress or pressure or anything in you, uncomfort feeling, what are you supposed to do? Participants: “Ahhhh.”


Swamiji: All you need is just 10 days. One more thing. Understand, for enlightened masters, the great thing they have is vaak siddhi. Anything comes out of their mouth will simply become reality. If you are already associated with our mission for one or two years, I don't have to tell that - now what I am uttering. You know it. Just any word which comes out, simply will become reality. Now I bless you all with this same authority. I have seen the truth, I am living the truth. Let you all understand this truth completely and let you all internalise it and let you all experiment it. Let you all live it. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. [00:04:44] Understand, this one truth and internalise. Now I’ll spend some time answering your questions, churning this truth. Churning this truth deeply and giving you a very secret, or the subtle techniques to apply this truth in the day to day routine. Apply this truth in your, making it as a life. Expanding it courageously, experimenting it.


Participant: “My name is >>inaudible Reddy>>, I started my real estate business four years back. I came to this place just to buy some lands here, nearby place. Just I was searching for some lands, without knowing this ashram also I purchased 80 acres of land with a small investment borrowed from some other sources. Then I come to know swami inside there is some ashram. Just simply I was coming and going to this place. Then once I met this Swamiji, then I explained him: Swamiji, I am not aware that any ashram is there, and interaction was there with few times with Swamiji. He has blessed me, “Ayya this area will become like a township. You also will grow…..inaudible and you will be enlightened like that He has told.” I never believed in the beginning also to be frank, before I met >>inaudible>>. And two three times again I came, slowly I started attaching to this ashram. Now I have earned 500 crores with blessing of Swamiji. And I entered Bangalore to have one thirty-forty site for my family. Now so more than 4000 site I reached out to different families. My photo is there which is >>inaudible>> Various parts of Bangalore, Mysore and Vizag. And with Swamiji blessings, what He has told four years back, which has come true, I am the witness for that.


Swamiji: See, use this inspiration to understand that My words will come as true. I am not promising 500 crore for all, all of you. I am not promising that but I can promise one thing - the possibility, the energy for 500 crores which happened in him can happen in every one of you. Understand? 500, I am not responsible for 500 crore but I can be responsible for that good energy which was put in him, that seed. Understand, I can put the same seed in you, that is what I am doing now. Let you live this seed, experiment with this seed. When I say, “Live”, please be very clear, it is not that your life is a option between spiritual life or material life. The moment you have - that is the big doubt and problem we have. The moment you have the difference between the spiritual life and the material life, it is nothing but spiritual laziness and material restlessness. Both are nonsense. Spiritual - the moment you think spirituality you think laziness, the moment you think materialistic, you think restlessness. Both are useless. Spiritual laziness and material restlessness is not life. The truth is unclutch, simply things will happen inside you and around you. That is what I call spiritual energy, the spiritual energy. Materialistically you may look like lazy, spiritually you may look like restless but suddenly you will see neither laziness nor restlessness is there, just what ‘is’ is there.


Neither tamas, nor rajas, simple sattva will be overflowing in you. Simple sattva will be overflowing in you. What he said, the power of the word, the power of the word; of course he worked on that word that only brought wealth. It’s not that... I did not give money; just the energy and he worked on it, that brought wealth. Work on this word which I am talking, experiment on this truth, you will see so many things happening around you. You will attract miracles. You will attract energy.


Understand, because of the power of this one truth which I am sharing, within five years the whole organisation is standing. The whole organisation is standing. It's not joke. It is not joke. This whole organisation is a solid proof of power of the truth which I am talking, which I am talking. Somebody asked Me this - just one week before I had My birthday, we had My birthday celebration. One devotee who got healed from psoriasis, he made a golden throne and put. If you have seen me on that day, you would've seen some one, one of my swami come said: “Swamiji should we...” First I said, “I don't want.” I rejected, one year we delayed. Last year itself he offered, then finally I said: “Alright.” This guy, that guy was really sincere guy, I said, “Alright, put it.” Then one swami asked, “Swamiji, should we use this?” Then another one swami, he said. “Swamiji, we should use this because it is a witness for the experience which a devotee had.” Understand, not wealth, witness for experience which a devotee had.


Same way, this whole organisation is the witness of the great spiritual experiences people had, people had. Understand, be very clear, now all you need to understand is this one truth; experiment this truth. Experiment this truth. When I said this organisation is a witness of the people's experience, I told just to give you the confidence about the truth, not anything else. Just to give you confidence about the truth. Internalise it, experiment this truth, you will see the reality. You will see the power. You will see the joy. You will see what is happening in you.


Your life can be run without what you call as your mind, without what you call as your being - your ego. When you live with that simplicity, you see, if you want to drink cup of water the moment that thought comes, till that thought is fulfilled, is there any disturbance or itching, or irritation, suffering in your life? Participants: No. Swamiji: A simple flow. Same way, please understand, same way your whole life can be simple flow. Just experiment with this initiation. What you are supposed to do? “Ahhh.” Experiment with courage, your whole life will be this simple flow.



Be Unclutched || Part 8 || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Convention
Session on : Be Unclutched Part 8
Date : 7 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains that this initiation is a stress buster. Whatever we can change, we change, Whatever we cannot change, we accept. Recognizing what we can change and what we cannot change is the power of initiation. 80% of our diseases are just because of the samskaras on us. Samskaras are the subtle mental impressions left by all thoughts, intentions and actions that an individual has ever experienced. Often likened to grooves in the mind, they can be considered as psychological or emotional imprints that contribute to the formation of behavioral patterns. 100% of our relationship and mental problems exist because of samskara. Relax, trust and let go, The Guru will take care of us with Divine Grace.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Swamiji: Next question, let Me finish this quick huh, come on. Participant: Nithyanandam, Swami assume that if a person experiences a heart pain, should he still say ‘ahhh’? Swamiji: Be very clear, now what you are asking is hypothetical. See, ‘when really the situation comes say ahhh’, you will not ignore if it is needed. You will not ignore if it is needed; if it is needed you will give a medical care. After all body is made out of chemicals. If needed, give the whatever chemicals needed. If it became tired... you see, in that case, body is made out of chemical that’s why when it’s needed you give food, is it not? Just like you give food, if you need, you may give medicine; but you will not have the suffering or stress, “Oh, I am going to have heart attack, I have problem,” You will not have that difficulties. You will not add to your suffering.


Beautifully Ramana Maharishi says - somebody asked Ramana Maharishi, “Do you have pain?” when he was having cancer. He says, “Pain is there, but there is no suffering.” Understand, there is no suffering. So what you are asking is a hypothetical question. You are only asking hypothetical question. You are trying to create bigger fears so that you may defeat your intelligence, ‘you can't handle your fears’. See now you want to... now I am proving to you, ‘you can handle all your problems’. But your mind wants to prove, “No, no, no, no, this Swami is teaching all the nonsense, you think you’re, you can handle? Come out of the Bangalore ashram, I will take care.” Your mind is now saying, “No, you can't handle! I’ll teach you lesson, come out of this fellow's place, I can't enter his area. Just because of that dont think you are the king. Come out! Come to my area, I'll take care of you.” That's what now your mind is telling. Don't entertain this hypothetical question.


One thing, it's not that an enlightened person will not give what body needs. For example, if you have thought of drinking a water, it's not that you will ignore, and you will not drink water at all. You will not have the stress and sufferings and problems which you bring between your interpretations, your interferences. When you don't have your interferences, naturally the pain will disappear, even if there is a - the, even if you have to die, you will die in a very delayed, peaceful way. Understand? You’re, you see, nobody suffers with a heart attack because they don't care. People suffer with heart attack because they care too much and create too much stress. Am I right? Participants: Yes. Swamiji: But you see your mind - creating opposite problem, creating opposite problem. See you think, “I think my grandfather died with heart attack, my father died with heart attack, I am going to have heart attack, any one day I am going to have.” By thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, what do you do? You bring it as near as possible. And that is what I'm saying, you will not bring it near. If it has to happen, you will go through it beautifully and peacefully.


I can tell you one thing, especially with this understanding and all, the stress will completely disappear. I can say this initiation is a stress buster, stress buster. It’ll just disappear, it’ll just disappear. Don't ever have this difficulties or fears. I tell you, the first few times only you will have the pain, you’ll have this, these questions. See even now you’re not asking the existential question, you understand? You are only proposing some hypothetical question. It's like a, “If somebody comes and kills me should I say ‘ahhh’?” Even if you don't say ‘ahh’ what are you.. what can you do? Tell me? Whatever you can do, you will do. Whatever you can do, you will do. Beyond what you can't do you will say relax. Understand, whatever you can change you will change. Whatever you can't change you will accept. What you can change and you can’t change, you will have intelligence, that is the power of initiation. That is the power of initiation. That's all.


Come on, any next question? Participant: Regarding the emotions getting changed by the intellect, supposing a, a person is not a very intellectual person, and uh, he’s a emotional person, then? Swamiji: Whether you are intellectual person or emotional person, are you... what do you think yourself? You think yourself as a emotional personal or intellectual person? Participant: Sound like both. Swamiji: Sound like both? Between these two. Whether you are emotional or intellectual, the moment you decided to stand up, have you not renounced the thought of sitting or not? That's all. Whether you are emotional or intellectual, the process is same. Don't you understand, the process is same. Please be very clear, the same fear which he asked is coming in the other way. This is one of the worst fear.


Let Me give you a simple example, one important example. In North India, especially near Agra, in that banks of Jamuna, Yamuna, the forest, they will have the trap for catching the birds. You would have heard this experiment, example from Me. But even then, understand, try to understand now. Have you seen? They will have a trap, like this trap, like this only it’ll be there. One simple, one small stick will be hanging with a thread like this. It’ll be tied between just two trees, between the two tree’s it’ll be tied. You may think, “How can this trap a bird?” Understand, like this er, it’ll be hanging between two, two trees. The stick will be there. A bird will come and sit in one side. The moment it sits, what will happen? It just turn. The moment it turns, the bird will now, now hanging? Participants: Upside down. Swamiji: Upside down, topsy turvy. That poor guy, he does not understand, if he just lets go, the holding, the stick, he can fly. But that poor guy will think, “No no, if I let go I’ll fall and break my head and die”


Understand, “If I let go, I’ll fall and break my head and die”. And that poor fellow will be hanging for two hours, three hours. Slowly the hunter will come, catch that bird and put it in the cage. Please understand, how that poor bird.... have you ever heard one bird let go, relaxed and fell and broke his head and died? Have you ever heard? But this poor guy will be hanging, hanging, hanging without remem... understanding he can just let go and fly. Same way, you do not understand, if you let go your mind, you can just take off, you will become Paramahamsa. But your mind is again and again giving you the fear. What fear? “If I let go, I may fall and break my... Break my head. I may just die”. Please understand, it is different, different fears. You understand what I am saying? If you let go what you think “I may have heart attack and I may not take care”. There is no story in the planet Earth, the bird which let go, fell and broke his head and died. Same way there is no story, a man who left his mind, entered into the consciousness, died in vain or became waste. Relax. If at all you let go, only one thing will happen. What that? You will fly.


One more thing, that bird thinks that stick is the security. You understand? That is why it is not relaxing. But the hunter will come, he will take away that bird from that stick. What that bird thought as a security also will go away. His freedom also will go away once for all. Same way you are hanging on to your mind, Yama will come, Yama is the hunter. Till he comes you will be hanging. He will come, what he will do? What you think as your security, your body/mind, he will take even... you away from that also, and put you in the cage. The stick is the body/mind and hunter is the Yama, you are the, the, you are the bird. Your soul is the bird. Some time, rarely, fortunately, some bird which was hanging like this but which let go and started flying, the Paramahamsa will come and poke you, “Eh relax, let go. I was like you only. Relax. You can fly. You can liberate yourself.” He’s what? He’s the Guru. When that bird comes and pokes at you, trust, let go. Trust, let go.


One more thing, important thing, when the bird relaxes, it may take two, three second for that bird to tu..turn and balance and fly. Courage to have that two three - courage to balance yourself that two, three second and go through that two, three second of balancing, is what I call tapas. That's what I call tapas, that's what I am telling. Next ten days, even if you are little imbalanced, don't bother, don't bother. Just say ‘ahhh’, ‘ahh’, ‘ahhh’, anything comes up. Suddenly you will see the power of your mind over your inner space will drastically drop. You see, please understand, I really feel sympathy towards the people when I see them. Understand, when I see them, one big politician came to attend one of our program earlier, and if he wants he can give a, he can allot a big government fund for our, our social service projects. All My Swamis, they asked, “Swamiji just put a word. We will get some money for these er projects which we are doing.” We wanted to give some free building for the school and the, nearby the village school. Of course we did by ourself. They asked Me, “Swamiji, you just say one word, we will get it. ” I said, “Ay, when I see him I feel sympathy. Poor guy is here to get something from Me, how can I ask something?”


Understand, when I see people I really feel compassionate. Anybody who is caught by the mind 24 hours, is in worst prison. I tell you, just 10 days say ‘ahhhh’. Suddenly you will see your mind's power over you will drastically drop. I tell you, 80% of your diseases are just because of your samskaras on you. All your relationship problems are just because of your samskaras on you. All your mental problems are 100% just because of your samskaras on you. The spiritual progress does not happen to you just because of your samskaras on you. Just let go. You are fortunate. All birds which are hanging does not get a liberated bird to come and… Participants: poke Swamiji: Poke and say ‘relax, let go’. Now you have a liberated bird which is telling, very simple way, relax. Understand, the bird which is hanging is telling, “No, no, no, you don’t know if I relax, I may just fall and my head may crack. I may have heart attack. What will happen if I am emotional bird?” That question. Understand, that bird is asking all these questions. I tell you, I am not only just saying relax, let go, I have put a beautiful net also behind - below. Even if you fall, you will not die. Understand, you will not die. The net is what I call the divine grace, the divine presence. The net is there, the liberated bird is poking, all you need is let go. Let go and become Paramahamsa. Thank you.



The Ultimate Truth || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Title : The Ultimate Truth
Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Being Unclutched
Date : 07 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

This video is an excerpt from the Nithyananda Spurana Convention conducted on 07 January 2008. Here, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda Paramashivam describes to the NSC delegates, about the cosmic and nirvanic layers of the body. He calls the cosmic layer, unclutching and tells them the benefits of reaching this state.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

We are going to enter into initiation. Please understand this word deeply. Initiation means giving you the glimpse of the truth.


The next body is Cosmic body. In this layer you don’t have any engrams. You experience this layer very rarely when you experience the mindless state; very rarely. If you are really relaxing in the beach or with the nature or you understand some great truths, suddenly by contemplating or sudden shocking things like a death of near and dear one or some shocking thing can unclutch you from the attachments on life. In those few moments you experience this Cosmic layer; very rarely. Of course, nirvanic layer you never experience. Very rarely you experience the Cosmic layer.


Before entering into the layer, how many of you really felt morning fresh, alive, not feeling like sleeping? Oh God! Good. All you guys have done the causal body properly, you have done the meditation properly. How many of you felt after that 42 minutes, you are not able to sleep? Wide awake! Where the sleep disappear? Cosmic layer is so powerful. If you know how to enter into it Consciously, you don’t need so many hours of sleep. You don’t need to spend so many hours lying down, rolling in the bed. It can do so much of work in you.


Participant: I sleep two hours a day. HDH: That’s good. Participant: Excellent. HDH: Everyday I sleep only 2 hours. No, it - you will see every night before going to sleep, just sit for maybe - you don’t have to plan like half-an-hour or one hour or 10 minutes and all; just sit - decide, “Till I fall asleep, without my awareness I will meditate on darkness.” Meditate on darkness as long as you have the awareness about yourself. And after the darkness, suddenly you will fall asleep. You will relax into the causal layer.


It’s a very powerful method to develop the quality of your sleep. Please understand. If your quality of sleep is developed, your quality of waking state also will be developed. Your quality of awareness will become more. So the sleep and the waking state both are closely connected.


In this Cosmic layer you don’t have any engrams. Please understand. The physical body - you carry chronic fatigue, pranic layer - you carry desires, mental layer - guilt, the etheric layer - all pains, causal layer - all the engrams in seed form. In causal layer and in the Cosmic layer no engram. When you Unclutch you experience this layer. When you disconnect from your body-mind, you experience this layer. Of course, nirvanic layer is getting established in that same Unclutching, that is what is nirvanic layer.


So now, initiation into the truth, the ultimate truth. Please understand. From time immemorial the truth is only initiated. I tried my best to transmit this same truth through media, through video, DVD, books. I was not successful. I am not able to. I tried my best. Actually, I just wanted to replace a living Master through some system, so that forever this tradition will go on. I tried my best last 4-5 years I tried. I am not able to. I tried so many different ways. I even tried that I will just sit and let the DVD play where the people are able to catch the truth. No.


Something happens when it comes from an experienced inner space, directly it touches the inner space of a listener. It directly penetrates the being. Please understand why I am saying this. The knowledge which you are going to receive now or the truth which you are going to catch now is never, not only is never, cannot be transmitted through any book or any other DVD or any other source. It has to be directly heard, internalized and experienced.


There are so many great truths revealed as Mahavakya. Mahavakya mean in Sanskrit ‘the ultimate word - ultimate truth' to lead you to the Enlightenment or experience. In Vedic, Vedic, Vedic scriptures, there are so many Mahavakyas like: Aham Brahmāsmi, Tat Tvam Asi, Prajñānam Brahma - so many Mahavakyas.


Understand. Even this word is My own contribution, we went up to the Oxford dictionary, Oxford people, they said that there is no such word in English, Swamiji. We copyrighted this word. Maybe we can say this is the Mahavakya I want to share with you. First, let you understand the truth behind this Mahavakya, then have the initiation into Mahavakya. Let Me express the word exactly: ‘Unclutch'. Unclutching is the Mahavakya. That is the word. Understand, in English there is only one word 'disclutching'. The unclutching word is a new word. Maybe My - anyhow, but the word itself came out of the deep meditation.


See, what I mean by this word 'unclutching': if you unclutch the car, nothing needs to change in the hardware, but the whole action, whatever was happening will stop. Same way, if you unclutch in your inner space, nothing needs to be changed in your day-to-day life, in your lifestyle, in your hardware - means the life which you are living with your body. But suddenly you will see, whole thing will come to a stop. You will have new space, new life. It’s a very subtle, but very powerful technique. I can’t even call this as technique. It is a truth, just revealed truth. Maybe you can just sit straight and change the channel, it will be nice, because even if you have slept all the sessions that is okay, but not this one session.



Receive a Non Portable Experience || NSC || 7 Jan 2008


Title : Receive a Non Portable Experience
Name Of The Convention: Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Experience Vs Knowledge
Date : 07 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

This video is an excerpt from the Nithyananda Spurana Convention conducted on 07 January 2008. Here, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers questions from the delegates about becoming healers and also about receiving spiritual names ,the importance of them and where they rooted from.HDH then goes onto discussing the difference between devotees who seek just the portable knowledge given by him, which can also be [assed around to anyone anywhere, and the non- portable experience which takes us beyond everything and is purely experiential.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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...don’t you understand, whoever wants it’s a choice for them. I don’t insist. Just I am saying that I can’t give for everybody. You understand? I can’t give for mass, because I don’t have time. It’s a simple logical, logistical thing, not a spiritual thing. In those days, earlier I used to give for everybody, they take it for granted. They take it for granted; no time. It has become too big problem.


So, I don’t say, I don’t mean to complicate also, it’s a simple decision. Whether you really want to use it or not. Hmm? Spirituality is inward journey, no doubt, but not for cowards who can’t face the simple problems. Surely not for the cowards who can’t face the simple problems, and the simple problems are okay, nothing wrong. It shows that you - you’re courageous enough to stand for what you’re believing. That’s perfectly alright.


I have seen many people don’t even want know their, first circle, to know that they’ are spiritually involved. And moreover, you see it’s a strong, it’s a courageous statement you are making to the society with which you are living, that I am - I am trying to live in a different way. Just don’t disturb me. I can, I can say one thing, the initial level only it will create little disturbances or unrest, but it will liberate you from many problems.


First actually, when you go back from this program, when they see big big mala and bracelet and everything, first few days they will be creating some unrest and all those things. After a few days they’ know that this fellow has gone crazy, nothing can be done. I know how the scene goes. Usually when you go back, suddenly the husband will see person is with big big mala, bracelet, and the new cloth, with the bindi, except one small stick and a flag, practically everything is done. And when you go back to the house, first thing, “What happened to her?” And the problem is you also don’t keep quiet. "Whole day this Namo Nithya is singing in the house, jumping is going on, and that poor guy, what will he do? You carry two big suitcase of books and in the house continuously some songs, discourses is going on. That poor guy.


And after 2-3 hours slowly when he is coming to the reality - coming to terms with the reality, that something has happened you start talking, “You should go and meet that Swamiji. You should go attend the program.” That guy says, “Keep quiet, I don’t have time for anything.” But you know how strong and stubborn you will be. For 2-3 days continuously you will be playing the discourse in loud voice, loud volume and music will be going on. And some 2-3 days you will be sitting early morning, “Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm.” And that poor guy can’t sleep early morning. I am describing you the scene exactly how things happen. And, after one week, out of sheer tiredness, unable to withstand your joy, slowly when you are not there he will try to pick up the book which you put near bed and slowly see few lines. The moment he hears the sound of knocking the door, they just put the book back and sit. You also know but you also act as if you don’t know, and this goes on.


Suddenly people start calling you, and somehow he only will pick up the phone. They will ask, “I heard that your wife is healing, can I come for healing?” He can neither say yes nor say no. He will just call you, “Ey, can you attend your phone, Kamala?” You will say, “No, I told you long before my name is changed. Why are calling old name? You say, “Alright, I didn’t remember the name, please come Vidya. Please come and answer your phone.” Then he will see continuously for 3-4 days some 10 to 20 people are coming to your house everyday for healing. And naturally, 5th day or 6th day he will come and sit and watch what these guys are talking among themself. So naturally, he will see one or two cases coming and telling, “Oh, I had knee pain, it became alright. I had headache, it became alright. I had wheezing, it has come down.” Anyhow, he can neither say yes nor say no in front of public. He will keep quiet.


After 20 days, he will slowly call you, “See, last 2 days I am having headache and fever. I heard that you do something. If you want you can try. I don't have faith in all these things. No, I don’t have faith, if you want you can try. It’s after all nothing but sitting for a few minutes silently, I can sit. It’s nothing wrong. But I don’t believe in that young Swami with the photograph which you are having. Just I wanted to see.” Naturally, you will smile inside, but you can’t show outside. If you are too aggressive then this guy will say, "No!” So you put your hand, two-days healing will go on. Third day, “I think that medicine which I took two-days before worked. Today I am feeling better, but if you want for your satisfaction you can try once more.” You also can’t say anything, you will heal. He may not tell you, but he knows what has happened inside. So afterwards only, first time in front of you, he will pick up the book and try to see. When you ask, “How it - how you feel with the book?” “Sounds logical, but even then, I don’t believe in all these things. It’s okay.”


After one month, you want to come for some program, Jayanthi, Shivarathri or something. Naturally you will say, “I am going, why don’t you also come?” “I am not stopping what you are doing, don’t call me! Don’t try to convert me.” Naturally you will say, “No, I am not converting you, I am just calling. If you want you can also come.” “No, I am not interested, you can go! But I am not stopping you.” Means what, half ‘yes’.


Anyhow, finally, after 2 months, suddenly there will be some flexes, posters, banners everywhere, Nithya Dhyaan in your city. And this guy will come back to the house, “I heard that your young Swami is coming to our city. What is the program?” Then you will naturally tell, “It is a satsang, if you want you can come and attend. Meditation program.” “I don’t have time. It’s okay go, if you want, you can go.” Just half an hour before the program, “Alright, after all there is nobody to drop you. I can just come at least for taking care of you. It’s okay, I will just see. But don’t force me to meditate and all, I will just come and see what He talks.”


He will come and sit. Anyhow, all three days program will be over, if you ask, “How do you feel with the program?” “Good, okay. But you are too much into it. He says to meditate, meditate and leave it, that’s all. Why wear so many malas, so many bracelet. Constantly from morning till night calling people and talking. You are too much into it. Don’t go overboard. Just be balanced.”


Anyhow, after two months, suddenly he sees in the magazine that there is going to be NSP. Without even telling you, silently he will register. And just 2 days before, slowly he will tell you, “I heard that you are going for volunteering to that program.” You will say, “Yes, yes, I am going to volunteer. Rarely we get the opportunity to be with Him.” “I think I don’t want to send you alone this time.” “What do you mean by you don’t want to send me alone this time?” “That, I will also come and be there and see what is going on.” Anyhow, you will laugh inside, but you will not tell anything. “It’s okay, if you want come and try, what is there?” Then naturally, the whole NSP will, will be there. It will be going on. In the gaps you will try to talk to him and he will say, “No.” He will be in silence.


After the NSP, after everything is over, when he lands in your house, next day morning suddenly you will see, in the next room also the same sound, “Mmm, mmmm, mmmm” is happening. Same time, but in two separate rooms. Two separate rooms, “Mmmm, mmmm.” Now it is too much. Now it is too much, naturally you will ask, “How do you feel? Now do you understand what I said is right?” He will say, “No! What Swamiji says is right. It sounds really truth. But you did not present me as He told. Because of you I delayed my meditation.” Again who is - who will be blamed?" See, what’s 'accepting Swamiji' is very easy, but accepting 'you are right' is very difficult. Accepting that 'Swamiji is right' is easy. But accepting 'you are right' is too difficult.


Anyhow, after one month, when somebody calls and says - asks, “Can I come for healing? Your - can you ask your wife and tell me what time I can come?” “No, today she is not there, but you can come, I myself, can heal you. No, I am also healer. Please come in the evening. I can heal you.” Here ends the show. That’s all. This usually happens, usually.


With the name, you will have the courage. See, that is the reason some of this outer things, not any otherwise. And moreover, please understand, whenever you want to use this portable knowledge, I don’t have a problem, you are free to use. Many people ask me, “All these meditation techniques, can I teach for others?” I tell, “You are free to use. It is not my property. Property of Buddha, Shankara, Mahaveera, Krishna. You have full freedom to teach. I don’t have a problem.” You can take all this knowledge, whoever wants can use, I have no problem.


I am clearly segregating the people who are here for portable knowledge, and the people who are here for non-portable experience. People who want non-portable experience -moreover, when you receive non-portable experience, really you feel like committing with your whole life. You won’t even feel, it will just happen. When you close your eyes, start meditation, you will be just sitting with your regular life and dress. When you open your eyes, suddenly you will see, you are with mala and bracelet. It just happens. So, it is only opportunity, I don’t say and even if you apply, if it’s more than 50 people - I think yesterday itself I told - I won’t be able to give. I will give only the 2nd batch, maybe after 15 days. I just wanted to restrict.



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