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11 December 2018 Nithya Satsang
On this day 11 December 2018 Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam gave a Nithya Satsang on which He expanded on the reason Avatars Happen.
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===Happening of The Avatar===
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Revision as of 17:45, 29 September 2020


Happening of The Avatar


On this day 11 December 2018 Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam gave a Nithya Satsang on which He expanded on the reason Avatars Happen.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



|| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and 2-way Video Conferencing. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Today’s subject for the webinar - “Happening of the Avatar”. Let me explain the multiple reasons for why Avatars happen. First, whenever there is a serious danger for the Srishti, whenever there is a serious danger for the Life itself, whenever Life needs to be pushed to the next level; whether DNA need to have a quantum jump in its natural selection process or conscious breakthrough need to happen. For example: in the natural selection of DNA process - fish evolves as tortoise, tortoise evolves as pig, pig evolves as man-animal – Narasimha, then you need super conscious intervention to push the natural selection process of DNA to have a quantum jump. See, from man-animal, jump to an animal...listen carefully, from man-animal jumping to an animal without Consciousness is easy. It may have the form of a man but it will not be completely carrying the Consciousness of a man. So, from man-animal if the jump has to happen to man - human being, not just DNA need to evolve through its natural selection process, conscious intervention is required. That is why, when Vishnu comes as a man-animal - Narasimha and pushes the natural selection process of DNA to the next level, Paramashiva comes as Sarabeshwara and pushes the conscious intervention and takes the whole thing to the next level human being. Every time when Vishnu comes as incarnation to give a natural selection breakthrough of a DNA, a quantum jump, Vishnu comes and gives a breakthrough in the natural selection DNA process, Paramashiva comes and gives a breakthrough in super conscious level.


Multiple reasons Incarnations happen. Krishna Avatara for example. If you see the time Krishna happened, too much of destructive weapons, destructive powers have been piled up, like a...now all the countries have piled up the atomic weapons enough to wipe the whole Planet Earth 700 times. 700 times you can wipe the whole Planet Earth. So much of atomic weapons are already been piled up by all the countries put together. The time Mahabharata happened was exactly like this. Any one cranky guy can have an access to weapons like Brahmastra and finish off the whole Srishti. The whole Srishti can be, whole creation can be lost. Krishna has to come and clean up all the weapons and the science of those powers, because it has become too much, too easily available; too easily available for the people who are not matured or who are not bothered about the Srishti.

This Dronacharya’s son Ashwatthama, just because his friends have died, he got angry and he was ready to use the Brahmastra and destroy the whole creation! God! What a selfish dog! Krishna curses him with Chiranjeevitva Understand. Immortality can be a curse, if you are not able to handle yourself. If you are not psychologically capable, immortality can be curse. 7 people achieved Chiranjeevitva. For one - Ashwatthama alone it was given as a curse. He is still somewhere.... but curse. Abbbaaa! Understand. Long life is not always blessing. Only if you know how to handle yourself, long life is a blessing. Understand. The time Krishna happened, if you study thoroughly, too much of weapon and the Astra-Sashtra Vidyas available too easily for the people who don’t have maturity to have the larger vision of protecting Srishti. Fools like Ashwatthama started having the powers of Brahmastra. Dronacharya’s one pattern of attachment to son, destroyed himself and so much of negativity was caused.


Listen carefully. Krishna has to happen, to empty all the weapons in a controlled condition; where Srishti will not be destroyed, only the people with violence and wanted to use all these Astra-Sashtra powers for their selfishness and vested interests and evil designs, only they need to be destroyed. So He collected all of them in the Kurukshetra and finished them off. I tell you, the ultimate compassionate act done to the Planet Earth is Kurukshetra war. Because of this war, Krishna gave up even His so called good name and brand. Understand. Till now, everyone blames Krishna for this Kurukshetra war, but you don’t know that is the greatest sacrifice Krishna did to save the Planet Earth. If Kurukshetra was not conducted at that time under the controlled conditions and direct supervision of Krishna, Planet Earth would not have survived more than 3 years. Within 3 years, war would have erupted in small, small packets and different corners and the whole Planet Earth would have been wiped, due to large availability of astra-sashtras like Brahmastra, atomic weapons, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons. The widespread availability of the astra-sashtras without Shaastra, without the knowledge and vision, was posing a huge threat to the whole humanity and Planet Earth and for Life itself. So Krishna has to sacrifice His good name. He was ready. He is TyagaRaja. I tell you, askalida 10:35 Brahmachari, TyagaRaja, Jagadguru, who was ready to sacrifice His good name, who was ready to be blamed by the historians. I tell you, if Krishna has not conducted destruction of the mass destruction weapons like Brahmastra, Agni Astra, the atomic weapons and chemical weapons available those days, biological warfare weapons available in those days, the whole Planet Earth and the Life would have been destroyed within next 3 years.


Understand. Still the mediocre Hindus were brainwashed “Mahabharata is just a imagination story”... by the anti Hindu narratives. Poor mediocre Hindus continue to believe Ramayana and Mahabharata are fantasies. No! Fool, nobody can fantasize such brilliant, intricate... still record holding poetry epic! Understand. Even now! Just by the sheer length of the epic poetry, nobody is able to break the record. Dumbos, dumbo mediocre Hindus!! You fools are getting brainwashed by anti Hindu narratives and you think Mahabharata is some “myth story”. Fool! Understand. In hundreds of years history becomes legend, in thousands of years legend becomes myth. MAHABHARATA WAS HISTORY. I tell you, if science, modern day science, studies little bit about Consciousness and non perceivable matter, through the senses... if they put little bit of energy and intelligence and resources in this direction of studying, I tell you, we will have such amazing breakthroughs in a decade, in next 10 years, we will grow, humanity will grow so much, which has not happened in last few thousand years. Centuries of existence what we have achieved, we can achieve it in a decade; 10 years if science puts little resource and energy, intelligence, in studying the non material, super conscious existence and happening.


Listen. Purpose of My incarnation is, to get the attention of scientists to study the non material super conscious happenings, which is not perceived usually by the five senses... and the small definition of the proof of existence needed to be expanded; understand, what you call as proof of existence is too small. The definition of proof existence is too small. Scientific community need to expand the definition of the proof of existence - one, and should start studying non material phenomenas and happening, super conscious happenings and phenomena; attracting the attention of the scientific community to that space, non material phenomena and happening, super conscious phenomena and happening is the purpose of My happening. Understand. Paramashiva will do it. He is doing it and He will do it. If science puts little time and energy and attention to study the non material happenings and phenomena, super conscious happenings and phenomena, I tell you, we will have the growth in next one decade, ten years, which we have not achieved in last few thousand years of existence. If we put little attention in this direction of non material existence and phenomenas, super conscious existence and phenomenas, we can easily understand the whole Hindu literatures, Itihaas, all the Hindu traditional source scriptures of Shruti-Smruti, recordings of history, recordings of the cosmological discoveries, recordings of amazing knowledge source.

Understand. I’ll repeat, in hundreds of years, history becomes legend, in thousands of years legend becomes myth, in thousands of years legends becomes myth. Mahabharata is neither legend nor myth - it is history. It was history - it is history - it will be history. I will make sure the scientific community’s attention is drawn to study non material phenomenas and happenings. And I’ll make sure science expands its definition of proof of existence from the mediocre definition which we are having - anything can be perceived by the five senses commonly. Understand. This scale of proof of existence….this scale called proof, this scale used as a proof, for any existence... itself is mediocre. This scale need to be upgraded to the reality and scientific community should start studying the phenomena and happenings of the reality - super consciousness. Then whatever I am revealing, you will understand very scientifically and science will catch up with whatever is revealed in Hindu source books - Shastra Pramana, Shruti and Smruti.


Understand. Mahabharata war was nothing but destroying, eliminating mass destructive weapons, warfares under the controlled condition, under the direct supervision of Sri Krishna, greatest incarnation. The purpose of Krishna’s incarnation was that. Of course, there are multiple reasons; this was one of the main purpose. Like this every time for various reasons, incarnations happen. Now it is time, Sanatana Hindu Dharma Cosmic Constitution needs spiritual legitimacy, social legitimacy, economic legitimacy, cultural legitimacy, judicial legitimacy and ultimately political legitimacy. Unfortunately, Hinduism has started losing all the legitimacies. Finally understand, during Mahabharata we had 56 nations, 200 states, 1700 provinces practicing Hinduism as a state religion. Veda Agama Dharma Shastras Shruti Smruti was a basic constitution, code of conduct, Constitution for 56 nations, 200 states and 1700 provinces during the Mahabharata time. Last 2000 years, due to continuous persecution, terrorist attack, brutal attacks, one by one by one we lost all the territories, all the 56 nations, 200 states and 1700 provinces. The last nation Hinduism lost was Nepal in 2007. Because Hinduism lost political legitimacy, all the scriptures have started getting destroyed, eliminated. There is not a single place, where the original scriptures of Sanatana Hindu Dharma can be stored. The Mattakallappa in Sri Lanka, the library was burnt for I don’t know how many days! The library burning from Nalanda to Sri Lanka and destroying Hindu scriptures is continuing. 200 years before, Hinduism had 10 crore - 100 million source books. Now we have only 2 million - 20 crores left. 80 crore - 8 million is gone. Nalanda library got...was burning for 6 months. I don’t know Mattakallappa or Colambur, recently the latest library burning was done in Mattakallappa or Colambur. The largest Shaivite library was burnt. I don’t know how many days it was burning. The library burning makes Hinduism lose literary legitimacy. We lost literary legitimacy. There is not a single country, where Hindu education system is legitimate. Jaffna library was burnt, 97000 manuscripts which was one of the biggest in Asia, was burnt in 1981 June 1st.


All I am asking, “Oh Hindus, you guys have built 1000s of temples, give Me one small bit of land, where I will have political freedom, where I can keep these remaining 2 crores books alive and make all these sciences revive, where My Gurukul kids can study and manifest all these powers. Understand. I am the last lamp alive. I am last lamp alive.” And I wanted all of you to know, in India, neither Vedic education, Gurukul education, Hindu education, Shaivite education is legitimate - Madarasas are legitimate but not Hindu Heritage Schools or Gurukuls and Hindu education system is not legitimate. Understand. Banaras Hindu University is only namesake ‘Hindu University’. There is no Hinduism courses, classes, programs, legitimate - which are experiential. You may have some books, but whatever is the book, is it made into experience? If the power manifestation science is there, is somebody manifesting it, demonstrating it?! If there is a Vaimanika Shastra, Hindu aircraft technology, is somebody demonstrating it through laboratories? Understand. The last lamp, the only person who was manifesting this science, not only manifesting, making others manifest this science as an education system, is driven out of India already!! He is not in India anymore! It is in the hands of Hindus, you guys. You all have built thousands of temples all over the world... give Me just one bit of land, where Hindus can have a religious freedom and political freedom, religious legitimacy and political legitimacy. I am not asking you more than that. Just 100 acre is enough, where I can keep all these 2 crore books alive, where I can keep at least thousand kids, who manifest all these powers, further research and development can be done on these powers. All the Hindu knowledge and the technology can be revived and made available to the world. Hinduism has lot to offer to the world. Understand. If the Hinduism is kept alive, Hinduism retains its spiritual legitimacy, religious legitimacy, social legitimacy, cultural legitimacy, economic legitimacy and political legitimacy - it is good for Planet Earth and humanity. If the Hinduism is kept alive, Planet Earth will be kept alive. I don’t want to make a statement ‘otherwise if the Hinduism is lost, Planet Earth will be lost, humanity will be lost’! I don’t want to make that statement, but that is the reality. Let’s keep this great Enlightenment science, power manifestation science alive.


I only beg, I am standing with a begging bowl of Paramashiva, as a Bhikshadana in front of all of you, not for money, not for wealth, not for anything. Drop all your silly incompletions in-fight. You all had enough of incompletions and in-fight. Due to your in-fight, how much you guys lost you don’t know! I am the last lamp, before it is too late, get a small property and get political legitimacy for Sanatana Hindu Dharma, where whole science, whole knowledge can be kept alive! Understand. I have already discovered the power manifestation science through which I can download even the lost scriptures. If RigVeda first chapter and last chapter is there, the between chapters I can clearly download and rewrite it. You can see, the language will be same, the chandas will be same. Whatever is still alive, survived the terrorist attacks, let us store them safely. Whatever is lost, as long as this body is alive, I can download and reveal and restore. Before this body stops functioning, let us revive, restore Sanatana Hindu Dharma and keep its spiritual legitimacy on the Planet Earth. At least let few thousand kids learn this power manifestation science; and not only they manifest it, I will train them to initiate others to manifest it. So let few thousand Nithyanandas be reproduced before it is too late. Before it is too late, let us reproduce few thousand Nithyanandas, where this power manifestation science is kept alive. Oh Hindus... enough! You guys have had a silly conversation and judged Me. I am not attacked because of My so called “right-wrong”. Keeping this science of Enlightenment of Hinduism alive. Oh Hindus, wake up! Anti Hindus know My potential before Hindus know My potential. All I am asking, just few hundred acre; get political legitimacy, religious legitimacy for Hinduism. Let Me keep this 20 crore books, which I have already accumulated alive and download the remaining 80 crore….sorry, 80 million, 8 crore books lost and let’s keep everything in one place safely, for the posterity for humanity. And let Me reproduce My Consciousness on at least few thousand kids, who can manifest powers and initiate others to manifest this science. I am standing with a begging bowl of Bhikshadana, not for your money, not for your wealth, but for drop all your silly incompletion, in-fight. It is time, let’s protect the Sanatana Hindu Dharma and this science of Living Enlightenment. It is time, Hindus wake up to the reality.


Ennatavarkum irai endru aanalum thennatavarkae idai kaakum Murai endru thennnadu vandane Thennnatavar irai endru madikamal Sirai Ida muyandrathanal thennadum vittane. Ennatavarku vaendumo eduthukolungal endru , ennatavar irai endru mathika thayar agugindrargalo avargaluku agathum endru nenaithome. Thennadae irai kakka maranthal kadal kollum unnai Kumari kandam kadal kondathupol irai kakka Marathal thennadum kadal kollum .

It is time, Hindus drop all your silly incompletions and in-fight. Keep your spiritual legitimacy, social legitimacy, religious legitimacy, economic legitimacy, literary legitimacy, education legitimacy, judicial legitimacy, ultimately political legitimacy - alive! My happening is for keeping all the legitimacy of Sanatana Hindu Dharma alive. I will revive it. I will keep it alive. Essence of today’s satsang - “The purpose of happening of the Avatar this time is to revive Sanatana Hindu Dharma and get it’s spiritual legitimacy, religious legitimacy, social legitimacy, cultural legitimacy, economic legitimacy, literary legitimacy, judicial legitimacy and political legitimacy of Sanatana Hindu Dharma.” I’ll do it. Let’s all make it happen.


With this, I bless you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.


Photos From The Day:

Uttamotama Seva

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Sakshi Pramana:

Sharing from giving solution for others